See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
UN Retreats;
Reds Take
Wonju, Osan
Allied Warplane.
Exact Heavy Tolt
TOKYO -(A')- The retreatin
Eighth Army abandoned two im
portant towns on east and wes
sides of the front in South Kore
yesterday while Allied warplane
took a heavy toll of the invadin
Chinese and Korean Commun
In the West, Osan, almost 6
miles south of the 38th paralli
and 28 miles below Seoul, wa
given up without a fight. It i
on the old "heartbreak highway
down which Americans and Sout
Koreans first retreated before th
North Korean invaders last July
A * *
IN THE EAST, UN troops qui
the burning road and rail hub o
Wonju after a valiant delayin
action that brought time for pre
paratiori of defenses farther souti
More than 1,750 Reds were
estimated killed, wounded or
captured in ground actions and
air strikes yesterday.
Pilots reported the roads soutl
and southeast of Seoul and nort
of Wonju were jammed with Red
pursuing the Eighth Army south
While B-29 Superforts concen
trated on the Seoul area, smash
ing the runways of Kimpo Air
field with bombs, jets and pis
ton-engined fighters and ligh
bombers swooped on t r o 0
concentrations near the Han Riv
ONE 20-MILE stretch of roal
north of Wonju was transforme
into a death-trap for the Reds.'
Maj. Gen. Earle E. Partridge
U.S. Fifth Air Force Commander
said jet planes alone inflictee
more than 1,000 casualties on th
Allied warships on both West
and East Coasts also fought to
delay the Reds. The American
cruiser Rochester and the Brit-
ish cruisers Kenya and Ceylon
bombarded Inchon, Seoul's port,
for the fourth straight day.
On the East Coast four Ameri-
ican destroyers and two Siamese
corvettes shelled road and rai
links for a distance of 60 mile,
north of the 38th parallel.
General MacArthur was using
his marked superiority in the ai:
and on the sea to give some
breathing space to his heavily
outnumbered ground forces.
Randolph said the fall of Osar
"narrowed" the distance betweer
the onrushing Reds and the re-
treating Eighth Army.
Prison Term
May Start For
Stacy Today
Convicted arsonist Robert H.
Stacy will leave today for a 5 to
10 year term in Southern Michi-
gan Prison at Jackson unless an
expected appeal for another tem-
porary stay of sentence is grant-
Stacy was sentenced last Thurs-
day by Circuit Judge James R.
Breakey, Jr. Breakey recommend-
ed that the former University
Steaching fellow be made to serve
the minimum term.
AT THE SAME time he granted
the 30-year-old arsonist a 10-day
stay which expiired last night.
But Washcenaw County police
officials said yesterday that Leo-
nard H. Young, Stacy's court-ap-
pointed lawyer, would probably
ask Breakey to grant a new ex-
-tension this morning.
Stacy's sentencing, originally
scheduled for ' today, was ad-
vanced because, "everybody con-
nected with the case was ready,"
r according to Prosecutor Doug-
I-. ,r
-Daily-Jack Brgstrom
* * * * __________________________________________________
lGiant Crowd Welcomes
Rose Bowl Champions
Wined, dined and a trifle travel weary, Michigan's 1951 Rose
Bowl champions received a warm homecoming welcome from a crowd
of 5,000 townspeople and students as their special train arrived early
Saturday evening at the New York Central depot.
The crowd which swarmed around the ancient stone station and
struggled for vantage points on the bridge and surrounding embank-
ments, braved a biting wind and temperatures in the low twenties
to roar their approval of the gridders' 14-6 conquest of California.
. . . *
AS THE TEAM MEMBERS filed from their 13 car train to the
welcoming strains of "The Victors" played by the Ann Arbor High
School Band, they were mobbed by happy friends, appreciative par-
'ents and small children with auto-
i, TYjgraph0books.
1..A. Hayward,
'UT' Regent, in
Critical State
,The critical condition of Re-
gent Ralph A. Hayward was des-
cribed yesterday as "unchanged"
by University Hospital officials.
Regent Hayward entered the
hospital last Wednesday and un-
derwent a brain operation Thurs-
day to relieve intra-cranial pres-
sures. He has not regained con-
sciousness since the operation and
doctors describe his state as ser-
The prominent 55 - year - old
Michigan businessman was elected
to the Board of Regents in April,
1943. His term expires at the close
of this year.
A graduate of the University,
Regent Hayward was appointed
assistant professor of engineering
here in 1923 but resigned the fol-
lowing year to become general
manager of the firm which he now
Regent Hayward is a trustee of
Kalamazoo College, chairman of
the Michigan State Highway Ad-
visory Board and a member of
several corporation boards of di-
Beaming with victory smiles,
University President Alexander
G. Ruthven and Coach Bennie
Oosterbaan mounted a hastily
improvished sound truck to
praise the team which had
chalked up the University's
third Rose Bowl victory.
President Ruthven, a tackle on
teams at Iowa's Morningside Col-
As an extra section of today's
paper, The Daily prints a re-
vised edition of the 1951 Rose
Bowl supplement. The supple-
ment printed today is identical
with the one distributed free
on New Year's Day in Pasadena,
with the exception of the first
page, which has been revised to
cover the game.
lege almost half a century ago,
happily clutched the gilted vic-
tory ball to his chest.
Fullback Don Dufek who scor-
ed both Wolverine touchdowns al-
so made an appearance at the
The welcome exceeded in num-
bers, at least, any previous re-
ception accorded a Michigan team.
Adding color to the Ann Arbor
welcome was a set of railroad
flares on the enbankment behind
the station spelling out the word
Top French
Officials Talk
PARIS-()--Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower got down to brisk talks
with the French yesterday on just
what they are going to do to help
defend the west against any push
from the east.
American military sources said
the answers he got help support
the General's belief that the At-
lantic community can build an
international army to defend
Western Europe. There was no of-
ficial word from the talks, but it
was believed the French pledged
immediate transfer of their three
divisions now in Germany and
Austria to the Eisenhower pom-
An authorized source said "all
the problems of defending Eur-
ope," were discussed.A
Men's Judic
Petitions for a one-year term of
the Men's Judiciary Council are
available from 3 to 5 p.m. any day
this week at the Student Iegisla-
ture Bldg., 122 S. Forest, Dave
Brown, '53, SL publicity chair-
man, announced yesterday.
Three vacant positions on the
council are open to any eligible
male student. Petitions must be
returned to the SL office by Mon-
Selection of the Council mem-
bers will be made by the council
president and the male members
of the SL cabinet.
Brown also reported that Fri-
day will be the last day in which
campus organizations can return
applications for co-sponsorship of
movies with the SL Cinema Guild
for next semester.
LANSING - (P) - Governor.
Williams yesterday requested a
sipplementary appropriation for
the completion of the Angell Hall
addition and the University Hos-
pital out-patient clinic.
His appealcame as a part of an
over-all request for $37,000,000 to
clean, up someof the state's un-
finished business and' was his first
major request of the new legis-
' * * *
THE GOVERNOR asked for
$2,024,000 for completion of the
Angell Hall addition and $1,300,000
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Nation-
al Security Resources Board yes-
terday recommended to President
Truman that certain young scien-
tists, engineers and others with
specialized skills be allowed draft
deferment to continue their edu-
* * *
ALBANY, N.Y.-Gov. Thomas
E. Dewey sent to the New
York State Legislature last
night his potent, unprecedented
state defense bill and said the
measure made "no effort to
mask its repulsiveness."
* , *
self-styled "progressive" Demo-
cratic Senators appeared ready
ldst night to provide organized
backing for President Truman's
"Fair Deal" domestic program.
* * *
Administration reversed itself yes-
terday and called for a 60,000-ton
"super" aircraft carrier as part
of a $2,000,000,000 buildup of the
nation's sea fighting forces.
Williams Requests More Jebb Urges
' U' Funds in Budget Talk Another Try
for the completion of the out-pa-
tient clinic.
Williams asked for the $37,-
000,000 to complete construction
projects already committed, to
wipe out various departmental
and operating deficites and to
speed up the highway construc-
tion program.
$27,000,000 of the total would
come from the state's general
fund, which was $21,000,000 in the
red at the end of the last fiscal
year. The other $10,000,000 would
be highway money which already
has been collected and earmark-
ed for road purposes but not yet
appropriated by the legislature.
The governor asked for a net
of $10,400,000 to complete con-
struction projects on which some
money already has been spent. He
contended that the construction
outlook is so uncertain 'that all
projects should be rushed to com-
pletion before building costs rise
further or materials become un-
Pair. Confess
Coed Slaying
KALAMAZOO, Mich. - (IP) -
Authorities wrote "solved" today
to the slaying of Carolyn Drown,
19 year old Western Michigan co-
ed and turned to questioning two
husky farmers about two other
similar unsolved murders.
"We are sure we have the right
solution to the Drown case," She-
riff Otto K. Buder said after the
arrest and questioning of Valorus
(Bud) Mattheis and Raymond Lee
Olson. Both men are 22 years old
and live in near-by Vicksburg,
Police Chief Howard Hoyt quot-
ed Mattheis as saying he strangled
the girl on the night of Nov. 26.
To Halt War
LAKE SUCCESS-(P)-Britain's
Sir Gladwyn Jebb yesterday'
urged the United Nations to make
one more attempt to obtain a
cease fire in Korea.
He indicated Britain is not yet
ready for a final decision on
American demands for UN con-
demnation of Red China as an ag-
gressor. The American demands
are being pushed in behind-the-
scenes talks and have not yet
reached the UN Assembly Political
Committee in a formal document.
Jebb told the Political Commit-
tee the UN should weigh its ac-
tions carefully arid a "last effort"
for a cease-fire should be made
before more drastic steps are con-
sidered. The committee adjourned
at his suggestion until Thursday
to permit more talks among the
The British delegate warned
Red China that a final break
with the UN and all the UN repre-
sents would have a dreadful effect
on the Chinese people.
Fine Phi Cli $750
For Illegal Party
The University has fined Phi
Chi medical fraternity $750 and
put it on social probation for hold-
ing an unauthorized, unchaperon-
ed drinking party.
The Committee on Student Dis-
cipline said the party was held
Dec. 16 at a ranch near Ann Ar-
bor. The fraternity will be on
social probation until June.
Phi Chi President Dick Ham-
mell, '51M, the chapter secretary
and four members spoke at the
committee hearing.
Calls for Full
If Necessary
Tells Congress
Of State of Union
Truman told the nation yester-
day that "we will fight, if fight
we must" to block the threat of
world conquest by Soviet Rus-
In a rousing 3,500-word speech,
heard by millions over radio and
television networks, the President
called for a vast mobilization ef-
fort capable of producing 50,000
planes and 35,000 tanks a year if
Solemnly, he pledged that the
United States will forsake neither
Western Europe nor other free
nations in the struggle against
Red aggression.
money, a "major" tax increase
and a bigger draft of manpower
will be needed to prepare for the
possibility of "a full-scale war."
Addressing a joint session of
Congress in his annual "state
of the Union" message, Truman
declared, "we are preparing for
full war-time mobilization, if
that should be necessary.-
"The threat of world conquest
by Soviet Russia endangers our
liberty and endangers the kind y
of world in which the free spirit
of man can survive.
"The threat is a total threat
and the danger is a common
danger," Truman said.
"All free nations arehexposed
and are all in peril. Their only
security lies in banding together.
No one nation can find protetion
in a selfish search for a haven
from the storm."
ced Russia for waging "an evil
war by proxy" in Korea and called
it a move by "the Russian Com-
munist dictatorship to take over
the world step by step."
The President said the Uni-
ted States is willing "as we have
always been, to negotiate hon-
orable settlements with the So-
viet Union," but he declared,
"We will not engage in ap-
Truman went to accuse the So
viets of keeping Russia and its
satellite nations "in a state of
perpetual mobilization."
"The imperialism of the czars
has been replaced by the even
more ambitious, more crafty, and
more menacing imperialism of the
rulers of the Soviet Union," he de-
Specifically, he called for high-
er taxes-he did not mention how
much higher - changes in the
draft law, greater powers to im-
pose wage-price controls, and con-
tinued military and economic aid
to this country's allies.
It is going to be "a long pull,"
he said.
Truman Talk
Gets Support .
Of Congress
WASHINGTON -- () - Presi-
dent Truman's call for American
strength and unity in the face of
Wolverine Rooters Go Wild As Michigan Bashes.
" Communist aggression drew strong
support from Congressyesterday.
Some -of the lawmakers who lis-
B ears tened to his message of the state
e a I"O sof the union pointed out, however,
that cooperation i-z a two-way
street and demanded a stronger
showing of determination by the'
and the crowd swept Dufek off in other nations menaced by Russia
the same manner. and her cohorts.
The band was on the field in Sam Rayburn, speaker of the
an instant, their hats turned House, declared the-message "met
backwards in triumph, clanging the present world situation head-
out "The Victors" to the sor- on."
Daily Associate Editor
. "We did it," cried a mob of
joy-cray students in Pasadena
last week, as they tumbled over
stands, crawled under railings,
tooted left-over New Years Eve'
horns, hugged complete strangers,
and went generally mad.
team if Bennie could find enough
adhesive tape. ,
-Shouting "Let's go out and
bury the Golden Bears," out of
bus windows from Los Angeles
to Pasadena, the Wolverines
descended upon the Tourna-
sent of Roses Parade in a blaze
of noisy glory that brought
bemused smiles from curb spec-
wild yelling and waving could
hardly keep their eyes front.
At the end of the' parade some
100,000 people scrambled for
the Rose Bowl, where extra
seats in the aisles were set up
to accomodate the overflow
The band, which only began tol
astound Californians at the par-
Michigan players. And in the
huge bowl, the California band
sounded unhappily weak.
What the coast school lost-in
band competition, however, they
made up for in their dazzling
display of halftime card stunts,
in which they presented every-
thing from a golden bear dress-
I ed in Superman to a brown
Wolverine displayed against a
MICHIGAN rooters were so
heated, however, that when a lo-
comotive was started, they were
through it and onto the next yell'
before the cheerleaders had half
With the score seven to six,
another spontaneous cry of
"More yet, more yet," arose
from the stands, more optimis-
tic rooters supplementing it
rowful-eyed Californians, while
Michigan rooters pranced beside}
them. .
And the goal post-it is now
slivers in the rooms of the lucky
fans who "rnt there first." and
"No one has any ^;rounds on
which to say they don't under-
stand the United States position
as expressed through the Presi-
dent It is a strong message, but