THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1950 RD TIME FOR SOAPY: Heady Sees Little Action in Legislature I CT ,lw-r lift u 1\T E ws By CAL SAMRA actically no positive action come out of the State Legis- re during its forthcoming on, Prof. C. Ferrel Heady of political science department icted yesterday. -of. Heady- made the rather nous prediction that a po- al stalemate would result in Migan because of the legis- re's hostile attitude towards reelected Gov. Williams. * * * w w w fiol THE POLITICAL scientist's nalysis of the state situation fol- wed the recent victory state- ent of Gov. Williams: "And now, Republicans and Democrats, we ust get down to work for the est interests of the State, the ation, and its people." But Prof. Heady saw little hance for the fulfilihent of Williams' appeal. To the con- rary, he proposed that Wil- iams was in for a "hard time." "Gov. Williams' slim victory ov- their candidate Kelly has per- rbed Republicans," he explain- s. "And certainly, Williams' re- arks about GOP motives in re- ird to the recount won't help im." THE REPUBLICANS. will be rongly represented in both the ouse and Senate, and have the resulted in which the Republicans will be able to stalemate any Democrat proposal, while the Democrats will be able to counter GOP measures with a veto that can be held up, he explained. Moreover, added to Williams' woes is the fact that he will face seven Republicans, including the lieutenant governor on the Ad- ministrative Board. * * * AS A RESULT of the situation, probably nothing will be accom- plished other than political man- euvering on both sides to get the upper hand and pave the way for the 1952 elections. At any rate, Gov. Williams' victory has put him in a position to capture the job of United States Senator from Michigan in 1952, he added. "This is significant because Williams, if he runs, will prob- ably not have to face the ailing Senator Vandenberg in the next elections," he concluded. GOV. WILLIAMS * * * means to shackle Williams h continued. 'On the other hand, at least in the House, the Democrats have a strength of just over one-third-enough to uphold a gubernatorial veto." e Gov. Williams, with the aid of his colleagues in the House, will be able to block any Republican move he deems distasteful, Prof. Heady asserted. Thus, a strange situation has "am pus Political Clubs Nlan Varied Activities ( l By PAUL MARX Having exhausted their ammu- tion and themselves during the cent election campaigns, the )ung Democrats and the Young epublicans are retiring to the lelines until next semester be- re they begin to reload their po- .ical guns. In the meantime the political asts on campus will be fired for e most part by the Young Pro- essives and the non-partisan litical organizations. THE YPs are currently occupy- g themselves with the produc- on of a play called "They Shall >t Die." The play, which deals ith the Jim Crow problem and e famed Scottsboro Case in par- cular, will be presented early xt semester. However, YP is now concern- ng itself mainly with peace ac- ivity, according to its presi- lent, Gordon MacDougall, '52. "We have and will continue to ork for peace by holding dis- ssions, distributing leaflets, and nding petitions to important iblic officials. "Because of the Korean situa- >n students have shown a great terest In our organization. Stu- nts are deeply concerned about hat is going on over there and 'e anxious to hear the Progres- ve approach," he said. * * * MEMBERS OF the Committee End Discrimination are sitting ght as their campaign to have ossible discriminatory questions moved from all University ap- ication blanks reaches a climac- c point. ThenCommittee is anxiously waiting the report of a sub- ommittee of the Deans Con- erence which is studying the possibility of revising the appli- :ation blanks so that potential- y discriminatory information nay not be required. Despite the fact that CED is as tive as it ever has been, active embership in the Committee has illen to 13 groups from last fall's . Al Silver, '51, CED chairman tributes the drop to "irrespon- ble and rash statements about ED by people who are in no way >nnected with CED." * * * SURPRISINGLY enough in this me of international crises, mem- rship in the campus branch of ie United World Federalists is last Performance The last Ann Arbor perform- nce of the Gilbert and Sullivan ociety's "Gondoliers" will be held ;8 p.m. today in the Pattengill uditorium of the Ann Arbor igh School. less than half what it was a year ago. But, Jean Klerman, '52, pre- sident of UWF, asserts that a campaign is under way to reinter- est students in the organization and to make them aware of the urgent need for world federation. When the Young Democrats re- sume operations they will begin laying the groundwork for cam- paigns in future elections. A po- litical action conference is being planned for next semester, ac- cording to president Frances Wagman, '52L, at which outside political action experts will evalu- ate various campaign techniques. After adopting a new constitu- tion Young Republicans will begin making preparations for the sec- cond annual Big Ten Young R6- publican Conference next semes- ter. Carol Sing To Be Held Tomorrow The Student Religious Associa- tion's annual all-campus Christ- mas carol sing, will be held at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow on the steps of the General Library. Lester McCoy, associate direc- tor of the University Musical So- ciety, will lead the singing. Holiday Cards SellingFast Christmas cards, one of the biggest sellers of the holiday sea- son, have once again come into their own and are dominating the sales of bookstores and card- stores alike. On the average, nickel cards sell much better than the more expensive ones, but stores have found that most students buy a more expensive card for members of the family. * * * MOST POPULAR among the types of cards sold are the cards with prints by individual artists such as Winston Churchill or Norman Rockwell, and greeting cards with the Michigan seal. Following the trend of recent years, few sentimental and reli- gious cards are sold, especially to students. According to one local retailer, students avoid trite cliches and prefer the simple presentation us- ually found on modern cards. ONLY 7 MORE SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS ICED MUSHROOMS - The underground sprinkling system on the lawn of W. D. Gridley's home in Tulsa, Okla., chose 24-degree-above-zero weather to break loose and coat these orna- mental concrete outlets with thick layers of ice--and long icicles. PR I N CESS ES GREET VItS IT!f.N G ARTI1S T E princesses Elizabeth (left) anld Margaret (second from left) chat with Dinah Shore, American singer (right), after the Royal Com- mand variety show at London's Palladium Theater. Second from right is Alan Jones, singer. C H R Y S A N T H E M U M S 1IN C AI RO - This display of the main attractions at the annual chrysanthemum show in the Palace of the Royal Society of Agriculture, Cairo, Egypt. LONDON'S NEW LORD MAYOR-_DenysCol- quhoun Flowerdew Lowson, 44-year-old lawyer and financier, six feet, four iches tall, waves to the crowd as his coach leaves in the procession from the Guildhall, London, in Lord Mayor's show. .F * II - --1w 1 *9 *-- - v 0* m t.- ~Q ai The most unusual GIFT of they ear... For ichi an men £uuuI1nmen suaiss m~ovemntr Ilus; ca l Cigaort Boy I Cc Yktsr- Ifie ictor ~~' /737// 4 IVI FOOTBALL I N MU D - University of Pennsylvania football players (left to right) Robert McCann, Samuel Greena- walt and Alan Corbo, wipe the mud from their faces and uniforms during game against Cornell in a driving rainstorm at Phila. SKIRTED SKISU IT-- Black wool skisuit shown by Paris couturier Alwynn has a back-buttoned "ballet skirt' of three folds of duvetyn in gray, white and pistachio green. ,, a.'';' A L B I N 0 K 0 A L A - Extremely rare among koalas, this nine-month-old albino, fluffy and white as a snowball, clings to back of its mother in the Taronga Park Zoo, Sydney, Australia. I BookS+arciv Stae. txi N orte)A '3 OW ~ U f do Christmas Suggestions ., .3. Schaefer and Parker Pens and Pencils Ronson Lighters Yardley - Old Spice Evening in Paris Cigars and Cigarettes Schick - Remington -I II I ,c ...........::::::.::{":: {:C:":; .::..._.::v.....:r:"}:"i:'.<"i::.:iY::ifi:"}i:::};r,.:"ii:. ::.?}:"ii::{v ::: :{dii:"5 : i:. is i"" . .. .. .......................... ?V.S ..... ... .. .... ... f.. . ... ............... . A .'}:... . r ...... .. I .._ .. b3 .. r., ., :t. ...f __.... _ ...............:. ::::::::::::::::.::::. ::::::::............. ....._........r -s..,.n ks.,t.:ts . .'3rrlwr.:?e w"o.