Pr.x MICHIGAN SPIRIT See Page 4 SAir r n Latest Deadline in the State Dat O VOL. LXI, No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1950 EIGHT PAGES Mac rthur Parades as Korean beds Flee U.S. Outlines Proposal for Free Korea Denies Wish for Military Bases NEW YORK-(A')-A six-point United States program for creat- ing a free and united Korea under the guidance of the whole United Nations was outlined by American sources at the UN yesterday. The Americans disclaimed any wish for military bases in Korea and called for urgent steps to re- habilitate the war-torn land. * * THE AMERICAN program, which dovetails closely with a pro- posal being circulated by the Brit- ish, follows in brief : 1. Korea should be free and united. 2. The method of unification can best be determined by a strong United Nations commission in Ko- rea with between seven and four- teen members. 3. Korean people 'to be con- sulted by the commission should be chosen in free elections by secret ballot on the basis of uni- versal suffrage. 4. Strong emphasis on a pro-. gram of rehabilitation and recon- struction. ~r5. Settlement of the Korean problem must not be dominated by any one nation but must be accomplished by the United Na- ions in cooperation with the Korean people. 6. It must be made certain that free and independent Korea will pose no threat to its neighbors. Booth To Sell *Football Dueat A booth for the resale of sur- plus tickets to the Michigan State game will be open in the Union lobby from 9 p.m. till noon to- morrow, according to Charles Re- men, Union Councilman. Persons wishing to sell extra tickets may leave them at the booth tomorrow, where they will be sold at regular prices. No stu- dent tickets may be resold, Re- men said. Students who failed to pick up their tickets according to their group schedules will have their final chance from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday and Tuesday in the Ath- letic Administration Office at Ferry Field, Don Weir, ticket man- ager, announced. Additional tickets may still be purchased for all home games ex- cept the Michigan State game, which has been completely sold out, according to Weir. All the remaining seats are for end zone locations. Box seat tic- kets are still available for all other home games,except Illinois and Northwestern, Weir said. Rushing Deadline Last chance for men to register for fraternity rushing will be from 2 to 5 p.m. today and 9 a.m. to noon tomorrow in Rm. 3D of the Union, according to Bruce Sodee, '52, Interfraternity )Council rush- ing chairman. A $2 fee is charged for regis- tration. Rushing will begin with. open houses Sunday afternoon and Monday night. Coed Hospitalized An 18-year-old University coed was taken to University Hospital by Ann Arbor police yesterday, after she suddenly broke into a fit of screaming in front of Angell Hall. * Got. * * * * * * * * Willilams Proclaims Atom may' A4-Day' Proclamation The following is Gov. William's Atom Day proclamation: Forces which throughout time will affect the lives of all mankind have been set in motion by the release of atomic energy. If these forces are to build rather than destroy, they must be identified and controlled. The sooner we learn to live with the atom, the sooner will we benefit by the now incredible pgtentialities of atomic science. In these days of world-wide ideological conflict, the United States and its free people must take the lead in applying the awe- inspiring possibilities of atomic science to the promotion of universal health and welfare. The University of Michigan is now engaged on such a project at, its atomic research center. To focus the attention of our people on the benficient poten- tialities of atomic energy, the University of Michigan has proposed that the first Monday in October be observed throughout the nation as ATOM DAY. Therefore, I, G. Mennen Williams, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby proclaim Monday, October 2, 1950, as ATOM DAY in Michigan, and urge all our people on that day and every day thereafter to aid in putting atomic energy to work as an instrument ,for the good of all the peoples of the world. , Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Michigan, this twenty-seventh day of September, in the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty, and the Common- wealth of the One Hundred Fourteenth. G. Mennen Williams Governor Kagawa Ur Of Man To L The only hope the world has of surviving the atomic bomb is the remaking of man, Tokohiko Kaga- wa, famed Japanese reformer, dle- clared to a Hill Auditorium audi- ence last night. "And the only way mankind can be remolded is by an awakening consciousness of God," Kagawa said. A *.. * THE JAPANESE EVANGELIS' warned that man can not dream of changing his present status un- less he changes his heart. Kagawa, who has served as a Students Get ges Change teat A-Bomb p litical and economic advisor to his government, warned that un- less advanced man lends his hand to the backward of the earth there is no chance that de-, mocracy can ever exist. "The best method of eliminating class differences betwen progres- sives and conservatives is for pro- gressive classes to attempt to pull their opponents up to their level even if it means stooping down," he said. However, he stressed that ma- terial bettermentralone was not the answer to destroying the threat of atomic warfare. KAGAWA URGED a union of Urges State To Support Phoenix Plan Monday To Mark Campaign Start Stressing that the world must learn to live with the atom beforc it can benefit from the new power. Gov. G. Mennen Williams yester- day proclaimed Monday "Ato Day" throughout the state. The Governor's proclamatio gives official recognition to th start of the nation-wide fund rais- ing campaign for the Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project Mon- day. * * GOV WILLIAMS turned th proclamation over to Mary Lubeck. '51, chairman of the student Phoe- nix drive, and Betty Bridges, '52 chairman of the sororities' drive on campus, who had made the trip to Lansing for the ceremony. In his statement, Gov. Wil- liams urged the people of Michi- gan to use Atom day as a start- ing date for a continual effort to make atomic energy work for the good of mankind. "If-these forces (of atomic ener- gy) are to build rather than de- stroy, they must be identified and controlled. The sooner we learn to live with the atom, the sooner will we benefit by the now in- credible potentialities of atomic science," the message said. IN THE MEANTIME Phoenix officials here were working out de- tails of plans with the State De- partment which would send the special Atom Day program around the world on the Voice of America. The program, which will fea- ture talks by Gordon Dean, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, General Dwight Eisenhower, president of Colum- bia University and Warren Aus- tin, United States ambassador to the United Nations, will be carried by Voice of America sta- tions on Oct. 9 and 10. Monday, the story of the open- ing of the drive for $6,500,000, which will turn plans for the me- morial atomic research center into reality, will be told on regular newscasts sent by the "Voice." Final details for the day's pro- gram are still being added by pro- ject directors. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - President Truman yesterday named Robert A. Lovett, diplomat, airman and Wall Street banker, as Deputy Secretary of Defense. He succeeds Stephen T. Early who is leaving the No. 2 defense post Saturday to return to private business. BERLIN-German police under British orders clubbed defiant Communists out of their luxurious headquarters in Duesseldorf yes- terday. In a twin move also aimed at Ruhr Communists, the British summoned military reinforcements to deal with the threat of Ruhr- wide Red riots on Sunday. NEW YORK - UN Security Council late yesterday turned down another Russian demand that Red China be invited to take part in U.N. discussions. The vote on the specific ques- tion of inviting the Chinese Communists here to present their complaints that the United States had invaded China ter- ritory by sending the Seventh U.S. Fleet to patrol the Strait of Formosa. ATOM DAY PROCLAIMED-Gov. G. Mennen Williams signs his Atom Day proclamation as Mary Lubeck and Betty Bridges, members of the Phoenix Project student executive committee, and: H. E. Crouse, state chairman for the drive, look on. The Governor proclaimed Monday as Atom Day, and urged citizens to aids ii( putting atomic energy to work for peace. science with religious thought a AEC Positions a reawakening of Christiani which he termed the only mea Four University students have of reforming man. been appointed predoctoral fel- "But today too many peop lows for studies leading to even- lift the cross to the alter with tual Atomic Energy Commission out knowing the meaning of it assignments, AEC announced yes- terday. Recalling his message to the n The four are Paul R. Barker, government of Japan, he explai Grad.; Frank E. Driggers, Grad.; ed that Christianity was not ji Morton Fuchs, Grad; and George a dead doctrine. F. Bradley. All are studying phys- ical science here. "AS I TOLD our leaders wh Altogether, 11 men in the state they accepted the Christian spi received the AEC appointments, as our standard of ethics, y In addition to the four now must have the living spirit of G studying at the University, two or your standards are no bet others will study here under the an ore." AEC assignments. They are John He hailed the spirit of Chris V. *Slater, of Willow Village, who through the ages as the grea will study biological science here, floor that has held Christianil and Joshua Chover, of Detroit, together in spite of many mi who will study physical science. takes on the part of the Chris tians. 4 O Guilty )"Christ suffered with God t 'N o lty. sins of man; until we lose so sleep in the same suffering, o Alum nus Says future is dim," he said. DETROIT -- (P) - William F.'Negro Issue May Welke, 24 - year -,old University Sli Fr t * graduate, pleaded innocent yester- i J day to a charge of extorting $3,500 from the wife of a Detroit phy- The University of Connecti sician. chapter of Phi Epsilon Pi fr Police said Welke has admitted ternity has threatened to lea obtaining money from Mrs. Kath- the national organization if it erine Vasu on May 31, 1949, by a refused authority to admit a N telephone call threatening the life gro, according to the United Pre of her son, Cordell. Young Vasu The student, Alfred R. Roge resided in the same dormitory was recently "blackballed" by t with Welke on the University cam-;fraternity's national grand cou pus. 'cil. nd ity, ans le h- t.": ew in- iust len iirit you sod ter st gat ity is- is- he ime ur Army To Draft 300,000 Men In SixMonths WASHINGTON-(MP-The Army yesterday announced plans to draft 300,000 men in the next six months. This is in addition to 50,000 summoned in September which was the first month of the draft program touched off by the Kor- ean outbreak and the vast defense undertaking. PREVIOUSLY, the Army had called on selective service to sup- ply 120,000 men in October ani* November. Thus the 300,000 to be in- ducted in the next six months represents an increase of 180,- 000 over the pending draft calls already announced. It raises the Army's total draft program to 350,000. ON CAPITOL HILL, Chairman Vinson (D-Ga) of the House Arm- ed Services Committee reported that the Army in the next six months will draft 1,400 dentists and 2,500 doctors; and call up 700 doctors in the reserve. Washtenaw county's Draft Board announced that its November in- duction quota has been set at 70 men-12 more than the October call. WASHINGTON-(7)-President Truman said yesterday the United States must not let its guard down, now that the Korean fighting is nearing a victorious close. Name Senior, Daily Editors Three appointments to senior staff positions on The Daily were announced last night by the Board. in Control of Student Publications. Nancy Bylan, '51, a history ma- jor from Grand Rapids, was ap- pointed associate editor. Miss By- President Declares U.S. Must Not Cut Defenses He told his weekly news con- ference he is very happy about the success of the forces routing the North Korean Communists. He said he hopes it will wind up with a peace satisfactory to every- body. BUT he agrred with General Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that the greatest danger facing the UnitedI States'is that it may let its guard down after the war is over. The President predicted there would be what he called sincere efforts in Congress to block de- fense programs now under way, when the fighting ceases. But he said it would not be Ad- ministration forces doing the blocking and he hopes the effort will not succeed, although the pro- gram will take money. T R U M A N parried questions whether American forces would pursue fleeing north . Koreans across the 38th parallel dividing North and South Korea. He could- n't answer that now because that line had not been reached, he said. Other officials have said the resolution gives MacArthur au- thority to cross the parallel if necessary to destroy the Commu- nist army. Communists In Full Rout, ArmySays Taejon Liberated By Troops of UN BULLETIN TOKYO -(P')- General Mac- Arthur today turned over to South Korean President Syng- man Rhee the capital city of Seoul. TOKYO-(A')-General Douglas MacArthur was reported parading in the streets of Seoul today in a victory celebration with South Ko- rean President Syngman Rhee while elsewhere army officials re- ported the North Korean Army in complete rout and no longer an organized force. Preparations for the victory pa- rade have been under way for sev- eral days and a 50-piece marine band was assembled for the occa- sion. AP CORRESPONDENT 0. H. P. King reported from Seoul that the marine musicians served as litter bearers for the wounded while waiting to play the victory march. The general is expected to hold conferences there on the probability of United Nations forces crossing the 38th parallel, which divided North and South Korea when the war broke on June 25. The forces he commands were o ly a few miles from the para- llel. BRIG. GEN. Kong Nam Bong, operations officer for the Repub- lic's forces, predicted his troops would reach the 38th parallel within 24 hours. An Eighth Army communique said two divisions of South Korean troops were within 45 miles of the parallel. Meanwhile United Nations forces conducting a huge mop- up operation in the south re- captured Taejon, highway and rail hub 90 miles south of Seoul; Namwon, 42 miles northwest of Chinju and Hadong, 20 miles southeast of Chinju. With the recapture of Taejon came a flickering of hope that Maj. Gen. William F. Dean, miss- ing commander of the U.S. 24th Divi'sion, might be alive as a Red prisoner. Dean was last reported outside Taejon July 21, just after his cut- up division had abandoned the town. The U.S. Eighth Army com- mander, Lt. Gen. Walton H. Wal- ker, told war correspondents at his South Korean headquarters: "The North Korean army is in, complete rout and no longer ex- ists as an organized force." THE AIR FORCE, however, re- ported that the North Koreans are continuing to build air fields north of the 38th parallel despite the disintegration of their army in South Korea. Walker estimated that of the once overwhelming Red force of 150,00 men in South Korea, more than three-fourths have been or will be destroyed. Those who escaped the trap were fleeing headlong to the north. THE NEW Delhi radio broad- cast a report that North Korean Premier Kim Il Sung 14as ordered all such Red troops as are able to return north of the 38th parallel. 'Ensian Picture Deadline Nears Appointments for senior and graduate pictures should be made as soon as possible at the 'Ensian business office on the second floor of the Student Publications Bldg., said Clarence Kettler, business manager. Photographers will be here on Monday, Oct. 2, and will remain only as long as there is continuous ,,nrlr. In ha Arr a 1h nai SEE PICTURE PAGE 2 Ian will take charge of training new sophomore Daily staff mem- bers. Also appointed to an associate editor post was James Gregory, '51. Gregory, an English major from Battle Creek, is a membcr of Theta Delta Chi fraternity. His new job involves training mem- bers of The Daily old sophomore staff. Paul Schaible, '51BAd, was nam- ed to the post of advertising man- ager of The Daily. Schaible, a member of Delta Sigma Pi fra- ternity, is from Chelsea, Michigan: INSPECTS ROTC UNIT: cut 'ra- ave is ge- ess. ers, the an- Air Forces General isitsU' Camuus