PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1951 U doom" Professors Ask 'U' Calendar Change, BANNED IN NEW YORK: Italian Movie Incites Censorship Controversy sI 'a. By BOB KEITH Members of the University Calendaring Committee are this week weighing the pros and cons of a radical new plan for revising the University calendar. Calling for a wholesale juggling of schedules, the plan suggests that the fall semester start late in August and end before Christ- mas vacation. The spring semes- ter would then be launched late in January and terminate in May. * * * . THE PLAN was drawn up, and submitted jointly by Prof. Frank L. Huntley of the English depart- ment and Prof. Douglas Crary of the geography department. Dean Hayward Keniston of the literary college considered it "very much worth while studying" as a solution for the calendaring problem. He said it would be quite desirable "if some plan could be devised to enable us to complete our work before the Christmas holidays." It was with this same objective in mind that Prof. Huntley and Prof. Crary had submitted their proposal. They felt, as apparent- ly many other students and fa- culty members, that the class per- iod following the Christmas re- cess is a "consummate Nvaste of time and effort." The present Christmas vaca- tion, they said, "is too long to preserve instructional continuity, and too short to provide an ade- quate rest." Instead they would have final examinations held before Christ- mas, so that the new semester would begin immediately follow- ing vacation. * * * AS AN incidental feature of the proposal, classes would not be held on' the controversial Friday after Thanksgiving, while Easter vacation would be shortened slightly. Commencement would be held in May. In addition to solving the Thanksgiving problem, the plan is expected to result in the fol- lowing benefits: 1) There would be no lengthy disruption of classes, and students could go home for Christmas with finals out of the way. 2) Christmas vacation would be somewhat longer than at present, lasting as much as a month for persons with short exam sche- dules. This would allow both stu- dents and faculty more time for research work, or for rest. 3) The Registrar's Office would have sufficient time to assemble grades, thus reducing the pres- sure on faculty members to sub- mit grades almost immediately after exams. The present time limit "constitutes a travesty on fair and adequate grade report- ing," according to Prof. Huntley and Prof. Crary. 4) A longer Christmas vacation is expected to save thousands of dollars in University coal bills for heat and light. 5) T h e proposed calendar would avoid congested travel per- iods. 6) Students would get a head start in seeking summer employ- ment. * * * ONE OF THE principle disad- vantages of the proposed system would be the problem of admit- ting freshmen at the beginning of the second semester, which would presumably start just as they were graduating from high school. To this, Professors Huntley and Crary had no solution, but hoped that "the University is sufficiently progressive a n d courageous to point the way for an efficient calendar system and that other institutions will follow the example." Other points weighing against. the adoption of the plan are: 1) Its mere radicalism. Appar- ently no other school in the Uni- ted States has such a system, al- though the University of Calif or-j nia is said to have tried it. 2) It might disrupt or alter' athletic department practice and game schedules. 3) Calendaring Committee members might be reluctant to adopt the new plan during the war emergency because of the possibility' that it would be too short-lived. During the last war a stepped-up schedule was adopt- ed, and it is believed that this might be necessary again. Calendaring Committee mem- bers have received copies of the plan and are expected to discuss it at a meeting Wednesday. Meanwhile its sponsors are looking for student and faculty reaction. _ Experts Say Ousted Men Will Return Senators Seen Regaining Seats Two University political scien- tists expressed confidence yester- day that State Senators-elect Charles C. Diggs and Anthony J. Wilkowski, ousted from the Sen- ate Thursday because they had served prison terms, would un- questionably be returned to the Legislature. Their statements followed an order by Gov. G. Mennen Williams that special elections be held in the April 2 election to fill the va- cancies caused by the Senate's re- fusal to seat the two Democratic legislators. * * * PROF. Samuel J. Eldersveld called the Senate's action "a usurpation of authority." He add- ed that the expulsion of the ex- convicts was within the constitu- tion but thought it "ill-advised that the Senate should set moral standards for the constituents." "The right of a legislature to refuse to seat a member is part of the American tradition but in this case its implementation was a mistake," Prof. Eldersveld said. "Diggs and Wilkswsk have already fulfilled the penal re- quirements set by sqciety, he stated. He asserted that Diggs had won the senatorial election in his dis- ,trict by 10-1 and the Senate's ac- tion will not change the outcome in the spring election for either candidate. Prof. Eldersveld declared that, although three Republicans voted with the Democrats to retain Wil- kowski, the vote was more in terms of party than morality. Prof. C. Ferrel Heady, also of the political science department, agreed that the vote was registered on a party basis. "I don't think the senators would have been oust- ed if they were Republicans," he added. Prof. Heady noted that the Re- publicans reversed their previous insistence to retain Wilkowski. The G.O.P. majority allowed him to remain in office while he was in prison because his absence cut the Democratic vote in the Legis- lature, he said. Men's Judie DeadlineSet The deadline for submitting Men's Judiciary Council petitions will be 5 p.m. Monday, according to David S. Brown, 53, Student Legislature public relations chair- man. Male students, with sixty credit hours and good academic stand- ing are eligible for one of the three positions on the council. N e w members are elected by the coun- cil president and the male mem- bers of the SL cabinet. The council, or Men's Judic as it is usually known, is made up of seven members. It has authority to judge student cases, ranging from thefts to campus election frauds. Petitions can still be obtained from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday at the SL Bldg., 122 S. Forest. Papal Order .Surprises' EXPERTS DISAGREE: Albion Students Slam Comics In Mock Trial Controversy raged this week over the attempted censorship of the Italian film "The Miracle," currently being shown in New York. . The banning of the film brought three questions to the public's at- tention. What are the criteria for a "blasphemous" movie and how much and to what kind of censor- ship should films be subjected? * * * ANN ARBOR churchmen have expressed divergent viewpoints in answer to these questions. In dis- cussing the film, which officials. of the Roman Catholic church have branded as "indecent, sac- rilegious and blasphemous mocke- ry of Christian religious truth," local ministers' views have ranged from agreement with the Church to absolute disagreement with the official stand. "The Miracle," one of a trilo- gy showing under the title of "Ways of Love," concerns the tale of a demented peasant woman who is seduced by a man whom she believes to be St. Jo- seph. She subsequently gives birth to a child, and is convinc- ed that it has been an immacu- late conception. Cardinal Spellman last Sunday called upon every Roman Catho- lic to boycott the picture and to back a move 'for strict censorship of films. Here in Ann Arbor The Rev. John F. Bradley of St. Mary's Chapel expressed strong objections to the film. "It is one of the great- est slaps in the face of Christian- ity that could ever be conceived," he said. "It intimates that the foundations of Christianity are silly and ,it should definitely be banned." * * * BUT TO Rev. Edward H. Red- man, of the Unitarian Church, the story did not appear to be an in- sult. "The only question which we should ask in this case," he'as- serted, "is, 'is it art, or is it an immoral vehicle?' This is a secular question." The Catholic stand was defend- ed by Rev. W. P. Lemon, of the Presbyterian Church: "To people of the Catholic faith the movie is certainly blasphemous," he de- clared. "It evidently takes unwar- ranted liberty with sacred things." "Exhibitions of profanity are not conducive to high standards of morals, and I believe we should have careful control of ,what is shown," he added. Methodist minister, Rev. Joe Porter, of the Wesley Guild, ex- pressed belief in the adequacy of moderate censorship. "It has been demonstrated that violent out- bursts of criticism seldom leads to the realization of desired' objec-' tives, he noted. "Ultimately, the judgment of in- dividuals will do more to create whatever censorship is needed than can possibly come from any individual or group." Travel Service Plans Extended The Union Travel Service, pre- viously discontinued between holi- days, is extending its service to accomodate share-the-ride trips for weekends and between semes ters, according to Jac Ehlers, '53, co-director of the service. An extensive program of ar- ranging rides for daily commuters is also planned. Prospective drivers and riders are asked to come in or call the Union Student Offices from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Fri- day. BARTLETT MEETS ROYALTY-Tommy Bartlett of the "Wel- come Travelers" radio show in Chicago greets Naeem Gul, Spec., a student prince from Pakistan. GUl, who plans to enter medical school next year, spent Christmas vacation visiting- Chicago me- dical centers. * * * A' Pakistan Student Prince Learning Local Habits Americana never ceases to be a wonder to the foreign traveler - and the latest globe-trotter to be enchanted is a young prince from Pakistan. "There is so much to learn," Naeem Gul, Spec., from Lahore, Pakistan exclaimed. "For exam-, 'ple, when I started to read my first copy of The Daily I followed the procedure we use back home' and read every word of each story and advertisement." a.* S S "WHEN I WAS finished about two hours later, I noticed an American student buy a copy' of the same paper, and start imme- diately to read it. In five minutes he had finished reading the paper. He threw it down and walked away." e "I hurried after him and ask- ed how he had managed to do it in so short a time," Gul con- tinued. He told me to read the headline and if I liked it, read the story-otherwise, skip it. Now I can read my paper in five minutes." Gul, who is 19 years old, plans to enter medical school next year. He received all his previous school- ing at British institutions in Pak- istan. "I chose the University for two reasons," he declared. It was highly recommended to me by a friend who is an alumnus. Also the climate, temperature and the many lakes are much like my home." "MY AMBITION is eventually to return home, and establish a large, free hospital for the great number of needy people," he said. Gul made this decision after ob- serving the suffering and death among his countrymen during the past three years when he worked as a hospital corpsman. This is Gul's first long dis- tance trip from home. On his trip to the United States he tra- veled through Turkey, Germany,1 England and many other coun- tries. "New York certainly prov- ed to be a city of excitement," Gul related. "And the way peo- ple stared, I guess I proved an, oddity with my turban and na- tive dress." And'how did he like Ann Arbor?1 "When I first saw the size of the city, I was disappointed," Gul ad- mitted. "But after living here a while and comparing it with De- troit and some other industrial ci- ties, I think it's wonderful." "I guess that I, like many other foreign travelers, am captivated by the American's friendliness and buoyant spirit," he said. It's a great feeling to have some Ameri- can come up, slap me on the back and say 'How are, ya.'." Speaker Cites 'Importance of U.S. History The proper study of American history must begin far back in the history of the world, according to Prof. A. C. Krey of the University of Minnesota. Prof. Krey spoke yesterday in the Racham amphitheatre on "What is American History." His speech was sponsored by the his- tory department and the School of. Education. "Much of American civilzation was fashioned before the coming of Columbus," Prof. Krey pointed out. Historical, philosophical, ar- tistic, scientific and cultural view- points were brought to this coun- try as "invisible baggage" by the immigrants;~ he said. Prof. Krey claimed that Ameri- can history is the subject of greatest importance in the modern curriculum, and the only subject upon which educational and lay authorities agree. RotaryHead Nicholas Schrieber, President of the Ann Arbor Rotary Club, said yesterday that the recent Vatican directive barring members of the Catholic clergy from membership in the club "came as a complete surprise" to him. He said that the Rotary Clubs in this country have never shown prejudice against the Catholic or any other church. "As a matter of fact,". Schreiber said, "the Presi- dent of Rotary International, Art- hur Lagueux, is himself a Roman Catholic." * * * SCHREIBER said that he un- derstood there was some prejudice within the club in certain Euro- pean and South American coun- tries, "but as far as Rotary Clubs in this country are concerned, I think the directive is completely unjustified." Schreiber yesterday expressed surprise that the Rotary Clubs had been singled out for the di- rective. But last night the As- sociated Press reported that the Vatican had decreed the direc- tive also applied to similar groups such as the Kiwanis and Lions Clubs. The Rev. Fr. Bradley, of St. Mary's Chapel in Ann Arbor said yesterday that the Anti-Rotary decree may have been issued be- cause in some countries the Ro- tary Club is synonymous with the Masons, an organization that Catholics are forbidden to Join. "It is obvious," he said, "that the Rotary Club in this country is not contrary to Catholic princi- ples." Fr. Bradley said that all he knew of the matter was what was in the newspapers and, until he received the official directive, he could only state an opinion. IU' Hospital Progressing in Cancer Work University Hospital, using radi- ation methods, has had a five- year cure rate of almost 50 per cent in over 200 cases of cancer of the cervix. This finding was reported by Dr. Isadore Lampe, professor of roentgenology, in a meeting at the Indiana Medical Center yester- day. Dr. Lampe pointed out the sig- nificance of the five-year cure rate, stating that a patient who has no recurrence of the disease in this time has a high probabili- ty of permanent cure. In another talk at the meeting Dr. Lampe outlined four factors involved in achieving "radiocur- ability" of the cancerous tissue.- The four factors include the ability of the diseased tissue to respond to-radiation treatment, size and extent of the diseased area, location of the cancerous site and the ability of normal tissueur. surrounding the diseased area to recover from radiation. The comic books stripst seven counts against books and newspaper and newspaper comic were: 1. Accentuating sex appeal. 2. Portraying horror situations. 3. Using vicious or improper language. 4. Escaping reality by using im- possible or misleading situations. 5. Make-up detrimental to read- ers' vision. 6. Unsympathetic use of char- acters with physical defects. 7. Glorifying crime. LOCALLY, however, two Uni- versity professors seemed to agree that comic books weren't an im- Engineering Honor Council Petitions Due Engineering students may pe- tition. today through Friday to serve on the Honor Council. Written petitions may be turn- ed in at the council office, 321 W. Engineering Annex, or to any, member of the Honor Council or the Engineering Council. Person- al interviews will be scheduled later. Four persons will be chosen by the Engineering Council to serve on the Honor Council for one year. All scholastically eligible engineering students except first- semester freshmen may petition. Petitioners may call Bob Brun- graber, '51E, president of the council, at 23256 for information. The Honor Council tries stu- dents accused of cheating on ex- aminations or homework. _ I_ v i UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 1511 Washtenaw Avenue (The Lutheran-Church-Missouri Synod) Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor 9:30 A.M.: Bible Study, continuing the study of Revelation. 10:30 P.M.: Worship Service, with sermon by the pastor, "More Than Conquerors Through Christ." 5:30 P.M.: Supper and Program of Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club. "Dust or Des- tiny," a 16 mm. sound-color science film, will be shown at 6:15. Tuesday at 9:15: Social Hour. Wednesday at 7:00: Chapel Choir Practice. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION (National Lutheran Council) 1304 Hill Street Henry O. Yoder, Pastor 9:10 A.M.: Bible Class at the Center. 10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion & Trinity Churches. 5:30 P.M.: LSA Supper Meeting in Zion Parish Hall-Program following. Prof. Ralph Ham- mett of the School of Architecture will speak and show pictures on Solomon's Temple. Tuesdayr7:30 P.M.: Discussion Hour at, the Center. By CAL SAMRA Albion College students and in- structors have condemned comic boobs and comic strips as detri- mental to a child's personality development. Recently, in mock-legal pro- ceedings, students and faculty began hearing evidence on a sev- en-count "indictment" by a stu- dent grand jury, which had in- vestigated the matter. portant factor in juvenile delin- quency. Prof. Willard C. Olson of the School of Education felt that the effects of comic books on a child's personality are "over- drawn." If anything, he said, co- mic books have only surface ef- fects, rather than deep psycholo- gical effects on the child. Prof. Wilbert McKeachie of t h e psychology department pointed out that comic books actually don't do much harm, unless a child's homelife is in-, secure. Prof. McKeachie added that he himself has given up reading co- mic books-but only since the end of World War II. Dinner Dates by Thomas --- ~ i / Ai y/ -L ~B. .AmVIP UMoW. IOne- "Let me handle your case, and I'll take you to Allenel for dinner!" ALLENEL HOTEL I MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH* (Disciples of Christ) Hill at Tappan Street Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister Howard Farrar, Choir Director Frances Farrar, Organist - '9:30 A.M.: Church School-College Age Class. 10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship (nursery for chil- dren). Sermon- "Great Window on Eternity" by Dr. Harold E. Fey. GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street H. L. Pickerill, Director Jean Goree Bradley, Associate STUDENT GUILD: 6:00 supper followed by a Communion-Dpdication service with Dr. Har- old E. Fey as guest speaker. ST. ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Episcopal Student Foundation No. Division at Catherine 8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (followed by Stu- dent Breakfast, Canterbury House). 10:00 A.M.: High School and Junior High classes, Page Hall. 11:00 A.M.: Church School. 11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer. Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis, S.T.D. 12:15 P.M.: After-Service Fellowship, Canterbury House. 5:00 P.M.: Choral Evening Prayer. Sermon by the Rev. Wm. N. Hawley, Dean of the Divinty School of the University of Chicago. 6:00 P.M.: High School Club, Page Hall. 6:00 P.M.: Canterbury Club Supper and Pro- gram, Canterbury House. Dean Hawley of the Chicago Divinity School will speak on "The Enmity of God." Wednesday, 7:00 A.M.: Holy Communion (fol- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Scientist 1833 Washtenaw Ave. 11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services. 9:30 A.M.: Sunday School. 11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the morning service. 8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Testimonial Service. A free reading room is maintained at 339 South Main Street where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, bor- rowed, or purchased, This, room' is open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11 A.M. to 5 P:M. Please notice the time has been changed from 11:30 to 11 o'clock. CAMPUS CHAPEL (Sponsored by the Christian Reformed Churches of Michigan) Washtenaw at Forest Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director Phone 3-4332 10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship, Rev. Leonard Verduin. 7:30 P.M.: Evening Service, Rev. Verduin. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCH 423 South Fourth Ave. Theodore R. Schmale, D.D. Walter S. Press, Pastors Irene Applin Boice, Director of Music 9:30 A.M.: Church School. 10:45 A.M.: Worship Service. Sermon by Rev. Press, "Steadiness in the Face of an Uncertain World." 6:00 P.M.: Student Guild at Memorial Christian Church. Dedication-Communion service with Mr. Harold Fey as guest speaker. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw Avenue Edward H. Redman, Minister 10:00 A.M.: Adult Group-"How Can the UN Keep Peace?" Dr. Alvin Zander, Discusson Leader. 11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship. Sermon: "How, Wonderful are the Works of Man!" by Rev. Edward. H. Redman. 7:30 P.M.: Unitarian Student Group. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 504 E. Huron C. H. Loucks, Minister and Student Counselor Crystal Cuthbert, Assistant Student Counselor 10:00 A.M.: Bible Study. 11:00 .Morning Worship: "Redemptive Punish- ment." 6:00 P.M.: Roger Williams Guild. Cost supper and Discussion. The Rev. Joseph Smith, pastor of Christian Memorial Church speaking on "Communism's Challenge to Christianity." I 1, I i : .. "4 I1 Read and Use Daily Classified Ads We carry a full line of KOSHER DELICATESSEN ... m U -..- En . . . yet my person only has been violated; my OBEY'S R A P E L SALAMI CORNED BEEF PASTRAMER WEINERS SMOKED FISH FRESH DAILY a BREAD, BAGELS, ROLLS FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenow W. P. Lemon and W. H. Henderson, Ministers -* Su,'- a s a.. LA.. 11 I I I 111 I t Ill I1 I1 II u i