BUTLER CAMPAIGN See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State Daitt. PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXI, No. 77 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10, 1951 'SIX PAGES ; UN!I Austin Rules Out War on ChinaPropei Four Point Pla Given for Peac By The Associated Press ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. America's chief UN delegate, Wa ren R. Austin, last night outlin a four point proram to meet tI Korean crisis, but ruled out ax direct war against the Commu ist-held China mainland. Austin said the high strategy American policy is to stand fa to the principles for which t United States entered the Koreas war, while continuing to welcon any honorable and peaceful se tlement. "WE MUST never let the a gressor, be he large or small, cor vert temporary military success into the defeat of those prine ples," Austin said in a speech b fore the Association of America Colleges. "That is the high strategy For the day to day tactics w 'A must rely upon consultations o the United Nations and deci- sions of the commanders, secure however, in the knowledge tha no responsible authority pro- poses to march into a morass of the China mainland." Austin said the United Stat is trying to line up support for program featuring these point 1. A finding that the Chine Reds have flouted UN authorit and committed aggression in Kc rea. 2. A reaffirmation of UN pin poses in Korea, calling for t withdrawal of the Chinese Con munists and for all UN membei to refrain from assisting the ag gressor. 3. A call for each member t support action decided upon b the UN in proportion to its abil ity., 4. A move to activate Immedi ately the newly created collectiv security committee to consider th means to meet existing aggressio and prevent further aggression. In London Britain and India were reported last night seek- ing a compromise between American and Communist Chin- ese positions to end the Korean war and so sidestep a United Nations showdown. At Lake Success, the UN pre pared to make one final appeal t Peiping for peace in Korea be fore taking up an American de mand that the Chinese Commun ists be branded as aggressors Declare War On Chinese, Capehart Says WASHINGTON -(A) Senatoi Capehart said last night he woulk vote for a declaration of wa against China to give Americar men fighting in Korea every chance to go after the Chinese Communists who are killing them The Indiana Republican made that reply to a question asked him on a radio debate by Senator Lehman (D-Lib.-N.Y.) CAPEHART said that if he had had anything to do with it the United States never would have had troops' in Korea in the first place. Later he told reporters he wanted to emphasize that the U.S. should not stand by a~nd permit the Chinese to kill Amer- ican boys and then deny the boys the right to go get, them. Capehart also said in the debate that he would like to see Secre- tary of State Acheson and the U.S. delegates to the United Na- tions resign their posts. Marquis Childs, columnist who appeared on the program, asked Capehart who he would name sec- retary of state if Acheson re- signed. orces Drive Reds Back Near onju o, * * * * # " * O fficials Ponder U.S. Sales L evy $10 Billion New Revenue Needed To Finance Huge Defense Program WASHINGTON-(g)--A nation-wide sales tax designed to raise 10 or $15 billion dollars a year is under discussion among high officials, Senator Anderson (D-N.M.) said yesterday. Anderson disclosed this in a speech before the Maryland Farm Bureau at Baltimore after President Truman asserted that the nation must be taxed "until it hurts" to finance the huge defense program. Anderson said: "I was in a gathering in Washington in the past 10 days at which high and responsible officials discussed the possibility that there would be such a gap between receipts and expenditures in our budget that we would have to resort to a nation-wide sales Short Hints 4,500,000 Army by '52 Reserve Policies Blasted by VFW By The Associated Press Rep. Dewey Short (R-Mo.) hint- ed the nation's armed forces may rise to 4,500,000 by the summer of 1952 and said all 19-year-olds will see at least two years service. Short, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said that the old concept of military training as six months training followed by inactive service on re- serve lists is completely dead. "We have insufficient manpow- er to afford this luxury," he ex- plained. * i l i Bonn, Talks On German Troop's Open By The Associated Press Allied and German generals opened secret talks in Bonn, Ger- many, over adding West German troops to the Atlantic Pact Com- mand of Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- hower, whose expeditionary armies finally crushed Hitler's Wehr- macht against the Soviet anvil less than six years ago. 4 A dozen military and civilian experts joined in a three-hour conference whose object, a com- munique said, was "to explore the part which Germany might as- sume for the maintenance of peace and in the common defense of Europe." S 5 * AN ALLIED delegate said the meeting, to be followed by an- other next Tuesday, was "useful and friendly." , Two generals of Hitler's de- feated army, Hans Spiedel and Adolf Heusinger, were in a five- man German delegation closet- ed with the representatives of the United States, Britain and France at the hotel, the head- quarters of the Allied High Com- mission. The conferees discussed techni- cal aspects of Western measures intended to avert the threat of World War III. The 12 Atlantic Pact nations want a force of 150,- 000 West Germans among 1,000,- 000 troops to be placed under Eis- enhower by 1953. The Germans have made it known that they want equality for their troops and sweeping political concessions from the occupying powers if they decide to take up arms again. Meanwhile, Gen. Eisenhower arrived in Brussels with a de- mand for strong troops and a pro- mise that, with them, Western ci- vilization can be preserved with- out fighting. Brussels was the General's sec- ond major stop on a tour that began Sunday in Paris and will ultimately take him to all the countries banded together in thea North Atlantic Alliance against aggressive Communism. tax designed to bring in ten or fifteen billions of dollars annually. I don't know whether that will come or not but I say it's a pos- sibility." SENATOR BYRD (D-Va.) sug- gested a sales or transactions tax probably would have to be con- sidered if the nation is to be put on a pay-as-you-go basis as it presses its defense preparations. Aiming at possibly $10,000,- 000,000 in new revenue - the third big increase since the Korean war started, Congress leaders arranged to start work Feb. 1 on the problem of how to raise the money. Byrd told newsmen : "I feel certain that, if the bud- get is balanced, Congress not only must cut all non-essential govern- ment spending and increase the existing sources of revenue, but also enter new fields of taxation -probably such as a retail sales or transactions tax." Truman's grim statement that "it is necessary to tax until it hurts" was made in a conciliatory letter to Byrd, an ardent economy and pay-as-you-go man, with whom he has clashed frequently' on fiscal policy. The Senator madeI public the letter.I Obviously offering an olivel branch to Byrd in the spirit ofI IN AN ADDRESS on selectivE 'service before the 37th annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges, Short said: "For reasons of military se- curity, I cannot discuss the sub- ject in as much detail as I would like, but it can be fairly said that Washington is rife with rumors attributed to 'informed sources' that the 3,500,000-man figure is from 500,000 to 1,000,- 000 lower than the goal being sought by the summer of 1952." Short said "it is inescapable that every 19-year-oldiyoungster physically capable of military ser- vice must serve." * * S MEANWHILE, Omar B. Ket- chum, director of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, said in Washing- ton that most reservists are "like fleas on a hot skillet", because they are subject to call on such, short notice. Testifying before a House Arm- ed Services subcommittee investi- gating reserve policy, Ketchum said'defense chiefs should be able' I to say well in advance just what I reserve units will be needed and when. He proposed 90 days as "fair notice." In other developments: 1. The Navy announced it will order 47,000 enlisted reservists to active duty during April, May and June. The revised quota is 32,000 more than the Navy had expected to call during the three-month period. 2. The Navy said it will accept only 21,200 volunteer recruits dur- ing the rest of January because the training cenlters -at Newport, R.I., Great Lakes, Ill., and San Diego, Calif., have reached their manpower limits. The Air Force has announced similar action. It said only 1,000 recruits could be sent daily to Lackland Air Force Base in Texas until sometime in the spring. World News l f HOLD-UP-A train jammed with refugees (left background) is forced to wait while a British Cen- taurian tank crosses a railroad track south of Suwon in Korea. Both are fleeing advancing Chinese Communists. Meanwhile, the United Nations forces gained close to three miles on the central front in a drive to capture the transport center of Wonju, now in Communist hands. * * * * , Army Tightens' Korean Censorship Restrictions his State of the Union message call for cooperation, Truman ad- dressed his letter "Dear Harry," and told Byrd: "I am very highly pleased with your pledge of,. support in the; present emergency. Burke to Head Li uor Board George J. Burke; Jr., local at- torney, was yesterday elected chairman of the three-pan Mich- igan Liquor Control Commission. Burke, who was appointed to the commission two weeks ago by Gov. G. Mennen Williams, was nominated by his Democratic col- league John J. Kozaren of Ham- tramck, The nomination was sec- onded by Allen B. Milham, Kala- mazoo Republican, and the elec- tion was automatic. . The governor had indicated that he wants Burke to pay special at- tention to problems of enforce- ment of state liquor laws. The commission has come in for heavy TOKYO -(IP)- Censorship re- strictions on battle news from Ko- rea were clamped down hard at Eighth Army Headquarters yes- terday. The new rules threaten ouster or even court-martial for a cor- respondent who strays out of fine. AMONG OTHER things, corre- House Arms Group Okays Navy Boost WASHINGTON-();-A $2,000,- 000,00( program to add power to Navy punches with a 60,000-ton "super" aircraft carrier and 172 other new ships went through the House Armed Services Committee yesterday in a bare two hours. The swift approval of the auth- orization measure, only one day, after it was offered by committeei chairman Vinson (D-Ga.), was striking evidence of the temper of Congress under the lash of reverses in Korea and worldwide Soviet threats. IT WAS TAKEN as. a sure sign of a clear road ahead for rearma- ment proposals, so long as they add to this country's own defense sinews. The bill approved yesterday also provides for modification and conversion of 291 existing vessels. The committee made sharp in- creases, in both new building and modernization, from the figures first proposed by Vinson. Regent Hayward Remains in Coma University Hospital officials said yesterday that the critical condi- tion of Regent Ralph A. Hayward remained "unchanged." Hayward has been unconscious since Thursday when he was op- ierated on to relieve inter-cranial pressures. spondents are not permitted to use the word "retreat" .in connec- tion with the withdrawal of UN forces. The pullback, according to security officers in Tokyo, is a planned and orderly withdrawal-- not a retreat. Stories from Korea will not be allowed to mention identity of units, numbers of troops or their type, the strength, effici- ency, morale or organization of UN forces, armament or equip- ment of any kind, or "plans of the army-real or possible.'" Information which would "in- jure the morale of our forces. or our allies" or which would "em- barrass the United States, its al- lies or neutral countries" also was banned. * * * THE CENSORSHIP is absolute, since the army rigidly controls communications out of Korea. One section of the new regula- tions warns newsmen that they may have their privileges suspend- ed if the office of their publica- tion or organization should re- write a dispatch and distort it in the process. War stories written in Tokyo are submitted to a "press advisory board" which checks them for se- curity. The board still has not been notified to put the Korean regulations in effect here. Leave Colony, YanksAdvised HONG KONG-(Y')-The U.S. Consulate General yesteiday ad- vised all American dependents to quit this British Crown Colony be- cause of "the deterioration of the situation in the Far Eastt" Consul General Walter P. M. McConaughey insisted the warn- ing was "more or less precaution-+ ary." He saw no actual emergency Weakness In Large Arm Seen by Taft, WASHINGTON - (IP) - Sena- tor Taft (R-Ohio) declared yes- terday that creation of a great American land army would weak- en the United States"as an "arse- nal of democracy" in the struggle against Communism. Instead, Taft proposed a 10-year middle course policy aimed at the fastest possible mobilization with- out crippling the economy. But Taft said the United States will "have to go to war with'the Russians if they attack Western Europe. In that case, the Senator add- ed, the whole situation would be different. COUNTERING President Tru- man's call Monday for the defense of Europe as the keystone of American security, Taft again urged a mighty buildup of U.S. air and sea weapons rather than emphasis on ground troops. The Ohio lawmaker said he favors the complete release of Generalissimo Chiang Kai- Shek's Chinese Nationalist forc- es to fight the Chinese Reds. Once again, as he did in a ma- jor policy. speech to the Senate last Friday, Taft discounted the threat of another great war soon.' MEANWHILE yesterday, Harold Stassen-optimistic of chances for world peace-said any Russian ag- gressive war would touch off an internal soviet revolt. 'Back from a world tour, the Re- publican president of the .Univer- sity of Pennsylvania said: "While there are very real dangers of world war, the pros- pects for world peace are brighter than at any time in the past three years." He gave as one reason for this opinion: ."People everywhere, including Allies Move To Capture Vital Center Gain Three Miles On Central Front BULLETIN WITH THE U.S. SECO D DIVISION, KOREA-() - Ad- vance elements of the U.S. See- ond Division advanced to with- in two miles of Wonju early to- day in a drive to retake the key central Korean rail and road hub. North Korean Communist forces hurled a strong retalia- tory blow at the counterattack- ing Second Division elements a short time later. TOKYO - (MP)-Furious Allied counterblows yesterday drove the enemy back nearly three miles on the vital central front near the fallen transport center of Wonju. A field dispatch said the coun- ter-attack appeared designed to recapture Wonju. The city fell to the Reds Monday. It controls highways leading into southeast- ern Korea. * * * AS THE counter-attack gained momentum, the UN forces ran into enemy mortar fire but cas- ualties"among the attackers were light. Three North Korean divisions were bearing the weight of the counter-blows about four miles south of Wonju. The attackers strove to stem the tide of Chinese and Korean Com- munists rolling in ever increasing waves down the mountain roads in central Korea. ONLY PATROL action was re- ported in the west on the front south of fallen Seoul for the fourth staight day. But the om- inous buildup of\ Red Chinese power continued. Associated Press correspon- dent John Randolph, with the UN columns falling back from Seoul and now more than 60 miles south of the 38th parallel, said the Red buildup "appeared to he planned for the strongest possible attack when the drive begins." This was the first report that Chinese artillery had been dragged south of the ice-jammed Han Riv- er, which flows past Seoul. * * * FIGHTING in the center of the front raged near Wonju. Two UN battalions turned two miles south of Wonju and attacked a North Korean fprce. The fight was still in progress at last reports. Six miles southwest of Wonju another fierce action forced back the enemy. The counterattack was in regi- mental strength. It was loosed north of Chechon, another trans- portation centeron the road net- work to the south. Chechon is 60 miles south of the 38th parallel. Stacy Set for Prison Unless Young Appeals Robert H. Stacy, convicted for firing Haven Hall, appeared to be on his way to Southern Michigan Prison at Jackson for sure today as his attorney failed to appeal for an extended stay of sentence. Leonard R. Young, Stacy's law- yer, said however that he might make the appeal today after con- ferring with Circuit Judge James R. Breakey, Jr. "I DIDN'T want to make the ap- peal yesterdayas I want to be sure of how such a move will turn out," Young said. He noted that an extension could still be granted if he re- quested it. The temporary stay * of sentence expired Monday. Breakey's office reported that as no appeal had been made the judge would probably today sign the committment papers that END OF THE WOI LLD? criticism for its methods of hand- ling violations. Canadian Cult Awaits Message from. Heaven' i I, By The Associated Press ROME--The United States has given Italy the go ahead signal on' a $416,000,000 program of em- ployment and factory expansion to turn Italy's industries, into an arsenal for the Atlantic Pact Pow- ers, reliable sources said last night. BELGRADE, Yugoslavia -- A new Yugoslav newspaper, the Weekly Informative News, said in its first issue yesterday that appeasement of Russian ag- gression can only lead to en- slavement. * * e NEW YORK-William Reming- ton's lawyer clashed with the in the offing. the iron curtain countries, want Nervous Americans, however, peace and freedom and the Rus- have watched the Chinese build sian Kremlin faces a counter-rev- up their armed f o r c e s this olution, which will include the Red month to more than 45,000 on the Army itself, if it begins an ag- border of this uneasy colony. gressive war." KEREMEOS, B.C.-(P---Flick- ering lights shone from an isolat- ed stone farm house last night as "K" day drew to a close without the heavenly portent expected by hymn-chanting members of a strange religious sect. For 15 days the 35 members of the "children of light" have await- ed a mystic change. Some said it would be the end of the world. Others thought it would be the second coming of Christ. THIS WAS "K" day. K, the cult- ists said, stands for the Kingdom. of God. But if there was any man- ifestation within the cottage - I ear-old vyouth from nthe house. i The boy's mother says he has been court yesterday while trying to hypnotized. . prove that the government's star Police are now considering the witness, Elizabeth Bentley, "has complaint. They can issue a an interest in the prosecution of warrant allowing forcible entry I the defendent." for removal of the youth.WASHINGTON-Senator Me-U Earlier, Mrs. Grace Agnes Carl- (ASINGTONs.}.hleneto ec son, 50-year-old cult leader, prom- Carthy (R-Wis.) .challenged the ised school trustees that 11 chil- Army yesterday to tell whether dren in the group would be back columnist Drew Pearson is be- in their classrooms todaying allowed access to secret mii- Presid The leaderooms toay. tary messages at the Pentagon soft-peda Telae, who wears a flow - --and if so, why. n hsS ing white robe and red cape, re- n4 s Mnday flected irritation at the inter- WASHINGTON-The Agricul- serving ruptions by outsiders. ture Department predicted yes- sartiga 9 7 -;partisan terday that meat prices-already! national Y T";* A ~ ~ .. Q L e-x the subject of deep governmentJ CILIATORY ADDRES S': Init y Seen as Truman's Objective By ent Aled tate in the fo CAL SAlRA ing of ground troops to Europe Truman deliberately -a hot question at the moment, controversial issues he continued. of the Union address Nor was the Administration's the interest of pre- Asian policy made clear, he ex- outlines of our bi- plained. "Mr. Truman speaks of reign policy and our supporting economically and mili- In it Truman asked for unity, but added: "I do not ask, or expect, unani- mity. I do not ask an end to de- bate. Only by debate can we ar- rive at decisions which -are wise, and which reflect the desires ofj the American people. We do not Iunity. tarily 'all free nations,' but he