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December 19, 1950 - Image 13

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-19

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An ti-Socialist Rule
Has No Miracles
For Australians


Tub Habit Drowned by Showers




(Editor's Note: It is a year since
the people of Australia and New
Zealand swept Labor from control
of their governments. Are the peo-
ple happier and better off? What
has been done in that year of anti-
socialistic government? The follow-
ing story tells what has happened.)
SYDNEY, Australia-(P)--Many
Australians and New Zealanders
expected miracles from their new
anti-socialist governments. There
have been no miracles.
Australia voted Labor out of of-
fice Dec. 10, 1949 after the party
had held power for eight years.
Only a few days previously, on
November 30, New Zealand had
ousted its 14-year-old Labor gov-
IN THE LAST year life has
gone on in both countries much
the same as under Labor. Some
controls affecting private busi-
ness, especially those governing
imports, have been eased.
A long list of commodities in
New Zealand has been freed from
price control. In Australia the
federal government has no consti-
tutional power to fix prices.
Sociel services-handouts in
pensions, free medicine and the
like are bigger and more ex-
tensive in both countries than
they were under Labor.
There is no more talk of the
governments nationalizing any-
thing, but only in New Zealand,
where there is more state-run
business than in Australia, are
there plans for de-socializing.
ment has announced plans to re-
store to private industry, in free
competition with the state, the
right to handle workers' compen-
sation insurance. Such insurance
is compulsory, and therefore is
big business. In 1949 the Labor
government made workers' com-
pensation insurance a state mono-
The New Zealand governmet
is handing over to private enter-
prise its import business in
bananas and oranges.
It also is putting its state-owned
national always service, another
of Labor's legacies, up for sale.
THE PEOPLE of both domii
ions have had three big disap-
pointments in the fira year of
anti-Labor administration:
1. living costs have continued to
2.iTaxation has remained vir-
tually the same.
3. the housing and building
shortage is as bad as it was a
year ago.
Both the National Paty ad-
ministration in New Zealand
and the Liberal Country Party
coalition in Australia promised
in their election campaigns to
makeythe pound go further.
They have not done so. There
is a general upward trend in prices
all over the world.
The price increase in other
countries means that these two
British dominions have to pay
more for their imports. It also
mes ns tht other countries can
pay more for the primary pro-
ducts Australia and New Zea-
iand gr/w for export.
Wool today is bringing two to
three times what it did a year ago.
What gives the producers more
spending moeny, and, with a shor-
tage of consumer goods, the in-
flationary trend that could be ex-
pected has occurred.
* * *

manpower in both countries.
Thousands of jobs are vacant.
The governments, along with
other employers, have had big
increases in their wages bill.
That is one reason why an elec-
tion-eve hope to cut taxes has
not been fulfilled.
Another is that the defense
commitments of both countries
have increased. For one thing
Australia plans to begin compul-
sory military training for youths
of 18 next year.
Australia has made one con-
cession to the taxpayer-a new
and simpler method of calculating
income tax. The effect is a slight
saving to the family man.
* *
THE INFLUX of immigrants
has not eased the acute housing
shortage in either Australia or
New Zealand. The building back-
log in both countries is so great
it will be many years before it is
The new Australian govern-
ment is subsidizing the importa-
tion of prefabricated houses
from Europe as one means of
catching up with the housing
Business is booming in both
countries. Many new public com-
panies have been formed and
there is no shortage of public
money forinvestment. The share
market in Australia is at an all-
time peak.
Labor seems neither more nor
less contented than under Labor
Party government. There have
been serious strikes in both coun-
hopes to say goodbye to a lotof
industrial trouble by weeding
Communists out of excutive posi-
tions in trade unions.
It has fulfilled an election
promise to declare the Com-
munist Party an illegal organi-
zation, and preclude "declared"
Communists from holding trade
union office. The Communistj
Party and some trade unions
with Communist links are now,
challengin gthe validity of this,
law in the high court.-
Australia's social service ex-j
penditure is 30,000,000 pounds,
($67,000,000) a year higher at
122,000,000 pounds ($273,000,000)
than it was under Labor. Among.
the new government's plans are:;
free milk for school children, free
medicine and treatment for pen-
sioners, an excess profits tax, a1
national resources board, and a;
hint that it may b, necessary toj
impose a system of priorities for,
consumers of basic materials suchj
as coal and steel.,
Some of these measures come
from the government's efforts1
to stem inflation. The govern-j
ment also has given notice it
will reimpose control of capital,
issues-a control started by
Labor and wiped out by this
government soon after it came
into power.j
One big change has been the,
abolition of all rationing in new
Zealand and Australia. New Zea-I
land had only butter rationing,
and that was soon wiped out.
WHAT OF the future?
From Canberra come reports
that the anti-Labor government1
would like to force a double dis-
solution of both the House of
Representatives and the Senate
and have a new general election.
This means the government -is
fidt it wUld hab irtU;

Today's rapidly-vanishing
American is the student who
takes his in a tub.
Busy scholars, reluctant to un-
dertake the enervating and time-
consuming process of a tub bath,
are finding the brisk service they
desire in the shower.
* * *
A CHECK of University dormi-
tories, where the greatest bulk of
regular bathers were found to re-
side, showed that eight out of ten
women prefer showers to tubs. The
men were also almost unanimous
in their approval of showers and
several of the men's dormitories
are entirely devoid of tubs.
Showers, because they are
easier to keep clean and require
less water, have become ex-
tremely popular for institution-
al housing and hotels, accord-
ing to a local plumbing supply
house. "The days when we sold
bath tubs in lots of 20 or more
for large residences are gone
forever," an official said.
Before the first cormtories were
built on campus, students lived
largely in rooming houses and
were subjected to the rigors of the
communal tub. Many hours were
spent in carrying water, scouring
rings and waiting in line.
UNIVERSITY students were not
the first to wait impatiently for
a neighbor to finish his ablu-
tions, however. The bath tub was
invented by the Romans who were
so overjoyed with their new crea-
tion that they spent much of their
time partaking of its pleasures.
Aristocrats took as many as
Freud Invadesj
Yule Tradition
(Continued from Page 11)
with strong guilt feelings, and1
their fear caused them to iden-
tify the dead leader with a sup-
ernatural authority, Freud be-
lieved, and the first worship
service was instituted.
From time to time their guilt
feelings compelled them to re-
sume their festival-with the flesh
of other individuals, the theory
continues. Freud's theory was that1
the Chfistian Communion Serv-
ice is a ramification of primer-
dial man's cannibalistic feast.
The guilt feeling conflict, ac-
cording to Freud, was finally re-
solved in Christianity when the
Son died for the Father.
* * *
FREUD also advanced a theory,
the psychologist added, that the
adoration of the divine Madonna
is the result of our yearning to re-
capture the time when we, as in-
fants, were under the complete
care of our mothers.
Of course, several obvious sex-
ual aspects of Christmas also ex-
ist, the psychologist admitted.
"The mistletoe, for example, is an
excuse for frustrated males and
females to shower their partners
with kisses."
Also listed as either directly or
indirectly the results of the sex
drive were Holly Hops, Christmas
parties, carolling, yuletide decora-
tions, Christmas music, and the
voluminous books of Christmas'
prose and poetry.
"You can just about tie sex to
to anything," he admitted.
Athany rate, in regard to these
theories, he referred to one of
Freud's pet proverbs: "One must
put up with a measure of uncer-


* *

eight baths a day. For this rea-
son, bathing was called the Ro-.
man Occupation and a memor-
able Roman law was coined for
the public baths: "He who
bathes first, bathes fast."
Soon after the disintegration of
the empire, however, the tub went
out of favor. Bathing came to be
viewed as a sin, and for many cen-
turies heavily scented perfumes
took the place of the Saturday
night ritual.
IT WAS NOT until the Eight-
eenth Century that bathing again
became popular.
A weekly soaking in the wooden
tub by the fire place was the ac-
cepted standard of hygiene in
Colonial America.
By the middle of the nine-
teenth century, running water
had made its appearance and
the tub had acquired all the
essential characteristics of its
outmoded modern descendent.
Past glories, however, seem all
that is destined to' remain of this
once-illustrious bathroom fixture
and its admission into the society
of discarded gadgets is regarded
as inevitable.

Arouses Cops
lice cars sped to investigate a re-
port that screams were coming
from inside the Shubert Theatre.
Four patrolmen burst into the
darkened theater.
There, in the center of the stage,
facing 2,000 empty seats, was the
night watchman, Hector Williams,
Williams, arms stretched up-
ward, was performing Gilbert and
Sullivan-all by himself and in a
lusty baritone that carried to the
The gray-haired, gray-bearded
watchman said, "I sing quite a bit
at night when the theatre is dark."
Ole Swimmin' Hole
STURGIS, Mich.- (R) -This
city is going to use an old swim-
ming hole for ice skating .this

for Christmas Gifts...
A GOOD COOK All the newest and best in fiction
-Non fiction-Classics-Sports-Cookery--
Hobbies-Art--Music-BOOKS FOR CH IL-
Beautiful boxes in white and colors by Montag-
Eaton-White and Wyckoff
Schaeffer - Parker - Esterbrook and many
other items.

1216 South University Ave.





con ilenti woui De returned in
WAGES IN BOTH countries the House of Representatives, and
have risen, possibly by 15 to 20 be given the majority that it now
per cent all round in Australia. lacks in the Senate.
Apart from compulsory increases The New Zealanders are more
to make up for higher living costs, conservative than the Australians.
employers are paying higher mar- Their general feeling today is that
gins over the minimum rates. the new government has not yet
They must do this to get labor- had sufficient time to prove its
for there is a great shortage of I worth.

Stadel O Sons

r: Jacket
M Knit Cuffs
r*Knit Bottoms
y'y.: Gray --

shirts--Nelson-Paige..............3.65 up
sweaters................... 5.00 to 11.50
socks.......................55 to 2.95
pajamas.................... 4.50 to 8.95
robes..................... 11.50 to 19.95
mufflers .................... 1.95 to 3.95
belts ...................... . .. 1.50 to 4.00
suspenders................. 1.50 and 2.00
hats by Stetson ............10.00 and 12.50
gloves-leather-..............4.00 to 10.95
sport shirts ..................3.95 to 7.50
neckwear ...................1.00 to 2.50
Plaid shirts, handkerchiefs,
jockey underwear and many other


\ 1


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i vour list. { I

U' IiCAI ni/P1 a ROY dI,

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