THE MICHIGAN DAILY 6LAN, UAR Y 13, 1951 I Taft & Russia ENATOR TAFT is piqued that the Ad- ministration can not tell him precisely what Russia plans to do next. This is evi- dent from his recent speech before the Na- tional Press Club, where he challenged the premises of American participation in a European army Taft is of the opinion that if the Rus- sians plan to seize Europe eventually, they will not now sit by and let us build a force able to thwart that ambition. And he fears that the present effort to build an army there will precipitate the intensely hot World War HI we all still have some hopes of avoiding. Of course no one but Stalin can say for sure that any plan can prevent war, but we are proceeding with the thought that, right now, the only means to peace is a military balance with Russia. Our stockpile of atom bombs is responsible for that balance now, but the balance is shifting as Russia builds more atom bombs. It is hoped that a Euro- pean army would -compensate for our di- minishing effective atomic superiority. It would have the additional virtue of guar- anteeing as much as possible, the safety of our much needed allies. The argument presupposes that Russia will be deterred for three years by our atom- ic superiority while we build -'a European army. Taft's rebuttal to this is that our in- dustrial and scientific know-how created the superiority and will be able to maintain it. And if it is our atom superiority that is deterring them from war then we have no need, now or in the future, for a European army whose expenses might well topple our economy. While it is true that we may be able to maintain a lead in atom bombs for an in- efinite number of years, the significance of that lead is subject to the law of di- minishing returns. When both the United States and Russia possess a great nu n- ber of atom bombs, not only will our pro- portionate advantage have decreased, but the value of our numerical advantage may be completely worthless. The importance of the bullet in Korea hs .confirmed the opinion that the atom bomb (along with other bombs) is a very specialized weapon. There is a limit to the number of targets upon which it can be used effectively. Russia will only need enough for each of our major cities and our supply of atom bombs, however great, will constitute no 'advantage'. We must remember that if she decides to attack us, Russia will have the advantage of surprise; that of the two countries purs pre- sents the best and most accessible atom targets; and that Russia has been building a scattered industrial plant with defense in mind, while we have built in concentration for economic efficiency. Senator Taft has bumptiously asserted his willingness to sit down and discuss these issues of foreign policy with Mr. Truman. For one whose almost single vir- tus in the past has been an unswerving regard for constitutional procedure, this preposterous self-elevation appears to be sheer apostasy. The Senator from Ohio has no legal or political right to determine anything about the management of the State Department. We may hope that the forced political inac- tivity scene of Arthur Vandenberg will not create a hiatus that Taft will be allowed to fill. His myopic approach to foreign affairs in the past has proven him spectacularly unqualified. -John Briley Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON EMERSON Headline Horrors THE NIGHTMARISH violence which the show business magazine "Variety" takes delight in working on the English language appears to invading the academic atmo- sphere of the college'campus. As proof of this we submit a headline which recently appeared in the Lawrence Tech.News. The paper headlined an account of the Detroit school's victory over the Carnegie Tartans in the following fashion: "Tech's Terrific Toxic Techiique Tumbles Tartans in Tense Tussle" ,This flair for rampant alliteration had been previously exhibited in another bas- ketball story headed: "Dashing Devils Down Delaware" Apparently encouraged by these initial successes the editors have even made a few attempts at rhyming headlines: "Kappa Sigmas Decide to Play; Call on Skitski to Save the Day" Can this be either poetry or journalism, we ask? H. T. K. A Change in Changce COPPERAND NICKEL are in such de- mand for defense purposes, it appears, that changes may occur in some of the United States minor coinage. So readers should not' be too surprised if the govern- ment asks them to accept wooden nickels as legal tender. Even that might be less bothersome-if parking meters and telephone coin boxes ON THE WashDngton MerrymGoRound LL- M= DREW PEARSON "Now, One 'Thing More To Investigate--" I(S f~4 I L," IIIL WASHINGTON - The U.1. retreat in Korea has now gone through two dis- tinct and separate stages. RETREAT NO. 1-Which began when we were caught up near the Manchurian border was a genuine, almo'st headlong re- treat-a distance of 120 miles back to around the 38th parallel.. Another phase of this retreat was a valiant, mile-by-mile battle by the 10th corps to reach the sea at Hungnam. RETREAT NO. 2-Which began at around the 38th parallel last week has been a care- fully planned withdrawal, with supplies loaded up and ready to move back even before the enemy hit. It was hoped to give the impression that U.N. forces were re- treating in the face of heavy odds, but this has not really been the case. Our with- drawal is following a calculated plan to evacuate most of Korea. What the American public doesn't gen- erally realize, however, is that both retreats have had an extremely bad reaction in other parts of the world. Furthermore, war stories published in Europe are frequently quite different from those published in this country-especially when it comes to the reasons for retreating and the size of the Chinese Communist army. BRITISH PRESS DISPATCHES BRITISH NEWSMEN, for instance, at one time referred to "Mao's ghost army" and said that British force had not seen the enemy, for a week. This was during Retreat No. 1 of the 8th Army when U.N. forces raced 120 miles southward. General MacArthur's own confidential dispatches to the Pentagon give credence to some of these British news accounts. During one point in the retreat of the 8th Army shortly before Christmas, Mac- Arthur actually sent his field commander, the late Lieut. Gen. Walton Walker, a blistering cable ordering him to 'make con- tact with the enemy and be "aggressive" about it. MacArthur even used the com- mand "I direct" in his message to Walker; 'also ordered him to "give high priority to bringing in prisoners."' It is most unusual for a headquarters commander to give such blunt orders as "I direct" to a field commander. ATTACKS EXAGGERATED ANOTHER significant point brought out . in MacArthur's reports to Washington is that, during the evacuation of the Hung- nam beachhead, never were the U.N. forces attacked by any Chinese force stronger than a company. Press dispatches from Hungnam made It apear that the Chinese were throwing masses of troops at U.N. lines which fought desperately to hold the beachhead. However, MacArthur's own reports to Washington do not bear this out. He states that no more than one Chinese company attacked the beachhea'd, and that not a single American casualty was suffered during the evacuation. Though the 10th corps fought one of the most valiant withdrawals in history to Hungnam, the real story of the 8th Army's retreat is not so glorious. Its difficulties were due in part to poor liaison, poor com- mand, and to the inevitable problems which arise when troops of different nationalities are fighting side by side. Initial error was MacArthur's failure to provide for direct battle liaison between General Walker's 8th Army and Maj; Gen. Almond's 10th corps. Walker, though .a Lieutenant General outranking Almond, was not placed in command, but each had to communicate back to Tokyo. And with the 8th Army advancing west in fanned-out formation toward the Man- churian border, and the 10th corps advanc- ing north toward the Siberian border, the Chinese cleverly hit in between. FRICTION WITH SOUTH KOREANS IF U.N. FORCMS had been advancing in a compact front, instead of fanned out, the result might have been different. But on top of this, the 2nd division of the 8th Army panicked. It had been left behind as a rear guard for the 8th Army with South Korean units on its flank. Friction devel- oped between the South Koreans and the Americans, including fist fights, and the Americans were finally ordered to keep away from the South Koreans. This led to loss of contact between the two, so that the 2nd division did not know the South Koreans had dropped back, leaving the Americans' flank exposed. This gave the Chinese a chance to infil- trate, and the 2nd division panicked and ran. Four battalions unhooked their field ar- tillery and made a dash for the south. It was while thus running that the 2nd di- vision suffered most of its casualties - which amounted to over 50 per cent and caused MacArthur to cable Washington that the 2nd division was "unfit for further duty." This terse message may have had a double meaning-namely, that the 2nd division was not only decimated by battle casualties but unfit for further combat duty because of bad morale. Note-U.S. Army estimates of Chinese strength, based on MacArthur's own re- ports, place the Chinese Army which faced the U.N. 8th Army at about 96,000 men. The 8th Army at that time numbered about 100,000 combat troops. This was during the December retreat from North Manchuria to the 38th parallel. WASHINGTON PIPELINE THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and United Press are quietly checking whether their war correspondents are padding expense rccounts. The two wire services have asked the army for a confidential report on what it costs for a war correspondent in the field, in order to compare with th e expenses that the AP and UP men have been turning in ... . William Paley, head of Columbia Broadcasting, is in line to head up a new and very potent psychological warfare bu- reau . . . The Department of Agriculture has a foreign policy of its own to spread sweetness abroad. Secretary Brannan is trying to develop new export markets for American honey . . . An eight-year-old boy who lost his way in the capitol was escorted to an exit by a big, friendly man . .. "Are you a guide, sir?" asked the lad. "Not exactly son-sometimes I get a little con- fused around here myself," replied Sen. Bob Kerr of Oklahoma . .. The Pentagon just doesn't believe the story that Marshal Zhu- kov is commanding the Chinese Communist armies in Korea. The last they heard of Zhukov, he was in the Odessa military dis- trict, working hard to get out of Stalin's doghouse because he had been too friendly with Americans. (Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) CIINIEMA A rchi tectre Audito ri um THEY-WERE FIVE with Jean Gabin, Charpin and Viviane Romance. FROM ITS engagingly bittersweet intro- ductory music to its sentimental and ironic close, THEY WERE FIVE is a subtle, French treat. Requiring just a few conces- sions to some of the contrivances of the supporting action, the main business of de- picting of the disintegration of personal re- lationships by time and changing situation comes off with charm and poignancy. The French seem to have a talent for treating things with taste and honesty (and an obvious sympathy for people, good and bad) that in other hands would be bitter or mawkish. In this story of five men whose friendship is required to sur- vive the winning of a fortune on a lottery ticket, they are at their refreshing best. The denouement of the story won't sur- prise anyone, in fact much of it has a life- like triteness. But with one exception the scenes are put together with such affection and artistry that the whole business appears unprofessionally sincere and fresh. The cast as a whole performs with en- thusiastic competence, and the performances of Jean Gabin, Charpin (of the Marius tril- ogy) and Viviane Romance in the central conflict are near-perfect. Charpin, as the rejected husband, achieves a pathos that is f. -% if II i000 FI l(~z Iisw\erw-rN os'' r 1 INTERPRETING THE NEWS: UN Cease-Fire Proposal By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst THE NEW UNITED NATIONS proposals for a cease-fire in Korea represent more "diplomacy for the record," with overtones of stalling. The motions for a new approach to Peiping go forward in the face of what amounts to a virtual Communist turn-down already. The cease-fil'e commission proposal was only hours old, and the United States had just announced her willingness to proceed with it, when Jacob Malik said it could not serve as a basis for peace. U.N. observers declined to take this as the final Russian stand, saying Malik left himself some loopholes pending irnstructions from Moscow. But Malik moved so fast, compared with his usual waits for instructions, as to cause speculation on other grounds also. It may have been that the Russians knew pretty well what to expect and were prepared. Or it might even have been that they were rushing in to make sure that Peiping would not fall, for the apparently reasonable suggestions. * * * * THE PROPOSAL calls for cease-fire with no cloak for new military preparations, interim arrangements for administration of Korea under U.N. principles, and an ultimate far eastern settlement by Russia, Communist China, Britain and the U.S. after gradual with- drawal of all foreign troops. From the standpoint of China and Russia, which make war for the purposes of territorial and political aggrandizement, and who are winning, there seems little reason why the suggestions should be entertained. They aren't concerned about loss of life, or about peace. On the Allied side, nobody is fooled by the prospects for an ulti- mate settlement by the big powers. China is reported ready to negotiate if the Allies will virtually promise them a U.N. seat and Formosa in advance. That would be, payment of a reward for aggression, on which the U.S. already has put down its foot. Apd there are indications that Russia, who really runs the Com- muniist show, doesn't really want Peiping in the U.N. anyway. * * * * THE PRACTICAL EFFECT of the cease-fire proposals, then, is merely to delay the American proposal that the U.N. formally classify China as an aggressor, following up with political, military and economic sanctions. Britain, with large commercial interests in China, has tried to avoid this. In spite of advices from Washington that the U.S. 'intends to hold a beachhead in Korea, London thinks Korea will soon be written off, and the embarrassing question of sanctions avoided. She is joined by many other U.N. delegations who would rather avoid a formal break now, as the world did when Musso- lini invaded Ethiopia. This really means waiting a while to face even more dangerous facts of life, just as it did 15 years ago. So the U.N. will now wait around until the Chinese decide to reply about the cease-fire. The United States has promised to bring the aggression matter up again as soon as an unfavorable 'reply is re- ceived. But many of the other delegations apparently hope that something will happen before that time to eliminate the necessity of a decision. I } I ette/ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interestsand will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. Mrs. Rosenberg . . the IUS stems mainly from its leadership, and that the sincere belief of its followers can be To the Editor: countered only by constructive THE LATEST issue of the policy on our part. V. F. W. Magazine (Foreign The slanderous attacks of Pan- Service) brings some commentary Hellenic and other factions are in its newsletter section which is in no way helping the policy of anything but edifying. Discussing NSA abroad. It is regrettable that the appointment of Mrs. Anna Ro- such attitudes exist on this cam- senberg (as Assistant Secretary of pus as well as others. Defense), it mentions her placeof Certainly NSA, in its attempt birth and the charges, not the to be a representative organiza- countercharges, aboutethis "con- tion, reflects many opinions - troversial figure," agreeing that but it acts on the will of the ma- she denies the charges. Then jority. The open and intelligent comes the climax: "Why Mrs. Ro- atmosphere which NSA is at- senberg was chosen for this im- tempting to maintain certainly portant security position when does not justify an attack on an there were scores of native born, organization whose leadership and male veterans who could have intentions are solidly American qualified is somewhat of a mys- and which is working for the best tery." interests of students here and Watch out, girls. Even if you everywhere. are not born in Hungary, you had '-Robert B. Bentley better get into that kitchen fast Chairman, Mich Region and get to work on that corn International Commission, pone (spaghetti is foreign-born NSA and Franco-American spaghetti is international, which is e v e n Circle Politics .,. worse). Women just have no se- curity... Thgy. are worse security To the Editor: risks than the pederasts. Look YOU NOTICED that the what happened to Gen. Eisenho- conservatives have gone so far er. He had a WAC private secre- to the right, and the Communists tary. Now he had to go back to have gone so far to the left that Europe to do his job over again they are shaking hands? because he loused it up the first I never believed that things tie went in circles until the Daily You may join the Ladies' Auxi- Worker and the honest, but mis- liary, but until the Veterans of directed Senator Taft agreed com- Foreign Wars becomes more char- pletely on America's foreign pol- itable, you ought to stick close to icy. hearth and home and let the rest A few months ago I suggested of the world go by. that Taft should be elected - MUSIC ERICA MORINI, who presented a recital in Hill Auditorium Thursday evening, is probably the greatest woman violinist on the contemporary musical scene. That this same scene holds such figures as Heifitz and Fran- cescatti; does not detract in the least from Morini's stature-it simply explains why we cannot say (irrespective of sex) that she is one of the greatest violinists of our time. When violin playing, or any other re-. creative art for that matter, reaches the level of Morini's performance, the border- line between great and greatest is ex- tremely subtle and hard to come by. And it is just at this border-line that she fal- ters. The difficulty, I should judge, is not a technical matter; her bowing arm is one of the steadiest I have seen, and unbelievably powerful; her technique, while less fabulous than that of Heifitz, is very nearly flawless, and her intonation is beyond reproach. Her tone is beautiful and has considerable indi- viduality. The difficulty lay apparently in the matter of interpretation, or perhaps, before that, in conception. Morini appeals to me as an extremely intellectual musician and as one endowed with truly musical perception. In general her interpretations were sensitive and in good taste, and there were occasional moments of revelation, in which the inherent worth and beauty of a score was laid bare. This was true of the Tartini Variations and of the third movement Hof the Mozart so- nata. But there were other moments in which both the intellect and the musicianship seemed to waver-moments in which she seemed to compensate for a lack of under- standing by means of interesting and even beautiful, but not authentic, devices. I re- fer especially to the interpretive shortcom- ings and rhythmic liberties of the first two movements of the Mozart. The post-intermission portion of the pro- gram was a disappointment. The Spanish numbers were charming and delightfully -John Neufeld * * * . NSA Stand . . . To the Editor: mainly because he was the more honest candidate. I stand by- my statement. Taft is honest-just dumb. -Leah Marks * * * T ITS inception in Chicago Nazi Army in December, 1946, t h e NSA was certainly influenced To the Editor: by European ideas, and by the existence of the International W~THAT DOES it mean to every Union of Students. But the in- American family that Wash- fluence went about as far as to ington has announced a green make the organizers think Eur- light for the revival of a Nazi ope had something good that the Armed force of 200,000 men with United States did not have. The Gen. Eisenhower in command? influence went enough further It means that Washington has to give NSA an international made a deal with the hardened character out of the realization Hitler war criminals and the that .among students "a new seg- Ruhr Nazis for a planned attack ment of society is emerging-a as soon as possible. The leaders group with recognizable differ- who put us into a racist war ences." This simply meant that against the colored people of Asia NSA would always devote a part are uniting us with the foremost of its energies to promoting exponents of racist bestiality the peace and understanding in the world has ever known. INTERNATIONAL S T U D E N T It means that Washington is COMMUNITY, and if possible answering the latest proposals of above partisan attachments . . a four-power PEACEFUL SET- At the Congress this last sum- TLEMENT OF THE GERMAN mer I had the opportunity to question with the decision to read a facsimile of the letter still make such a peaceful settlement being distributed by the national as possible as the government can Pan-Hellenic. It would. be an un- make it. dIrstatement to say that it was There is not a single American untruthful and propagandistic in correspondent in Germany who nature. I can answer it only by has not informed us that the ov- pointing to two facts. erwhelming majority of the Ger- -1. Recognizing that the Inter- man people do not want to fight national Union of Students is again. It is only the top clique of Communist controlled, the NSA Hitler generals, Ruhr's cartelists, decided, at the Congress this and the Vatican Control Politi- summer, to sever all but the most tions who are ready to start elementary relations with that another war. To get the German organization. . people to take up arms will re- 2. Despite this fact, the NSA quire the revival of the Nazis SS,, was objective enough to realize the old Fascist terror, and the en- that Communist partisanship in, tire "Master Race," corruption which cost humanity so dear on- ly five years ago. The Bonn regime says openlyt it will not join Eisenhower's army as a mere minor part of it, The Nazi polititions demand the com- plete revival of their power andj the acceptance of their AGGRES- SIVE PLAN for an attack on the1 Eastern countries as their price1 for their "COOPERNATION." The Acheson deal in 'Brussels gives Eisenhower the power to .enlarge the Nazis divisions as he sees fit. The Brussels deal is a plan which depends on the deliberate provocation of an attack, a war. The terrible fate which the Acheson Brussels deal means for our country was already rehears- ed in the Korean debacle .... Everyone of us who sets by and watches the Administration re- store the murderers of Buchen- wald and Dachau, who stay silent while generals guarantee a new war on Hitler model, will be guilty. If you love our country it is your patriotic duty to challenge this suicidal and ghostly Brussels deal with the German Nazis. -Chester Hunt, Grad. Thanks . To the Editor: ON BEHALF of the Wolverine Club I would like to thank all of those individuals and organi- zations which played such a great part in planning and executing the pre-Rose Bowl pep rally for the football team. We would like particularly to thank, the Inter- fraternity Council which finan- ced the rally. Without their sup- port and the support of all others taking part, the rally could not have been a success. --Jerry Helfenbein' President, Wolverine Club *, * Sudden Burst .:.. To the Editor: TODAY WE learned that eleven of our fellow . students were leaving for the service in the next few days. We feel certain that many other Michigan men will also be leaving in the very near future. It seems to us that it would be a good idea for the Daily to publish a column each day with the names of the new enlistants and telling something about those already in service. These names could easily be obtained from the Registrar's Officerwhen the stu- dents withdraw from the Univer- sity. This sudden burst of patriotism came upon us when one of our friends called a fellow today to ask him to a party only to find him in the midst of packing away beer mugs, white bucks, and ar- gyles in great haste so thathe wouldn't miss the next express train to the Great Lakes Naval Base. Now we ask you, couldn't the embarrassment of this situa- tion be avoided? -Lucy Grawberg -Jo Galbraith -Lu Begrow I ;r I Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of ,the Board in Control- of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown............Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger.........City Editor Romia Lipsky ..... Editorial Director Dave Thomas............Feature Eldtor Janet Watts............Associate Editor Nancy Bylan.......Associate Editor James Gregory.......Associate Editor Bill Connolly............Sports Editor Bob Sandell . . . .Associate Sports Editor Bill Brenton .. Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schalble....Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz.... Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of 'The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credltea to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. .r BARNABY Horrors! The awful face af my window! If was YOU, O'Malley! That's just --'I My Aunt Lou sent me Yes, i'm in a detective set. And the Private my Fairy Godfather's [Eye game- using it, but he can't . L LNo. But don't worry, Gus. I have a feeling Il find something-r m&Ior/y ve J, 'ey. I 17 t .1