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January 10, 1951 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1951-01-10

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Rose Bowl Wacationers Still Dreamof' a




* * * *

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Studying Not Easy After
'Spirited'_Whirlwind Trip
Still dreaming of palni trees and parties, Michigan's, Rose Bowl
"delegation" will have a hard time settling down this week to just
plain classes.
After Wilshire Boulevard, State Street will seem rather plain;
after Ciro's, the West Quad'cafeteria will-uh-; and after days of
sightseeing and nights of reveling, studies will seem very uninteresting.
But most Rose Bowl vacationers agreed: "it's good to get back
to Ann Arbor for some rest."
GOOD SPIRITS marked the whole California visit from the very



-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
ROSE BOWL ANTICS-A palm tree sways under a southern moon, as Michigan Marching Bandsmen carry out one of their famous
formations at the 1951 Rose Bowl in Pasadena. In the background the California flash-card section try furiously to compete with
the band, which drew plaudits from the most die-hard Pacific coast rooters.
* * * *new, * *.
Marching and Bears New 'Transcontinental' Title

To the nation's best college
band, already loaded with lauda-
tory adjectives, comes a new title:
The Michigan Marching Band,
Which has now made coast-to-
coast appearances-both in New
York's Yankee Stadium and in
California's Rose Bowl, was dub-
bed "transcontinental" by proud
director William D. Ravelli, dur-
ing the band's 6,000 mile trip to
the west coast.
S. * *
TRAVELING IN A 15-car spe-
cial train, the band stopped to pa-
rade in Albuquerque, San Francis-
co, Fresno and Wichita, as well as
Los Angeles and Pasadena.
The trip, which was sponsored
by the Buick Division of Gene-
ral Motors, served to corrobo-
rate rumors that had drifted to
the west coast about the band's
amazing prowess.
.The band began its Rose Bowl
show auspiciously with a pre-game
minstrel show, featuring a trom-
bone novelty number, "Slidin'
Sam," followed by a tribute to Al
Jolson, "April Showers," during
which Jolson and his famous ges-
tures were depicted.
duel was, of course, during half-
time. The California band made
several formations representing
the Wolverines' trip to Pasadena,
which they ended with a question
mark, indicating that the biggest
problem for Michiganders in Cali-
fornia is what is "The Thing"?
Following the California fin-
ale, Prof. Revelli picked up
where his rivals left off. Playing
"The Thing," band, members
halted at the sight of two
strange-looking blue and gold
boxes on the field. To the tra-
ditional "creeping up" music,
they crouched and approached
the boxes cautiously. "
No need to worry, however, ac-
cording to half-time announced
Pres Holmes. "The Thing" was a
harmless Christmas package.
WITH THIS theme established,
the band proceeded to give a re-
view of choice formations from
previous games. Although the show

was familiar to Michigan fans, in
the stands across the field Pa-
cific coast rooters were really over-
whelmed to watch bandsmen move
down the field as a toy train en-
gine complete with smoke and re-
volving wheels.
Depicting record albums as a
gift, the band turned into a tree
and moon, as it played Bali Hai.
Then the moon and tree sud-
denly becamea hula doll, which
did a dance, moving legs, arms
and body. Even spectacle-wise
Californians were impressed.
The popular "wooden-soldiers"
routine was performed next. Fol-
lowing this the band went into the
atom sequence of revolving atom
circles finally exploding into a

mushroom smoke cloud, while{
Holmes announced that the only
thing that wasn't in the Christ-
mas package was peace.
* * *
THE HALF-TIME exhibit end-
ed with the formation of "U.S.A."
with a Statue of Liberty in the
center of the field. Taps were
played, as in the original Ann Ar-
bor presentations, after which the
audience joined the band in sing-l
ing "God Bless America."
Both the pre-game and half-
time shows were repeated by the
band at the Seal Stadium in San
Francisco and at the Fresno
State College Stadium in Fresno.
At the Fresno appearance 2,000
bandsmerq from high schools in;

the San Joaquin Valley were
among the crowd of 15,000 who
gathered to watch the band. An
impromptu clinic on marching
band techniques were devised with
the front rank of the Wolverine
band acting as demonstrators.
ALTHOUGH the big tour is over
for the -bandsmen, who have set-
tled down to the routine campus
life, there's still plenty of work
ahead fo'r band business manager
Dean Walter B. Rea.
T h e . hard-working associate
dean of students, who seldom was
separated from his bulging brief-
case during the entire Rose Bowl
trip, still has weeks ahead of him
of adjusting unsettled matters and
paying the bills.

first, when Wolverines flocked tof
. * *5 *
Get .Praised
By Trainman
Train conductor Lewis Fraley, a
veteran of many "specials" called
the students on the return Wol-
verine Special a "mighty fine
bunch of kids."
Fraley, who has the star and
bars of 30 years service on his
sleeve, is in charge of Union Pa-
cific trains passing over the 200
mile stretch between Green River
and Cheyenne, Wyo.
In his years of conducting spe-
cial trains, which are his "spe-
cialty," Fraley has been in charge
of all kinds of groups-from Holy
Rollers to Chi Omegas going to
Sun Valley.
He finds the work easier on
special trains than on regular
trains, for he can do all his work
through the groups in charge,
The conductor claimed that
despite outward appearances, the
Wolverine group was very well-
behaved. He admitted, however,
that his judgment may have
been tempered by several rides
with convention-bound legion-
"At least I could accompany
you Michiganders with a clear
conscience," Fraley said, ref er-
ring to the Rose Bowl game. "I
knew Michigan had it in the

Pasadena by plane, train, bus and
""U-Drive-It" to see their team
put California fans out of pocket
money and into shame.
The largest group of Michi-
gan rooters to descend upon the
coast came in a special train
chartered by the Wolverine
Club. Leaving Chicago on Dec.
28, three hours late, the train
sped 126 of the Rose-Bowl-bent
through nine states to bring
them into Los Angeles' Union
Station Dec. 30, on time.
The special train consisted of
two Pullmans, two coach cars, a
diner and two club cars, which
were occupied at all times by both
students and guitars.
AT KANSAS CITY, the train
riders established the ceremony
of parading at each stop through
railroad depots boisterously iden-
tifying themselves. During some
of the stops, the students dashed
off to souvenir stores, or to drug
stores where they made purchases
to replenish the fast-diminishing
resources of the club cars.
The train entered Los Ange-
les through a dense fog, which
brought forth brittle comments
on "California sunshine."
The Clark Hotel, Wolverine
Club headquarters in Los Angeles,
was bedecked in blue and, gold
banners saying: "Welcome, Mich-
igan." Other blue and gold ban-
ners said: "Welcome, California."
A BLACKBOARD by the eleva-
tors of the Clark Hotel kept the
student group in touch with Mich-
igan party plans, bus arrange-
ments, and other necessary in-
The crowd from Berkeley ar-
rived the day before the game,
and many of them stayed at the
Clark. The inner courts of the
hotel echoed with competitive
shouts, while hotel official look-
ed patiently unhappy. Adding
to the pandemonium was a
group of soldiers from Camp
Cook, Illinois, who shouted their
own special yells out of the
High point in a New-Years-Day-
long of cheering came with the
bus ride back to Los Angeles from
the Rose Bowl, after the game.
With unweakening vigor the vic-
tory-happy rooters "sounded-off"
every other minute, and serenaded
startled Pasadena residents with:
"We don't give a damn for the
whole state of Caaaaal."
THE TRAIN RIDE back to Ann
Arbor was distinctly an anti-cli-
max, chiefly because most of the
students were broke.
A minor fire in the wind pro-
tector between two cars caused
some excitement, however, and
further interest was provided by
a birthday party on the train,
for which the dining car in-
spector secured a cake in Chey-
enne, and served it with coffee,
compliments of the steward.
The whole whirlwind vacation
came to an end as the train pulled
into Ann Arbor early Monday
morning, almost 12 hours behind
schedule, and students stumbled
off, with sombreros, pennants,
spring coats, and newly labeled
luggage into the great pre-exam


-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
THE VICTORS VALIANT-Sporting. sombreros, banners, a por-
tion of the Rose Bowl goal post, and a new type of rah-rah hat-
home made out of a dime store sun helmet-Michigan students
shout one last gloating good-by to California before heading
home to snowy Ann Arbor.



U' Student Falls into Fortune
In California Quiz Program
California quizmasters, eager to of a record a month for six
capitalize on the Michigan inva- months.

sion of their state, brought fame
and fortune (both temporary) to
several University students on
their radio programs.
One of these fortunates, Jim
Rankin, '54, walked off with $64,
a victrola, an album of "Call Me
Madam" records, and a promise
Daily Appears
On .Famous
L.A. Corner

Rankin, who stumbled his way
throtigh "Geography D ou bl e
Talk" on "The Sixty-Four Dollar
Question," New Years Eve was
quite overcome by his luck.
Rankin and two friends had se-
cured tickets to the program, but
their ticket numbers were not
among those drawn from the
golofish bowl, by which means
ccntestants on the program are
Program Emcee Jack Parr,
however, wanted. someone from
Michigan on this program, and
upon discovering that none of
the regular participants had that


The Daily mingled with movie distinction, asked among the au-
stars New Years Eve, when copies dience.
of the special Rose Bowl edition Rankin and his friends made
were passed out on the corner of themselves known, and Parr told
Hollywood and Vine. them to "pick a number between
Brought to California on the one and 10." Rankin guessed
alumni and athletic department lucky seven and found himself in
special train, 5,000 Dailies greet- front of the microphone.
ed Michigan fans in Los Angeles He chose the category "Geo-
for the big game. graphy Double Talk" because he
Of these, 100 copies were allo- "wanted something to guess
cated for distribution at news around in" and not have to give
stands on each, of the four cor- a true or false apswer.
ners of the famous intersection. Parr, who found plenty of op-
Other Dailies were placed in portunity for wisecracks, told his
the Clark, Biltmore and Hunting- audience that the Michigan team
ton Hotels, headquarters for the would probably fare as well as
Wolverine Club, .alumni and team the Michigan contestant.
respectively. The remainder were With the help of "generous
passed out at the grandstands hints from the audience," Rankin
during the Tournament of Roses went right up to the top, and
parade. copped the $64,
California natives, spying the Later realization brought forth
large pictures of Dufek and Wahl from, them depreciating com-
on top of the front page, but not ments, which were stopped cold,
noticing "The Michigan. Daily" however, by a Wolverine remark:
thought it was a metropolitan "I don't see the U. of C. paper
newspaper gone beserk. out here."


-Courtesy The Los Angeles Times


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