4 f ,n THE MICHIGAN DAILY TRIRSD AT, SEPTMMER 28, 1950 . v: s3 n ,.F. a':y '.yp .,. ROOMS FOR RENT HELP WANTED MEN-One block from campus, newly YOUNG LADY for full time "work _at decorated. $6 weekly. Phone 2-8754, soda fountain. Swift's Drug Store. 1034 E. Huron. , )21R 340 S. State St. Ph. 2-0534. )151 SUITE TO SHARE with male student. RELIABLE GIRL fond ' of' children for Twin beds. 304 E. Madison.e T. 17R child care and lightironing, Tuesday LARGE attractively rs double and Thursday 1-5. Ph._2-9496. )18H room. Residential section. Male stu- WANTED-Part-time shoe clerk. Exper- dents preferred._Ph. 2-8436. )19R ience preferred. Apply in person. DOUBLE ROOM-Male students pre- Shoe Department. Madameiselle Shop. ferred. Use of refrigerator, Hollywood ._)19H style beds, student landlord. Call Mr. WANTED-Someone to paint sign post- Wright at 6641 meal times or 6336 ers. Earl Riskey, Intramural Bldg. evenings. ___)20R ) 20H SINGLE ROOM FOR MAN-836 Brook- URGENTLY NEEDED Immediately. Stu- wood Place. __ )15R dents wishing to do sales work on ROOM avilale fr sudets'magazine subscriptions. Sell the spe- ~ROMS~avaiable for _stens' guests. cial reduced student rates on TIME Football week-ends. Private home ac- and LIFE. Big commissions from easyr commodations. Phone 2-9850, 12:30 to sales No obligation. Call Student 1:00 or 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. ) 14R Periodical Agency, 2-82-42 now. En- WANTED--One male student to share tirely student-run. double room on campus. Call 2-2052. TYPISTSsNEEDED soon. Speed import- ____ ___)13R ant. Use own typewriter. Call Don ROOMS FOR OVERNIGHT GUESTS at Anderson, Student Periodical Agency, 518 E. Williams. Ph. 3-8454. )12R 2-82-42. - % DOUBLE for upper classman near GIRLS NEEDED to baby sit during foot-I campus. Innerspring mattress, show- ball games. Call Kiddie Kare, 3-1121. ers, cooking privileges, gas heat. 415 _ ___)10B Lawrnce sown from 603 o Lawrene WANTEDResponsible pero o own Lwecsonfo 60LarneWATDRsosbePh. 2-3673 or Ypsilanti. 794J. M1R and service (spare time route of U. S. PERSONAL Stamp Vending Machines. No exper- PERSNALience needed. $450 cash investment CAMPUS CORSAGE SERVICE-Back to required. Write Romeo Eaker, General serve you. Flowers for all occasions. Delivery, Ann Arbor. Please give streetc Special prices for group orders. ..A and telephone number. )14H StudentService for Students." )13P PART TIME help needed at Hickey's LEARN TO DANCE Service Station, corner of Main andY Jimmie Hunt Dance'Studio Catherine. )13H 122 E. Liberty Phone 8161 )1P FULL OR PART TIME HELP-Apply at LEARN TO DANCE. Howard Johnson's, Washtenaw andS Ray Hatch Dance Studio Stadium. Tel. 3-8800. )11H Class or Private Lessons P BUSINESS SERVICES e 209 S. State Ph. A.A._5083 )4P BUIES ER CS CLUB 211 -_ .HOOVER sales and service. Phone Tay- lor, 2-0298 or Goodyears 3-4171. )19B8 TO ALL CLUB 211 MEMBERS: GOD ENA TPERTES-o Your iket exires w c available at Office Equipment Service pletely punched.Need not be used on Company 215 E. Liberty. Guaranteed7 consecutive days-good anytime. Take repairaservice on all makes of type- advantage of this for delicious meals. ;)writers. )6B E R E QUALITY TYPING-Manuscripts, theses E EENCEDPIANOdTEACHER-Be-etc. Call 2-0795 or 2-7460. )17B giunners and advanced. Phone 2-4208 - - - O o mornings or late evenings. )12P EXPERIENCED COOK for fraternity or SPECIAL SAVING on your LIFE sub- sorority. Have references. Phone 3-4844. scription this year. $5.00 instead of FREIGN STUDENTS~Would youor1 $6.75 to students only. Available FRINSrDNr~udyuo through Student Periodical Agency, of- your wife like help with English by ficial U. of Michigan agecy for this an experienced teacher at reasonable offer for over two years.Stdn-u rates, if to call 2-9373, )14B Phone 2-82-42 to order your subscrip GOOD RENTAL typewriters now avail- tion._We'll bill you. _ )2 able at Office Equipment Service - Company, 215 E. Liberty. We will re- TRANSPORTATION.- pair your own typewriters. 6B COMM.UT FROM ANSIaNG Mon LEAVE JUNIOR with a reliable baby Wed., Fri. and Sat. Will take passen- sittedile yougoout112anytime gers, or share, Lansing or intermediate Kiddie Kare, 3-1121. )1OB points. Phone Miss Bentley, 3-1511 ext. 560. ___ )11T RIDE OR RIDERS WANTED from Dear- Soph Satire Parts born. Call Tiffany 6-2855 or write Box k DRIVING TO ANN ARBOR daily a.m.- Wanted commuters. Call Detroit, TO-5-4032. ) 3T WANTED TO BUY Tryouts for singing and speak- WANTED-Two non-studentticketo ing parts for Soph. Satire will be Michigan .state game. held today and tomorrow from 4 Phone 3-0835 evenings. )1X to 6 p.m. in Rm. 3G, Union. BUSINESS SERVICES The Satire, a part of Tug Week, TYPEWRITERS AND FOUNTAIN PENS the annual weekend of rivalry be- Sales and service tween the sophomore and fresh- MORRILL'S - 314 S._State. St. )4B men he sph edad fresh- WET WASHES, rough dry or ironin. man classes, is scheduled for Oct. Finishedwr if preferred. Will pick 27. up and deliver. Ph. 2-9020. )1B Tao VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist, at Tryouts are open to both men 308 S. State. Legal, Masters, Doctors and women. dissertations, etc. Call 2-2615 or 2- 9848. )12B II Seek Help Of 1,620 'U' Grid Fans Students with football tickets in sections 33, 34, and 35,'rows 31 to 60, seats one to 12, one to 27 and 13 to 27 will be part of this year's new flash-card section. These students were asked to re- port to the stadium at 1 p.m. Sat- urday for a practice session by Wolverine Club publicity chair- man George Benisek. A new flash card display will be used for ,the first time at Saturday's game, provided the 1,620 students who have seats in the section, cooperate by at- tending the practice, Benisek said. The newest additions to the dis- play system are the 1,620 blue and gold cards with a metallic lustre.j Students in the chosen sections, will use these cards during the two hours of the game and flash them to form a continuous, moving de- sign. This design will cover the north end of the stadium and will be visible to all attending the game, according to Benisek. He added that it should be picked up by the TV cameras, too. "We've been working on this display for the past two years, and it will be terrific," he said. "By selling records and sponsoring other events, the Wolverine Club has finally been able to purchase 1,620 of the new cards. "It's the first time these moving designs have been used in the Midwest," he added. 1*1 Wihyour ~own name or that of or club on all. 4 corners! -App. 3"x"sq.s MADE TO YOUR ORDER " 2 WEEK DELIVERY Be the tit In your group to own this attr"- the sear!. Send coupon and payment NOWT rr wise!-n - e mm w minse e Natty YourSo , 3mw 45 .C ,ftl tef, R. Y. , NmeanonSe, a. I I "1"** PLIAS5 PRfNT I CHICK COLOR Turquoise Qlush Pink0Q UsgeMne.not Stue Moonlight Yellow Q Fare white Q Bright KAtY OreuCJQ SSt. Address I City - !tat..-.......~ : *Chek p P&O. 0 sorry, no C.O.O. 1. m- '-o '*'-'" --' FI ANGERED-A resident of Seoul expresses his feelings towards his enemy as he aims a violent kick in the direction of a captured North Korean soldier, while members of the South Korean army look on. Another prisoner stands behind with his hands in the air. These North Koreans were caught in fighting in the South Korean capital as allied columns converged on the heart of the city. DISPERSED DEPARTMENTS: RazedHalls Send 'U' Offices .Afield Prof. Burton Thuma breathed. a great sigh of relief yesterday. He had just finished placing a roof over some 20 services, research projects, department offices, and groups of professors and teaching fellows. PART OF HIS JOB as adminis- trative assistant to Dean Hayward Keniston of the literary college DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 1950 VOL. LXI, No. 3 Student Veterans who have ap- plied for family housing at Willow Village and are still desirous of ob- taining housing at that Project are asked to communicate with the Willow Village rental office im- mediately. Veterans who lacked Certificates 7 Playing Through Friday Shows at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 P.M. Ia- l C 3 OPTICAL SERVICE AMPUS OPTICIANS 222 Nickels Arcade Phone 2-9116 E 1 Y J I rl --- Open Daily 1:15 NOW SHOWING RICHARD TODD RONALD REAGAN PATRICIA NEAL "THE HASTY H EART" Feature -1:30 3:30-5:25-7:27 -9 p :30 Tom Tally Vgl4nia Welles ALSO MARCH "Popeye Makes A "Movie" OF TIME World Action News of Eligibility at the time of regis- tration and who obtained tuition loans from the University, are reminded to bring their certifi- cates, upon receipt, to the Veterans Service Bureau, 555 Administra- tion Building, where authorization for the cancellation of the loan may be obtained. Social chairmen and program chairmen of student organizations are requested to calendar activi- ties so as to avoid falling within the ten days prior to a final exam. ination period. (Committee on StudentAffairs, May, 1950). The final examination 'period for the current semester begins January 22. Social events sponsored by stu- dent organizations at which both men and women are to be present must be approved by the Dean of Students. Application forms and a copy of regulations governing these events may be secured in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration Bldg. Requests for approval must be submitted to that office no later than noon of the Monday before the event is scheduled. A list of approved so- cial events will be published in The Daily Official Bulletin on Wednes- day of each week. Standards of Conduct. All stu- dents, graduate and undergradu- ate, are notified of the following Standards of Conduct: Enrollment in the University carries with it obligations in re- gard to conduct not only inside but also outside the classrooms, and students are expected to con- duct themselves in such a man- ner as to be a credit both to them- selves and to the University. They are amenable to the laws govern- ing the community as well as to the rules and orders of the Uni- versity and University officials, and they are expected to observe the standards of conduct approved by the University. Whenever a student, group of students, society, fraternity, or other student organization fails to observe either the general standards of conduct as above outlined or any specific rules which may be adopted by the proper University authorities, or conducts himself or itself in such a manner as to make it apparent that he or it is not a desirable member or part of the University, he or it shall be liable to disciplinary ac- tion by the proper University au- thorities. Specific rules of con- duct which must be observed are: Women Guests in Men's Resi- dences. The presence of women guests in men's residences except for exchange and guest dinners or for social events or during calling hours approved by the Office of Student Affairs, is not permitted. This regulation does not apply to mothers of residents. (Committee on Student Conduct, January 28, 1947.) The use or presence of intoxicat- ing beverages in student quarters is not permitted. (Committee on Student Conduct, July 2, 1947.) Exchange and Guest Dinners may be held in organized student residences between 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. for weekday dinners and between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m for Sun- day dinners. While guest chaper- ons are not required groups with- out resident house directors must announce these events to the Of- fice of Student Affairs at least one day in advance of the scheduled date. Calling Hours for-Women in Men's Residences. Men's Residence Halls: daily be- tween 3 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. (Continued on Page 4) was to redistribute the contents and personnel of all offices housed in Haven Hall, Mason Hall, Uni- versity Hall and South Wing. This task, which would put a jig-saw puzzle to shame, took an entire summer to accomplish. Immediately after the Haven Hall fire the history and sociology department offices were moved to Rackham Building. A place was eventually found for the journal- ism department at 512 S. State in the old ROTC Building. * * - WHAT LITTLE was left of the Bureau of Government Library was transferred to the General Library, and the Institute for Pub- lic Administration, also formerly located in Haven Hall, was given several rooms in Rackham Build, ing. From the Mason group, the psychology 31 offices joined journalism at 512 S. State St. The Social Psychology Service, including the Navy Conference Research Project, was placed on the fourth floor of the Natural Science Building. Both the Sociology Research Project and the Business Ma- chines Research Project were re- moved from Mason Hall to Rack- ham Building. English teaching fellows were sent to the West Medical Building, * * * MATHEMATICS profess- have been moved to Angell Hall, while the political science staff members formerly of South Wing are now located in the basement of the University Elementary School, the Temporary Classroom Building and Angell Hall. Finally, the entire Institute for Social Research, which in- mmmm1111 eludes Survey Research and the Institute for Group Dynamics, the only occupant of University Hall, is now operating in West Hospital. -And yesterday a spot was found in the Temporary Classroom Building for the history teaching fellows, the last of the homeless. Buy and Sell Through Daily Classifieds An Interesting Colectnof Rare ANTIQUE'S Everything Imported China, glass, silver, pistols, etc. including old seals and cameos suitable for jewelry mounting. R. R. PATTERSON & ASSN. Open Daily 10 to 6 331 East Huron St. Sunday Afternoons Ann Arbor, Mich. Typewriters Repaired Sold/ Rented Bought Smith Corona The Typewriter and Stationery Store Open Saturday Afternoons Except Home Games G.I. Requisitions Accepted for Supplies Only Student' Supplies 3 Ring Notebooks Fountain Pens Brief Cases Stationery Since 1908 314 South State Street Phone 7177 I WASHBUCKLING ADVENTURE! EXOTIC ROMANCE! New and* USED TEXTBOOKS for all courses STUDENT SUPPLIES Special Department for Veterans -. - - i I it , I .I - i 1 f [1 pow"Mrammum No Main O pp. Courthouse TODAY - FRI. " SAT. Mat. 30c Nights &u Sun. 40v 1 CARY GRANT - JOHN GARFIELD "Destination Tokyo" Also DENNIS MORGAN Always TWO HITS! "God Is My Co-Pilot" J presents ORU ES 4, S.e innew IIt - ;;'" ' :"" : ;: ." tps: :. ' 3 CVA a":: " ..4 PlO"kp j Cy~/4 S -.. .