*1 STACY VERDICT See rage 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State :43. i1 C CLOUDY, COLD, SNOW VOL. LXI, No. 72 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1950 SIXTEEN PAGES Fierce * * Battle *D Draft Rages On Yank * * * * * Student Claritications * ade Aptitude Test May Decide Deferments Would Classify Top Students 2-A WASHINGTON -(p)- Advisors to Draft Director Lewis B. Her- shey recommended yesterday that the deferment of college students a be basednon their ability topass intelligence or aptitude tests. The 27 advisors are members of six committees of educators ap- pointed two years ago to recom- mend a draft plan that would pro- vide not only soldiers but enough students to fill the jobs in science, medicine and other fields neces- sary to national welfare. * * * THE COMMITTEES, headed by H. H. Tryten, director of the office of Scientific Personnel at the Na- tional Research Council, recom- mended: 1. Selective service create a spe- cial classification, 2-A (S) for stu- dents whose demonstrated "edu- cation aptitude" is such that his professional training program be continued "to increase his poten- tial value to the national health, safety and interest." This educational aptitude would be defined as the ability to pass a general classification test (intelligence or ability test) with a sufficiently high grade to indicate special promise of com- petence in the prfessional field he may have chosen. 3. He also must be certified by an accredited school, college or university in which he has been enrolled as giving promise of defi- nite progress in higher education. The certificates would go only to students whose standing in their classes, based on grades and other rating, is above a certain percent- age point. After graduation a student would be given a short period to get an essential job in his profession. * s IF HE DID not he would be sub- ject to induction for a period cal- culated this way: one year for each year he was deferred beyond the present draft age limit of 26. As an example if he were deferred three years in an engineering course, he would be subject . to draft until he was 29 years old;. if deferred 10 years in medical studies he would be subject to draft until he was 36 years o.d. Negotiators Tell Reds To Name (Place By The Associated Press United Nations truce negotiators have appealed directly to Peiping for a meeting to discuss a cease- fire in Korea. They indicated a willingness to " go to Peiping or anywhere else to talk over the plea yesterday at Lake Success. LESTER B. PEARSON of Cana- da told the 60-member Assembly Political Committee yesterday that Beachhead Battleship Missouri Blasts Red Forces North Koreans Join Chinese; Fail to Penetrate UN Defenses TOKYO-(IP)-American soldiers fought ferociously all day 3;5- terday and far into the night to contain fresh North Korean and Chinese Communist forces attempting to break through the con- tracting Hungnam perimeter in northeast Korea. Off shore, the mighty battleship Misxouri added the heavy power . of its nine 16-inch and twenty 5-inch guns to the defense. The heavy cruisers St. Paul and Rochester and a host of destroyers already were hurling constant streams of fiery metal into enemy positions ringing the beachhead. * * * * A U.S. TENTH CORPS spokesman identified a "very aggressive" North Korean regiment as spearheading the Red attempt to drive they last remaining United Nations in northeast Korea into the sea. Previously only Chinese troops have opposed UN forces along the per- imeter. An estimated 100,000 Chinese are taking part in the drive, with O at least one fourth of this force committed on the Hungnam plain. The spokesman confirmed that fi so far the Chinese had been un- M odll able to burst through the line cur- 11 .toan.d by naval grunfire and straf- -Daily-Roger Reinke TROPHY OF THE VICTORS-Coach Bennie Oosterbaan shows the football used by the Michigan Rose Bowl team of 1902 to de- feat Stanford, 49-0. Standing to his left in the background are tackles Tom Johnson and Bruce Barthlemew. -Daily-Roger Reinke YEA TEAM-Cheerleaders on the steps of the Union lead a crowd of about 2500 students in a cheer at yesterday's pep rally. Crowding around the sides in the foreground are photographers and mem- bers of the Marching Band. 4~ * * * * * 'I * 'European Army Plans Completed BRUSSELS, Belgium - Cabinet ministers of the 12 Atlantic Pact nations announced last night they have approved firm steps to form an international army, including Germans, for the defense of West- ern Europe against Communist aggression. This step, in defiance of threats from the Soviet Union, was tak- en at a three-hour meeting yes- terday afternoon behind closed doors. A final decision will be announced today. Conference officials said the plans call for 55 to 60 divisions and air and sea forces, totaling at least 1,000,000 men, by the end of 1953. * * * Big Crowd Cheers Departing Gridders By BOB SOLT A silver streamliner gliding over; the mid-west plains this more;g is carrying the Michigan squad on its way to their grid battle on New Rail Dispu Negotiations To Continue WASHINGTON - (A') - The White House arranged special night sessions in the railroad dis- pute last night after several hours of discussion of the "wage situa- tion." Negotiations were steered by John R. Steelman, assistant to the President Year's day with the Golden Bears of California. At exactly 1:25 p.m. yesterday, the 13-car Michigan Special pull- ed slowly out of the New York Central station, only 20 minutes after the University enthusiasti- cally sent the team on its way with cheers of "do it again-49-0." * * * JAMMED TOGETHER at the pep rally to wish the Maize and Blue good luck were Governor G. Mennen Williams, Provost James P. Adams, 10 cheerleaders, bands- men, and about 2500 students. The cheerleaders pumped re- sounding cheers from a crowd that was noticeably larger and more high-spirited than Michigan pep rallies usually are. And about two- thirds of the Marching Band, dressed in colorless civies, played and sounded as if all of the usual 135 members of the band were there. SPEECHES were brief, but good. "I have no speech to make, but I want to thank all of you for this wonderful rally, and for the way you have supported the team and coaches during the year," Coach Bennie Oosterbaan said. * * * OOSTERBAAN was handed the football used by the 1902 Michigan team to defeat Stanford in the Rose Bowl, 49-0. Later before he boarded the train at the station, he tossed the football to an aide. Making an unexpected appear- ance was Governor Williams, who came to Ann Arbor with General Carl A. Spaatz to gath- er materil that is to be used for boosting Michigan as the site for a proposed national air academy. When the crowd shouted "Roll 'em up," Soapy waved back genial- ly, and in a good-natured man- ner joined in the chant. A cheer- leader reminded him that he was the target of the crowd's chant, and the Governor then obliged. * * * HE LOUDLY voiced his admira- tion of the team and coaches, and expressed confidence that the 49-0 score on the football presented to Oosterbaan would be duplicated in the coming tussle at Pasadena. (Continued on Page 6) War Powers Requested By Truman WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi- dent Truman yesterday asked Congress to restore certain World War II powers permitting him to adjust defense contracts and cope with other aspects of the boom- ing mobilization program. Specifically, the President re- quested the lawmakers for quick legislation reviving authority he held under titles one and two of the first War Powers Act of 1941. * * * TITLE ONE permitted the Pres- i d e n t to "create, consolidate, transfer or abolish" Federal agen- cies. Title two allowed him to mod- ify contracts to avoid "undue de- lays in production."f Truman also said he expects to ask still further emergency authority when the new 82nd Congress meets in January. He did not say what new powers he had in mind. * * * Meanwhile, the government took a searching look at meat prices as it moved to throw its anti-infla- tion machineryr into high gear. Economic Stabilizer Alan Valen- tine conferred behind closed doors with meat industry officials, with beef, veal and lamb in the spot- light because they are selling high- enough to come within the scope of the Economic Controls Law. It was indicated that the talks would be little more than "explora- tory" at this time. That is what happened in the auto industry. And when some companies refused to comply with Valentine's request for voluntary h o 1 d-the-price-line action, the government stepped in last Satur- day with a mandatory rollback on price boosts for new cars to Dec. 1 levels. TO COMMAND the unified * * * force, the ministers are expected A WHITE HOUSE spokesman to ask President Truman to ap- said that the wage problems had point an American officer. There not been settled at the afternoon is little doubt that it will be Gen. meeting and that the night parley Dwight D. Eisenhower. did not necessarily mean that ag- Yesterday they approved two j reement was near.t plans, one for German partici- However, considerable progress pation of up to 150,000 Germans was indicated by the stepped up in a European army, that had negotiations since lasteweek's been prepared by the foreign wildcat strikes were ended and ministers' deputies. most of the negotiators were op- timistic. The other plan, drawn up by the Steelman brought the negotia- Military Committee of Chiefs of tors face to face Sunday night for Staff, outlined the organization of the first time since the roads were such a force, provided for an seized Aug. 26. American commander and drew Late in the day the Toledo the line of his authority, workers agreed to end their re- * * * ported "illnesses" and go back to SEVERAL of the ministers, in. work. cluding Acheson, are expected to Just what effect a wildcat strike make speeches on the world situa- yesterday on lines feeding out of tion today. In the afternoon, and Toledo would have on the negotia- probably again in the evening, tions was not immediately learned. there will be a get-together of the Unofficially, at least, some car- big three--Acheson, British Fore- riers were willing to accept the ign Secretary Ernest Bevin and explanation that it was a "wild- French Foreign Minister Robert cat" demonstration by workers Schuman. who reported off "sick." Auto Sales DETROIT-(P)-General Motors Corp. stopped the sale of 1951 model autos yesterday. The world's biggest car produc- er reportedly asked the govern- ment to modify its order rolling back prices on new cars to the Dec. 1 level. After GM took its new cars off the market, economic stabiliza- tion officials in Washington said they had been advised that the corporation was telegraphing to Washington details of its proposal for modification of the rollback. * * * GM OFFICIALS declined im- mediate comment on the report. A spokesman for the Economic Stabilization Agency in Washing- ton said price stabilizer Michael V. di Salle has already been given "rough details" of GM's Ideas. The corporation notified its Chevrolet, Pontiac and Cadillac dealers that until further notice, all cars delivered to them on or after today will remain the property o GM and are not to be sold unl further notice. The action was taken, GM said, "pending an examination of the discriminatory order of the Eco- nomic Stabilization Agency af- fecting passenger car prices, in- cluding the possible effect on wages." Last Saturday the Agency order- ed car prices cut back to Dec. 1 levels. This affected increases an- nounced by Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, Cadillac, all Chrysler di-. .visions, Ford Mercury and Lin- coln and Nash. Meanwhile, Walter Reuther, head of the million member CIO- United Auto Workers, said yes- terday he will fight any Federal attempt to freeze wages in the automotive industry. World Newus Roundup. By The Assocted Press WASHINGTON-The Senate Fi- nance Committee last night ap- proved a multi-billion dollar ex- cess profits tax bill, though last minute changes sliced some mil- lions from the measure's expected revenue yield. * * * STOCKHOLM, Sweden - A Foreign Office spokesman said last night Sweden sees no need for participation in the Mar- shall plan in 1951. * * * WASHINGTON - Walter Reu- ther, head of the million-member CIO-United Auto Workers, said yesterday he will fight any Federal attempt to freeze wages in the automotive industry. * * '* WASHINGTON - The House passed and sent to the Senate yes- terrav a hill t iv ench m mhr l~ m y luu U 11 AUU ing pianes. THE MISSOURI was hurling salvoes of shells at Chinese Reds holding northern ridge position overlooking the flatlands ap- proaching Hungnam. Her 16-ini guns have a range of well over 20 miles. On f left flank and to the west toward burning Hamhung the Reds were pinned 'down by the navy bombardment. Thus far the big Red force has been . unable to bring artillery into play. While dlied ground forces made their last stand in North Korea, the Far East Air Forces, support- ed by American and British car- rier pilots and flying Americh Marines, carried punishing offen- sive operations against the Reds to the edge of the Manchui ian border. * * * HIGH FLYING B-29 superforts carted 160 tons of bombs to four Communist communications cen- ters, dropping about half of their load on the east coast port of Wonsan. The remaining tonnage w a s dropped on Pyongyang, Chongju a n d Kongunyong in North Korea. Fifth Airforce fighters and bombers, Navy planes based on the carrier Theseus made heavy rocket and jellied gasoline fire romb raids in excellent flying weather. The western Korean front still was described as "quiet." Committee Passes Civil DefenseBill WASHINGTON-W)-The Civil Defense bill-urgent legislation tagged for passage before Christ- mas-cleared the House Armed Services Committee yesterday by a unanimous vote. The Senate Armed Services Committee reached unanimous agreement Saturday on a similar measure with the expectation of sending it to the floor for action this week. ,'* * REP. VINSON, chairman of the House committee, ticketed the House bill for passage Wednesday. The Civilian Defense Program is expected to result in an outlay of at least $3,100,000,000 over the next three years by the Federal and local governments. The Legislation before Congress is a blueprint for the establishment and operation of a Federal Civil Defense Administration, which would cooperate with state and lo- cal defense set-ups. The national government could match dollar for dollar any state funds set.aside to build public bomb shelters. The new agency would be head- ed by a $17,500 a year admini- sratnr atnexpe tn ed torilari d1 MY LITTLE HATCHET: Woodchopping Pledges Fined For Nocturnal Treenapping Three Alpha Sigma Phi pledges chopped their way to the atten- tion of Dean Erich Walter, local police, Municipal Court Judge Francis O'Brien, and Ann Arbor The tree just matched the des- cription given by George Brown, who reported earlier that some- one had chopped down and made off with his prize tree. i t t 1 r resident George Brown early Sun- day morning when they decided Alpha Sig president James to get a Christmas tree free. Howe, '51, confessed that the trio The three amateur lumberjacks; ! had been sent out with orders to Michael Roman, '52E, Raymond "get a tree," but that he had no Walmoth, '54, and Gurnee Bridge- idea they would perpetrate such man, '53, were caught by police a crime. at 2:27 a.m. Sunday at Hill and The three were fined $16.25 each Washtenaw with a 15-foot spruce by Judge O'Brien yesterday, and strapped to their car. ordered to restore a similar tree. it was still too soon to expect an answer. rIFCCH IT MAS The appeal went out Saturday IFC CHI STMAS but was not disclosed until yes-- terday. The committe adjourned all its! work until the negotiators have S a n ta V : something new to report. * * * IT REFUSED to heed Jacob A. Malik's demands to take up Rus- By FLOYD THOMAS sian charges that the United Santa Claus came to town yes- States' Formosa policy makes it terday to delight almost 4,000 guilty of aggression toward Red youngsters packing Hill Auditor- China. iuln. Pearson, Sir Bengal N. Rau St. Nickrceived a lone a nd loud PARTY: i sits 4,000 Children at Hill Auditorium . : . <">-- youthful iconoclast shouted that St. Nick's stomach was falling out -the absolute truth. But the tots gave thei: un- qualified annroval to gvmnastics Pie-throwing by "The World's1 Funniest Clowns," a female duet pantomiming Christmas records, and a balancing act rounded out the program. T .. -- - X .. ..___ ... - I r ' .3 E