THE MICHIGAN DAILY I German Shortsightedness It Seems to Me The Week's News ... IN RETROSPECT DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN J A THUMBS DOWN by the Bonn govern- ment of the Atlantic powers proposal for rearmament of West Germany is a tough blow to the hope of a united Western Euro- pean army. The proposal called for combat team (a regiment of 6,000 men) at the present, and later a gradual organization into divisions when more Germans were added to the force. The plan which has been in the fire for the last several months was a compromise concession in which the French, with a gal- lant Gallic bow, conceded to the wishes of the other members. And this was quite a concession in view of the traditional French attitude toward an armed Germany. The objections of Bonn government were based on the fact that the German units were to be interspersed throughout the West Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BOB VAUGHN Europe force, and the majority of their staff officers would be men of other nations. The Germans said that they would. "not accept any plan that involves discrimination against German troops." Although Chancellor Konrad Adenauer probably would not have supported this stand a month ago, the victories of the Socialist opposition have forced him into a position of demanding equality. The Chancellor's stand has also been influenced by the "peace and unity" campaign that the East German government currently has been waging. The Germans, who were our enemies only five years ago, ought to realize that the Atlantic powers proposal represented a great compromise by the French. Europe is in a critical danger of attack from the Communists of the East, and the nations of West Europe must cooperate and hang together for the benefit of all. But at this critical moment, the narrow German request for "full equality" is more than short sighted-it smacks of an attempt to capitalize on the situation of the Atlantic powers and add to their own personal bene- fit. -Ron Watts. Religion & Everyone but the demoralized students seemed to be worried about the state of demoralized students at the Lane Hall Stu- dent Morale meeting Thursday. The objects of all the concern stayed home and were quietly "demoralized". And in the light of the meeting's nature perhaps those who stayed away were pur- suing the wiser course. To an outside observer (and there were three or four among the dozen regular faces at such meetings), most of the proceedings were an object lesson in futility. As it developed those who were there got no remedies, not even an attempt at so- lutions-they got panaceas. Religion, faith, morality, convictions were tossed around glibly like so many beanbags. But sitting there in the middle of the, floor like prisoners' ball-and-chains were the students questions about the draft and its effect on school or marriage, and even more pressing, the prospect of im- mediate destruction. When the students left they dragged their ball-and-chains home with them, almost untouched, almost unmentioned by the re- ligious leaders to whom they looked for guidance. That is why the more cynical students may have been wiser in absenting them-, selves. They, at least, escaped the frustra- tion and disappointment of the affair. Those who were there could say with the poet Omar Khayyam: Myself when young did eagerly fre- quent Doctor and Saint, and heard great ar- gument About it and about: but evermore Came out by the same door where in I went. Is it any wonder that the modern stu- dent is leary of even entering the door. -Zander Hollander ON THE Washington Merry Go Round WIT RE utW PEARSON WASHINGTON-When Gen. George Mar- shall was appointed Secretary of De- fense, criticism was raised that he would instinctively break down civilian safeguards. Traditionally, civilians have commanded the Army, Navy and Air Force, so it was argued that putting a military man in charge of all three services was dangerous. One phase of this criticism now seems justified. Though he has been in office three months, General Marshall has not yet called a formal meeting of the Secre- taries of the Army, Navy and Air Force. These three civilians--ail able men-are supposed to be the real bosses. Under Louey Johnson they met almost every week-some- times oftener. But under Marshall they have not met at all. Instead he, a military man, leans almost entirely on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In fact, the Joint Chiefs of Staff today have become about the most important gov- erning factor in Washington. With broad-minded Gen. Omar Bradley as chairman of the Joint Chiefs, this is not dangerous. Furthermore, the other Joint Chief--Gen. Joe Collins, Adm. Forrest Sher- man, and Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg for air- are also civilian-minded officers. However, CURRENT MOVIES At The Mihigan .,.. HARRIET CRAIG with Joan Crawford, Wendell Corey, and K. T. Stevens OCCASIONALLY, with the Hollywood cre- ative sump shows signs of running dry, a number of old chestnuts are pulled out of the back files for reconsideration. Craig's Wife is usually among these. Originally pro- duced as a play in 1924 and first filmed in 1940, the tired plot (with some. alterations) is once again set in motion, this time as a vehicle for Joan Crawford. Pretty much of a cold fish, Mrs. Craig spends most of her time nagging her hus- band (principally about his untidiness), needling the faithful old housekeeper, and breaking up other people's lives with the methodical thoroughness of a psychotic. Her trusting spouse, in turn, spends most of his time holed up in a sound laboratory and is blissfully unaware of these devilish goings-on. Eventually, however, even he begins to think something is amiss and in a cliche-ridden denouement tells her off and clears out of the house for good. This leaves Mrs. Craig to stagger up one of those two-story, marble staircases alone. eM raw.-d is mmrnah.ehi efrv he- the precedent is dangerous. For it creates a system similar to that which dominated Germany. MUSICAL CRITICISM MOST PEOPLE have forgotten that, re- gardless of Harry Truman's letter to music-critic Paul Hume, the right to criti- cize musical and dramatic performances has been established by the American courts in the case of New York Times versus the Shu- bert Theatres. It happened that the Shuberts objected to New York Times drama reviews, re- fused to give Times critics the customary passes, following which the critics pur- chased their own tickets. However, these were not honored at the entrance and the critics were barred. The New York Times then went to-court, and its attorney, Alfred Cook, brother-in-law of Washington Post publisher Eugene Meyer, won the important verdict that newspapers have the right to access to musical and dra- matic productions in order to criticize. No power can bar them. Ironically, it was Eugene Meyer's critic who got the wrath of President Truman on his head when he exercised that right. VOTELESS HAWAII NEBRASKA'S Senator Ken Wherry was queried by a friend as to why he voted against statehood far Hawaii. "I'm afraid we might get some of these New Dealers in the Senate," Wherry replied, referring to the fact that Hawaii, as a state, could send two senators to Washington. "You'd get Joe Farrington'as a senator," Wherry was reminded, the reference being to the stanch Republican delegate who now represents Hawaii in Congress. Do you con- sider Joe a New Dealer?" "How did he vote?" asked the GOP Sen- ate Leader. The friend of Hawaiian statehood, though amazed at Wherry's ignorance, didn't dare tell him that the delegate of Hawaii and of other territories cannot vote at all, and that this is the main reason they want statehood. So he replied: "Oh, Joe voted about the way you did." WASHINGTON KEYHOLE IRONY OF the GOP attack on Dean Ache- son is that he had wanted to retire around Jan. 1. Now, in view of the bitter battle against him, both he and the President's dander is up. . . . When Acheson does get out, keep an eye on Tom Finletter, now Sec- retary for Airy as the new Secretary of State. Finletter did a bang-up job for the State De- partment at the San Francisco conference, has also handled various big international- economic problems. . . . Quoth Wyoming's Sen. Joe O'Mahoney to Herbert Bayard Swope when asked if he'd take the Senate By DON NUECHTERLEIN T SEEMS rather remarkable how our thinking about the Chinese Communists has changed during the past five years. In the year or two following the war the ideal prevailed in many quarters that the Chinese rebels were not Communists at all-that they were merely "agrarian reformers" seeking to throw off the cor- rupt Nationalist Government and give the Chinese people the reforms they have needed for so long. However, when it became apparent seve- ral years ago Mao Tse-tung and his followers were getting aid from Russia and that they stood a good chance of taking over control of China, it generally came to be accepted that they were full-fledged Communists. Then when Mao finally wrested control from Chiang Kai-shek, there was all kinds of talk in this country about his becoming another Tito. There was a good deal of op- timism expressed here that we could do busi- ness with Mao and persuade him to follow a friendly policy toward the Western Pow- ers. This hope was dashed when Mao went to Moscow a year ago to sign a treaty with Russians. Even after the Korean war broke out the hope persisted among "informed" persons that the Chinese could be persuaded to stay out of that conflict, despite the ap- parent pressure from Moscow for them to join in and tie up huge American resources in the Far East. NOW WE HAVE reached the point where there seems to be no doubt that the Chi- nese Communists are every bit as much a threat to our security as are the Russians. Many individuals are now going around with the "I told you so" attitude. Persons in the State Department who hold the view that we might be able to work with the Chi- nese Communists are being denounced as Communists themselves. General MacArthur has urged the bombing of Manchurian ci- ties, a step which undoubtedly would involve us in all out war with China and probably with Russia, a war for which we are at pre- sent totally unprepared. British opinion, as expressed by Prime Minister Attlee in his talks with President Truman, tends to be more cautious than ours in the present crisis. The British apparently think that some sort of deal can be made with Peiping whereby the fighting in Korea can be stopped. Our official attitude is that the price is bound to be too high. What does all this mean to Americans who will have to bear the brunt of war with China, if it comes? IT SEEMS TO ME that the time has come to stop making optimistic assumptions about the Chinese Reds. We have gone our merry way since the war with almost total disarmament, and with an almost fantastic unappreciation of the responsibilities that befall us as the leader of. the free world. This is not an age in which we can sit back comfortably and assume that wars are a thing of the past. It is not an age in which Americans can shun the duties which rest on them in their role as a world power. The real trouble is not that we are un- willing to take responsibility but rather that we are not aware of the burdens that go with such obligations. It certainly stands to reason that we can- not assume leadership in the world if we are not strong enough, both militarily and intellectually, to make our weight felt in the various world capitals, especially in those which contemplate the destruction of the free world Instead of being realistic about the world situation in the past few months, we have bumbled along with half-way measures so that now we find ourselves with a situation for which we were not adequately prepared. It isn't a ,matter of whether one believes the Chinese will stop their offensive or not. In either case we must have something more than peace proposals to offer Mao. Further- more, we simply cannot afford to take a chance with either Peiping or Moscow. If we gamble and lose, we lose everything. Garg's Return Garg is back. This announcement is good news to the countless numbers of students and alumni who have been pulling for the popular humor magazine, in its cam- paign for readmittance to the student publication family The comeback trail was filled with obsta- cles: Choice campus sales locations were denied to the magazine. The technical and office facilities of the Student Publications Building were likewise unavailable. Most im- portant, organizing a competent staff for a non-official publication was a hurculean task. Sparked by a nucleous of veteran writers, an eager volunteer staff cheerfully toiled in a drab basement furnace room "office." They knew that to reach their goal-a re- turn to the campus-their magazines would have to be good. They succeeded. Gargoyle nublished two -Daily-Bil Hampton "You know, Schultz, I'd be willing to swear we laid that guy away lastSpring" GARGOYLE ONCE AGAIN graces the list of official student publi- cations. The little man with the rakish horns is reportedly back to stay for a while, after a brief sojurn in exile, and will do his part to bolster what certain administrators and others of note have termed "student morale." Around the World ... KOREA-This week in Korea was another of retreat. In the cri- tical Northeast, the broken U.S. Tenth Corps battered its way through huge Communist forces to reach the sea at Hungnam. The evacuation by sea began immediately, as elements of the troops threw a defense ring around the port town. An estimated 100,000 Reds probed gingerly at the buffer ring, then smashed hard. The battle was described as a strange mixture of medieval and modern warfare as howling Chinese mounted on Mongol horses made fanatical attacks along the defense perimeter. The attackers surrounded the foremost American troops, and further breakthroughs appeared imminent. Meanwhile, ground action in the West was held to small skir- mishes in the vicinity of the 38th parallel 45 miles northeast of Seoul. However, Allied air power got a workout both in the West and North- east, and the Communists were reported preparing for a large scale air offensive. UNITED NATIONS-Despite fierce opposition from the Soviet bloc, a plan to set up a cease-fire committee for Korea made its way through the UN this week. After passing each committee in turn, the plan received a final okay from the General Assembly on Thursday, and a three-man mediation board was duly appointed. Though the UN has given extensive support to the cease-fire plan, the Russian bloc bluntly warned that it would never succeed. Local.. . STACY TRIAL-Robert H. Stacy, erudite former Latin and Greek teaching fellow at the University, sat impassively yesterday as a nine- woman and three-man jury convicted him of arson. Witnesses in the three-day trial, which bega on Wednesday, related details of the sev- eral confessions which Stacy had made concerning the burning of ancient Haven Hall last spring. Although Stacy later repudiated all his statements, the prosecution established to the satisfaction of the jury that Stacy actually had set the blaze, very much according to his confessions. National . . . RAIL STRIKE-It all began in an innocuous enough fashion. On Wednesday a wildcat strike by a number of railway switchmen began in Chicago, the heart of the nation's rail network. By Wednesday night, the strike had become serious enough to cripple most freight movement out of the city, as well as causing a few cancellations in passenger train service. Union officials staunchly declared the strike unauthorized as federal judges issued restraining orders in an effort to stop the fast-spreading walkout. On Thursday, the United States Post Office was forced to clamp far-reaching limits on parcel post shipments, while the strike continued to throttle shipment of vital war materials and freight in general. Saturday, the sweeping strike ended quietly, as 10,000 workers went back on the job-without any wage settlement. NATIONAL EMERGENCY-To most administrators in Washing- ton, events in Korea and the rest of the world pointed out one course of action for the United States to follow: there must be a huge mo- bilization. To facilitate the move, President Truman made the formal announcement yesterday that "a national emergency exists." On Fri- day night, he outlined a plan which would place the country on an immediate preparedness footing, and which foreshadowed a new era of austerity for the American people. Declaring that "we are in grave danger" of World War III, Truman advised 1) a huge buildup of U.S. armed forces to 3,500,000 men and 2) immediate price controls on vital goods. The President's message came a day after a similar plea by Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, Republican standardbearer. Gov. Dewey called for "the greatest mobilization in American history" to combat Commu- nist aggression. Among Dewey's proposals were general registration for every man and woman over 17 for national service, and a demand for Universal Military Service. WILLIAMS-On the night of Nov. 7, not many people thought that "Soapy" Williams had a chance to be reelected to the Governor- ship of Michigan. However, by noon of the next day, Williams had crept to within a few thousand votes of Republican Harry F. Kelly, and Kelly's lead was steadily diminishing. When the first count was completed some days later, Williams had about a thousand vote edge. The Republicans, confident of eventual victory, called for a statewide recount. Wednesday, about a month after the start of the massive recount job, Harry Kelly threw in the sponge. Williams became go- vernor on his original plurality of 1,154 votes, the smallest in the state's history. MISCELLANY-The Supreme Court ruled this week that wit- nesses may refuse to answer questions pertaining to possible Com- munist affiliation on grounds of self-incrimination. . . . Widespread rioting swept through Signapore this week between Moslems and Eur- opeans. . . . President Truman sent some colorful letters. . . . The United States virtually cut off Marshall Plan aid to England, saying that Britain had regained its economic feet. . . . Congress Passed a bill to provide 38 million dollars worth of food for Yugoslavia. --Chuck Elliott (Continued from Page 3) Academic Notices The results from the language examination for the M.A. in his- tory will be posted in the History Office, Room 10A, Rackham Building on Mon., Dec. 18. Geometry Seminar: Wed., Dec. 20, 2 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall. Prof. Rainich will speak on Zhito- mirsky's Paper on the Curvature of Polyhedra. Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Dec. 19, 4:10 p.m, Room 3011, An- gell Hall. Prof. George Piranian will speak on "The Needles and Blisters Technique in Conformal Mapping." Doctoral Examination for James Alfred McFadden, Physics; thesis: "Conformal Mapping and a Per- turbation Method in the Study of Conical Flows." rues., Dec. 19, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg.. 3:15 p.m. Co-Chairmen, Otto Laporte and R. C. F. Bartels. Concerts Michigan Singers, Maynard Klein, Conductor, will be heard in a program of Christmas music at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Dec. 17, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Program: Choral music by Ga- brieli, Nanino, Vaughan Williams, Benjamin Britten, Johannes Brahms, Healey Willan and Gustav Holst. The public is invited. Faculty Concert: Mischa Meller, Assistant Professor of Piano in the School of Music, will play the final program in the series of three faculty piano recitals at 8:30 Monday evening, Dec. 18, Lydia Mendelssoh Theatre. Pro- gram: Bach's Chaconne, from Sonata in D minor, Haydn's Son- ata, E-flat major, Beethoven's Sonata in F minor, Op. 57, and Chopin's Ballade in F minor, Op. 52. The public is invited. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memori- al Hall. Work in Progress in Michi- gan; Water Colors and Drawings from the Newberry Collection; and Work of University Printmaking Class; through Dec. 31. Galleries open to the public, weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5. Events Today Canterbury Club: 9 a.m., Holy Communion followed by student breakfast. 5 p.m., Evening Prayer followed by annual Christmas din- ner and party. Lutheran Student Association: 5:30 p.m., Regular supper meeting in Zion Parish Hall. Christmas pro- gram at 7 p.m. Roger Williams Guild: 10 a.m., Bible Study at Guild House. 6 p.m., Christmas Program at the Church. Guild Play "By-Line for Saint Luke," followed by worship service. 7 p.m., Refreshments at Guild House. Congregational, Disciples, Evan- gelical and Reformed Guild: An- nual Christmas Tea and Carol Sing at the Congregational Church, 4- 6 p.m. Michigan Christian Fellowship: 4 p:m., Lane Hall (Fireside room). Dr. Karlis Leyasmeyer, a Latvian DP educated on and experienced with Communism, will speak on the subject: "The World Crisis and Its Only Solution." Gamma Delta Lutheran Student Club: Supper at 5:30; Christmas program at 6:15 p.m. Newman Club: Student-Faculty Tea, 3-5 p.m. honoring all Catholic faculty members. All Catholic stu- dents invited. Newman Club: Graduate Party, 8 :30-midnight. Entertainment and. gifts from. Santa. Annual Carol Sing on the Li- brary Steps, 8:15 p.m., followed by refreshments at Lane Hall Open House. rent them there. Bring ID card. Meet 2:15 p.m., Outing Club room, northwest corner of Rackham. Caroling after supper. All grads in- vited. U. of M. Hot Record Society, presents on record a BIX BEID- ERBECKE program, 8 p.m., League. Public invited. Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2 p. m., League. Anyone interested is invited. Coming Events Canterbury Club: Caroling Par- ty, Tues., Dec. 19, 7 p.m. Nazarene Student Group: Meet at 7:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 18, Lane Hall. Industrial Rel--tions Club: Meet- ing, Tues.,,Dec. 19, 7:30 p.m., Un- ion, Speaker: Mr. Frank Arm- strong, Personnel Director of the Burroughs Adding Machine Com- pany. All persons interested are invited. Electrical Engineering Depart- ment Research Discussion Group: Meeting, Tues., Dec. 19, 4 p.m., Room 2084, E. Engineering Bldg. All students and faculty members are invited. Dr. Alan B. Macnee of the E.E. faculty will discuss "OP- ERATION AND LIMITATION OF ANALOGUE COMPUTERS," (illustrated). La p'tite causette meets Mon., Dec. 18, 3:30 p.m., League. Gothic'Film Society: Meeting, Mon., Dec. 18, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Film: Buster Kea- ton in The General (1927). Mem- bers may bring guests provided arrangements are made in ad- vance with the Director, 2-1225. Naval Research Reserve: Meet- ing, Mon., Dec. 18, 7:30 p.m., Kel- logg Auditorium. "The War in Ko- rea." Films and talk by Capt. C. W. Klipstine, U.S. Army. Russian Circle: Annual Christ- mas get together, Mon., Dec. 18, 8 p.m., International Center. There will be Russian songs Undergraduate Botany Club: Meet at the home of Prof. 1. U. Clover, 1522 Hill, Wed., Dec. 20, 7:30 p.m. Le Cercle Francais: Annual Christmas party, Mon., Dec. 18, 8 p.m., League. Christmas carols and a reading of Charles Tagewell' "The Littlest Angel." Sigma Rho Tau, Engineering Speech Society,Meeting,'sues., Dec. 19, 7 p.m., Union. Discussion on parliamentary procedure fol- lowed by practice on the more dif- ficult motions and actions by the members, followed by a social hour. Members are urged to bring guests. t- lj _# 'I I Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown.......... Managing Editor Paul Brentiinger.........City Editor Roma Lipsky.......... Editorial Director Dave Thomas............Feature Eidtor Janet Watts.........Associate Editor Nancy Bylan........ Associate Editor James Gregory......Associate Editor Bill Connolly...........Sports Editor Bob Sandell.... Associate Sports Editor Bili Brenton....Associate Sports Editor Barbara Jans........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff Bob Daniels........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible....Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz ... . Circulatio# Manager IZFA: General meeting (last Telephone 23-24-1 for this semester). Dramatic pre- sentation. 7:30 p.m., League. -. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively All Men's Glee Club Members: entitled to the use for republication This Sunday afternoon's rehears- of all news dispatches credited to it or al wll b hed at2:3 p~m atotherwise credited to this newspaper. al will be held at 2:30 p.m. at All rights of republication of all other the WUOM studios on the fifth matters herein are also reserved. floor of the Administration Bldg. Entered at the Post office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail Graduate Outing Club. Ice skat- bmatter. ing--Ice Rink. Bring own skates or year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. BARNABY Pop! You insulted Mr. O'Malley... Gosh!-What a lot of packages!- But my Fairy Godfather is going to be awful mad. He has your Christmas shopping all planned-- ; , All he needs is an idea of what you want to give Pop and what Pop waits to give you. Then you can all relax. Tell your imaginary Fairy Godfather HE can relax- Your father and i are not exchanging gifts this year.