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Offices Move to Unfinished Quad
The possibility of playing pio-
neer seemed silly to members of
the history and sociology depart-
ments until last Tuesday when
they moved into their new quar-
ters in the South Quad.
Then the possibilitybecame a
hard, cold reality. Their offices
were unplastered , and without
flooring, .lights, phones or heat.
* *
BUT THE situation has im-
proved. By this morning it was
expected that the walls would be
partially plastered, the flooring
would be in place and the heat
would be circulating.
Many of the instructors and
professors were puzzled by the
office migration when their
new home was not quite com-
Prof. Burton D. Thuma, ad-
ministrative assistant to the dean
of the literary college, explained
that when the Tuesday moving
date was set, it was estimated
that the work would be completed
by then. "When we realized that
this would not be true, it was too
late to change the moving ar-
rangements," he continued.
* * * i
BUT REGARDLESS of the pre-
mature migration, many of the
staff thought the new quarters
were an improvement over their
temporary home in the basement
of Rackham Bldg.
"Rackham basement remind-
ed me of the big OPA offices'
during the last war-miles of
desks and no partitions," a his-
tory instructor remarked. "At
least we're surrounded by four
walls now."
* * * s
STONE AGES?-Fighting the lack of heat in the South Quad
with top coat and muffler, a sociology department instructor
finds that he is unable to call his wife for a hot water bottle
because the office phone is not connected. The new offices of
the sociology and history departments are now located in the
South Quad.
* * * * *
Looking out of his smuggy win-
dow at the cranes and dump
trucks he said, "This is the best
spot a sidewalk superintendent
could wish for."
Many of the faculty were hav-
ing trouble directing their stu-
dents to the new offices. The
lack of office numbers and an
obscure side entrance reached by
a board walk make the explaina-
tion of office location difficult.
Several instructors resorted to
drawing intricate three dimen-
sional sketches on black boards.
One rather disgusted instructor
ended his explanation by saying,
"Just go west from State St. un-
til you reach the Beta's trash
pile, then turn left."
'Angelabra' Contest Won
By Guessing Magic Word
The great 'angelabra' contest has
come to an end-with only one
She is Miss Bertha Beck, secre-
tary to the director of the Uni-
versity's Summer Session.
* * *
THE 'ANGELABRA' is the can-
dle powered contraption which
was,set up last week in the lobby
of the General Administration
Bowl' Train
Tune Changed
A change in schedule for the
Wolverine Club's Rose Bowl Spe-
cial was announced yesterday by
Larry Bloch, '53, Special Trips
The. eastbound train will leave
11:15 a.m. Jan. 5, from Union Sta-
tion in Los Angeles instead of 12:01
s previously announced.
Bloch also reported that the
chartered bus to Pasadena would
leave at 7 a.m. Jan. 1 from LosI
Angeles' Clark Hotel in order to1
arrive at Pasadena in time for the4
Tournament of Roses Parade.
All persons who purchased grand
stand seats for the parade and are
taking the special train will re-z
ceive their grandstand tickets on
the train.
Others who bought parade tic-t
kets and are not going on the1
train may obtain their tickets fromX
Woch at the Clark Hotel.1
Building by receptionist Dorothy
In connection with the Christ-
mas decoration, the receptionist
started a "magic word" contest.
If anyone mentioned this word
in conversation with her, Mrs.
Legg would give them "a small
Christmas remembrance."
The word, Mrs. Legg disclosed
yesterday, was "star". Miss .Beck
was the only one of about 100 who
tried to hit the jackpot. For her
achievement, she received a pop-
corn ball.
* * *
MISS BECK explained her sec-
ret of success by saying, "I told
Mrs. Legg I was going to recite
poetry to her every morning until
I won."
On the first day, the winner
made up some of her own,
which didn't do the job. The
second day she said she thought
she'd recite "some real poetry,"
and tried the first verse of Lu-
ther's Cradle Song-"Away in
the Manger."
The line "The stars in the sky
looked down where He lay" turned
the trick and the result was the
cellophane wrapped popcorn ball,
which Miss Beck ,as decided to
save and open with the rest of
her Christmas presents on Monday 1'
But why did only one person hit
on such an apparently obviously1
Hospital Life
Made Cheery
For Children
Hospital life is not all sad and
dreary for some 100 children who
are currently being cared for in
the University Hospital's pediatrics
Some of the children lighten
their days by playing and studying
in the hospital school. Those who
are not so fortunate to be up and
around are helped by bedside re-
creational and school programs
managed by the hospital.
staff member visits bedridden
children to tell stories or help with
About thirty patients are in-
fants under two years of age
and the rest are children between
two and thirteen years old.
Though the Hospital's major aim
is to care for the children, the work
provides student nurses from the
School of Nursing with valuable
practical experience.
Though the nurses "learn by do-
ing", all their work in this and
other hospital departments is car-
ried on under supervision. The
regular staff of the pediatrics de-
partment consists of a supervisor
and 25 graduate nurses.
A dozen nursing studlents are as-
signed to the pediatrics depart-
ment at one time. Each girl spends
a month working in the ward for
babies, another month in the wards
Union Gives
Coeds Added
The Union will depart furthe
from musty traditions today a
the first -weekend of the experi-
mental co-ed recreation plan be-
The weekend part of the plar
will allow escorted coeds the us
of three billiard tables and fou
ping-pong tables from 7 to 11 p.m
Friday and Saturday, and from 1
to 6 p.m. Sunday.
FOUR OF SEVEN bowling al-
leys will be available from 9 to 1
p.m. Friday, from 7 to 11 p.m. Sat-
urday, and from 1 to 6 p.m. Sun-
day to sports-minded coeds witt
Union men.
The swimming pool and steam
room are not included in the
coed recreational plan.
The Taproom and cafeteria will
be open from 7 to 11 p.m. both
Friday and Saturday nights tc
accommodate the few students
still on campus.
* * *
ALTHOUGH the plan got off tc
a slow start, by the end of this
week the number of men bringing
co-eds down to the Taproom was
increasing by leaps and bounds
The peak day was Wednesday,
with 22 couples sipping coffee and
dunking doughnuts at one time,
and numerous others dropping in
througho'ut the afternoon.
* *
Major Repairs
Made; Union
Pool Will Open
For winter-swimmers, the long
trek to the IM building is over-
the Union pool repairs are finally
Originally scheduled to be out
of use for a month, while new
filter tanks and an automatic
chlorinator were installed, the job
stretched out to two and one half
months when it was discovered
that the pipes leading to and from
the pool yere badly corroded and
needed replacing.
* * * N
THIS IS the first major repair
job since the pool was opened in
1925, according to general man-
ager Frank Kuenzel. The pool has
been in continuous operation dur-
ing school, he said, with minor
repairs being done between the
end of summer school and the. fall
In the light of the additional
pipes and labor, the repair cost
has risen from $15,000 to $20,000
-almost the original cost of the
pool in 1925.
The showers and steam room
adjoining the pool also have been
repaired, but this was completed
by the second week of school, and
they have been in operation ever
since. The steam room received a
new coat of concrete, and two ex-
haust fans were installed to clear
away, excess steam in the locker
Church Council
To Present Film
The Pilgrimage Play, via natu-
ral co'lor film with sound and dia-
logue, will be presented at Hill
Auditorium Dec. 28, sponsored by
the- Ann Arbor .Council .of
The play was originally produc-
ed in Hollywood in 120 and has
since been given there regularly,
except for the war years. The mov-
ie of the play, with Nelson Leigh
in the leading role of Jehus, was
made last year.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Council of Churces office in Lane
Hall or at the door.
Christmas Visits
Ann Arbor citizens who wou .d
like to entertain foreign students
at lunch or dinner during Christ-
mas vacation can arrange for
guests by contacting Mrs. Marga-
ret Mead, hostess, at the Interna-
tional Center.
The Center has listed a large
mrnnber of students wiio would like
to visit in local homes during the
holiday period, Mrs. Mead has an-
ing a research grant, finding the
answer generally falls to the 11-
man faculty Preliminary Planning
Appointed by President Ruthven
soon after the idea for the atonic
research memorial took shape, the
committee has the job of advis-
* * *
Eight Named
To. Radiation
An eight man Radiation Policy
Committee has been appointed by
President Alexander Ruthven to
aid in standardizing the use of
atomic energy and high frequency
radiation materials and equipment.
Some of the specific problems
the committee will deal with are
health aspects of. personnel en-
gaged in research; handling,
transportation, storage and dis-
posal of radioactive materials and
wastes and the standardizing of
facilities and protective equipment
necessary for work with radio-
active materials.
Chairman of the committee is
W. Wayne Meinke, instructor in
the chemistry department. Other
members appointed are Prof. H. R.
Crane, of the physics department;
Prof. Henry J. Gomberg, of the
engineering college, and Dr. Frank
H. Bethell, of the Medical School.
Dr. Fred J. Hodges, of the Med-
ical School, Prof. Gerald M. Ride-
nour, of the School of Public
Health and Walter M. Roth, Plant
Department superintendent are al-
so on the list.
Robert P. Briggs, University
vice-president has- been appoint-
ed an ex-officio member.
activities, selecting a site for the
Memorial building, a n d some
phases of carrying on the national
fund-raising campaign.
* * *
ONE OF the biggest jobs the
committee has is granting funds to
University faculty members who
wish to carry on research under
the Project.
So far there have been 11
grants made, all but one of them
to natural scientists. And seve-
ral pre-doctoral fellowships have
also been awarded to students
for the study of atomic energy.
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer, who
heads the planning committee,
noted, however, that as Phoenix
gets underway the study of the
Atom's effects on social sciences
will be expanded greatly.
PRESENTLY, members of the
graduate faculty are being con-
tacted by Dean Sawyer to deter-
mine new research projects that
can be undertaken now.
"Phoenix funds are limited at
present, so requests of $2,000 or
less for equipment, assistance,
travel and training are most ap-
propriate," Dean Sawyer said.
"But we wish to interpret the
scope of the Phoenix Project as
broadly as possible to cover the
various problems of the atomic
To date more than 150 research
investigations have been- proposed
to the committee for Phoenix
sponsorship when the Project
reaches its full stature.
1Until then the amount of work
the Project can do will be limited.
"Right now, the planning com-
mittee is, the Phoenix Project,"
Dean Sawyer said. But he hoped
that by next year a more formal
administrative set-up will have
been established.
Faculty Group Handles
ManyPhoenix Problems
By VERN EMERSON ing the administration on the es-
Whether the Phoenix Project tablishment and operations of the
faces a problem of locating a place Project, choosing a Phoenix di-
to build its headquarters or mak- rector, directing initial research
been established.
Paul Bunyan Plans Visit
To Traditional 'Formal'
- Forestry Club's Dance Will Feature
Paul Lavoie's Orchestra, Unusual Bar
Paul Bunyan, giaint of the north,
is busy preparing to make his an-
nual campus visit at the Forestry
Club's Paul Bunyan Formal to be
held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Jan. 13
in Waterman and Barbour Gym-
Along with Bunyan and Babe,
his blue ox, the strictly informal
"formal" will also feature the long-
est bar in town. At the 'bar, cou-
ples will be able to purchase soft
drinks and doughnuts with chits
which will be used in place of ev-
eryday currency.
* * *
PAUL LAVOIE and his orchestra
will provide the musical back-
ground for couples dancing amidst
an atmosphere of red pines im-
ported from the school's forest
near Portage Lake.
Intermission -entertainment
will feature a sawing contest be-
tween three couples, plus a game
of "Guth or Consequences,"
Items .Listed
For Shoppers
Inexpensive gifts that will fit
into any budget or that will make
many small, festive looking pack-
ages under the Christmas tree,
present a problem to the average
One magazine has attempted to
help the buyer with this problem.
It has devoted ten pages of a re-
cent issue to gifts that may be
bought for less than $5.
GIFTS FOR mother, sister or
any feminine relative or friend,
might include a small unique shell
hat pin, colorful terry guest tow-
els, lipstick, a small vial of per-
fume, gay hankies, a manicure set
including matching fingernail pol-
ish and lipstick, a gift set of hand
lotion, powder and cologne, or a
box of scented soap wafers.
Other suggestions are a quilt-
ed plastic sewing box with Seis-
sors, thimble and emery, wick-
er baskets that can be used
around the house, clear glass
tumblers, ashtrays, pencils, ear-
rings, scarf pins, or bracelets.
For under $2, many other gifts
are available. Suggested for the
younger women are plastic knit-
ting bags, perfume, cologne, mat-
ching lipstick and nail polish,
scented bath sponges, bright knee
socks, or stuffed animals for de-
corating bedrooms.
In the $2 to $3 range, gift sug-
gestions for the males might in-
clude cuff links, brush and comb
sets, after shave lotion, flash kit
and bulbs for his camera, or a
wood covered clipping book..
(WAA Notices
the name of Guth.
Prizes will be awarder, to all
contestants, along with a door
prize and a reward for the student
guessing the correct number of
pine scales on display in the Ad-
ministration Building.
annual campus tradition. Paul
Bunyan, the legendary northwoods
giant has long enjoyed the fame
that comes with being a man of
true might and fantastic size.
With rosy cheeks and black
curly hair, he seemed to be en-
joying a perfectly normal child-
hood, until he started to grow.
It seems that Bunyan grew at
the amazing rate of six inches a
day, and at the end of each week
he was 349 pounds heavier than
he had been previously.
Each week he tore out one end
of his shanty and added a dozen
feet to its length to make room for
himself, and every month he add-
ed an additional story to the ceil-
ing to keep from bumping his
One night Bunyan dreamed of
an enormous blue ox who took the
top of a dozen spruce trees at a
single bite. The name of Babe was
bestowed upon this gigantic crea-
ture, and, thus, began the legeid
of Paul Bunyan and his blue ox.
JGP Tryouts
Scheduled for
January 101-12
Tryouts for the casting of Jun-
ior Girls' Play will be held from 3
to 6 p.m. January 10, 11 and 12.
Music and dancing committees
will also hold tryouts from 7 to 10
p.m. January 10.
elimination tryouts will be on
the Saturday and qunday of that
number of speaking parts will be
open to those who wish to try
out for them. All junior women
are eligible to try out for the play,
Members of the JGP Central
Committee directly concerned
With the stage production will
meet at 4 p.m. January 8 in the
regardless of the fact. that they
are already working on a commit-
Mickey Sager, director of the
play, urges coeds, to try out for
music and dancing as well as
the speaking parts.
There many more open-
ings in both the singing and danc-
ing choruses than in the line of
acting. However, coeds are urged
to try out for all three phases.
which will feature a far
°r by
HORNS APLENTY-Edward Rima, '51, University Marching
Band equipment manager, gazes thoughtfully at some of the
band's uniforms, instruments and other equipment. His problem
will be how to load it all on the Band's special Rose Bowl train,
which will leave Ann Arbor Tuesday.
Band To Show Old Highlights,
New Features in Rose Bowl4
Christmas word as star? "Well," for older children and a third
Mrs. Legg considered, "I guess the month in such specialized jobs as
people just didn't set their sights preparing formulas and assisting
high enough." in the children's playroom.
(Continued from Page 3)
Exceptions are as follows:
Architecture Library - closed
December 26-29.
Astronomy Library - closed
December 26-January 5.
Dentistry Library -- 9-12 a.m.
and 2-5 p.m.
Detroit Branch - 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
East Engineering Library - 9-
12 a.m. and 2-5 p.m.
Engineering Library - 9-12 a.-
m. and 2-5 p.m.
Grand Rapids Branch - closed
December 26-January 5.
Hospital Library - 8-12 a.m.
and 1-5 p.m.
Physics Library - 9-12 a.m.
Transportation Library - 8-12
a.m. and 1-4 p.m.
Vocational Guidance Library -
closed December 26-January 5.
Willow Run Study Hall - 9:15-
12 a.m.; 12:30-5:15; 6:30-10 p.m.
Closed December 26-29 and Fri-
day evening January 5.
Interviews: Mr. W. H. Nance,
representative of North American
Aviation, Inc., will interview Feb-
ruary graduates with degrees in
Jan. 10, at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. For further information
and appointments call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, Room 3528,
Administration Bldg.
Events Today
Canterbury Club: Sun., Dec. 24,
Open House following the 11 p.m.
servce fHlvlu rComunion.
Academic Notices Coming Events
Doctoral Examination for Wil- Science Research Club: January
s meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Jan. 2,
iam fHulse Sears, Anthropology; Rackham Amphitheatre. P r o -
thesis: "The Prehistoric Cultural gram: "Imperfections in Crys-
Position in the Southeast of Ko- tals," Ernst Katz, Physics. -
lomoki, Early County, Georgia," "The Biology and History of
Fri., Dec. 29, Room 4071, Muse- Ostracods," Robert V. Kesling,
ums Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman, J. B. University Museums (Micropale-
Griffin. ontology).
Here He Comes ...
with a sleighful of Good Wishes
- c
Pasadena crowds will witness
highlights from past University
Marching Band shows along with
some new features in the Rose
Bowl game, Jan. 1.
In half time ceremonies after
marching in with a toy train to
the tune of the "Atchison, Topeka,
and Santa Fe", the band will cre-
ate an atmosphere pf palm trees
and hula dancers to play three se-
lections from "South Pacific."
Phoenix Project will then be sa-
luted'with the band moving into
formation to depict the atom bomb
explosion with its mushroom cloud
of smoke.
The band will also present its
high stepping rendition of "-he
March of the Wooden Soldiers."
The Half time show will be con
cluded with a tribute to America'
war dead. Taps will be sounde
and the band will play "Aieric
the Beautiful" and "God Bles
Before the game the band wi
display its precision marching foi
mations and will present a min
strel show.
Immediately following the gam(
the band will depart for San Fran
cisco where it will participate in
parade and possibly repeat it
Rose Bowl show.
Leaving Ann Arbor at 8 a.m
Tuesday for Pasadena, the ban
will return Jan. 6'. Included in th
return trip itinerary will be a flv
hour tour of the Grand Canyon.
The schedule for the WAA bas- been busy working on JGP since
ketball tournament for the first the beginning of school.
week of the new year, is as follows: Publicity committee, under
Monday at 5:10 p~m.-Cheeyer the leadership of Jan James, is
I vs. Beal I; at 7:15 p.m.-Alpha one of the committees which
Xi Delta I vs. Kappa Beta Pi I, Al- must work from the initial or-
pha Kappa Alpha I vs. Stockwell ganization of the central com-
V; at 8 p.m.-Jordan III vs. Klein- mittee until the final perform-
stueck I. ance of the play.
Tuesday at 5:10 p.m.-Alpha Chi Stunts and posters come under
Omega II vs. Sigma Delta Tau I, the general heading of this com-
Kappa Kappa Gamma III vs. mittee, and the coeds working on
Kappa Delta I; 'at '7:15 p.m.-A- these jobs will be even busier next
- pha Phi II vs. League House Girls semester.
s ICh a s. Gamma Phi However, several committees
n et ;aO8mea ok Iv.INw-will not begin functioning until
d berry I, Alpha Omicron Pi II vs. just before the actual production
a Jordan VI. ofthe play. Tickets and programs,
a Jordn VI.for instance, are busiest during
ss Wednesday at 5:10 p.m.-Bar- the month before the play.
bour III vs. Stockwell III, Alpha Those committees working di-
Delta Pi III vs. Delta Delta Delta rectly with the stage production,
11l III; at 7:15 p.m.-Chi Omega I begin their jobs with the tryouts
- vs. Alpha Gamma Delta I, New- in January, although the music
o berry III vs. Stockwell IV; at 8 and dance chairmen have been
p.m.-Delta Delta Delta I vs. Hins- writing lyrics and working out
e. dale I..- dances since the 'completion of
- Thursday at 5:10 p.m.-Hollis I the script.
a vs. Kappa Delta II, Delta Gamma
Is II vs. Alpha Epsilon Phi I; 'at 7:15
p.m.-Alpha Xi Delta II vs. Stock-
well VII, Alpha Phi I vs. Palmer
d I; at 8 p.m.-Jordan II vs. Alpha SXrvtIg
~e Xi Delta III.
e Cancellations should be made byav
1:30 p.m. Monday.
Best Wishes
f orU
A Merry Christmas
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