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January 11, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-01-11

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Dan gerousTrend


IN A FRENZY to strengthen defenses
against Communism, this nation has
adopted some of the aspects of Soviet prac-
tice it most opposes. The moral of the fable
(Thurber, circa 1930) that you might as
well fall flat on your face as lean over too
ar backward has been forgotten.
Laws have been passed and programs
approved which undermine freedom and
are, at best, self-defeating.
The most outstanding example is the Mc-
Parran Act. This was intended to be a death-
blow to the American Communist Party. But
4t has only made the party's activities more
secretive. The barring of reporters from
many meetings at the recent Communist
Party convention which had been open at
past conventions gives some indication of
Besides failing to 'pchieve its intended
purpose, the bill has backfired at the ex-
pense of many innocent persons, making
them victims of its nefarious alien regis-
tration and immigration provisions. Thus,
after years of damning Russia's Iron Cur-
tain, we established our own, at the same
.time seriously undermining basic civil Hi-
If legislators are constructively interested
in the nation's safety, they should replace
the existing untenable act with something
similar to the original Kilgore proposal. This
provided for the detention of Communists
in case of all-out war with Russia.
ANOTHER CASE in point is the federal
loyalty program. A recently published
study, conducted at Cornell University, con-
cludes that the present loyalty and security
measures have damaged the morale and
deputation of many loyal Americans, check-
d the free flow of scientific ideas and ham-
ered the, obtaining of new scientists. The
I Al
UNTIL JAN. 20 the Rackham Gallery will
display one of the most interesting
shows of the year from the progressive, ex-
gerimental viewpoint: the abstractions of
Prof. GEROME KAMROWSKI of the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design. This ob-
scurely conceptual but powerful art is es-
sentially a pictorial report on the first
grant awarded an artist by the ~Rackham
trustees for research abroad.
The scope of Kamrowpki's research-
In Paris-is embodied in the show itself,
which is introduced by understatements
as "Experiments in actual paintings, ex-
ploiting the new painting techniques,
methods of composition, color relation-
ships, linear structure, and possibilities
of expression."
During his sojourn in Paris he executed
many rubbings of Egyptian and medieval
tomb carvings, and of the walls and even
the streets of Paris themselves, the latter
contributing the ornate exuberance of a
manhole cover and a crude death's-head
characteristic of the timeless graffiti of a
venerable center of civilization-as anony-
mous as the zoomorphic scratichings of
Paleolithic cave dwellers.
Beyond such memorabilia and source
materials the artist, on his return from
Paris, brought only the slowly assimilated
impressions that matured subsequently in
his work of the past year, a body of work.
which can be divided into four groupings:
the large oils, the smaller paintings in dif-
ferent media, and two very new departures-
one the sand paintings, the other the small
Egyptian-inspired panels.
AMROWSKI'S WORK in sand is about
as'close to a truly original expression as
a modern painter can approach, and it is
my guess that these weird creations will be
a perplexing novelty to most spectators.
Not only sand, but sometimes even
gravel, in a binder of varnish, may be
built up almost sculpturally, giving the

appearance of topographical reliefs. "Ce-
lestial" is a startling sight to eyes accus-
tomed to the more traditional-and will
doubtless not fulfill a "popular" role. Its
basic structure (in three-dimensional
terms) is contrived through a pyramided
montage of heavy cardboard polygons, on
which the sand is plastered, then overlaid
with wormlike extrusions of pigment di-
rect from the tube. Here, as in most of
the sand examples, aluminum paint has
been applied with an insecticide sprayer.
The total effect is bizarre in the extreme.
Other metallic colors, as well as those of
a more conventional palette, are sprayed in
pastel blendings on the other sand, paint-
ings, most of which are incised with primi-
tive symbols.
Among the most eye-dazzling examples is
"Frozen," whose frosty granules literally
scintillate against the contrasting nuances
of blue and pink. "Figure" is an eerie at-
tenuation of form insinuated on a narrow
vertical which gaudily combines sand, metal,
and oil pigments, trickled ingeniously.
* *, *
KAMROWSKI'S passionate search for re-
lease from the constraint of convention
is no less apparent in the flat panels of
Egyptian influence, such as the extraordi-
nary "Le Serpent at l'Etoile," with its un-
easy suggestion of ancient occultism in the
almost heraldic image of the winged serpent,
whose three heads rear in profile above the
foutr striding legs.
This group of small panels is easily

loyalty program, established to see that dis-
loyal persons are not given responsible gov-
ernment jobs, has instead discouraged quali-
fied men from entering government and
promoted a trend toward conformist think-
Again, this is a program which verges
on totalitarianism in its limitations on
free thought. It is also self-defeating in
hampering the very scientific research it
seeks to promote.
This is not to imply, nor did the Cornell
study conclude, that we should have no
loyalty program. It means, rather, that we
need a studied revamping. of the program
which would provide necessary security
while eliminating over-zealous control.
STILL ANOTHER aspect of this malignant
near-sightedness is the, loyalty oath. In-
stitutions requiring these oaths, such as the
University of California for example, are
apparently blind to the substantially es-
tablished fact that the Communist party
warmly sanctions lying when it serves the
party's interest. Active Communists are the
first to sign such oaths, loyal Americans
actively interested in the preservation of
civil liberties are the first to be adversely
affected by the requirement.
The entire loyalty oath program was
characterized about two years ago by
Governor Williams as "not worth two
cents." Inflation since then hasn't raised
this value. The only thing to do with the
loyalty oath is to bury it deep enough so
that it does not crop up again.
If we do not halt these repugnant security
efforts, we may find that ill-advised at-
tempts to preserve freedom have succeeded
in killing it. Such a self-inflicted defeat
would be more complete and destructive
than any Russia could hope to accomplish.
-Roma Lipsky

GP Leaders
WASHINGTON - The new 82nd Cong-
ress, which will be with us for the next
two years, will form the backdrop for a
dramatic battle for control of the Republi-
can party. The verdict will come at the par-
ty's national convention a year and a half
from now in preparation for the 1952 presi-
dential election.
The lines were being drawn as the new
Congress assembled around two outstand-
ing party figures.
On the one hand, Herbert Hoover, the
only living ex-President, holding out the
symbol of "A Western Hemisphere Gibral-
tar of Western Hemisphere Civilization,"
which immediately was tagged as "Isola-
tionism" not only by Democrats, including
President Truman, but also by many Re-
On the other hand, Governor Thomas E.
Dewey of New York, the party's titular lead-
er, with his counter appeal to develop and
strengthen our allies so that we may not be

"Gosh, If

o {ST 16-IVJII ,

Only We Had More People
On Our Side!"

DALC ALYANuY 11, 1951

* ..


through an irregular

template of polished

** *
paintings, to my taste, are the large oils
and the taintings of intermediate size, in
such media as casein, or mixed media.
"Mouvement Interne" and "Fete de
Cristal," typical of the large canvases,
are saturated with color, brushed on so
thinly that the texture of the canvas is
revealed. "M. Horror dans l'Arbre," al-
though generally abstract, has near-
human shapes and is remarkable for
transparent effects of rich red suggesting
blood-suffused organs luminous against a
dark background. (M. Horror, who has
made an appearance in a number of Kam-
rowski's post-war paintings, is the con-
cretion of that global miasma of doom
that infects the civilization of the atomic
In 'fact "organic" is the word that best
describes the images in all of this group--
a characteristic deriving from Kamrowski's
earlier abstractions; with the significant ad-
dition in most of these of rectilinear geo-
metric elements. Recent works also seem
less involved-at the same time less pre-
cise, less explicit. In a few of them anthro-
pomorphous patterns are dimly recogniz-
able, whereas such magnificent earlier con-
ceptions in the west room as "Nu a Cheval,"
"Oeil Totemique," and "Constellation
Femme" are convoluted fantasies of vascu-
lar forms, spiky globules, cellular nuclei, and
linear currents of growth and movement
that relate the tree, the river, and the
nervous system. Mutually identified in the
morphological cycle of man's internal life
are the protozoan microcosm and the galac-
tial macrocosm.
ALL IS TRANSLUCENT and penetrable,
for, as Andre Breton wrote on the occa-
sion of the "Bloodflames 1947" exhibit at the
Hugo Gallery:
"If, in the living substance, it is the
peripheral elements (hard and well-dif-
ferentiated) which assure the architec-
tural stability, we must not forget that it
is the nucleus (colloidal by nature) which
governs the maintenance of life. All of
Kamrowski's attention has been brought
to bear on the energizing function of
absorption and emission, which to a great
extent determines corporal structure. He
makes us a witness at the formation of
these structures, contrary to all those
who limit themselves by presenting the
surface to us."
Of the enormous new paintings "Prisme
Magnetique" is outstanding and a conspicu-
ous shift in style from the paintings of the
west room. Superimposed on the fluid or-
ganization of the latter we now see angular
planes, articulating the prismatic refrac-
tion of light, creating moving figures out of
the crystalline fracture of atmosphere.
But it is in several of the smaller works,
notably "Sanctuary," that the most dar-
ing and abandoned use of color can be
found. Here spatial organization through
color reaches the ultimate. Pigments are
used with the greatest freedom, splattered
and incised, but not without control and
meaning. Space recession occurs in sharp
jumps through the chromatic "double
rhythm" of juxtaposed complementaries.
Ocular concentration on this for a few
moments will prove a singular experience.
Kamrowski's contribution has already

BOTH THESE LEADERS are outside Con-
gress. But the impact of their conflict-
ing viewpoints was evident in discussion
among Republican members of the new
Congress in which the party will have such
a strong voice, much more potent than in
the last Congress. 14
Governor Dewey clearly intends to
seize and exercise the leadership of the
internationalist wing of his party by
utilizing the forum afforded by the Gov-
ernor's seat at Albany. This was apparent
when he took the occasion of his inaugur-
ation for a third term to devote virtually
his whole address to foreign policy.
In so doing, he lost no time in picking
up the gage thrown down by Herbert
Hoover. By this same gesture, too, he sang
out his challenge to the outstanding Repub-
lican leader in Congress, Senator Robert A.
Taft of Ohio, who still is identified, as he
has been previously, with the more nation-
alist rpidwest wing of the party. Senator
Taft becomes the natural legatee of what-
ever sentiment, in and out of congress, was
stirred up by Mr. Hoover. That has been
considerable, at least for the moment.
SENATOR TAFT manifestly has in his
camp a majority of Republicans in con-
gress. He has the advantage, too, of his
presence there. But, by the same token, he
is more vulnerable because of that fact. He
must go on record constantly on the for-
eign policy issues as they develop and must
bear much responsibility for the Republican
attitude in Congress.*
In Governor Dewey's favor, looked at
long range, is the fact that his inter-
nationalist wing of the party, while less
influential in Congress, has been trium-
phant in the last three national conven-
tions over the Taft forces, both in plat-
form and in candidates - Wendell L.
Wilikie in 1940 and himself in 1944 and
Politically, the Hoover speech was a break
for Tom Dewey. He was quick to pick up
the ball. It gave him a chance to draw the
issue broadly on cooperation, with our al-
lies, now a fundamental of foreign policy
generally accepted by our people. He main-
tained his Republicanism by the criticism
he has voiced so often before of the admin-
istration's Chinese policy and of its defense
policy which he said, had "allowed the
mightiest force on earth, our naval, air and
ground forces to disintegrate."
Once again Tom Dewey is much in the
national Republican picture.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
At The Michigan .. .
STATE SECRET with Douglas Fair-
banks, Jr., Glynis Johns, Jack Hawkins
and Herbert Lom.
THIS NEAT little thriller produced in
England is a good example of what can
be done with tight direction, a simple, but
provocative story line, and intelligent per-
The story concerns an American doc-
tor who is flown to a fictitious central
European police state (which looks suspi-
ciously like Yugoslavia) to perform an
operation on its ailing dictator. When the
general dies of complications, the doctor's
life expenctancy dives to zero and the
chase is on. The trick is to get out of the
heavily-guarded country with no resources,
faced by a hostile citizenry with the ubi-
quitous state police dogging his every
step. How this is accomplished is achieved
with nice, melodramatic effect and the
suspense is never very far away.
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. looks good in muf-
ti again and is just right for the role of the

harried doctor. As the Minister of State who
is faced with keeping the totalitarian fa-
cade from crumbling, Jack Hawkins is prop-
erly sinister. However, one of the best things
in the picture is Herbert Lom's brief, but
important bit as the doctor's reluctant bene-
factor. His performance is a delight to
watch and, for that matter, so is the picture.

IetteAJ TO
The Daily welcomes communicat
general interest, and will publish allI
and in good taste. Letters exceeding
libelous letters, and letters which for2
be condensed, edited or withheld from
Re ply to Seltzer
To the Editor:
IN A RECENT Daily I noticed
a letter by Dr. H. S. Seltzer. He
is another advocate of World Gov-
ernment, according to his letter.
What I would like to know is,
what makes him think that a su-
pranational government will solve
all our difficulties? The impracti-
bilities of World Government are
well-known to everyone and I
don't think I need elaborate on
them here, but the simple fact that
the Soviet Union is not co-operat-
ing in the United Nations today
should certainly make it clear to
all of us that they would have no
intentions of co-operating in a
much larger World Government.
Mr. Seltzer made the very bold
statement that "This is no time
to pray to God for guidance . .."
in this letter, and added that the
only help there is left will come
from a strong police force of the
world. Well, if the time has come
in America when such an attitude
prevails, I can only say, God for-
give us! Granted that we must
have a strong army and navy to
defend ourselves with, but there
is always time for prayer, it seems
to me.
Christ said, "Call upon Me in
the day of trouble . . ." Perhaps
if more people in America would do
this, we would not be in the ter-
rible plight we now find ourselves.
There is still a just God in Hea-
ven who guides the destinies of
nations, and I may quote the words
of a great leader of yesterday,
"with confidence in our armed
forces; with the unbounding de-
termination of our people; we will
gain the inevitable triumph, so
help us God!"
Yes, now is the time to pray,
America, before it's too late.
--Gene Mossner, '52
*: %* *f

ions from its readers on mattersof
letters which are signed by the writer
300 words in length, defamatory or
any reason are not in good taste will
u publication at the discretion of the
"Isn't any alternative better than
war?" Perhaps if we should try to
negotiate without being afraid that
we might in some way "appease"
the opposing forces,put more mo-
ney into supporting the four-point
program, or even, if other alterna-
tives fail, resort to "passive re-
sistance", we might "yet find some
humane way in which disputes be-
tween nations can be settled and
keep our future from looking like
a nightmare.3
-Pat McMahon
Why Michigan Won...
FIVE-and-fifty was the number
That left Ann Arbor town,
Cross the prairies and the moun-
To take back the football crown.
And I saw them as they came and
The L. A. Big Ten's feast,
No Flag of Stars to greet them:
These contenders from the East.
But only silly song and dance
And ancient wisecrack toast:
The condition of our Nation's life
On this Pacific coast.
But 'fore they joined in football
These Five-and-fifty men,
Paid tribute to their Country
And the Flag that shelters them.
Their band struck up the Anthem
Heard often in their land,
At which their training taught
To bare the head and stand.
And .as the Stars and Stripes were
To greet the mighty throng,
The lungs of Five-and-fifty men
Sent forth the Patriot's Song.
Their duty to their Country done,
And then the football game,
No foul or underhanded trick
Detracted from their fame.
And when the game was ended,
And theirs the football crown,
Homeward their way they wended,
To old Ann Arbor town.
-Charles Cottingham
* * *
Gratitude . .
To the Editors:
WOULD LIKE to tell you how a
Japanese' student spent his
Christmas vacation, moved by
tears of gratitude by the warm
friendship and love of American
educators and their youngsters .. .
Cold wind began to blow and
Christmas was coming on. Every
American student began to wear
a happy look. This time of the year
is also the happiest time to us
Japanese. I was naturally begin-
ning to feel homesick and remind-
ed from time to time of happy
moments I would have back in
Japan. Just then I received a let-
ter from certain Americans then
living in Florida, saying I might
go and see them there. Mr. and
Mrs. Bradshaw are their names.
Both of them are educators and
operate a small private school in
Michigan in the Warm season.
With the coming of the cold sea-

(continued from Page 3) Insured Group Retirement Plans.
or industrial engineer and two Algebra (I) Seminar: Thurs.,
electrical engineers. Some ex- Jan. 11, 4 p.m., Room 3011, An-
perience is preferred, but recent gell Hall. Mr. D. W. Wall will
graduates will be considered. speak on "The Dimension of Al
The American Radiator & Stan- gebraic Varieties."
dard - Sanitary Corp. of Yonkers,
New York, needs mechanical en- Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
gineers, graduating in February, matics: Meeting, Thurs., Jan. 11,
to work in appliance testing in 4 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall.
their Gas Dept. and in Air Con- Mr. Kleinman will speak on "The
ditioning Research. For further Interior of a Square as a Con-
information concerning these tinuous Curve."
jobs, call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Room 3528, Admin- Seminar in Applied Mathema-
istration Bldg. tics: Thurs., Jan., 11, 4 p.m.,
Room 247, W. Engineering Bldg.
L t eProf. G. E. Hay will speak on
ectueOs "The dynamics of a body of vari-
University Lecture, auspices of able mass."
the Department of Philosophy.
" Thinking." Professor Gilbert Doctoral Examination for Mar-
Ryle, Oxford University, England. ion Emmett McArtor, Musico-
Fri., Jan. 12, 8 p.m., 1025 Angell logy; thesis: "Geminiani, Com-
Hall. poser and Theorist," Thurs., Jan.
11, East Council Room, Rackham
University Lecture, auspices of Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, J. H.
the Department of History and Lowell.
the School of Education. "Who
Teaches American History?"Dr
A. C. Krey, Professor of History, Concerts
University of Minnesota. 4:15 p.- Erica Morini, violinist; Leon
m., Fri., Jan. 12, Rackham Am- Pommers at the piano; will be
phitheatre. heard in the seventh concert in
the Choral Union Series, Thurs-
University Lecture, sponsored by day evening, Jan. 11 at 8:30 in
the Geology Department, "Tec- Hill Auditorium.
tonic Framework of North Am- Miss Morini will play the Mo-
erica" (illustrated), Dr. Armand zart Concerto No. 5'in A major;
Eardley, Professor of Geology at Leo Weiner's Sonata in F-sharp
University of Utah, Jan. 12, 8 major, No. 2, which will be heard
a:., Science Auditorium, Natur- for the first time in Ann Arbor;
al Science Bldg. Dr. Eardley is and compositions by Vivaldi-Cor-
the distinguished lecturer selected ti; Tartini; Castelnuovo; and
by the American Association of Sarasate.
Petroleum Geologists for their _____
current lecture tour.
____ Events Today
Academic Notices Canterbury Club: 10 15 a.m,
History 11, Lecture Group 2: Holy Communion-
Final Exam will be held in Wa-
terman Gym. American Society of Civil En-
History 91: Final Exam will be gineers, Student Branch: Joint
held in 1025 A.H. meeting with Chi Epsilon and I.-
T.E.; 7:30 p.m., Room 1213, E.
Make-up exam for Geology 12: Engineering Bldg. The A.S.C.E.
Fri., Jan. 12, 3 p.m., Room 3056, will elect officers for "the coming
Natural Science Bldg. year. Movies.
Astronomical Colloquium: Fri., Women's Glee Club: Rehearsal,
Jan., 12, 4:15 p.m., Observatory. 7:10 p.m.
Speaker:. Mr. William Liller,
"Astronomical Photo - electric Student Science Society: Pro-
Photometry." gram and meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 1400, Chemistry Bldg. Dean
Actuarial Seminar: Fri., Jan. R. A. Sawyer will speak and show
12, 3 p.m. Miss Marjorie Van- color motion pictures of the Bi-
Eenam will begin a discussion of kini atomic atom bomb tests. All
interested persons are invited.
son, they shifted the scl}ool to A Bill of 4 One-Act Plays pre-
Florida. sented by the Department of
I was of course very eager to go Speech at Lydia Mendelssohn
to this southern part of the coun- 'Theatre, tonight and tomorrow
try. . . . night, 8 p.m. The roster of plays
The Sunshine State was won- include two one-acts written by
derful. However it was by the University students: "The Woods
warm heart and love of the peo- Are Still" and "Boke's Friends"
.ple around me that I was really and "Aria Da Capo" by Edna St.
moved. The two educators did me Vincent Millay and "Wurze-
everything they could in their Flummery," by A. A. Milne. Tick-
power. They are by no means mil- ets on sale at the Mendelssohn
lionaires, but just leading a plain (continued on Page 5)
but wholesome life, as is the case
with an educator of every coun-
try. Their schoolr children were
very nice too. They extended to
me a hand of warm friendship and
love. I was not a Japanese there.
I found myself to be one of the
family.. . . We were one and the
same after all! This was a great
discovery to me.
With the end of the Christmas
vacation I had to say goodbye to
those dear people-the most un-
forgettable people in the world.
Smaller kids kissed me a fare-
well. Warm hands were exchanged.
Farewell gifts were given me, andSxy--i
they even provided me with food Sixty-First Year
enough to support me during my Edited and managed by students of
trip back. Thinking of their kind- theouniversity of Michigan under the
authority of the Board In Control of
ness, I had never found the Amer- Student Publications.
ican food so delicious. Thus I

found myself continuing a happy Editorial Staff
trip back to Michigan. From time Jim Brown.........Managing Editor
to time, I was wiping out my tears, Paul Brentinger... ......City Editor
which I could not suppress. Roma Lipsky........ Editorial Director
Dave Thbmas............Feature Elidtor
It is from these people that' a Janet Watts............Associate Editor
better world is born. I was filled Nancy Bylan........Associate Editor
with a greater sense of my mis- James Gregory........Associate Editor
sion and promised to fulfill it. Bob Sandell....AssocIate Sports Editor
The United States is a great coun- Bill Brenton. ...Associate Sports Editor
try. I have now realized this great- Barbara cans.........Women's Editor
ness both externally and inter- Pat Brownson Associate Women's .Editor
nally. Takao Muto Grad. Business Staff
B n D nnits _ . B usiness Managel



"fi, '





_ _


Peace Possibility .

0 ,

To the Editor:
WE HAVE JUST finished fight-
ing one world war and now,
only a few years later,dPresident
Truman has announced, "a na-
tional emergency, which requires
that the military, air, and civilian
defenses of this country be
strengthened as speedily as possi-
ble . .." If we should go into an-
other war at this time, what have
we and the generations that fol-
low to look forward to? If we sur-
vive another war, is there any
certainty that there won't be a
recurrence? Are we to live in times
of constant tension and fear for
the rest of our lives? Will we con-
tinue to kill people and destroy
land? Will we pour funds into
armaments at the expense of edu-
cation, foreign aid, and non-mili-
tary research?
These are only a few questions
that come to mind at the present
time. A glance into the future
makes a person wonder whether
the great expenditure of lives and
time and money is really worth
the existence he will be forced to
live, if he is not killed fighting,
himself, or the victim of an atom
or hydrogen bomb.
It seems to me "the time has
long since come to ask ourselves
the even more important question,


* * *
Art Exhibit . .
To the Editors:
the Rackham Galleries is the
best I've seen in Ann Arbor. When
a guy can, out of all the things,
and shapes there are select thel
few that mean what he feels as
skillfully as this and present them
with this kind of impact, it sends
me for one down on my figurative
-David Vance

flop Lianieis..,....... ..susine .--....bs
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible... . Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz. ....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Prtss
The .Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches creditea to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved,
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by maii, $7.00.

We'll don our disguises,
m'boy, and have a look
around. Don't lose your
head in the excitement--


Certainly. Every single case
immediately turns into fast
thrill-packed melodrama as
soon as a tough Private Eye
like your Fairy Godfather is

I thought I heard a
faint cry for help-
! didn't



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