. THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1950 me= 'U' SERVICE TO STATE: Audio-Visual Center Aids Education By BOB VAUGHN The outstanding work done by the University's Audio-Visual Cen- ter, now in its 13th year, exempli- fies the acceptance of this model of education by the public and by the nation's educators. One of the most complete cen- ters of its kind, this unit of the University supplied more than 1,720 groups in 427 Michigan ci- ties and towns with audio-visual materials this year. MORE than 5,000 movies and 1,000 film strips concerning almost every conceivable subject a r e available from the Center's library. They range from "The Legis- lative Process in Michigan," to machine s h o p problems of "Transmission of Rotary Motion." And, in keeping with the pre- sent world crisis, the Center will soon have available for release such films as "Pattern for Survi- val," which shows what should be done in case of an atom bomb at- tack . * * * * 'U' Students Hold Mock Court Trials Insistant voices of lawyers exa- mining and cross examining wit- nesses have been ringing through Hutchins Hall as the Law School practice court trials swung into session. The practice court is a regular feature of the senior Law School curriculum, which was initiated to acquaint the future attorneys with the atmosphere and procedure of the court room. * * * TO MAINTAIN a realistic atmo- sphere, the Law School has devis- ed an original technique. Witnesses, chosen from stu- dents outside the Law School, are shown movies of the suppos- ed crime. At the trials they are asked to testify as to what they saw. In this way their testimony is as re- liable as that of bystanders who actually witness a crime. FOR PURPOSES of organiza- tion, Law School seniors are di- vided into groups of four. Two members of each group represent the plaintiff, and the other two plead the case of the defendent. The procedure parallels that of a real court case as closely as possible. The student lawyers file their original pleadings and briefs, try the case, and hear the decision of a jury whose members they have selected. After the verdict has been ren- dered, the losing side prepares a motion for a new trial following the standard procedure. Practice court cases cover all principal fields of law. Stalin Wins MOSCOW - (R) - Prime Mini- ster Stalin was reelected to the Moscow regional Soviet in yester- day's elections. He received 31,452 votes out of a total of 31,452. IPILA AID 4. PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION MICHIGAN DAILY Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISI NG RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .54 1.21 1.76 3 .63 1.60 2.65 4 .81 2.02 3.53 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline daily except Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays, 11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. BUSINESS SERVICES TYPING - Accurate work, reasonable rates. Wili call for and deliver. Call Marie Schuler 6341. )32B KIDDIE KARE Reliable sitters available. Ph. 3-1121. )10B GOOD RENTAL TYPEWRITERS now available at Office Equipment Ser- vice Company. 215 E. Liberty. Guar- anteed repair service on all makes of typewriters. )6B VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist. 308 S: State. Legal, Master, Doctors dis- sertations, etc. 2-9848 or 2-4228. )12B WASHING - Finished work and hand ironing if preferred. Also rough dry and wet washing. Free pick-up and delivery. Ph. 2-9020. )1B TYPING - Accurate wort, reasonable rates. 'Phone 3-4040. )3B FOR SALE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Genuine horsehide A-2 Jacket $19.95; Muton color gabardine jackets, sur- coat style $14.95; men's rayon robes $6.88; men's Beacon flannel robes $6.88; gabardine pants 40% wool, 60% rayon $7.15. Open till 6 p.m. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )5 LADIESccloth coat, very4dressy, lynx fur collar, teel blue. $45. Ph. 2-9774. )130 - COUSINS - on State Street Heavy Ski. Sweaters-assorted designs - $5.95 up. )3 CHRISTMAS Gift Rates on TIME and LIFE now available. Phone Student Periodical Agency 2-8242 to order. )2 ROOMS FOR RENT ? OF DOUBLE for male, one block southeast of campus. 7330. )68R ROOMS FOR MEN-Single and double. Two blocks from Ad. Bldg. Call 2-8787 after 5:30. )63R TOURIST HOME for Overnight Guests. Bath, shower, reasonable rates, 518 E. Williams St. Phone 3-8454. )12R PERSONAL Christmas Flowers Plantsl corsages, and cut flowers for Detroit delivery. Ph. 3-1824, 7-11 p.m. CAMPUS CORSAGE SERVICE )52P CLUB 21 1 Available for parties, dances, etc. Ph. 2-8315. )2P LEARN TO DANCE Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio 122 E. Liberty Phone 8161 )iP MICHIGAN NIGHT at Frank Dailey'sl Meadowbrook. Ralph Flanagan andl his orchestra. Call Ed Gibbon 2-3046 for reservations and information. )40P WESTERNERS Travel the Wolverine Club Rose Bowl Special back to school Jan. 5 from L. A., Salt Lake City, Omaha, and1 intermediate points. Further infor- mation and tickets at Adm. Bldg.,' 8-4:30 daily. )39P WILL GIVE piano lessons. School of Music senior. Phone 2-8242. )2 COMING HOLIDAY PARTIES 7 it costs so little to learn to have fun at RAY HATCH DANCE STUDIOS 209 S. State Ph. 5083 )4Pr TRANSPORTATION RIDE WANTED-Omaha Neb. Share expenses. J. M. Smith, Lawyers Club, 3-4145, Fri. or Sat. )69T TWO RIDERS wanaed to New York City and back. Leaving Dec. 21st or 22nd, 5 a.m. Return Jan. 5th or 6th. $20 round-trip. Call 2-9587 after 5. )65T NEED RIDE round-trip or one way to IINorfolk, Virginia or vicinity; will share driving and expenses. Leave Dec. 22. Call 2-8539 Reuben. )66T NEED RIDE to Toronto for 1 or 2 December 22-3. Call 3-4129 9 to 5. )67T DRIVING TO ROSE BOWL and return. Need passengers. No driving required. Married couple considered. Phone 3-4383 evenings. )68T WANTED-Riders from N.Y.C. to Chi- cago Dec. 27 to catch Rose Bowl Spe- cial. Call Ed Gibbon 2-3046. )56T NEED RIDE to N.Y. Dec. 27. Return Jan. 2. Phone 7211, Morris. TALLAHASSEE, Fla.-One rider, round trip, Xmas vacation. Car uncrowded. Call Dexter 5501. WANTED-Riders to L.A. leavin IUA. 1- x WITH AN awareness of the im- portance of audio-visual educa- tion in time of war, Director Ford L. Lemler yesterday said: "We will be planning acces- sions to the film library to serve the needs of adult community groups and public schools in con- nection with the growing na- tional emergency as it affects civilian defense plans and gene- ral civilian morale." In circulation now are such films as "Report on the Atom" and "Where Will You Hide" which are designed to present vividly atomic progress and its effect on mankind. * * * IN ADDITION to providing state wide services the Center also sup- plies the campus with university- level audio-visual material, pro- jection services or the loan of equipment and consultative serv- ices. Records indicate that faculty --Daily-Ed Kozma FILMSTRIP EXAMINATION-Audio-Visual Education Center director Ford L. Lemler and administrative assistant Mrs. E. H. McComb check one of the many hundreds of filmstrips available at the Center. , ' * * * FLY NORTH AMERICAN to the coast or Miami. Less than air coach fare. Phone after 5:30-2-8265 or 25-9083. ) 55T DASHING DISH driving to Buffalo leav- ing Friday after 9 a.m. with hope ofj arriving by 8 p.m., has found inter- ested driver in Fred Miller-Ext. 2208 or 5772. )64T WA3Maers w it. A .iivig Ie. 22nd for cities on the Southern route. Ph. 2-2283, 7-9. )60T LEAVING Dec. 21 in 1950 Studebaker for San Francisco via 66. Share ex- pense and driving. 3-1183. )54T WOLVERINE CLUB RASE BOWL SPECIL use of these services has increas- ed 25 percent since last year. In 1949 the Center assumed re- sponsibility for projection service to University schools and depart- ments and provides more than 1,600 hours of film projection in campus classrooms. ALSO, LAST year two silent mo- tion pictures were made for the Law School. They were designed to provide a laboratory experience for law students engaged in the pre- paration of trial cases. Another film, "Industrial Ex- haust Systems," produced by the Center is designed to compare the effects of various types of modern industrial exhaust sys- tems and stresses the importance of selecting the proper type of system in order to provide more healthy working conditions in plants. Prof. Arnet Epple of the me- chanical engineering department, and Kenneth Robinson of the Michigan Bureau of Industrial Health collaborated on the film which was produced for the en- gineering college. With the help of the Informa- tion Service and the University Broadcasting Service, the Center has made a 91 frame sound film- strip entitled, "The Michigan Me- morial Phoenix Project." Not only does the Center pro- vide audio-visual materials for the state and campus but it furnishes training in effective use of these materials. Formal course work is offered in the education school and off cam- pus through the Extension Service. -i TYPEWRITERS AND FOUNTAIN Sales, Rentals, and Service Morrill's -- 314 S. State St. PENS I )4B FOR SALE DIAMOND engagement and wedding rings. Large discount. Lee Anger, wholesale representative. Ph. 2-3481 2:00-5:00. )121 BABY PARAKEETS and mated pairs, canaries, zebra finches and Java rice birds. Bird suppliesand cages. Mrs. Ruffins, 562 ~. Seventh. )2B BASS SKI BOOTS, ice skates, size 10. Practically new $10 each. Phone 3-1060. )135 Mmm MOVIE CAMERA, Eastman mo- del 25, case, tilter, and tripod, $50. Ph. 2-9774. )136 9-DRAWER knee-hole desk and chair. Pd. $45. Will sell for $22. Phone 2-4591 room 304 Only 5 Shopping Days Till Christmas pAv- 'U r( a3 Zfl3 1 LeaveD. , return i timne or school. Com lete club car and dining car service, leg rest coaches, low cost pullman, many optional features. Ticketsand information at Adm. Bldg., 8-4:30. )38T WANTED TO RENT STUDENT COUPLE want room with kitchen privileges to be occupied Feb. 1. Call Stan 6284. )14W HELP WANTED PHOTOGRAPHER wanted to take J-Hop pictures. Call Carol Eagle, 2-2569. )49H LOST AND FOUND KNITTING BOX containing navy swea- ter and glasses. Christmas present. Return to or phone Doris Waldecker, 802 Monroe, 2-5184. )14L A Professor Receives Award DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FOR HIM JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT RONSON LIGHTERS Over 50 different styles. Haller's Jew- elers, 717 N. University Ave., near Hill Auditorium. FOR HIS CHRISTMAS give him a fine, all-wool Rugby sweater. Sleeveless, pullovers and cardigans. $2.95 to $10.95. Rabideau-Harris, 119 S. Main St. SEASON'S SGREETINGS TO ALL! We are pleased to have served you and hope to help you look well groomed for the Holidays. The Dascola Barbers Liberty near State FOR HER CHRISTMAS CARDS, wrappings, appointment calendars, book ends. Morrills, 314 S. State St. - COUSINS - ON STATE STREET PLASTIC ZIPPER SWEATER CASES. HOLDS SIX SWEATERS. ONLY $1.49 Last Day h th rig av The Institute of Radio Engineers Electronic Differential Analyzer," as awarded Prof. A. B. Macnee which appeared in the Nov., 1949 ze Browder J. Thompson Memo- issue of the I.R.E. magazine. al Prie.The award will be formally pre- sented by the president of the In- P r o f. Macnee received the stitute at the annual banquet in ward for his paper entitled "An [ New York on March 21. ! t i yhe S: ~l FlylC Ina 4 EngineDC-4 FIU Special Group Discount Phone for reservations .. ., Direct from Chicago to Burbank The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11 a.- m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1950 VOL. LXI, No. 72 Notices University Community Center, Willow Run Village: Wed., Dec., 20, 8 p.m., Ceramics. Thurs., Dec.- 21, 8 p.m., Choir practice. Regents' Meeting: Sat., Jan. 20, at 9 a.m. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than January 11. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary All Students: A University regu- lation requires that all students leaving Ann Arbor for extended vacations must return Library books before their departure. The purpose of this regulation is to insure the availability of books for scholars who wish to use them while the University is not in ses- sion. In accordance with this rule, stu- dents planning to spend Christmas vacation outside Ann Arbor must return Library books to the Charg- ing Desk of the General Library (or the proper Divisional Library) be- fore leaving the city. Special permission to charge books for use outside Ann Arbor may be given in case of urgent need. Arrangements must be made at the Charging Desk for books from the General Library or with Librarians in charge of Divisional Libraries. Students taking Library books from Ann Arbor without permis- sion are liable to a fine of $1.00. The restrictions upon the use of automobiles by University of Michigan students will be lifted (Continued on Page 3) NOW SHOWING OPTICAL SERVICE CAMPUS OPTICIANS 222 Nickels Arcade Phone'2-91 16 ! STARTING WEDNESDAY r { Mc±M iR Egn A h -- fm 44c TILL 5 P.M. Feature at 1:20-3:20 - 5:20 7:25 - 9:25 PORTRAIT Photography FRAMES for Photographs 44c TILL 5 P.M. I-I RA 6-6168 Midland Hotel, 172 W. Adams CHICAGO, ILL. RA 6-6168 ~amer &tu dio 208 Michigan Theater Bldg. Ph. 2-2072 Also .. . News - Cartoon - Specialty - b.... ........O... MICHIGAN LEAGUE CAFETERIA A MERRY CHRISTMAS CANDLELIGHT DINNER SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23 CLOSED SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24 MONDAY, DECEMBER25 Any Type of QUALITY PRINTING LOWER PRICES! - DOWNTOWN - 307 North Main Street DESUNKATION 00OD COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR Serving Savers FOR 60 YEARS Save with safety and profit. Open an insured savings account with any amount. 2% current rate Save on our STUDENT BUNDLE! / 4 LBS. MINIMUM . .... 50c I Late News EXTRA! Color Cartoon Each Additional Pound .12c Joe McDoakest Comedy * THURSDAY . PAUL HENREID IN "LAST OF THE BUCCANEERS" PLUS A TRIBUTE TO FIGHTING GI'S "CASSINO TO KOREA" All clothing laundered, fluff dried, and neatly folded. The following articles are finished at low extra charges as follows- SHIRTS, additional ...17c 1111 116 North Fourth Ave. Opposite Court House Phone 2-2549 Assets Over $15,000,000 i HANDKERCHIEFS.... 3c I I Pl- r SOX, pair........... 3c Dress shirts and silk or wool sport shirts slightly higher. PICK-UP and DELIVERY SERVICE Phone 23-1-23 t .1 11 MICHIGAN SOUVENIRS I i , I