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December 21, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-21

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Research Grants





I I r

LAST WEEK the University announced
the receipt of a $358,290 grant from the
-National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.
t*,The funds are to be used to search for a
-chenical means to control polio.
y x: Ou the surface this would appear to be
2 so untarnished blessing. It is most cer-
t iainly a blessing, but unfortunately it
has a perceptable tarnish.
At one time medical schbols depended al-
.most entirely on endowments to supply
,building funds and to overcome operating
deficits. Income taxes and especially inheri-
s tance taxes have reduced this income con-
r siderably in the last 30 years. This has of
course affected the medical schools ad-
versely and placed them in immediate need
of a substitute source of income-a need
that still is unanswered. This situation is
made worse by the method available money
r. (from persons or institutions) is now being
A° jIt has become the fad to give endowments
6i in the form of grants-in-aid for certain
i specified projects; the grant from the in-
V fantile paralysis foundation provides an
16 ;example.
For the donor there are two advantages
; to this kind of "restricted use" grant. it
attaches the name of the benefactor to some
*p publicized activity, and it allows for a great-
Ser control of the amounts expended.
For the university that accepis the grants,
°there are two serious disadvantages: the
university's permanent facilities are used
'without contribution to amortization, and
qualified teachers are drawn from the uni-
versity staff into research because the
V ,grant generally provides for higher salary
:;'schedules than the university does for in-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
w ;are written by members of The Daily staff
b jand represent the views of the writers only.

struction. This practice is harmful to the
field of medicine now and eventually could
be totally self-defeating to research pro-
jects. For it is axiomatic that the number
and worth of doctors drawn into research
depends in large part on the quality of
medical school instruction and the ade-
quacy of the teaching plants.
While no one objects to the practice of
bestowing grants, we may all disapprove of
the manner in which grant funds are now
being allocated. A healthier situation might
obtain if the 70 medical schools in the
country got together on a policy for accept-
ing grants. That policy should provide that
each university be allowed to set aside a
portion of each grant for the amortization
of its permanent facilities, and it should
give each university some control in deter-
mining the salaries offered.
The latter is necessary because of a" basic
ill, and is only symptomatic treatment for
that ill. University salaries are lamentably
low. The best obvious solution to keeping
good teachers teaching is to pay them what
they are worth. No one will take them away
from the university by paying them more
than they are worth.
It is paradoxical that one must ask as
temporary remedy to the destruction of
university staffs the lowering of research
salaries. But it is a fact that high re-
search salaries draw good instructors from
teaching-lowering the standards of the
very university whose facilities they are
using. Raising all university salaries
should be our ultimate goal, but right
now it is imperative that unjust deprada-
tions on university staffs be stopped. Uni-
versities accepting grants. must be al-
lowed to keep the research salary sche-
dules at a level that will not threaten
them with the loss of their own staffs.
With a policy that would make some funds
available for amortization and provide for
some university control of salary, special
grants would become the blessings they
now only appear to be.
-John Briley.

Draft Plan
WITHIN THE LAST few days the State
Boardof Regents of New York recom-
mended to President Truman a sound and
constructive plan to aid the manpower short-
age in event of a long term national mobili-
In essence, the plan called for a reduc-
tion of the high school course from four
to three years.
If placed on a national scale for all high
school students, it would release about two
million additional people in the labor force.
This potential addition would be divided
into two groups. O n e would imme-
diately enter the labor force, and the other,
relatively smaller, would continue going to
The real idea behind the regents proposal
was to provide "for a very large number of
young men to receive at least one year of
college education before a possible call to
the military service." The regents believed
that this education would result in a "gain,
in maturity of judgment, which is most im-
portant both for the young people involved
and for the total welfare of this nation."
With the prospect of a long period of
mobilization, the plan will provide an ad-
ditional boost to the labor force. The pro-
posal will also weed out many superficial
high school courses, as well as eliminate
the insignificant parts of other courses.
Many students have long complained that
much of the four years in high school was
academically wasted.
Although the plan is rather nebulous in
its present stage a mention was made of
utilizing the summer sessions. But this as-
pect of the problem is rather bad because
summer employment of students is neces-
sary to meet the seasonal labor peaks. Keep-
ing this group in school during the sum-
mer would not aid the labor shortage during
these peaks, and eventually would tend to
nullify the total labor force advantage that
a three year high school course makes pos-
But perhaps most important is the chance
it would give students to receive a year's
college training before they join the service.
This year; can do a great deal toward sta-
bilizing and maturing the individual. A great
number of students are uncertain about their
occupational interests after graduation from
high school, and even after some time in col-
With one year of liberal education and
two years in the service, the student will
be able to make a more rational choice
without wasting valuable time and money
floundering around for a field of concen-
In view of the fact that this country may
face a state of mobilization and semi-na-
tional emergency for a long period, stream-
lining high school education appears to be a
fine step in conserving the labor force re-"
sources of this nation and adding to the
welfare of the nation through wise educa-
tional practices.
-Ron Watts

Christmas Shopping

is true that we must be strong at purpose is to police the world
present, but if we forget the rea- and enforce world law. This su-
son for our strength we are doom- pranational force must be a lim-
ed to failure. Our society is based ited form of world government.
on many honorable ideals, but one The only "argument" against
of the most inspiring is the idea world government is that it is
that, given the proper social at- impractical, that we 're not ready
mosphere, all men can live in peace for it yet." Can you think of any-
and brotherhood. We claim the thing more impractical than try-
Christian ideal that all peoples of ing to piece the world back to-


the world are of one body. gether again after this next war,
It is more than an analogy to or any more ready a time than
say that if we attempt to decapi- when the world teeters on the
tate a part of that body we would brink in Korea?
be destroying a part of ourselves. This is not the time to pray to
And need I say that this is ex- God for guidance while feverish-
actly what Russia would like to ly trying to build up our muscles
have us do? To build ourselves in- as our challenger builds up his.
to a military garrison in which Nor is it the time to bawl to our
our liberties will ebb away, and friends for help, because our op-
chauvinism remain as our sole ponent has friends too. This is
motivation . .. that is the crum- the time to call in the cops to
bling weakness Russia would have break up the fight before it starts.
us aspire to. 1 Only there aren't any cops yet .,.
Our purpose should be instead We'd better get busy and set up
to hold the Bear at bay until we, a police force, fast.
can remove its claws. And there -H. S. Seltzer, M.D.
is a way ... Department of Internal
We can do it by halting the re- Medicine
action in this country that would University Hospital
have us believe the principle of
the good neighbor changes its cash Both Sides
value at national boundaries. T h dtr
We can do it by realizing that To the Editor:
our present short range policies N REPLY to George Paul Mos-
toward the Communistic half of koff and everyone like him:
the world are building up the bar- I 'find on this campus that a
riers between us, and by putting great many people, to hear them
our great emphasis on breaking talk, question everything, believe
down those barriers. in nothing, hang onto nothing,
We can do it by admitting that and, I hope, only a few of them
if there is anything good about are doing as you are-spreading
Communism it is the fact that it gloom and depression amongst the
stands for a sort of international- few who are struggling to hearts-
ism, and capitalizing on that ideal bursting to do the work which
by providing new lyrics for its mel- could have been light upon all
ody. We too can stand for a world shoulders if even a small percent-
ideal rather than a region of the age of the people had done their
world. share.
We can do it by reaching those Our pioneers here had work to
other people with a message that do. They couldn't afford to spend
is real-by making sure it stays time questioninghandhspreading
realandbecmesmor rel hregloom. If one of them had chosen
real and becomes more real here, to stand and talk as you are while
If we can preserve democracy in t tn n aka o r hl
crisis that threatens to destroy someone else curried the horses
rand milked the cows, (kept the
it, then we will win out in the mechanized units repaired in the
long run. This crisis demands that bitterest weather and raised crops
we keep our guns leveled on our to feed your mouth Mr. Moskoff),
long range goals . . . and this is h would have received a blow in
one of the prime challenges to the the face from a work hardened,
student, the foremost keeper of the horny fist with the strength of
flame which burns in New York work hardened muscles behind it.


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


0.0 0



To the Editor:
THE COMMUNIST sympathizers
on this campus are trying their
best to deceive us with lies by dis-
tributing to every room in the
West Quad (while the occupants
were sleeping-a Communist trick,)
a leaflet stating that Wall Street,

gone to Mosher there were never
more than six people in the lounge,
she rather blithely and incoherent-
ly mentioned some petty squabble
in which the New Dorm and Mos-
her had engaged. She asked my
date what dorm she was from, and
if she liked to study at Mosher
why didn't she move. She then
took her name and subsequently
got in touch wthehos-t-


Washington Merry=- Go ...Round



WASHINGTON-A unique backstage dif-
ference of opinion has developed be-
ween two of the most important policy-
nalers in the cabinet-Secretary of State
Rcheson and Secretary of Defense Marshall
' Ihover hostilities in the Orient.
E The difference is that Acheson, accused
by Republicans of being an appeaser, is
far more belligerent than Marshall, a mili-
nary man.
Marshall's view-and it's shared by other
nilitary men-is that we must let no hys-
terical cries from Congress or irresponsible
ilitary actions in Asia embroil us in war.
What; Marshall and his military staff fear
that some sudden move by us may con-
since the Russians we are about to attack,
h ereby causing them to move first.
Our best intelligence is that Russia does
ot want a major war, though she could
e stampeded into one.
y Therefore, Secretary Marshall, in meet-
igs of the cabinet and the national secur-
jy council, has pleaded for calmness. He
as also warned General MacArthur against
any move which would bring on world war
, and he was opposed to MacArthur's
'oop movements near the Manchurian bor-
er after it had been agreed that we would
keep a 40-mile neutrality zone this side of
ECRETARY MARSHALL points out-and
it's no secret to the rest of the world-
Vat we are in no position to fight world
tar III and cannot be for at least a year.
We also believes that if we live through the
next 12 months without war, there is a
dance of averting it altogether. That is
e reason President Truman's recent speech#

emphasized that peace, not war, is our.goal.
Though Marshall and Acheson are warm
friends and worked together' iV the State
Department, Acheson is perhaps the most
militant non-appeaser in the administra-
tion--perhaps the natural reaction to un-
fair attacks against him as a commie
Acheson has proposed a naval blockade
of the China coast, urged the bombing of
Chinese cities, and favors keeping a mili-
tary bridgehead in Korea. These measures
were opposed by Prime Minister Attlee dur-
ing his recent visit, and are also opposed by
top U.S. military men.
three dangers in the present rearmament
1. Politicians who clamor for all-out
military aggressiveness. Governor Dewey's
speech was regarded by the pentagon as too
aggressive, though it was secretly encour-
aged by the State Department.
2. Military Men who clamor for a pre-
ventive war. General MacArthur is placed
in this category.
3. State Department officials, including
Acheson, who insist on aggressive action.
Note-Military chiefs point to another
domestic danger in connection with rearm-
ament-namely, drafting too many trainees
before the army has enough camps and
training officers. Secretary Marshall wants
to move just as swiftly as possible but only
as fast as the military machine can absorb
men and weapons. He hopes for a steady
365-days-a-year preparedness, not a lot of
quick hullabaloo followed by lethargy.
PRESIDENT TRUMAN came into a cabi-
net meeting some time ago carrying a
copy of the New Republic, the liberal weekly
During the cabinet session, Secretary of
Defense Marshall complained about the
difficulty of getting cooperation from Gen-
eral MacArthur. He indicated that Mac-
Arthur was a law unto himself. Truman
listened, finally held up a copy of the New
"This is the way to handle that bird," he
Cabinet members, after the meeting, im-
mediately sent for copies of the magazine.
It contained an article by former Secretary
of the Interior Harold Ickes criticizing Mac-
Arthur for violating directives from Wash-
PHILOSOPHICAL ex-senator Warren Aus-
tin of Vermont, now U.S. Ambassador to
the United Nations, was sitting in the dele-
gates' lounge at Lake Success the other day,
when visitors asked him how he felt in view
of the dangerous days ahead.
"We have a lot to go through," Austin re-
plied. "And maybe we will have to bow our
heads a bit. It reminds me of a line of Cot-
ton Mather's. He and Ben Franklin were
good friends-though in their ideas they
were as far apart as the poles.
"Well," continued Ambassador Austin,




HERE HAS BEEN much talk about low
r student morale and the overall mental
.epression. In true academic fashion we
*ave all sought far and wide for the answer.
e e have turned campus problems into sym-
'nls of universal destruction and tragedy.
Cliches have been cast at the foundering
udents: "Keep a stiff upper lip;" "Turn
your creator;" and "Do your duty toward
Ae academic advancement of mankind."
And only a few voices seem to have come
Up with a rather obvious solution-TAKE A
( Toward December of each year we nat-
ally get a little tired of the academic life.
%e fall months are the longest unbroken
riod of school we have. --An annual let
pwn is no rarity.
, On a cold morning it's often more com-
_fortable to stay under the warm blankets
,han to trudge across the diag to another
tarly morning lecture. It's the same story
every December.
Only this year we have got the war and
Vie draft and the A-bomb and the com-
iunsts. Why say that we're just a little


At The Michigan.. .
Mark Stevens, Edmond O'Brien, Gale
Storm and Donald Buka.
THIS IS NOT the best cops and robbers
film ever made, but it is good.
In somewhat the style set by "The
Street With No Name" and "The Naked
City," this film traces the career of two
night car-patrol cops. As played by Mark
Stevens and Edmond O'Brian, the picture
reaches a degree of reality that has been
lacking in many of its kind.
Their cops are neither the ideal pur-
veyors of justice nor the hard boiled police-
man that Hollywood has so often pictured.
In and out of uniform their characteriza-
tions are Deasy to believe.
The film begins by following the patrol-
car on a few of its typical assignments.
After serving justice in these minor crimes,
Stevens and O'Brien become involved in a
gang war that occurs partly within their
district. The film's climax is reached when
one of the gang leaders, Donald Buka, in
his attempt to escape a police encirclement
threatens to throw a hostage child out of
a window. This final scene is one of the
goriest seen recently.
Somewhere, among all this, the pro-
ducers found time for a love story. The
girl, who doesn't want to marry a cop,
is played adequately by Gale Storm. It
seems that she is finally learning how to
"From Midnight to Dawn" will not win
any awards but it is good entertainment for
even the college student.
-Joel McKible.
Middle East Tensions
IN ADDITION to the problems which they
face elsewhere the Western Powers are
confronted with the task of consolidating
defenses in the Middle East, which show
increasing signs of strain. This strain is
especially evident in the' dispute between
Britain and Egypt because of Egyptian de-
mands for the evacuation of British troops
from the Suez Canal zone and the ending
of British influence in the Sudan. But it is


Truman and MacArthur are re- er complaining to her that she had
sponsible for World WAr III. This dragged a date over to Mosher.
is nothing but lies. It was the I feel that Miss Eisle has been
North Korean Communists, arm- grossly petty in her interpretation
ed with Russian equipment that of a rule that is practical if han-
started the war. It was the United {de nelgnlbtwihi
Nations forces that drove the Cn- dled intelligently, bul which if
Ndo drawn to extremes becomes antag-
munists from South Korea. Oneonistic and unreasonable.
Oct. 7, the UN Assembly voted We elf ohrw e
overwhelmingly and enthusiasti- When we left Mosher we met
cally for the war to be carried Miss Eisle at the door and she bid
into Red Korea. Among the dele- us adieu with the following sac-
gations who supported this action carine comment. "We hate to be
were Great Britain, France, Cana- anti-social, but in the future,
da, Australia, New Zealand, South you're no longer welcome here."
Africa, "free" European delega- A true expression of ladylike be-
tions, and all of Central and South havior and hospitality?
America. -Robert Pick
It was China that based air-
planes to shoot down our airmen. Post-Alorttu . .
It was China, armed with Rus- To the Edito-:
sian equipment, that invaded Ko-
rea and attacked UN Forces. H JJAVING RIPPED off a few edi-
Business in this country does not! torial pages of the Daily for
want a war. Business is now en- future reference, and having mis-
joying its highest profits. A war placed the reference until today,
would bring government controls I discovered how a post-mortunm
and tax all their profits. It is Rus- reading can be so enjoyable-like
sian business that wants a war- having teeth pulled.
war is the only business they A letter of Dec. 7 labeled "In-
know. tellect Level . . .", while leaving
Our leaders do not want a war. me cold intellectually, called my
In this country of free speech andamenton toe lettclumn
free elections, our leaders know of two days earlier: t the writing
exactly what the people want and of a mis-guided, tot eager for
they must carry out their wishes peace at any price (see "Warsaw
or find another job. In Russia, the Congress . . .") Directly below it
peoehaesno freedoms, and their I found a bit of postal abberation
leaders easily lead them like by one Nistor Potcova that really
sheep. made my dentures rattle. Consi-
Al those wanting peacepar dering the extremity of viewpoint
wasting their time 'signing peace btenteetoltes n e
petitions to be sent to Washing- between these two letters, and re-
ton. It is not in Washington that gretting that no one had taken
peace or war is decided-it is in the opportunity ,to simultaneously
comment on these opposed errors
Moscow. in reaction, I now take the liber-
It is only in decadent unwork- in
able economies as Communist ty t
Russia that war is profitable. Rus- In this crisis that faces the
sia has nothing to lose by war, world, and against a threatof

-Robert B. Bentley
Credit . . .
To the Editor:
CREDIT SHOULD be given where
credit is due. So a healthy por-
tion belongs to the 'U' administra-
tor who wisely decided to allow
publication of statistics from the
recent faculty-rating by students
Dec. 15. This publicity will tend to
establish more firmly the faculty-
rating system and increase stu-
dent understanding of what they
are doing when they make their
My own guess is that the deserv-
ing administrator is Dean Kenis-
ton, himself. Am I right?
And while I'm writing a letter,
I might as well resent the infer-
ence on page 13 of your Dec. 19
edition to the effect that most
University students not residing in
dorms don't bathe regularly.
-Craig Wilson
* * .
Road to Peace
To the Editor:
AS OUR entranced country
sinks deeper into the quick-
sand of supermilitarization which
will bankrupt it even without a
war, it is amazing that, except for
Thomas Stokes, no 'one who
reaches the public eye or ear has
seen fit to tell us how we got into
our present fix and how we can
prevent a world war instead of
trying to win one.
In 1945 Emery Reves wrote a
book called THE ANATOMY OF
PEACE. In 1947 Cord Meyer fol-
lowed up with PEACE OR ANAR-
CHY. Both of these men ap-
proached the problem of the cause
of world wars objectively, threw
the false concept of the ideological
struggle into the ashcan where
it belongs, and were therefore
able to arrive at the only con-
clusion possible: that world wars
stem directly from the struggle
for national supremacy, for main-
tenance of cherished national
sovereignty. Their supporting evi-
dence is irrefutable; and daily
since August 14, 1945, the course
of international affairs has con-
solidated their argument.
Having established the diagno-
sis, they were able to prescribe the
only effective treatment. Until
there is set up a supranational
government equipped with armed
authority to enforce world law,
there will be world wars. The only
good that can result from Korea
is to awaken the American people
to the blazing fact that peace has
never come and will never come
from militarization, that peace
cannot be a matter of consent
among nations. There must be
something bigger than any nation
-bigger than the United States,
bigger than Russia-whose sole


all those things free people have against our will to get strong. If
produced. it is necssary to defend certain
Campus Communist Sympathiz- principles and ideals with force,
ers, look about you at this great then we have to do it.

free country of ours. Don't you
enjoy your freedom and your
comforts. Instead of spreading lies
that will lead to our destruction,
-Nistor Poteova
Hospitality . . .
To The Editors,
I HAD A disheartening experi-
ence last week which might in-
terest the readers of the Daily. My
date and I were asked to leave
Mosher Hall where we had been
studying. The cause given by a
Miss Eisle was that we had vio-
lated an unwritten law of the Un-
iversity, which states that women
students from one unit of the dorm
system could not use the facilities1

In defending our society, fur-
thermore, we must recognize real-
ity for what it is. Regardless of
Mr. Sharpe's avowals, a wolf is a
wolf, whether it wears the clothing
of a wolf or a dove. If we keep our
doves in a cage it is because their
feathers are drooping. So much for
Mr. Sharpe.
It was the other letter, Mr. Pot-
cova's, which alarmed me since its
tenor was more malicious than
misguided. Without chastizing its
writer personally, I would like to
point to it as a clear example of
the dangers our democracy faces
in these times.
As I read it, the words of a Long
or a Smith wr a Coughlin dripped
into my ears. Call it sabre rattling
if you like, this is the type of.
thinking which appeals to our less
honorable emotions when intelli-


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsky.......Editorial Director
Dave Thomas............Feature Eldtor
Janet Watts............Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan........Associate Editor
James Gregory ....... Associate Editor
Bill Connolly............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell.... Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton.... .Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.......Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible....Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz.... .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credite tO it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all othver
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school 3
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

Sure we're ashamed of our
scum which has risen to the top
in occidental history! Of course
the orientals would have done so
much better-they wouldn't have
had any thing to be ashamed of
if they had been doing the job the
Occident has done in the past,
now would they Mr. Moskoff? If
you hate the United States so
why are you in it? No one asked
you to stay. And if you're not go-
ing to do anything constructive,
we could do better without you.
We're not going to stand by and
see savage hordes destroy every-
thing good that man has done.
No one asked China or Russia to
shed blood, and if they do it's
their own fault. We've done the
best we could and the past has to
be the past. If Asia wants to take
your tack and destroy instead of
improve why then I guess she'll
have to take the consequences.
If all you're looking for is rot--
look at the Orient as well as the
Occident Mr. Moskoff.
-Iva L. Moshier





of another unit. When I point- gence seems about to falter. It is
ed out to Miss Eisle that the fa- the reaction which stands as our
cilities we were using consisted of most nauseous danger right now.
a couch and a floor lanp, and "Once the Bear's head is cut
that in the several times we had off, his claws won't hurt you." It



Cushlamochree. Your mother
sold her silver teapot to
buy your father a golf bag-

Because HE sold his golf
clubs to buy a cream pitcher
and sugar bowl to go with

It's sheer genius, m'boy! Reminds me
of a piece l helped O'Henry with one
time ... Think of it!... The perfecf


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