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December 17, 1950 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-12-17

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G L O B U L A R H O B BY - A bowling alley (left), barber
shop (center) and covered wagon (right) are samples of work of
Bob Searight -of Long Beach, Calif., whose hobby is to assemble
scenes inside discarded electric light globes. Most scenes are
placed in 1,000 and 500 watt size globes. The miniature carvings
are made of balsa wood, plastic and cardboard.

tomer looks at an 1860 French safety bicycle during a visit to the
Old Iron Fair on the Boulevard Richard Lenoir, in Paris.

A M d N G G I A N T S - Gene Brown has four six-foot,six-
inch freshmen escorts on Stanford's campus, Palo Alto, Cal., where
forty percent of freshmen males are over six feet tall. ABoys are
Dave Epperson, Jack Champion, Bill Allen and Leland Krugelgen.

F A N C Y P.R A N C E R - Neva Milligan, of Alhambra, Cal.,
competes in a preliminary of All-Western Band Review at Long
Beach, to choose top majorette of more than 100 western bands.

Leverkusen, Germany, tests a microphone and amplifier that mag-
nifies sound 10,000 times, can locate tiny worms gnawing in wood.

IX ECU'T10NER'S SWORD-- oan Wendell (left)
and Diane Bernot weigh a 16th century Austrian executioner's
-sword at medieval exhibit in George Harding Museum;.,Chicago.

in a labor service battalion established by the U. S. Army drill on
the field of a former fire department school in Berlin.,

:HONORING M A R I N ES -Mrs. David K. Bruce, wife
of U. S. Ambassador to France, uses Lt. R. H. Mample's saber to cut
a cake at celebration of Marine Corps 175th anniversary in Paris.

"""""" " ""' SAN A A' ASSI1 S T A N T S -Susan Price and Horace
A M E R I C A N S C U L P T O R I N R O M E - Robert Underwood aid Mrs. Anthony Story (left) and Mrs. Donald Huth
Cook, 29-year-old sculptor of Milton, Mass., studying in Europe in selecting Christmas gifts at the Tokyo PX to be sent to the
for two years, prepares for his one-man show in Rome, Italy. 'omes of children of soldiers fighting in Korea. The shoppers are
Cook favors baseball players, jazz and children as his subjects. guided in their selections by letters from the fighting men.

APARTMENT IN CAIRO - A building boom in
Cairo, Egypt, produced houses like this. 3-room furnished apart-
ments, centrally located, can be rented for as little as $65 a month.

AFLOAT ON THE R I Vi E R A-yacht zaca, owned
by newly-wed actor Errol Flynn, is dwarfed between two U. S.
warships, destroyer (foreground) and cruiser, at Villefrance -on
French Riviera. In background is a U.S. aircraft carrier.


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