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January 16, 1951 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1951-01-16

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Ingenuity Needed for Stage Sets

* * -

* * -

* * *

Though you can't see it in the
final product, ingenuity seems to
be one of the major materials used
in building a stage set.
Take the cases, for example, of
George Crepeau, Grad. and Neil
Oppenheim, '51A. Crepeau was the
one picked to design the set for
"Command Decision" while Op-
penheim got the same assignment
for ,"The Rape of Lucretia."
,' * *
CREPEAU was supposed to pro-
duce a replica of the nerve center
of a bombardment group in war-
time England. something almost
sordidly realistic. But even more
difficult he was supposed to come
up with an 8 foot by 12 foot map
of the European Theatre which
would nearly 'cover the back of
the set.
Oppenheim's assignment was
less specific, and perhaps for
that reason more difficult. He
felt that "The Rape of Lucretia"
called for a set of the utmost
simplicity in line with the time-
lessness of the play's message,
but yet the setting had to be
It was fairly easy for Crepeau
to get an authentic basic set. As
a veteran of 30 months service in
the army, he was able to put what
he called "the old GI look" into
his conception of a general's of-
Yesteiday he proudly pointed to
the spots where- his seem to be
falling apart. "Yes sir, there's no
doubt about it," he said with mock
pride, "I've turned out one of the
scroungiest sets ever seen around
THE MAP was something else
again. First of all, because of red
tape, Crepeau couldn't °get an
authentic one through government
channels. Instead he went to the
map room of the General Library
where he put together ten assorted
maps which showed thenecessary
Then he took these maps
down to the Photostating De-
partment of the library where
they were blown up to four times
their original size. By then the
10 maps had been divided into
40 sections, and it is these
40 photostat sections which will
be stuck on the back wall of the
set when the curtain goes up on
"Command Decision" for the
first time tomorrow night.
Oppenheim got the effect he

-Daily-Burt Sapowitc1h
FINISHING TOUCH--George Crepeau, scene designer for Play Production's presentation of "Com-
mand Decision" adds an indication ribbon to the 8 foot by 12 foot map which will be one of the main
features of the play's set. To produce the map, Crepeau put together pieces of 10 maps and then had
them photostatically blown up to four times their original size.

Gi's To 'Get
U' Courses
Sent byMail,
University students who go into
the armed forces may receive col-
lege credit~s by use of the corre-
spondence study courses, accord-
ing to Mrs. Alfred O. Lee, super-
visor here in the Correspondence
Study department of the National
University Extension Service.
THE UNIVERSITY, along with
52 other collegs and universities
all over the country holds a con-
tract with the United States Arm-
ed Forces Institute. Courses offer-
ed here by USAFI go exclusively to
service men and women.
As many as 30 hours credit
toward a degree may be earned
by men and women in camps
and stations all over the world,
Mrs. Lee explained.
"Although the courses offered
are parallel to subjects taught on
campus, they are limited for the
most part to freshmen and sopho-
more level courses as language,
history, English, political science,
accounting, business law and ge-
. ** *
hours in the business administra-
tion school and courses for the
engineering student in drawing
and metal processing. Its rates run
one-fourth as much as a civilian
must pay for correspondence stu-
dy courses sent out exclusive of
USAFI, she said.
Mrs. Lee suggested that stu-
dents who expect to be drafted
and who' would like to continue
their work here via mail to Con-
sult their academic counselors. Ad-
ditional information mzy be ob-
tained from the Correspondence
Study Dept., 4001 Administration
Doctor Urges
Shots for Fluo
The fear of a spread iii the Eur-
opean flu epidemic has caused Dr.
Warren Forsythe, director of
Health Service, to suggest that all
University students have them-
selves immunized against the di-
Health Service currently is
equipped to handle all students
wishing the service. The shots will
be administered for the price of
one dollar. Faculty members and
student wives can have the ser-
vice for $1.50.
Dr.-Forsythe said that the best
known way to combat the disease
is through the type of shots that
the Health Service is offering.

Michael Straight, editor of the
New Republic, will be in Ann Ar-
bor Thtirsday for a series of per-
sonal appearances sponsored by
the local chapter of the American
Veterans Committee.
The well-known journalist, who
is also chairman of the national
American Veterans Committee,
will lecture on Asia at 12:15 p.m.,
Thursday at a luncheon in the
First Methodist Church, Arthur
* * *

M. Eastman of the English de-
partment announced yesterday.
Eastman pointed out that
Straight has just recently re-
turned from a trip to the Orient.;
Radio station WPAG will ipter-
view Straight at 2:15 p.m., and at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Audi-
torium, he will deliver a lecture on
journalism, "Peace without Ap-
peasement; Can Liberal Journal-
ism Provide an Answer?"
In the past, Straight has served
both in the State Department and
on the White House staff. In 1942,
three years before the actual
United Nation's organizing con-
ference in San Francisco, his ar-
ticles in the New Republic pro-
posing that the UN be given real
powers dnd that it be set up on
a permanent basis earned him
widespread recognition.
In ,addition to ,being active as
editor of the New Republic and
cairman of 1AVC, Straight has
served as secretary of the Emel-
gency Committee of Atomic Scien-
tists and has organized the Na-
tional Committee for Atomic In-
formation. He was also director of
the Americans United for World
Organization and the Americans
for Democratic Action.

Straight Will Give Series
Of Interviews, Lectures

Shop School
University students interested in
night school courses in the fields
of English, homemaking, business,
industry, and culture'and leisure
time activities may register any ,
afternoon this week at the Adult
Education Office in Ann Arbor
High School, according to Ken-
neth Greer,'Principal of the Eve-
ning School.
Courses are being given in
jewelry and metal, painting and
drawing, speech, copper craft,
ceramics, photography, wood-
working, gem cutting,; music ap-
pr.eciation and traditional har-
The list continues with creative
writing, theatre workshop, mathe-
matics, French, German, and
Also being offered are courses
in knitfing, sewing, hookcraft,
typing, shorthand, bookkeeping,
office practice, machine shop, au-
to shop, welding.
Fees for most courses are $3
but a charge of $5 will be made for
machine shop and welding.
Courses, which began last night,
will continue for a period of;-twelve
weeks. Most classes meet once a
week from 7 to 10 p.m., Mon.
through Fri.

. . . editor to speak

* * *

was looking for by pulling strings,
or to be more specific, a 1000 feet
of black cotton rope.
IN THIS Inter-Arts Union pro-
duction, which will be performed
on Feb. 9, 10 and 12, this black
cotton rope will be the extent of
the stage's scenery, with the ex-
ception of two benches for the
play's narrator's and a bed.
The rope will fulfill all the
functions of more orthodox
scenery, being strung to repre-
sent Lucretia's bedroom.
To offset the darkness of the
rope, Oppenhefm is designing
costumes which he modestly char-
acterized as "colorful." In them he
said he was using pinks, reds,
greens, yellows and purples-to-
And what would Inter-Arts do
with the 1000 feet of rope after the
production was over?
"Well, maybe we'll use the rope
to tie down the costumes," Op-
penheim surmised. "After ,all,
they're pretty violent."

Four Honor Council Positions
Open to Engineering Students

Union's South Lounge Gets
Controversial-Colored Walls

The Union lobby's south lounge
is glistening these days with a
new coat of paint between panel-
ing and ceiling.
But you can't prove it by us-
we're color blind.
HOWEVER, THIS infirmity
didn't prevent us from asking
keener-sighted students what the
new paint job was and how they
liked it.
You can't prove it by them
either-they're color-blind tooj
but they won't admit it. From
what they told us the paint is
anywhere from brown to scar-
let, and they were all wrong.
In the welter of specific but
mistaken guesses, one cautious
student, Carl Beaver, Grad.,
would only say that he had seen
the color before though he refused
to identify it.
"If you pour sulphuric acid on
manganese," Beaver recalled, "I
think you get something ap-
proaching the stuff on the wall."
LLYOD CHOSED, '51, made a
few feeble guesses but finally
gave up on what the color was.
"It would be more appropriate in
a nigh1t club," but he hastened to
add he approved of it.
Like Chosed, most of them

adroitly maneuvered around
the problem of classifying the
color. However Dave Connell,
'53, a member of the Union's
student staff, gave his opinion
"It is definitely watermelon,"
Connell asserted-"It looks just
like watermelon, there is a shade
called watermelon, so it must be
a watermelon shade."
He was wrong too - with or
without seeds.
By this time the suspense was
killing us. We wanted to know
what the mysterious color was.
So we went to see the man who
supervised the painting operation,
Lindley Dean, the assistant man-
"It is a warm tone," Dean ex-
plained, "designed to make the
room appear smaller and to give
it warmth."
But what color was it? Exactly,
we meant?
It's Swedish Red.
Contest Open
To Pre-Meds
Junior and senior pre-medical
students will have an opportunity
to win cash prizes in' the Eliza-
beth Sargent Lee Medical History
Contest, Assistant Dean James H.
Robertson announced yesterday.
Awards of $75 and $40 will be
made to the students who submit
the best essays on any phase of
the history of medicine. The dead-
line for entries is May 15, 1951.
Students interested in the con-
test may consult Dean Robertson.
Briggs To Speak
Robert P. Briggs, vice president
of the University, will address a
speech dept. assembly at 4 p.m.
tomorrow at Rackham Lecture
Vice president Briggs will speak
on "Education is our Business."
The assembly will be open to
the public.

Wanted: four students to help
run the engineering honor sys-
Engineering students may peti-
tion today through Friday to
serve on the Honor Council which
tries students accused of cheating
on examinations or homework.
* * *
turned in at the council office,
321 W. Engineering Annex, or to
any member of the Honor Coun-
cil or the Engineering Council.
Personal interviews will be sche-
duled later.
Four persons will be chosen
by the Engineering Council to
serve on the Honor Council
for one year. All scholastically
eligible stdents except first-
semester freshmen may peti-
Petitioners may call Bob Brun-
graber, '51E, opuncil president, at
2-3256 for information.
augurated in the engineering
school in 1916. It was started as
the result of a student petition
to the faculty.
The original Declaration of
Principles, which was submitted
by the students to the faculty
for approval, read:
"1) It is neither honest nor
fair to his fellow students for a
student to receive aid in a writ-
ten examination.
"2) The prevention of dishon-
esty in examinations should be in
the hands of the students.
"3) It is the duty of all stu-
Called Weak
By Trueblood
"Christianity lacks three vital
factors necessary for a strong
church," Prof. D. Elton Trueblood
of 'Earlham College declared yes-
terday in his address before the
opening session of the Michigan
Pastors Conference.
"Christians do not know their
own philosophy, they do not have
a strong plan of action, and most
important, they lack passion,"
Prof. Trueblood said.
In contrast, he remarked that
the communists have all of these
attributes and that is why they
are gaining power.
"There are more people in the
world indoctrinated with material-
ism than with Christianity," Prof.
Trueblood said. "But it is good to
hear that we are a minority be-
cause the belief that we were a
majority was one of the chief rea-
sons for our complacency."
Declaring that the Christian
church has lost many of its youth,
Prof. Trueblood pointed out that
only 10 per cent of the students at
the University belong to any cam-
pus religious organization.
"In addition," he said, "we have
lost many of our older members
who are more concerned with
material affairs than the affairs
of religion."
Prof. Trueblood will deliver two
more lectures on "Christian His-
tory and Paganism" at 9 a.m. and
2 p.m. today at Rackham Lecture

.dents to uphold these principles
in word and act.
Violations are reported by stu-
dents to the nine-member Honor
Council which investigates and
passes judgements on the indi-
vidual cases. The sentence is sent
to' the Faculty Discipline Com-
mittee which reviews the case and
reaches the final verdict.
Students accused of cheating
and sentenced by. the Discipline
Committee may appeal to the fa-
culty within ten days after the
committee's action. Also, the
Dean of the engineeripg college
must be consulted before final
action is taken resulting in sus-
pension or expulsion.
However, there has never been
a case where the faculty has
changed the recommendation of
the Honor Council.
It was incorrectly stated in Sat-
urday's Daily that Naeem Gul,
Spec. is a prince from Pakistan.
Pakistan has a democratic gov-
ernment and no princes.

Phi Eta Sigma1
Seventeen University students
were initiated into Phi Eta Sigma
Fraternity, freshman honor so-
ciety yesterday.
Those initiated into the soci-
ety were:
Carl D. Brunsting; Lyle A. Carr;
Haskel Cohen; Willard DeVeere;
Ben Houter, John C. Fontaine;
Victor W. Gladstone; Earle I.
Hammer; Harold M. Herman;
Harry Iwasko; Herbert E. Katz;
Peter Lederman; Warren J. Rob-
bins; Eli D. Schoenfield; Jack M.
Van Den Bogaerde; Carl E. Wulf-
man; Murray Yolles; Jack Or-
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