. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2950,.ยข THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAGE! WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 19~0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ?AGI I I I ROLL 'EM UP: Tea Presented Bunyan 'Formal' Preparations By Sigma Chi Demand Forester's Lessons Coed Guests Meet Members of the Forestry Club are busy introducing students to the true ways of the woodsmen in preparation for their annual Paul Bunyan "formal" to be held from 9 .p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 13 in the Waterman and Barbour Gymnasiums. In addition to informing the the campus about the facts of life concerning Paul Bunyan, the for- esters are also giving out data on the dancing with caulked boots and the rolling of cigarettes. Concerning the last project, the woodsmen suggest that novices JGP Members of the Central Com- mittee of JGP will meet at 4:15 p.m. today in the League. first secure the tobacco, of which there are two kinds, the flake type and the fibre variety, al- though some rugged citizens use plain pipe tobacco. In addition the foresters re- commend that the right kind of paper be used. Continuing with their instruc- tions, the foresters then suggest that the paper be grasped with the thumb, index and third fing- ers of the left hand, thus form- ing a trough in the paper. The tobacco is tapped lightly onto the paper and evenly propor- tioned. Next the bottom edge of the paper is folded over and down. It is then rolled over once more, the edges moistened and the roll completed by pushing upwards with the thumbs. i e 1 ...._ Fraternity Pledges DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN All the coeds on campus were "sweethearts of Sigma Chi" last Sunday when the men staged their annual open house for "strictly feminine" guests. Invitations were sent out to all women's residences, inviting coeds to the informal party which is, held each year in honor of Sigma Chi pledges. With the Tri Delts as their hos- tesses, guests were entertained with a magic show by Jack Gan- non, singing by the Sigma Chimes and Carl Kaltwasser. A humorous skit was given by Bill Clark and Jack Miller. Pledges honored at the open house were John Black, Russ Chandler, Louis Child, Mike Den- ney, Jerry Harrington, Dave Hig- gins, Don Hill and Jerry Nay. The list continues with: Cliff Mitts, Berry McDermott, John Matches, Chuck Pollard, Bronse Rumsey, Ron Seamon and Tom Benner. Phys. Ed. Department Will Honor Students With Annual Breakfast Majors, minors, and graduate students in the Physical Educa- tion Department for Women are being honored at a breakfast to- morrow morning (Thursday) at the WAB. The byeakfast is an annual event given by the staff. It will be highlighted by a dance done for the students by Esther Pease; Valerie Moffet, and Geraldine Miller, members of the faculty. Club Will Sell Bus Tickets To Cleveland Bus tickets from Ann Arbor to Cleveland will be sold from 3 to 5:30 p.m. today through - Friday in the Administration Building by members of the Cleveland Club. I Round trip tickets on the bus, which will leave Ann Arbor at 3:30 p.m. Friday, will be $9, but one way bus tickets will alsobbe available. At the same time, club mem- bers will also be selling tickets for their Christmas dance to be held Wednesday, Dec. 27, in Cleveland. Tickets for the dance, which will be held in the Tudor Room of the Tudor Arms Hotel, will be $3 per couple. YULETIDE SPIRIT-Residents of Stockwell Hall hold their Christmas reception at which time they decorate the dormitory with holiday trimmings and entertain their guests which include students and members of the faculty and administrative staffs. * * * * 'TIS THE SEASON: Stockwell Holds Reception Beauticians Offer Helpful Hints For Selecting Correct Perfume Individual Types Revealed by Selections Of Fashions, Hobbies, Literature, Music fJ~ 0 l/l/ed nain<- -=na>emen[J Beauticians have devised a guide for men who desire to give per- fume for Christmas but aren't quite sure what to pick. If one is buying for a woman who likes to walk in the rain, lis- ten to Debussy records in front of a fire, read poetry and see French art films, a romantic jasmine scented perfume is a good choice for her. A witty well-traveled woman appears on one's list. She likes good food in little restaurants which tourists are never able to find, she applauds a Bartok sym- phony and is acquainted with Pie casso through -her art-minded friends. A blend with jasmine and:roses from France mixed with spices from Madagascar, Singapore and Morocco is suggested. English lavender is an appro- priate gift for the 'outdoor Wo- man.' She has short hair and a yen for tweeds and cashmere sweaters. A cocktail party makes.her feel like an intruder. She is much more at home at a barbecue. A compliment on her tennis game is something she will treasure more than a comment on her ap- pearance. A gay heady scent is perfect for the woman who sparkles. She Is one who is never tired or bored. New beaux, first nights, latest tunes and new fashions are her hobbies. WAA Noticesj Ping Pong Tournament - "All winners from houses and dormi- tories should be turned in by noon Thursday to be included in the all-campus tournament which.be- gins January 8," according to Barbara Buschman, tournament manager. * * * Rifle Club-The Thursday sec- tion will not meet this week. (Continued from Page 3) Rapids room, League. Bring a gift. Everyone welcome. Hillelzapoppin: All scripts must be deposited at the Hillel Office in Lane Hall by Thurs., Dec. 21. Graduate Political S c i e n c e Round Table: 7:45 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall. A faculty-student panel will discuss "The United States and Latin America." Ullr Ski Club: Meeting to dis- cuss holiday ski trip. Movies. Room 3-G, Union. U. of M. Young Republican Club. Business meeting, 7:30 p.- m., Rm. 3B, Union. Modern Dance Club: Meeting, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Dance Studio, Barbour Gym. Generation Literary Staff: Meet- ing, 7 p.m., first floor, Student Publications Bldg. New members and contributions for deadline welcome. Final selections tonight. Coming Events Canterbury Club: Thurs., Dec. 21, 7 a.m., Holy Communion fol- lowed by Student Breakfast, 10:15 a.m., Holy Communion. TIGHT BUDGET? CHRISTMAS PROBLEMS? You'll be surprised at what a couple of bucks will buy at BALFOUR'S 1319 South University PORTRAIT Photography FRAMES for Photographs /2zfmer &uc/io 208 Michigan Theater Bldg. Ph. 2-2072 International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and Ameri- can friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 21. All students deeply concerned with finding a way to achieve peace for our world are encourag- ed to express their conviction by coming to individual prayer any- time Thursday noon, 11:30 to 1:30 at the League Chapel. It is hoped that everyone, regardless of religious belief will take part. Sponsored by Student Religious Association and Young Friends Group (Quakers). Holiday cheer was ushered in at Stockwell Hall last week at the dormitory's Christmas Reception. With the forthcoming holiday in mind the living room was de- corated with boughs, candles, and a large Christmas tree. Fruitcake, Christmas cookies, and coffee were served to those attending. The guest list included the ad- ministrative personnel on both the student and faculty level. Each resident also entertained one guest of her choice. The reception line included: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sanders (Mrs. Sanders is the house director of Stockwell), Miss Yvonne Fossen- kemper, assistant house director, Miss June Hanson, Miss Nan Hol- man, Miss Libby Rahm and Miss Barbara Martin. The list continues with Miss Florence Morrow, Miss Marjorie Fisher and Miss Dorothy Ras- musen. Stern-Ruderman At a ceremony in Detroit re- cently, the former Harriet Stern became the bride of Milton Ru- derman. The bride is tie daughter of Mrs. Julius Stern' and the late Dr. Julius Stern of Marcellus. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ruderman of De- troit are the parents of the bride- groom. The new Mrs. Ruderman re- ceived her A.B. in Sociology at the University in June 1950. Mr. Ruderman received his B.S. from, Wayne University in 1948 and his M.S. in Engineering from the University in June 1950. They will reside in Los Angeles, Calif. Krauss-Bey At a ceremony at Emanuel Lu- theran Church in Lansing, on Nov. 23, the former Marjorie Krauss became the bride of Rich- ard R. Bey. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Krauss of Lans- ing. She is a senior in the Literary College. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. Fred H. Bey of Cleveland, Ohio. He is a senior in the Engi- neering College and is affiliated with Theta Chi. . "C, 1Stum8S tory' .C , T( Ooo WjUtt Two exquisite colognes . White Hyacinth and Flowers of Devonshire... Rewitching and Flowers of Devonshire . Your choice of either combination gift packed in a "Christmas Story" book . It's all so novel and charming she'll love this"story" from beginning to end! only $ 2 pluis fed ~z SPECIAL 11 t Christmas Gil ROBES and ENSEMBLES $10 $ and Values to 22.9 * robes wool flannel, quilte " pajama ensembles quilte " brunch coats quilted ray taffeta, jersey PURCHASE Ip , S m V[ETCH I IN-V17" ee #"t s.. f: * - . 'r . 9 >. . ^ S ^ w 'y .' r. ; ::.:::.;.s.: >; ::. :: .: r :: '<'fs :>:: > r : . < <. , :... . $ 299$ 399 1~ and$4 I I I I ;; ;''' ~ .. 4' ....! y , (711 A- SALE! Loads and Loads of Lacy I1 GIFT SLIPS I M I L u ImII- f: F:i SA TE STr E ,; 24 S. TAT E= " " ~I . % -. GoFT 'E Golf Balls Juvenile M Sweaters Stadium Gloves Golf Gloves Sweat Sox Ladies' Levi's M Blankets Michigan Sweat Shirts Bowling BallsI Michigan Jackets Michigan T Shirts Bowling Bags Ski Mittens Sports Books Hockey Sticks Ski Caps U of M Hats Hockey Pucks And Many Others for Your Christmas Giving ft 14 5 Cocktail slips! Famous brand slips! Nylon crepes! Multicrepes! Extravagant lace net trims! The perfect choice for Christmas! J ed rayon satin d rayon satin ,on crepe, A/I [f, A a'e