See Page 4
.Aitt an
Latest Deadline in the State
U' Draftees May
Get Part Credits
All Schools Will Have 'Pro-Rating'
Plans for Service-Bound Students
Students who leave school to enter the service will probably get
partial credit for the courses they do not finish, but exactly how they
receive the credit will differ in different schools.
This was revealed in a Daily survey of the University's colleges
and schools yesterday.
« « s s
THOUGH MANY of the units have no definite program as yet,
spokesmen for these schools indicated they would give partial credits
as suggested by the Board of Regents.
Last summer the Regents passed a resolution which said, in
part: "That a student who enters active military service during
any session should as a general principle be granted pro-rated
or equitable credit for work completed."
The resolution left it up to the individual colleges and schools
to work out their own programs. Some of the units have; others, not
yet confronted by any students service bound, have not.
OF THE PRO-RATING programs so far worked out, that of the
literary college is the most complete and the most complicated.
Under it, a student who goes in service after 10 weeks of a
semester can be given partial credit in the individual subjects he
has been taking. If he leaves before the tenth week he may still
receive partial credit, but this would be what a college spokesman
called "lump" credit. In other words, all the partial credits earned
from his whole schedule would be lumped into one unit.
For four to six weeks work, a student may earn one-third of the
total number of his hours, for seven to nine weeks work, he may gain
a credit of half his hours.
All of these credits must be okayed by the student's instructors.
Awarding of credit in courses when a student has been in them
10 weeks is entirely up to the instructor. He may conceivably give full
credit to a student if he feels it is deserved, a college spokesman said.
IN THE Graduate School and the College of Engineering the pro-
rating is left entirely up to the instructor.
Special examinations will be given to students in the Law School
who are drafted or called up as members of reserve units. As for
those who enlisted, Dean E. Blythe Stason said that problem would
be solved when it arose. He declared that during the last war there
had been very few cases of law students enlisting in the middle of a
A mixed policy will be followed in the School of Music. Dean Earl
Moore said that students will probably get proportional credit on the
whole course but that the proportions would not be uniform for all
In courses which are vital prerequisites, a student would get
less credit than in a course which is largely independent of others,
Dean Moore explained.
He admitted that in some cases a great deal of juggling might
be necessary to make the proportions and the prerequisites come out
correctly. Thus, he said, cases will be determined largely on an indi-
vidual basis.
THE REST of the University's schools have not yet set their
policy. Herbert Taggart, assistant dean of the School of Business
Administration, said that the exact details had not been worked out
by his school, but that the program would probably be similar to the
one of the literary college.
He declared that the details would probably be cleared at
the next meeting of the school's faculty, which he thought would
probably be held shortly after the Christmas vacation.
Dean Wells I. Bennett of the College of Architecture and Design
also said that no definite policy had been set in his college because
the question had not yet come up.
When it does, it will be possible to pro-rate some courses, but
that for others, it will be an impossibility because of their importance
as prerequisites. Thus, as in the music school, each case would need
to be considered individually, Dean Bennett pointed out.
OTHER UNITS without a definite policy are the College of Phar-
macy and the Schools of Public Health, Education, Natural Resources
and Dentistry. Spokesmen indicated that cases would be settled on
their individual merits.
Two schools that have few worries on pro-rating are those of
nursing and medicine. In the School of Nursing the main problem
during the last war was students leaving to follow -their soldier-hus-
bands. The curriculum is' such anyway, Mrs. Ada Hawkins, assistant
dean of the school said, that students would have to take up pretty
much where they left off, if they entered the service.
In line with the pro-rating policies on credit of the various col-
leges and schools, a University wide program for the refunding of
portions of the service-bound student's tuitions has also been worked
out. Gordon B. Jory, University cashier, said that this is a strictly
pro-rated program, with the refund based on the number of days
Government Asks Price ike Notice
Labor Fights
Of Incomes
Firms Must Post
WASHINGTON-()-The gov-
ernment asked 250 large compa-
nies outside the auto industry yes-
terday to give it at least seven
days' advance notice before rais-
ing prices on any major product.
Alan Valentine, administrator of
the Economic Stabilization Agen-
cy, telegraphed the business firms
a request for such advance notices
of price increases on any line in
which they do an annual business
of $500,000 or more.
VALENTINE advised General
Motors Corporation formally in
another telegram that its request
for a modification of the auto
price rollback has been turned
Meanwhile, top labor leaders
asked President Truman for
strong controls over th cost of
living and said wages should
be permitted to catch up with
rising prices.
"Wage stabilization must not be-
come wage freezing," the group
declared. They also asked him to
press for new legislation to per-
mit greater controls over food
prices and rent.
* *-*
ON CAPITOL HILL, some legis-
lators took a dim view of the gov-
ernment's request for a voluntary
so-called "freeze" on prices.
Senators Maybank (D-SC),
Bricker (R-Ohio) and Capeheart
(R-Ind) told newsmen in sepa-
rate interviews that broad, com-
pulsory wage-price c o n t r o 1s
should be clamped down imme-
Simultaneously, president Row-
land Jones, Jr., of the American
Retail Federation, representing
more than 500,000 retail. stores,
criticised the administration's vol-
untary "freeze" request as "vague
in some aspects."
Jones said the plan might throw
obstacles into the path of increas-
ed production-a major goal of
emergency mobilization-and ef-
ficient distribution.
Chinese Snub
New UN Plea
United Nations has sent a second
cease fire appeal to the Chinese
Communists, pointing out that a
halt in the Korean fighting will
greatly improve prospects for talks
the Reds want on a general set-
tlement of Asian problems.
The message was sent by the
three-map UN cease fire commit-
tee last night after the Red China
delegate, Wu Hsiu-Chuan, turned
a deaf ear to cease fire pleas and
left with his delegation for home.
Before departure Wu said a
cease fire could be obtained in
Korea onlycafter withdrawal of
f6reign - United Nations - troops
from Korea and award of For-
mosa to the Peiping government.
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Iamps Down
On IllegalRushing
With an eye to a possible shortage of rushees in the future the
Interfraternity Council house presidents last hight approved a series
of changes in the rushing rules designed to equalize opportunities for
all fraternities.
The revised rules generally sought to tighten the registration of
rushees, carefully spell out the meaning of "dirty rushing," and pro-
vide for policing and punishment of offenders. The new rules also
called for a program of rushing councilors similar to that used by the
Pan Hellenic Association.
* * * *
"WE BELIEVE that the real b
SL Shows
Term Gain
Of $3,000
The Student Legislature, at the
end of its first quarter of financial
operations, is three thousand dol-
lars in the black, retiring treasurer
Len Wilcox, '52, told the SL last
With total income thus far at
$4,822 and expenditures only $1,-
822, the SL's financial picture is
far rosier today than it was last
September. Atdthat time the SL
was $1,500 in debt, owing $1,078
to the Philippine Fund Drive and
$400 to the Displaced Persons
Treasurer Wilcox warned, how-
ever, that there would be no great
surplus left by the end of the year.
In the first place, he said, $1,000
has already been appropriated for
various SL activities but not yet
spent. Also, Wilcox asserted that
most of the SL's revenue yielding
activities have already taken place,
while there are many expenses yet
to be incurred before next June.
The main reason for the present
SL surplus is the whopping suc-
cess of Homecoming dance. Al-
though estimated income for the
event was $750, the dance actually
garnered $2,700 for the SL.
Also during last night's meeting,
the following students were ap-
pointed chairmen of committees:
Dave Brown, '53, publiq rela-
tions; Bob Baker, '53 campus ac-
tion; William Webb, '52, citizen-
ship; Berry Levey, '52, culture and
education and Herb Ruben, '51,
human relations.
W orld News
bite in all these charges is the new
f rule dening the rushee the right
to pledge a fraternity which has
violated the IFC rushing rules on
the rushee's behalf," Pete Thorpe,
'53, member of the IFC Rushing
Committee, declared.
A rigid scale of penalties was
established for violations by fra-
ternities. The scale is: first of-
fense, $50; sescond offense, $100
and third offense, denial of the
pledging privilege for the pre-
sent rushing period. A provision
was made for appeal to the IFC
House presidents meeting.
An Enforcement Committee
headed by four house presidents
was set up to enforce the rushing
rules. The committee, which would
be selected each semester, will have,
the power to enter any residence
or fraternity house to inquire and
investigate the rushing activities.
Practices of "dirty rushing"
were checked by a rule calling for
no personal contact between fra-
ternity men and rushees within
the residence halls during the
rushing period." This rule is now
a part of the University Regula-
The rushing revisions also call-
ed for a committee of ten counsel-
ors to provide facts on different
fraternities to the rushees. The
fraternities would have the option
of giving facts on costs, pledge du-
ties and other information vital
to rushees.
The IFC Ball committee report-
ed that IM Bldg. officials have
refused a request to allow booth
construction for the IFC Ball.
Phoenix Ends.
C7am pusDrive
Student Phoenix drive officials
yesterday ended their active cam-
paign for funds, announcing that
the total pledged adds up to $137,-
"But we're not closing up shop,"
drive chairman Mary Lubeck, '51,
said. "We will finish contacting a
few students we haven't already
seen after the holidays."
Lubeck reminded student solici-
tors that today is the last chance
they will have to turn in complet-
ed pledge cards before vacation.
The cards may be turned in be-
tween 1 and 5 p.m. at Rm. 3516
Administration Bldg.
BEACHHEAD MAP--Bombardment by U.N. warships, augmented
by U.S. battleship Missouri and field artillery (bomb bursts) kept
at bay masses of Red Chinese infantry pressing against U.N.'s
tiny beachhead at Hungnam (sawtooth line), in northeast Korea.
An estimated 25,000 Chinese were at the beachhead rim with
another estimated 75,000 movim g up from the west and northwest
(open arrows).
Senate Passes Bill To Drain
Excess Corporation Profits
Senate yesterday passed an excess
profits tax bill designed to drain
$3,200,000 from corporations this
year and even more when the pace
of defense spending quickens.
Less than four hours discussion
preceded the voice vote which
sent the measure to a House-Sen-
ate conference comnnittee.
Truman OK's
Rent Control
WASHINGTON-(P)--A 90-day
extension of Federal rent controls
was signed into law yesterday by
President Truman.
The controls are continued un-
til March 31 to give the new Con-
gress time to consider the matter
in relation to other stabliization
moves during the national emer-
Without congressional action,
the controls would have been lifted-
New Year's Eve in all communities
which did not vote to retain them
until next June 30, expiration date
of the present rent law.
The bill signed today continues
to give communities local option
-that is, their governments can
vote to xetain the federal controls.
through June 30 or abolish them
at any time.
MEANWHILE, Congress rushed
action on a $20-billion defense
bill, but Senate and House Repub-
lican leaders balked at reviving
some of President Truman's sweep-
ing World War II powers.
Simultaneously, the House
passed and seit to the Senate a
master plan for the nation's civil
defense - designed to provide
bomb shelters for millions of
Americans and otherwise prepare
for the dangers of atomic attack.
The three-year civil defense
program is expected to cost $3,100,-
000,000. The House vote was 247
to 1. Rep. Hoffman (R-Mich) cast
the lone dissent.
* * *
THE SENATE Appropriations
Committee wrote in more than
$2,000,000,000 over and above the
huge funds already approved by
the House, and considerably more
than President Trumv2 requested.
The House had acted before
Truman and defense leaders sent
up additional requests to
strengthen the nation's fighting
Chairman McKellar (D-Tenn)
of the Senate committee sent the
big money bill to the Senate and
called for swift action.
T h e Senate also confirmed
Charles E. Wilson of New York as
Director of Defense Mobilization
Reds Pushed
Back Fromx
East Flank
Enemy Forces
Strangely Quiet
TOKYO, Dec. 21 -(P)- Red
troops at the point of greatest
menace to theU nited Nations
beachhead around Hungnam were
forced to retreat yesterday.
Devastating around - the - clock
firepower -planes, warships, ar-
tillery-not only protected the Al-
lies' last toehold in Northeast Ko-
rea but even improved it on the
critical east flank.
* * *
A FIELD dispatch said North
Korean Reds on that flank had
to withdraw to ridges well back
from the American positions.
"Our artillery 'and air chew-
ed up at least one and possibly
two North Korean battalions,"
said an American regimental in-
telligence officer.
A later field dispatch said the
heavy UN air, ground and naval
assaults had disrupted any plans
by the Chinese and North Koreans
for a major assault on the beach-
As a consequence, the Commun-
ists remained inactive throughout
Wednesday-a strange quiet that
itself tended to worry UN com-
UN TANKS AND self-propelled
guns joined in the ground de-
fense, adding to the hail of teel
against the Reds.
In Western Korea, t~jere was
only "light and scattered con-
tact yesterdyr along the United
Nations defense line" north of
Seoul, a U.S. Eighth Army brief-
ing officer said today.
On Tuesday there had been a
report of clashes between north
and South Korean troops along
a 30-mile front northeast of Seoul.
But today the briefing officer said
this contact was broken off.
General MacArthur's headquar-
ters reported that the North Kor
eans, after regrouping forces in
Manchuria, now have 150,000 men
in action in Korea with another
50,000 at Manchurian staging
* * * ,
Make Oceans
Our Frontier
Says Hoover
NEW YORK - () - Herbert
Hoover called on America yester-
day to make the Atlantic and Pa-
cific oceans its frontiers-not con-
tinental Europe or Asia-and to
"arm our air and naval forces to
the teeth" to defend them.
We alone can thus prevent any
"possible invasion of the Western
Hemisphere by Communist ar-
mies," he said.
THE FORMER President said
"it is clear that the United Na-
tions are defeated in Korea." He
declared that "we shall be invit-
ing another Korea" by feeding
more men and money to Western
Europe unless and until it or-
ganizes its own defenses.
. Hoover said that, after the in-
itial outlay to strengthen the
Navy and Air Force, attention
could be turned to reducing ex-
penditures,. balancing the bud-
get and avoiding inflation.
His pronouncement came only a
day after President Truman pledg-
which the student
Will miss.
Rowe Chosen
As. Pharmacy
The appointment of Thomas
Rowe as Dean of the College of
Pharmacy to replace retiring Dean
Charles Stocking was announced
by Provost James P. Adams yes-
Dean of the pharmacy school at
Rutgers University since 1946,
Rowe will take office July 1, 1951.
Dean Stocking will begin his re-
tirement furlough during the sum-
mer of 1951.
Rowe, a University student here
from 1927 to 1929, received his
Professors Term GM
Sales Halt Irresponsible
The recent General Motors ac-
tion of halting new car sales was
termed "utterly irresponsible" by
economics professors yesterday.
Both Prof. Richard Musgrave
and Prof. Gardner Ackley felt'
that GM might have some grounds
for protesting the government
roll-back on new car prices to the
Dec. 1 level. But they agreed that
there was little justification for
the form of protest the company
PROF. MUSGRAVE pointed to
by withholding the cars from
market," he continued.
But in either case, the flaunting
of government attempt to stabilize
the economy was an inexcusable
move for such a leader in the
industrial world to make, especial-
ly since so much is to be asked of
the nation in the way of volun-
tary controls, Prof. Musgrave as-
Prof. Ackley, who worked with
the OPA during the last war, ad-
mitted that there was some jus-
tice in the corporation's cry that
the auto industry was being dis-
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - The Columbia
Broadcasting System said yester-
day it is requiring loyalty oaths
from all ;regular radio 'and tele-
vision employes and setting up
security measures to prevent sa-
TOKYO-General MacArthur's
headquarters yesterday ordered
all Korean military dispatches
submitted for official clearance
before they are sent abroad.
* * *
CHICAGO - A union official
said yesterday several Chicago
committees of the Brotherhood
of Railroad trainmen have
threatened to renew their walk-
FRANKFURT-On the eve of
crucial arms talks in Bonn, West
Germans appeared' united yester-
day against service in Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower's new Eur-
opean defense force unless the
North At1ntic Pact a11iesgant
U' Carolers Roam Freezing Campus
Christmas carolers won out over
twenty-degree temperatures last
night, converting the nipping air
into the musical variety.
Radiating what was probably
yuletide cheer, 27 caroling parties
ranging all over the campus area,
spread their merry Christmas
spirit in the largest caroling eve-
ning of the season.
* * *
* * * *
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