DANGEROUS TREND See Page 4 Y Lw1 I71aitp !Th v* Latest Deadline in the State NO VOL. LXI, No. 78 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1951 TEMPERATURE CHANGE SIX PAGES Quick Wage, Price Freeze Not inSight General Controls Are Not Planned WASHINGTON-O")-Economic stabilizer Alan Valentine announc- ed last night that the government has shelved any idea of an im- mediate "across-the-board"\ wage- price freeze. A plan for a quick price freeze, to last 30 days while the govern- ment considered more permanent measures, had previously been un- der consideration. In fact, price director Michael V. DiSalle had prepared a tentative order calling for such a temporary freeze g BUT HE AND Valentine dis- closed at a news conference that the idea had been dropped. "We have come to the definite conclusion that we do not plan any general across-the-board stabilization or freeze of prices," Valentine said. He went on to emphasize that the same goes for wages. * * * f f r J t L Troops Stabilize Korean Front BattleRages South of Rail Center; Reds Mlass Forees for New Attack TOKYO-(A')-Hard-driving American, French and Dutch troops today stabilized the critical central Korean front line after a seven- hour battle. One company entered Wonju yesterday but pulled out last night. An Eighth Army spokesman said the main battle with Communist forces raged four miles south of the central Korea rail and road hub. * * * A TANK-LED company of parka-clad soldiers entered Wonju yesterday after moving northwest up a road from Chechon. The com- pany found the town unoccupied and withdrew southwestward down -a road leading to Chungju. , S Marshall To Recr Urges it 18- Congress Year- Olds U 0I HE AX.D DiSalle said would continue with selective trols in specific industries. auto industry is the only ti co T 0) h 01 I7 where price ceilings have been i volved so far. During the day, John L. Lewi said that if the government slapped ceilings on wages an prices it would "put the econ omy in irons." Labor can produce enough R purposes of war or peace if lei free to operate under normal c lective bargaining, he told th wage stabilization board. LEWIS WAS the first of a seri of labor and industry leaders w will appear before the wage boar headed by Cyrus S. Ching. Th objective of the conferences is arrive at a formula to gove wage increases during the d fense emergency. Another who appeared wa Ira Mosher, spokesman for th National Association of Manu- facturers and the -Associated General Contractors. He said in a statement issu after the closed meeting that an; national wage policy should 1 aimed at stabilizing wages b; areas or regional labor marke rather than industry-wide. Mosher opposed making tl Wage Stabilization Board a agency to handle labor dispute which he thought would compl cate or confuse other issues "The cost of living and oth escalator wage increase clauses i contracts should be permitted t operate but only to the exter that they do not violate natiom wage stabilization policy," Moshe said. Morini to Play Choral Union ConcertToday Erica Niorini will bring he $45,000 Stradivarius into Hil Auditorium at 8:30 p.m. today when she presents a violin recita as the first post-Christmas vaca. tion concert of the Choral Unior Series. Miss Morini who began he career in Leipzig as an eight-year- old child will be accompanied by Leon Pommers at the piano. * * * THE CONCERT will be opened with the playing of "Largo" by Vivaldi-Corti. "Variations on a Theme of Corelli" by Tartini and "Con- certo No. 5 in A major, K. 219" by Mozart will also be heard before the intermission. The second . half of the pro- gram will begin with Miss Morini's playing of Leo Weiner's "Sonata in F-sharp major, No. 2." "Ritmo di tango" by Castelnuovo-Tedesco will follow and the concert will be concluded with two of Sara- sate's "Spanish Dances," the first and the eighth. Miss Morini has been featured as soloist with major symphony orchestras and music festivals from coast to coast. Besides her many tours in this country and Europe, she has ap- peared in Australia and the Orient. Miss Morini,' now a citi- zen of the United States, makes her home in New York. ie; n "h )n in nt id e 1'h LS le I- .e ny be tz li- er in arI y e e t - 0 e A e I I Noted Author Lewis Dies In Rome, Italy Sinclair Lewis, noted American novelist, died early yesterday in a Rome clinic after being stricken by a heart attack. Lewis, who had been living in Florence, Italy, was taken ill last December and entered the clinic Dec. 31 for treatment. * * * "THERE CAN be no doubt of Lewis' lasting influence on Ameri- * * * a I i Other American forces, aug- mented by French units, have been'attacking up the Chungju Wonju road against heavy oppo- sition. The patrol which entered Wonju ran into two enemy pla- toons after moving back a mile and a half down the road to Chungju. The Chinese and North Koreans massed powerful forces along the 70 miles between Wonju and Osan, 28 miles south of Seoul. They appeared to be getting ready for a new offensive that may chal- lenge Allied air supremacy for the first time in the war. S* * * U.S. EIGHTH army intelligence reports said a Communist ground force of up to 280,000 men was building up along the front. It was backed up by 500 Chinese Red warplanes and 200 North Korean tanks. Intelligence sources said that the Red planes were available at any time for use across the 150- mile, peninsula-wide front. The planes have never been used in combat. If they go into action in strength, it' will be the first di- rect challenge to the Allied air arm in the more than six months of fighting. Intelligence said the planes probably were located at bases in Manchuria. The tanks were mass- ed near Seoul. Presumably the planes as well as the tanks were Russian-built. The American column that bat-. tled back into the key road and rail center of Wonju through small arms and mortar fire found it empty of Reds. SL Opposes Zoning Plan The Student Legislature came out strongly last night against the proposed alternate zoning revision now under discussion in the city council, because the revision would "discriminate" against co-op and league houses, while favoring fra- ternities and sororities. In a unanimous vote, SL voted to work toward having the amend- ment altered to include all the group houses. The amendment was first pro- posed by Prof. A. D. Moore, chair- man of the City Council ordinance committee, as an alternative to complete banning of the group houses from the top-zoned east side areas of town. He suggested the formation of two kinds of "A" zones, one of which would permit the location of fraternities and so- rorities, to the exclusion of co-ops,, league houses and other group dwellings. There will be an open hearing to discuss the amendment on Jan. 19 in the Council chambers. ~Truman Calls For Balanced SBudget Policy Program May Include Sales Tax WASHINGTON - (A") - Presi- dent Truman wants taxes raised high enough to balance the bud- get during the costly rearmament program. Secretary of the Treasury Sny- der gave notice of the President's deep-dip tax plans at a news con- ference yesterday. * * * ALTHOUGH the Treasury chief gave no figures, the program if enacted may mean an increase of nearly 30 per cent over the pre- sent level, which is designed to bring a record of $45,000,000,000 or more into the government vaults. It also may mean a federal sales tax. Snyder said Truman will offi- cially lay down his pay-as-ypu-go policy to Congress in his economic message tomorrow and his budget message next Monday. * * * "THE PRESIDENT is going to say that the taxes to protect reve- nues should be levied to balance the budget," Snyder declared, add- ing that the details would be pre- sented in a special tax message before Feb. 1. Pending those messages, there was no official indication from the Treasury or the White House on the kind of taxes de- sired or even the size of next year's budget which they are to finance. However, a Democratic congres- sional leader who is in close touch with Administration plans said of- ficial discussions revolve around a $70,000,000,000 budget and about $15,000,000,000 more taxes, Senator Anderson (D -NM) confirmed meanwhile that a na- tional sales tax has been discussed as a possibility, at a meeting be- tween some senators and some high officials in the executive branch of government. A general manufacturers excise tax already has been suggested as a big revenue producer by Rep. John McCormack of Massachu- setts, the Democratic leader of the House. He renewed the suggestion .yesterday. BATTLE LINE-Heaviest Korean fighting was reported in the areas around Osan (A) and Wonju (B). Yesterday the town of Wonju changed hands*twice as the UN forces took and then aban- doned that city. Acheson Has No Plans For Consulting Sen. Taft WASHINGTON-M)-Secretary of State Acheson said yesterday he is always ready to discuss American foreign policies with Republi- cans in Congress but has no plans for calling in Senator Taft (R- Ohio) The Administration, he noted, already consults the minority party through Republican members .of the Senate Foreign' Relations Com- mittee. Acheson made these remarks at a news conference when reporters U S. Industry To Get Large Arms Order A Y SINCLAIR LEWIS s * s * can literature," Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the English Depart- ment declared last, night. Prof. Cowden added, however, that in recent years Lewis had lost his r position as a leader to Ernest Hemingway. "As a writer, I think Lewis had finished his work a long time before he died," he said. Born in Sauk Center, Minne- sota in 1904, the author spent the greater part of his lifetime m Europe, notably Italy. Most of his books were written there. In 1930 Lewis won' the' Nobel Prize for his novel "Babbitt". He was the first American to be awarded this honor. * * * , IN 1926 Lewis was offered the Pulitzer Prize, but refused it onl the basis that there were others more deserving than he. Among the more famous oft Lewis' books are "Main Street",7 "Arrowsmith", "The Innocents", "Dodsworth" and "It Can't Hap-t pen Here". The critics termed the yearst 1926 to 1935 Lewis' most produc-i tive period of writing.1 It was in 1935 also that Lewisc acted as one of the judges for tlhe fiction division of the Hopwoodt Contest at the University.] I- REVIEW ALL ISSUES: Big Three Draft New Peace Note to Russia