See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
- U
Williams IPA
Enrollment Drop
Reason for Cut
Out Patient Clinic Jtem Approved;
Ignores Medical Bldg. Improvement
Governor G. Mennen Williams yesterday slashed a $2,637,000
chunk out of the University's $16,337,000 operations budget in his
annual financial message to the State Legislature.
Willians justified the new $13,700,000 recommendation by antici-
pating a drop in enrollment of 3,500 for the fall semester. The
University had estimated it to be about 1,500 in their record breaking
appropriation request.
WILLIAMS' AX-MAN for the big cut was State Controller Robert
F. Steadmanl. Steadman did, however, allow for an adjustment in
S AN4'
U.S. Second
Division Hit
By Koreans
Enemy Pounds
Mountain Passes
TOKYO --(P)- Screaming $o-
rean Reds, 8,000 to 10,000 strong,
today smashed five attacs at U.S.
Second Division lines in a bloody
bid to drive through the Sobaek
Mountain passes into southeast
American, French and Dutch
troops stood firm in the deep snow
and biting cold of the central
front. Temperatures sagged to pos-
sibly 30 below.
THE COMMUNISTS in wave at-
tacks were pounding the center
and both flanks of the division's
front along a 15-mile stretch of
ther rugged range which cuts
across the peninsula around rub-
bled Wonju.
The U.S. Eighth Army in a com-
munique said the battle for the
passes was increasing in scope.
Enemy troops were on the move
eastward from the Seoul sector in
the West, possibly to reinforce the
Wonju assault.
The onslaught began with two
small banzai charges against the
middle of the envelopment-men-
aced Second Division front be-
fore dawn.
By mid-morning the enemy was
hitting the center and both flanks
with an estimated 8,000 to 10,000
Reds in the battle south of
burned-out Wonju.
given no ground by mid-day, AP
correspondent William Barnard
Only once after the first two
1 banzai attacks were repulsed did
the intensity of the Red assault
slacken. That was when allied air-
craft roared into the battle about
Stacy Slashes
Wrist, Fails
In Suicide Try
Robert H. Stacy, convicted of
arson in last spring's Haven Hall
blaze and under a sentence of
five to ten years imprisonment,
slashed his left wrist with a ra-
zor blade yesterday in the Wash-
tenaw County Jail.
He failed to wound. himself
fatally, as he missed cutting the
main veins and arteries in his
wrist, police said. Undersheriff
George Randel termed it attempt-
ed suicide.
HE WAS TREATED immediate-
1y by a physician who said that
Stacy's condition was not serious.
Police took him immediately to
Jackson Prison to begin his sen-
Stacy was sentenced on Jan.
4 by Circuit Judge James Brea-
key, Jr., and was to have been
taken to Jackson later yester-
day afternnn
4the budgest, if the actual enroll-
ment did not meet predictions.
The budget recommendations
called for an additional $500
appropriations for each student
enrolled over the anticipated
University officials remained
mum on the Governor's action.
However, it has usually been the
practice in the past for the gov-
ernor to cut the appropriation re-
quest. The. University budget is
then in most cases further slash-
ed by the Legislature.
* * *
THE PROPOSED budget gave
the nod, to an additional $425,000
for modernization of the Natural
Science Bldg. and Architecture Li-
Ignored was a $255,000 request
for improvements on West Medi-
cal Bldg. The University had esti-
mated that if this building could
be improved, the size of the fresh-
man medical class . could be in-
creased from 165 to 200 students.
However, the $1,300,000 item to
aid in completing the University's
new Out-Patient Clinic was ap-
proved by Steadman.
Another request for $3,105,000
for an addition to the General
Library might be recommended
next year, according to Stead-
man. The Library planned in'
1915 to serve 10,000 students to-
day has more than a million vol-
umes, thousands of which are
stored in attics and basements.
* * *
EARLIER in the week Gov. Wil-
liams had asked the Legislature
for $2,024,000 to complete the new
Angell Hall addition. The Uni-
versity had originally asked for
$2,500,000,; but Steadman claimed
that , part of the construction
funds should come from the Ha-
ven Hall fire insurance payments.
The University had based
their record appropriations re-
quest on a loss of revenue from
student fees, necessity of paying
higher salaries and wages and
the need for meeting rising
costs of materials and supplies.
The governor's proposed budget
for the University was a part of
his 1951-52 state appropriations
message to the Legislature. He
asked for $294,940,000 excluding
civilian defense needs and road
appropriations in an "austerity"
The budget is $12,900,000 more
than the Legislature expects to
spend. Next year's anticipated
revenue has been set at $265,800,-
It has been estimated that the
State Treasury will be at least
$72,000,000 or more in the red by
June 30, 1952.
A Houston, Texas, house
painter had a fine time this
Christmas, but now all he has
left besides happy memories
and some new clothes is a $2,-
000 debt.
Bob Baker, the United Press
reported last night, was cre-
dited with $19,000 in his bank
account through a clerical er-
"I knew it was a mistake
sure," Baker explained. "But I
made up my mind that there
was going to be a real Christ-
mas in the Baker house. And
there was."
Fire Rages
In Chicago;'
Three Killed
CHICAGO-(P)-A $500,000 fire
and explosion billowed and roared,
through a five-story downtown
building yesterday, killing three
More persens watched the blaze
than any other fire in history.
Thousands were on the scene, and
three television networkscarried
live telecasts of the fire. A fourth
made newsreel pictures for later
A radio spokesman estimated
some 5,000,000 persons over a wide
area of the nation watched fire-
men battle the blaze.j
Five other firemen and one ci-
vilian were injured. Anthony J.
Mullaney, Chief Fire Marshal, said
he believed that all workers in the
office and warehouse building es-
Mullaney directed Earl Downes,
fire department attorney, to con-
duct an investigation of the blaze.
Hayward Funeral
Will BeMonday
Funeral services for the late Re-
gent Ralph A. Hayward, who died
Thursday in University Hospital of
cerebral thrombosis, will be held
at 2 p.m. Monday at the Union
Methodist Church at Parchment,
. Regent Hayward's family has
requested that friends who wish
to send flowers could instead make
a contributionh tothe Phoenix
Proect. Gifts should. be sent to
Howard Deweerd, Kalamazoo Veg-
etable Parchment Co., Parchment.
* * *
Asks Boost
In Services,
Wants 3,500,000
Men by June 30
WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi-
dent Truman yesterday sharply
increased the armed forces' man-
power goal to 3,462,205 by June
30, and called for a 4,000,000 in-
crease in the number of workers
producing weapons and other de-
fense needs.
On Capitol Hill, however, Con-
gress members questioned wheth-
er a draft of 18-year-olds is neces-
sary to reach the armed forces
manpower objective. They asked
whether taking 18% years olds
would supply men fast enough.
There was talk, though, of ex-
tending service to draftees to 30
months instead of the present 21.
And defense officials said Congress
will be asked to take the limit off
the number of women in the arm-
ed forces-now 2 per cent of the
total. But they aren't seeking to
draft women.
TRUMAN disclosed in his an-
nual economic report to Congress
that 1951 will bring a heavy im-
pact on the nation's manpower
supply. He said:
1. The armed forces must be
given another million persons
In the next few months. This
apparently would bring the ser-
vices close to the new mid-year
2. Defense production will re-
quire 4,000,000 more workers
this year.
He also signed the civil defense
bill, announced he soon will ask
Congress for money to build air
raid shelters and stockpile medical
supplies. And he emphatically
told Congress "we should start at
once" on the long-disputed St.
Lawrence seaway and power pro-
World News
By The Associated Press
nist United Nations delegations
overwhelmingly favored yesterday
making a last appeal to Red Ci-
na to cease fire in Korea in ex-
change for a four-power confer-
ence on Far Eastern problems.
The five-point proposal calls for
the United States to sit down with
Red China, Russia and Britain in
an attempt to settle not only the
Korean war, but the problems of
Formosa and Red Chinese partici-
pation in the United Nations.
*$ * *
OSLO, Norway-Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower flew through
dangerous weather from Copen-
hagen to Norway yesterday on
the northernmost lap of his
European search for fighting
men and fighting spirit to op-
pose Communist aggression.
LONDON - British Common-
wealth prime ministers urged in
the name of humanity last night
that the heads of the Big Five.
powers hold frank talks in a su-
preme effort to avert a new war.
A * *f
140 Billion,
Defense Plan
Also Outlined
Speech Draws
Mixed Reactions
WASHINGTON -- (R) - Presi-
,dent Truman' yesterday asked
Congress to raise taxes by "very
much more" than $8,000,000,000 a
year and outlined a lending-
spending defense program total-
ing $140,000,000,000.
He jalso called for broader wage-
price controls.
-Associated Press
PULLING OUT-Civilian refugees and South Korean troops flee Suwon clinging to an almost
hidden locomotive. Advancing Reds later took the town.
Grand Jury
Idicts 2 04
For Fraud
NEW YORK- (-) -A federal1
grand jury yesterday indicted 204
persons, including 199 veterans,
for conspiracy to defraud the Vet-
erans' Administration of almost
$300,000 in its educational pro-
gram for veterans.
Also indicted was a corporation
which owns the Grow System Bea-
uty School on Manhattan's 42nd
"The indictment was the larg-
est of its kind ever handed up in
this federal court and one of the
largest in any federal court in the
country," commented Chief As-
sistant U.S. Attorney Miles J.
A COMPANION incident, nam-
ing five principals of the first in-
dictment and the corporation, al-
leged that they fraudulently ob-
tained $66,000 from the Veterans'
Administration for tuition fees
and supplies.
Named as principals were:
Ora W. Grow, 47, and his wife,
Dassie, of Queens; Abelardo
Martinez, 45, of the Bronx, and
Victor J. Triolo, 48, and Vincent
L. Puma, 45, both of Brooklyn.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Louis I.
Kaplan said the defendants work-
ed this scheme:
A VETERAN would obtain a
letter of eligibility from the Veter-
ans' Administration to enroll in
the school for a training course.
After 'enrollment, the veteran
would receive subsistence benefits
from the government, ranging
from $800 to $1,200.
Ninety per cent of the veterans
indicted liever attended the
school, but paid $300 tuition and
$30 for supplies to the school in
return for which the school certi-
fied to the government that they
were attending.
Fraternities Indig~nant
OverNew Zoning Plan
By CRAWFORD YOUNG ed from bewilderment to indigna-
Reactions of the eight fraterni- tion.
ties which would be affected by The plan n)ow under considera-
the latest proposal for, amending tion by the Ann Arbor Common.
.ro r t v Council would set up a special A-1
Ann Arbor zoning regulations varn- classification for the sections of
the A zone where most student
1 group houses are located. The fra-
Plas Banning ternities would be permitted to
remain as non-conforming units,
Fraternities but no new building of any sort
could be done by these groups
without the special permission of
By The -Associated Press a Board of Appeals.
A freshman legislator just out The fraternities involved also
of college wants to outlaw frater- 'face. the danger of losing their
nities and sororities in state sup- houses if operation is discontinu-
ported colleges in Michigan. ed for 90 days. Here again the
Rep. Gerald W. Graves, Rep.- Board of Appeals could adjust
Alpena, who studied political sci- hardship cases.
ence two years at Michigan State * * *I
College said in Lansing that he is THE FRATERNITIES, Acacia,
preparing such a bill, because he Alpha Epsilon Pi, Delta Sigma
considers the racial restrictions Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, Tau Delta
on membership in the organiza- Phi, Zeta Beta Tau, Gamma Al-
tions a menace. pha (graduate) and Psi Omega
But IFC Secretary, Bill Hen- (dental), felt there was little they
derson, was un'concerned about could do to prevent the Council
the proposal pointing out that from passing the law.
such action was to be expected But several promised that
because of the widespread publi- strong alumni pressure would be
city of the bias clause. He feels brought to bear if ;t were passed
that the bill wil not pass the Leg- which might make the law un-
islature, tenable.
IN A SWEEPING message that
drew gasps from Wall Street and
some criticism on Capitol Hill, the
President laid down a program of
tremendous scope and sacrifice
foreshadowing in a era of austerity
for the American people.
The chief executive made it
clear that the stiff new taxes
he wants will hit every pocket-
book from top to bottom of the
income ladder. But the brunt, of
the income tax increases at
least, would fall on the middle-
to-lower income taxpayer.
Accompanying his annual eco-
nomic message to Congress, Tru-
man sent a 63,000-word report by
his Council of Economic Advisers
which declared:
"Income tax increases should be
imposed at all levels, but by far
the largest part of the additional
revenue must come from the mid-
dle and lower tax brackets.
"These are the brackets in which
the great bulk of the income is
* * *
hinit at the size of the budget he
will present to Congress on Mon-
day-generally expected to be in
the neighborhood of $70,000,000,-
000 for the fiscal year starting Ju-
ly 1, 1951.
All told he called for $140,-
000,000,000 in "obligational au-
thority" in the present fiscal
year and the next, ending June
30, 1952.
The total would go for actual
military and foreign aid spending,
plus contracting, lending and loan-
guarantee authority. Other gov-
ernment expenses would be over
and above that.
But the whole $140,000,000,000
probably would not actually be
laid out by June 30, 1952.
" * ","* *'o 'b"
AMONG OTHER salient recom-
mendations in the President's
message was a request for power
to build defense factories where
private enterprise cannot swing
the job. Two years ago he asked
authority to build steel plants if
necessary, but Congress shelved
the idea.'
On Capitol Hill the President's
tax proposals drew a mixed re-
Senator Taft (R-Ohio) com-
mented : "We are going to need
at least that much and probably
But Rep. Reed (R-NY), senior
Republican on the tax-writing
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, said he thought the President
has "gone hysterical."
Chairman George (D-Ga) of the
Senate Finance Committee called
the President's request for $140-
billion in lending and spending
authority "pretty ambitious."
Governor IWill Appoin
Q. DT.C "fTRT O in
Daily Staffers Get
New Appointments
Davis Crippen, '52, of Washing-
ton, D. C., and Leonard Green-
baum, '52, of Boston, Mass. have
been appointed night editors on
the Dail~y Junior staff by the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
The following have been ap-
pointed assisbant night editors:
Donna Hendleman, '53, pf Chica-
go, Ill.; Zander Hollander, '53, of
Brooklyn, N. Y.; and Crawford
Young, '53, of Washington, D. C.
The biggest worry of the fra-
ternities was the 90 day clause.
The fate'of these houses in event
of non-occupancy during a war is
still confused.I
Jerry Halpern, '51, Phi Sigma
Delta president, was particularly
perturbed about the situation.
"We'll fight fire with fire," he
promised. "If 'we are threatened
with enforcement of the 90 day
clause, drastic action would be
taken to prevent the. city from
forcing us out."
But IFC leaders were generally
in favor of the present proposal,
feelihg that it was the best com-
promise which could be made un-
der the circumstances.
By BAR1NESCONINABLEI the Board runs in April, he will
Gov. G. Mennen Williams will then be an incumbent, which
point a successor to the late should prove to be advantageous,"
egent Ralph A. Hayward some- Prof. Eldersveld said. However,
me next week, according to Prof. he declined to comment on the
Lmuel J. Eldersveld of the po- outcome of the election. The spring
ical science department., educational elections have tra-
Prof. Eldersveld, who returned ditionally resulted in Republican
sterday from a Democratic stra- victories.
Rose Bow l Films Scheduled Here
r. I
tegy meeting, with Gov. Williams
in Lansing, explained the politi-
cal process involved in filling a
vacancy on the Board of Regents.
THE BOARD of Regents is an
eight-member constitutional cor-
poration which represen ts the
people of the state in University
policy matters and possession of
The Tournament of Roses may
be 2500 miles and some weeks
away from Ann Arbor, but stu-
dents will get a chance to imbibe
a bit of the flavor of the festivi-
tipc nxt w.ekwen theStueant
THE FILM contains selected
portions of the Parade of Roses
and the half-time battle of bands,
in addition to the complete foot-
ball game, Brown said. Arrange-
eration and that of the Alumni
Association that the movie will
be shown here so soon after the,
game, Brown noted. "Alumni and
student groups all over the coun-
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