i REGENT HAYWARD See page 4 Latest Deadline in the State ~Iaithi ME MOSTLY FAIR, WARMER VOL. LXI, No. 79 MANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1951 SIX PAGES Truman Says Wage, Price Control on Reds Bypass U.S. Salient; Push South Chinese Sweep Toward Railway TOKYO-(R)-A spearhead o Reds, 30 miles south of the Unite States Second Division's mos 'northerly salient, was reporte sweeping southward in central Ko rea today. The drive apparently was aim ed at cutting the southeast rail way at Tanyang. * * * UNITED STATES Eighth Arm headquarters reported leading ele ments of the Red force (size an nationality not given) were ter miles south of Chechon and si miles from Tanyang. Tanyang, a railway town 73 miles south of the 38th parallel boundary of South Korea, is 37 miles below Wonju, scene of se- vere fighting for the past week. Correspondent William C. Bar nard reported from United State Second Division headquarters las night that two North Korean di. visions--about 20,000 men-wer sliding past the second's righ flank. The second division troop; were holding a horseshoe-shape bulge with its top a mile and a half south of Wonju. Its east pron was west of Chechon, which is 2: miles southeast of Wonju. * * * THE RED FORCE which th Eighth Army reported rammin through deep snow 10 miles soutl of Chechon w e r e presumabl members of this same two divi- sion North Korean force. The main force of some 285,- 000 Chinese and North Korean Communist pressing the United States Eighth Army. on -A western front continued its buildup and slow shift south- ward for an expected great new offensive. The Red thrust paralleling the flank of the second division wa reported in a heavily censored, de- layed dispatch from correspondeni Barnard with the second division THE DISPATCH made no men- tion of any contact between the second division and the south- bound Reds. " The flanking move apparent- ly was aimed at trapping the entire second division by driving through the rail junction of Chechon, 21 miles southeast of Wonju, and striking southward for Chungju. Chungju is only 90 miles north of Taegu on the main highway and rail route leading to the southeast corner of the Korean peninsula. Censorship prevented further details on location of the Reds, Eighth Army censors last night also clamped the lid on any fur- ther reference to the second divi- sion's stand near Wonju. Republicans in Senate Refuse To Seat Two, LANSING -(1')-- The Senate yesterday vacated the elections of Charles C. Diggs and Anthony J. Wilkowski, Detroit Democrats, who were chosen senators-elect from the second and third districts at the Nov. 7 general election. Both were declared unfit for iffice because they have served xprison sentences. Diggs, still is on parole from a! sentence for conspiracy to cor- rupt the legislature in 1941 while Wilkowski was sentenced 15 years for a vote r e c o u n t fraud. The chamber split almost along party lines to oust the two Demo- brats. Diggs was unseated by a vote of 22 to 6; Wilkowski by a vote of 20 to 8. Vacating the seats allows the overnor to call new elections to fill the positions. Ra1ph Hayward, 4 . I 'U'Regent, Dies Regent Ralph A. Hayward, Kalamazoo industrialist, died late yes- terday afternoon in University Hospital. Hayward who was admitted to the hospital Jan. 3 underwent a brain operation the following day in an effort to relieve intra-cranial pressure. The 55-year-old regent never regained consciousness fol- lowing the operation. * * * * PAYING TRIBUTE TO HAYWARD, President Alexander G. Ruthven said, "The death of Regent Ralph A. Hayward has de- prived the University of Michigan of a wise and understanding friend. As a member of its governing board he combined the loyal interests of an alumnus and a for- Vatican Bans Clergy From RotaryClubs VATICAN CITY-IP)-Roman Catholic clergymen were forbid- den yesterday to belong to Rotary clubs and Catholic laymen were warned to follow canon law in re- gard to membership. The ban was disclosed with pub- lication by the Vatican's news- paper, L'Osservatore Ramano, of a decree by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, which Pope Pius XII heads. * * * THE REASONS were not stated. Spokesmen of Rotary Internation- al indicated they were mystified. However, a source connected with the newspaper said the de- cree appeared aimed at Euro- pean and Latin American coun- tries, where Masonic connec- tions have been attributed to Rotary, rather than against Catholic membership in Rotary- in the United States. Rotary president Arthur La- gueux, a Canadian investment banker of Quebec who is him- self a Roman Catholic, said "Ro- tary's universal appeal is that itj offers a practical means of en- larging one's friendship, partici- pating in community betterment undertakings, promoting high standards in business and profes- sional life and advancing inter- national understanding, good will and peace." Stacy Attorney Plans Action Leonard H. Young, attorney for' convicted arsonist Robert Stacy, announced yesterday that he will take definite action on the for- mer University teaching fellow's sentence by Monday. "I have not decided whether to appeal the case to the state Su- preme Court or ask for a retrial, but I will have made up my mind by the week's end," Young said. He also noted that he might ap- peal to the court to have Stacy released on bond at that time. Meanwhile Stacy remained in the Washtenaw County Jail await- ing transfer to Southern Michigan Prison at Jackson where he will serve his five to 10 year sentence. mer faculty member with the keen judgment of a successful indus- trial executive." "The University has profited greatly by his participation in its counsels, and his personal qualities have endeared him to all those with wvhom he was as- sociated. We join with many others in sorrow for his loss," Ruthven concluded. Regent Al Connable described Hayward as a "strong, forceful, courageous and fair individual." * * * If REGENT HAYWARD Connable viewed his death as "a tremendous loss to the University and to the many organizations and activities with which he was associated." AT THE TIME of his death, Hayward was president of the Kal- amazoo Vegetable Parchment Company, a trustee of Kalamazoo College, chairman of the Michigan State Highway Advisory Board and a member of the board of di- rectors of the Michigan Bell Tele- phone Company, First National Bank of Kalamazoo, Sutherland Paper Company and the Federal, Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis, Ind. Born in St. Clair, Hayward graduated from the University in 1917 with a Bachelor of".Soi- ence degree in Chemical Engi- neering. From 1923 to 1924 he held the position of Assistant Professor of Engineering at the University. HAYWARD RESIGNED this position in 1924 to become general manager of the Kalamazoo Vege- table Parchment Co. He was made president of the organization in 1936. Surviving Hayward are his wife, Marion, and a 26 year-old-son, John who both reside at the Hay- ward home in Parchment, Mich. U.S. Accepts New Korea Truce Plan Malik Declares Proposal_'Foggy' LAKE SUCCESS - () - The United States accepted yesterday a new UN cease-fire plan for Ko- rea calling for a conference on all Far Eastern problems by the Unit- ed States, Russia, Britain and Red China as soon as the Korean fight- ing stops. Chief United States Delegate Warren R. Austin okayed the plan shortly after its five points were outlined to the UN Assembly's Po- litical Committee by Canadian Foreign Minister Lester B. Pear- son, member of the three-man UN ceasef ire committee. Britain, In- dia, France, Norway, Israel and Turkey also accepted the sugges- tions. But Russia said they must be studied fully. * * * SOVIET Delegate Jacob A. Ma- lik declared that there was "noth- ing new in the substance of the proposals," that they sounded "like an ultimatum" and declared that it could not serve as a basis for peace. He asserted that his "first impression" was that the wording of the plan "is deliber- ately foggy to make possible in- terpretations in any direction lat- er." UN observers and persons fa- miliar with Russian tactics in the UN said they did not be- lieve Malik had closed the door. They said he apparently did not have his instructions and that he had not finally rejected the plan. The plan, if finally accepted by all sides, would mean that the United States would' sit at the same table with Communist China in negotiations. The United States does not recognize Red China and' has opposed its admission to the UN, but Austin has told the Politi- cal Committee that the United States stands ready to talk with Communist China at an appropri- ate time and in the appropriate forum. Car Price Rise Seen Possible WASHINGTON -()- John H. Hancock, special consultant to the Economic Stabilization Agency, said yesterday he is considering a formula that would permit auto- mobile companies to raise their prices "in some cases." But he made it clear, after hear- ing all-day testimony from 10 companies, that the formula has not yet been drafted. He added that he didn't mean there would "necessarily" be price increases. Questioned closely by reporters, he said smilingly that he was not trying to be "cagey" but "we are talking about a formula that I haven't written yet." World News Roundup By The Associated Press COPENHAGEN, Denmark - Safely through fog and rain that forced his plane to circle 20 min- utes, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower landed here yesterday to continue his fact-finding tour of West Eur- ope. WASHINGTON - Republican advisor John Foster Dulles, given the rank of Ambassador by Presi- dent Truman, will go to Tokyo in about 10 days to discuss Japa- nese peace treaty problems with Gen. Douglas MacArthur and po- litical leaders in Japan. * * * NEW YORK - Federal Judge Gregory F. Noonan turned down three defense motions yesterday and ordered the perjury trial of William W. Remington to proceed. * *NT o WASHINGTON - The govern- Ann' Arbor Planning Director R. C. Eastman yesterday cleared up some of the muddy waters sur- rounding proposed changes in the city zoning ordinance. Eastman outlined the bounda- ries of the A-1 zone that will be set-up if the amendment is adopt- ed by the Common Council, and explained how it will affect Uni- versity residences. The amendment was submitted New Policy Planned for Manpowaer WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi- dent Truman is about to set forth a new national manpower policy for the mobilization emergency, calling for conservation of man- power resources all along the line, a defense official said yesterday. Mrs. Anna M. Rosenberg, As- sistant Secretary of Defense, dis- closed the directive would be is- sued in a few days. IT WOULD call upon each group to consider its own needs against overall manpower requirements of mobilization. M r s. Rosenberg, brought to government service a few weeks ago as a manpower expert, de- clined to give reporters details about the manpower mobiliza- tion policy. She mentioned it briefly in testimony before the Senate Preparedness Subcom- mittee which is studying the De- fense Department's proposals for draft of 18-year olds and uni- versal training. JOHN D. ADAMS, the depart- ment's assistant general counsel, testified also that failure to take 18-year olds might require draft- ing about 200,000 college students next summer. Meanwhile the army proposes to increase its draft calls by 50,000 men because of casualties in Korea. This was disclosed yesterday by a Defense Department official, who said the additional call, suggested to the department, had not yet been served on selective service. u>i « - 11 annn eOXAln 1 {r. :*.' A 1;c( J .. ....91! -Daiy-Pal:B:.t:nge NEW ZNE-I theshade are of he abve mp Isthe r pose A- zoe wichhasbee priariy dsiged or ratrniy. and.sorority. use. E it frtriisrmi usd fteae in znes orAA ad mut rceiv speialconsderaion 4 *- ityPannsedEpan ProposedyZoningBOrdinance to the Council by Prof. A. D. Moore chairman of the city com- mittee on ordinances at the Jan. 2 meeting. An earlier public meet- ing had been swamped with pro- tests from University representa- tives against passage of an amend- ment that would seemingly have changed the status of group dwell- ings in existing zones, Prof. Moore's amendment would change the definitions of fraterni- ty and sorority dwellings so that they would no longer be considered single or two-family units. They would be prohibited from enter- ing or expanding into zones A or AA, but proposed A-1 district pro- vides for fraternity and sorority use. The area proposea for A-1 (see map) lies roughly between Forest and Oswego Streets and Geddes and Cambridge Road. It includes approximately 42 fra- ternities and sororities, which would be free of any red tape that would have been involved had the original amendment been adopted. Not so fortunate are eight fra- ternities that are located outside of the proposed zone. These are: Phi Sigma Delta, Zeta Beta Tau, Delta Sigma Phi, Tau Delta Phi, Acacia, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Gamma Alpha (graduate) and Psi Omega (dental). These groups will remain in dis- tricts A and AA as non-conform- ing units. Eastman explained that a non-conforming unit is permit- ted to continue in operation unless discontinued for 90 days. Owners of non-conforming property may maintain their property, but must obtain permission of a Board of Appeals before they can carry out any expansion. He noted that the 90-day per- iod can also be appealed. "As this appeal system would have existed under the original zoning amendment, it seems to me that a lot of people got all ex- cited about losing their homes when they didn't know all the facts." Left out of the new zone are both League and Co-op houses. There are no co-op groups in the area, although there are four League houses in the district, which would become non-con- forming units. Swamped! PONTIAC - (t') - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rosebush, par- ents of new-born quadruplets, received a commendation from Governor G. Mennen Williams yesterday. The governor thanked them in a telegram for their "size- Sable contribution to the popu- lation of the state of Michi- gan:" This message was one of hundreds that poured into St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, scene of the one-in-500,000-births event Wednesday morning. Hint Senate job MaGo To Dawson By. CAL SAMRA The name of another University professor-John P. Dawson of the Law School-has been added to the list of prospective successors to the ailing Sen. Arthur H. Van- denberg. Political speculators in Wash- ington and Lansing had recently intimated that if Vandenberg re- signs, Gov. Williams might ap-. point Prof. James K. Pollock, chairman of the political science department, to finish out the term, * * * BUT PROF. DAWSON has also been mentioned for the position. Reference to Prof. Dawson as a possible appointee was recently made by Doris Fleeson, columnist for the New York Post, and also' by Danton Walker, newspaper columnist and radio commentator. On campus, several of Prof. Dawson's close associates felt that the Law School professor, a Demo- crat, stands an excellent chance of capturing the position-if vacated by Vandenb'erg. M * t ONE DEMOCRATIC leader on campus, who preferred 'to remain unidentified, pointed out that Prof. Dawson's Democratic affili- ation might be the important fac- tor, because Gov. Williams was not likely to appoint a Republican. Prof. Dawson could not be reached for comment. Also, the fact that two other Democratic leaders were out of town gave rise to further speculation. Neil Staebler, chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party, who resides in Ann Arbor, was reported in Lansing for a Party meeting. Prof. Samuel E. Eldersveld, an ac- tive campaigner for Dawson in the Nov. 7 elections, was also "out of town." Vandenberg Plans Return Possibly with the intent of squelching rumors that he would retire and be replaced by a Demo- cratic appointee, Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg announced last night that he would return to the Sen- ate "as soon as possible." Vandenberg, released from a Grand Rapids hospital yesterday, has shown considerable improve- ment since his confinement. His recovery has been hailed by many congressmen. Prior to Vandenberg's announcement, Sen. Tom Connally (D-Tex.) had told the Senate that he hoped Van- denberg would return soon "to lead a lot of his misguided fol- lowers back into the paths of righteousness." Way No Date Set; Cut in Prices Not Forseen President Won't Predict Rollback WASHINGTON - () -- Presi- dent Truman said yesterday that wages and prices will be controlled as soon as possible but he declined to predict a rollback of prices. Asked at his new conference whether consumer costs will be forced down to some previous le- vel, Truman said he would havk to cross that bridge when he got to it. TRUMAN would not say wheth- er he will ask Congres to amend the defense production act, which forbids placing a ceiling at a level below parity on some important foods. The President gave no indica- tion when controls will be i- posed but he said they are on the way. T h e government Wednesday gave up the idea' of a temporary across-the -board price freeze on business firms as a stopgap device pending preparations for setting up controls with the machinery to supervise them. Opponents of the temporary freeze argued that it would not be feasible because the government hasn't yet got the setup to en- force it. Backers of the plan held that the current wave-of price in- creases is so alarming as to make action necessary. IN HIS news conference Tru- man also declared he has the au- thority to send troops to Europe or anywhere else he thinks they're needed-and he threatened to carry the question to the Ameri- can people if Congress tries to stop him. He said, however, that he will consult with gongressional leaders before he sends more U.S. soldiers to Europe. Truman's remarks, made un- der brisk cross-questioning, add- ed up to a flat rejection of the stand taken 'by Senator Taft (R-Ohio) ' that the President must get Congress' consent be- fore putting American soldiers in the new Western European Defense Force. He also told his .news confer- ence: 1-GEN. Douglas MacArthur, contrary to some published re- ports, has not recommended that United Nations forces be with- drawn from Korea. Of MacArthur, the President said tersely: He's taking orders. Truman likewise de- nied a Tokyo report that Mac- Arthur has been "muzzled" by Washington to prevent his speak- ing publicly about Korea. 2-The White House door is al- ways open to Taft or any other senator. But he has no plans to in- vite Taft to come and see him. (The senator recently offered to join the President in helping form a united foreign policy.) Fourteen Die In Air Force Plane Crashes By The Associated Press Fourteen men crashed to their death within the past two days when their Air Force bombers plummeted to ruin in western United States. Six men died in the fiery crash of a B-29 superfortress near Se- guin and near Muroc, Calif. Bodies of eight men-six air force fliers and two civilian technicians - were found in the wreckage of a missing B-50 bomber about 10 miles east of Edwards Air Base. Air Force officials said five men parachuted to safety before the big B-29 from Randolph air base, San Antonio, plunged to earth in a farm pasture 10 miles south- west of Seguin. The plane ex- HIKES 'NECESSARY': Union Price Increases Hit Returning Students The rising Cost of living hit home this week as students re- turning from vacations were met by a sharp increase in Union prices. The increases, covering every- thing from room rates to cafe- teria prices, were "absolutely nec- essary," according to the Union's manager, Frank Kuenzel. "Without these raises," Kuen- zel declared, "we would have to close our doors." Kuenzel said the increases were caused by two factors: the Uni- versity's 10 per cent blanket sal- The rising cost of living hit "this should be the place to keep prices down for the students." * * * A MORE MODERATE view was expressed by Don Rinner, '52, who said, "I suppose they have to do it but I still think they raised the prices more than they were justified." But most students took a len- ient view of the price rise. A Union student employe, Jerry Warren,'52, had no doubt that the increases were necessary. EDITORS DISILLUSIONED: Spring'.Weather Fails to Stir 'U' ife (EDITORS' NOTE-This is the first of a series of one interpretive article concerning climatic conditions in the Ann Arbor area and their effect on campus life. Research for this "ser- ies" was conducted by Daily Manag- ing Editor Jim Brown and Editorial Director Roma Lipsky.) Herewith, the results. Left Daily office 2:40 p.m. Stop- ped at local drug store. Purchased two ice cream cones. Asked coun- ter girl about increase in sale of ice cream cones during day. She said none. Insisted must be. She WENT TO LOLL with crowds on library steps. Discovered steps bare. Left disillusioned. Spied student huddled near Natural Science Building. In- quired why. "I'm standing in 4"-1... Ua~ h r'.. W3 L,1 -c