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December 15, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-15

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hints that there is an ominous trend in
the Near -East to cooperate with Russia.
Only several days ago, the Egyptian-
Parliament applauded a deputy's proposal
that Egypt collaborate with Communist
bloc nations. Lashing out bitterly against
Britain for maintaining troops in the
Suez Canal zone, Abdel Fattah, a member!
of the ruling Wafdist Party proposed that
a deal with Russia would help pry con-
cessions from the Western Powers.
Another Wafdist ! deputy asserted that
Egypt should recognize Communist China
and establish an accord with the Soviet
Unign. "Egypt should reach political,
economic, and military agreements with the
Eastern bloc," the Wafdist demanded.
This is our verbal reward for casting a
benevolent eye on the practices of King
Farouk, and his gang of "do-nothing 80th"
(or whatever it might be) hierarchy.
Whether the entire Arab World will follow
suit is a moot question, but a formidable
At any rate, our only alternative now .
Is to focus our attention on the interests
of the masses of Arab people, who live in
a state of acute poverty, illiteracy, and
squalor. Our foreign policy must be mold-
ed in such a way that we cooperate with
the liberal elements in the Levant, through
them press for democracy, and extend
ECA aid to this area.
The Egyption proposals serve notice that
we cannot rely on the present Arab rulers
to oppose Communism.
-Cal Samra.

Truman, GOP Truce

WASHINGTON - A frontal crash on fore-i
ign policy between Senate Republicans
and President Truman seems to have been
averted, at least for the present crisis. And
a good thing for the country it is.
The truce in the interest of national
unity resulted from the second, sober
thought among Republicans about the
rampage they went on last week against
Secretary of State Dean Acheson. Presi-
dent Truman contributed with concilia-
tion from his quarter.
The public rebuke by Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey of New York, still titular party lead-
er, woke up Republicans here to the wis-
dom of the movement started in the Senate
last week for a formal demand for removal
of our Secretary of State. That movement
broke out, most unpropitiously, as the Sec-
retary was in the midst of delicate and dif-
ficult discussions with the prime minister of
our chief ally in the world today-Great
ON NITS PART, the Administration helped
in the restoration of a united front by
the personal appearance of Secretary Ache-
son before the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee to explain what transpired in the
conferences with British Prime Minister Cle-
ment Attlee, and by Mr. Truman's own con-
ciliatory overtures. He made known his earn-
est desire for unity at this time and express-
ed his personal intention to consult Repub-
licans. 'his was followed by including their
congressional leaders in invitations to a mid-
week conference he called to discuss econo-
mic phases of the present emergency.
Gov. Dewey's call for unity cooled off
Republicans who were bent upon serving
the President a formal ultimatum, on be-

;Washington Merry-Gop Round

1. That a naval blockade of China would
not work, that China, a big and generally
self-sufficent country, could import needed
materials from Russia, Burma, Indo-China.
2. That the United Nations would not OK
a blockade of China.
3. That such tough tactics would alienate
other Asiatic countries.
4. That such a blockade would drive China
into the arms of Russia.
Attlee argued that if we continued nor-
mal relations with China, there was a
chance for Titoism-a chance that China
would come back to her traditional policy of
IThe Weekend1

In Town

friendship with England and the U.S.A. But
if we kept China at arm's length, he man-
tained there was no chance of undercutting
Moscow's influence.
Faced with this impasse, Truman and
Attlee decided to postpone any joint de-
cision on Chinese policy, but play it by
ear. They will wait and see what happens
and cross each bridge as they come to it.
Note-The British got little information
from their friends, the Indians, regarding
the attitude of the Chinese delegation at
Lake Success. After Sir Benegal Rau, head
of the Indian delegation, lunched with Chi-
nese Communists, he reported fully to his
government in New Delhi, but said almost
nothing to. the British. His inference was
that the British would tell all to the Ameri-
cans. However, he did give enough informa-
tion to indicate that the Chinese Commu-
nists had been extremely touglh and almost
impossible to deal with.
A TOP-SECRET study of anti-Communist
guerrilla strength in China is being rush-
ed to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in case of
more serious difficulties with the Chinese
Communists. Highlights of this study are:
China is infested with unorganized,
roaming bands of ex-Nationalist troops,,
dispossessed landlords, and thousands of
Chinese driven by hunger to steal and
loot for food. They are not coordinated
and often scrap with each other over the
spoils. The estimated number of anti-
Communist "bandits," as the Peking gov-
ernment calls them, is around 1,500,000.
China's Communist boss, Mao Tse-tung,
has reversed his policy of "education" for
non-Communists and ordered a drastic reign
of terror against them. The drive is called
the "bandit suppression campaign of the
people's dictatorship." Martial law has been
ceclared in five provinces and wholesale ar-
rests are being made in such cities as Tsing-
tao, Shanghai, Chungking and Canton.
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

half of the party, for dismissal of Ache-
son. This was being promoted, surprisingly
by Senator Ives of New York, known as a
close associate of Gov. Dewey, and the
Governor thus disassociated himself from
this adventure.
It had gone pretty far-to the point, as
a matter of fact, where Republicans seemed
determined to seek a dominant voice in di-
rection of foreign policy. Senator Ives had
prepared the draft, and presented it to the
Republican Policy Committee of the Senate
of which Senator Taft of Ohio is chairman,
and had been delegated chairman of a com-
mittee of four to prepare a formal draft to
be submitted this week to the Republican
conference that includes all party members
in the Se'nate. The Policy Committee warily
side-stepped the issue on the group of juris-
diction and referred it to the Republican
Conference. All of this activity, with the us-
ual publicity that it naturally attracted, was
going on during the Truman-Attlee con-
*R * *
ASIDE FROM THE indiscreet nature of
Republican tactics from the point of na-
tional interest in a crisis, it was recognized
by some Republican leaders that what was
developing was not very smart politics. For
the party was seeking to encroach on the re-
sponsibility and prerogatives of the Presi-
dent in coiduct of foreign affairs.
That would impose'responsibility upon
the minority party that might become em-
barrassing. For Republicans, themselves,
are divided on what our policy should be,
and this would be more clearly revealed
than now ifthey pushed too far.
It is still somewhat of a mystery how the
Republican Party in the Senate got itself
into an exposed and vulnerable position from
which it had to withdraw, except for the last
election has had a very heady effect that
seems to increase rather than subside. It
may be recalled that on the deepening of
the Korean crisis of a couple of weeks ago
Republicans quieted down about Secretary
Acheson, some making public statements
about the need for unity, and there seemed
to be general agreement that they would
cease firing.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
HAMPERED BY a slow beginning, the Un-
iversity Gilbert and Sullivan Society's
production of "Gondoliers" gradually picked
up speed, and finished with a splash of fine
comic opera entertainment.
,Gondoliers" does not have the fast-
breaking humor which characterizes some
of the more famous Gilbert and Sullivan
efforts. In fact, parts of Act I move very
slowly. This early slow pace was a handicap
in last night's local opener. The orchestra
was a shade too loud, the principals were
a bit unsure of some of their motions, and
singing voices were not at their best during
the first few scenes.
But all of these troubles were pretty
well ironed out by the time the first act
finale hit the stage. Shortly before this,
David Murray had enlivened the proceed-
ings by telling how he "Stole the Prince"
in his capacity as the Grand Inquisitor.
From this point the cast made the most
of Gilbert's wit and Sullivan's musical
In general the leading roles were sung
with gusto and competence. Special praise
for vocal skill should go to Patricia Trnes
as Casilda, James Fudge as Giuseppe, Vivian
Milan as Tessa and Rose Marie Jun as Gia-
Gloria Gonan, Jim Ensign and Dave Mur-
ray romped off with the acting honors in
their respective roles of the Duchess, the
Duke and the Inquisitor. Miss Gonan and
Murray also were tops in a musical sense,
while Ensign made the most of his comical

Outstanding in Act II was the dancing
chorus which executed a vigolous "A-Ca-
chucha" dance, in brilliant costumes.
"There Lived a King," which might be
interpreted as anti-Communist propagan-
da, also drew much applause and laughter.
Good music, timelessly satirical lyrics, ex-
cellent chorus workand a fine second act
contributed to a most pleasant, entertain-
ing evening-one of the best which student
theatrical groups have offered here.
-Paul Brentlinger

CED Response

-Daily-Bill Hampton
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interestsand will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

" .

To The ,Editor:
WE OF THE CED are puzzled by
Barnes Connable's editorial:
"CED; Methods and Goals". The
editorial states that we are a dy-
ing organization while at the same
time it admits that we have "con-
tained a fresh enthusiasm" for the
sake of our objectives. It mentions
the excellent character of our pres-
ident, Allan Silver, and then goes
on to commend our "constructive
and rational policy." We cannot
see how such opinions are consis-
tent - with the view that the CED
is a dying organization. Perhaps
Mr. Connable believes that the
CED does not represent public
opinion on the campus. As a mat-
ter of fact, the CED contains rep-
resentatives from fourteen cam-
pus organizations of every politi-
cal, social, and religious persua-
sion: T h e Unitarian Student
Group, the Student Religious As-
sociation, -The Young Democrats,
T h e Young Progressives, The
Youigg Republicans, The Students
for Democratic Action, Co-ops and
dormatories. We of the CED can-
not understand what Mr. Conna-
ble means when he says we have
"lost contact with students."
The CED is a student organiza-
tion devoted to encouraging the
free and spontaneous discussion
and exchange of information about
issues of common concern. We
have always maintained that
these issues are public matters and
not merely the concern of admin-
istrative committees. On the other
hand, the CED has cooperated at
all times with the administrators
and has had long and amiable ne-
gotiations with Deans and Secre-
taries, as well as the President of
our University. It is important to
note, however, that the CED dif-
fers from the Student Legislature
in that it is an independent and
specialized organization primarily
concerned with channeling public
opinion towards specific objectives
and relaying information factually
to the campus at large. The SL is
not constructed or suited for these
purposes and therefore couldmnev-
er take the place of the CED. In
the past, the SL has endorsed the
policies of the CED and has recog-
nized the fact that the two or-
ganizations are complementary.
The CED believes that there is a
need for independent organiza-
tions geared to action on social
problems. We believe that the
Democratic Society can only be
achieved by the active participa-

tion of individuals and groups in
the life of the community. The
Student Legislature can never re-
place such activity.
-Judith Levine
for the membership of CED
CED Action *...
To The Editor:
IN A recent editorial it was stated
that the CED has led a "per-
sonal attack" upon a Medical
School Administrator. We of the
CED believe that this accusation
should be answered. The CED has
never at, any time indulged in
character defamation. The CED
has addressed its petitions and let-
tei's to the Secretary of the Medi-
cal School upon the request of
that person. Nowhere in the CED
literature can a single defamatory
remark be found. We have stated
only the facts and these have been
released with the utmost discre-
tion. The contention that we have
treated the Secretary of the Medi-
cal School as an enemy is com-
pletely without foundation. Mr.
Connable who wrote the editorial
accusing us of attacking a per-
sonality simply does not know the
There are some individuals at
our University who oppose the ob-
jectives of the CED and have at-
tempted to misconstrue and smear
our policies. They have given lit-
tle consideration. to the facts. The
CED does not condemn its past
policies but rather throws open the
records for all to see. At all times
a majority of the CED members
have approved the nature and me-
chanisms of policy adopted by the
body as a whole. The CED -is a
democratic student organization
and has always been such. We
will continue to remain indepen-
dent, democratic and dedicated to
the public policy of discussing, ne-
gotiating and publishing all mat-
ters which are the concern of the
Student Body and the Adminis-
tration. The CED will continue to
press for the removal of .poten-
tially discriminatory questions
from the Medical School applica-
tion forms and we invite all legis-
lators, administrators, groups and
individuals to join us in this pro-
ject. CED meetings are open to all
proposals and criticisms which
can aid in the accomplishment of
our task. We ask only that critics
like Mr. Connable inspect the facts
before verbalizing their conclu-
sions. The CED asks for nothing
more than fairness.
-Arthur Buchbinder, Vice Pres.,

- cerning the above announcement
please call at the Bureau of Ap
pointments, 3528 Administratio:
The New York State Civil Ser
vice Commission announces op
portunities for probation officers
All positions require at least on
year's residence in New Yor
State. The last filing date varie
in different counties. The exami-
nation date is February 17, 1951
Persons who will graduate from
college next June or who wil
complete two years of college wor
next June may compete if the
have been residents of thecoun-
ties designated in the bulletin
For further information call a
the Bureau of Appointments
room 3528, Administration Bldg.
An illustrated lecture on som-
phases of his botanical experien-
ces in Northern Alaska will b
given by Dr. Ira L. Wiggins a
4:15 p.m., Fri., Dec. 15, Rackham
Amphitheatre. Dr. Wiggins is pro-
fessor of Botany at the Stanford
University and is on leave of ab-
sence from his university position
for the current year to take over
the Directorship of the Arctic
Institute at Point Barrow, Alaska
Academic Notices
Graduate Seminar in Anthro-
pology: Mon., Dec. 18, 3 to 5 p..
m., Room 3024, Museums Bldg
Mr. Anderson will discuss the
Cheyenne Indians.
Astronomical Colloquium: Fri.
Dec. 15, 4:15 p.m., at the Obser-
vatory. "The Small Scale Struc-
ture of the Solar Chromosphere
by Dr. Orren C. Mohler of the
McMath-Hulbert Observatory.
Doctoral Examination for Bar-
gyla Rateaver, Botany; thesis:
"Anatomy and Regeneration in
the Stem and Root of Manihot
utilissima Pohl," Fri., Dec. 15,
Room 1139, Natural Science Bldg..
3 p.m. Chairman, C. D. LaRue.
Doctoral Examination for Cle-
ment Albin Miller, Musicology;
thesis: "The Dodecachordon of
Heinrich Glarean" Sat., Dec. 16.
East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., 9 a.m. Chairman, Louise E
Doctoral Examination for Mor-
ton Landers Curtis, Mathematics;
thesis: "Deformation-Free Con-
tinua in Euclidean n-Space," Sat.
Dec. 16, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman
R. L. Wilder.
Michigan Singers, M a y n a r d
Klein, Conductor, will be. heard
in a program of Christmas music
at 4:1-5 Sunday afternoon, Dec.
17, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Program: Choral music by Ga-
brieli, Naino, Vaughan Williams,
Benjamin Britten, Johan-
nes Brahms, Healey Wilan and
Gustav Holst. The public is in-
Faculty Concert: Mischa Meller
Assistant Professor of Piano in
the School of Music, will play the
final program in the series of
three faculty piano recitals at
8:30 Monday evening, Dec. 18
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Pro-
gram: Bach's Chaconne, from
Conata in D minor, Haydn's Son-
ata, E-flat major, Beethoven's
Sonata in F minor, Op. 57, and
Chopin's Ballade in F minor, Op
52. The public is invited.
Events Today
University Lutheran Chapel:
Annual Christmas Party, '8:30 p..

m. Bring a gift for a child at the
Lutheran Childrens' Home.
Roger -Williams Guild: Christ-
mas party at Guild House, 8:30
Michigan Christian Fellowship;:
aroli'ig. Meet at Lane -Hall, 7:3C
Newman Club: Christmas Party,
8-12 midnight. Bring gift worth
approximately 25 cents. Enter-
tainment, refreshments, c a r ol
singing. Membership cards neces-
sary for admittance.
Wesley Foundation will joir
with SRA for a Caroling Party,
Meet at Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m,
at Union front door for transpor-
tation to Pilots' Club party.
Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m., Tea
and Open House, followed bN
supper for those going to the
S.R.A. caroling party.
Coffee Hour at Lane Hall, 4:3(
p.m. Lane Hall Board of Gover-
nors will be guests.
Carol Sing at the Washtenav

s County Infirmary, followed by a
- party at Lane Hall. Students will
n meet at Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m.
for bus transportation.
- Hillel: The speaker after ser-
- vices tonight is Mr. Olmstead,
. program assistant at Lane Hall.
e Topic: "The Religion I Try to
k Apply." Tonight's services, 7:45.
s Saturday morning's services, 9:30.
. German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
a p.m., League Cafeteria. Everyone
l welcome.
y IZFA:- Executive meeting, 4:15
p.m., Union.
t Acolytes: Meeting, 7:45 p.m.,
League. Professor Asher Moore,
Department of Philosophy, North-
western University, will speak on
"The Moral Philosopher."
e Modern Dance and Ballet Clubs:
Technique session, 4-6 p.m.,
Dance Studio, Barbour Gym.
U. of M. Flying Club: Members
desiring transportation to Pilots
Club party meet at Union front
door at 7:15 p.m.
r Hiawatha Club: Mixer for mem-
bers, 8:30 p.m., ABC Room, Lea-
. gue. All members and any stu-
dents from the Upper Peninsula
are invited.
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy: 7:30-10 p.m., Angell
Hall. Mr. William Liller will give
a short illustrated talk in Room
3017 on "A Trip to Our Neigh-
boring Planets." Following the
talk the Angell Hall student ob-
servatory, fifth floor, will be op-
en for observation of the moon
and Jupiter. If the sky is not
clear, the observatory will be op-
en for inspection of the telescope
and planetarium. Children must
. be accompanied by adults.
University Museums: Subject of
the Friday Evening Program:
"Man and Animals in Some
Little-known Habitats of the
Western Hemisphere." Two films:
"Brazil-Tropical Lowland-The
Amazon River," and "Brazil-Peo-
ple of the Plantations," 7:30 p.m.,
f 'Kellogg Auditorium.
Coming Events
Canterbury Club: Sat., Dec. 16,
1 p.m., Work party, including
Hillel: Salami Corner will be
held Sun., Dec. 17, W.A.B. Lounge,
8 to 10:30 p.m.
Scalp and Blade: Meeting, Sun.,
Dec. 17, Room 3-A, Union, 7 p.m.
Prospective Orientation Leaders.
Sign up at Union in Student Of-
fices Mon., Dec. 18, 3-5 p.m. Only
those with past experience will be
. accepted.
Faculty Sports Night: I.M.
' Bldg., Sat., Dec. 16, 7:30 to 10:30
p.m. All sports available except
swimming to faculty, teaching
fellows, wives, children, and
guests. For further information
call Mrs. Dixon, 25-8475.

MICHIGAN'S pucksters will square off
against a rugged Princeton University
hockey five today and tomorrow in the
Coliseum. Faceoff at 8 p.m.
WHEN TWIN gondoliers abandon boat-
ing for ruling, it's no wonder Venetians are
thrown into a tizzy. But you don't have to
be an Italian street singer to enjoy Gilbert
and Sullivan's mirthful "Gondoliers," pre-
sented by the University G&S Society. At
8 p.m. today and tomorrow at Pattengill
Auditorium, Ann Arbor High School. See
review this page.
direction of Prof. Maynard Klein of the
music school, will present a program of
Christmas music at 4:15 p.m. Sunday at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
STUDENTS and townspeople may join
in singing their favorite carols at the Com-
munity Christmas Sing, auspices of the Ann
Arbor Junior Chamber of Commerce. Time,
7:30 p.m. Sunday at Hill Auditorium.
SAINT NICK will watch over the crowd
tomorrow at the Union's annual Christmas
semi-formal, "Santa's Fantasy." A giant
Yule tree and plump'snowmen feature the
decorative scheme. Rudolph Tinker and his
Rhythm Reindeer will see to it that you're
entertained from 9:30 p.m. until 1 a.m. Late
1:30 per's.
THE BROTHERS, a triumphant tale of
love versus brutality on a Scottish isle. A
must for foreign-film lovers. Student Legis-
lature Cinema Guild's pzesentation, at 7:30
and 9:30 p.m. today and tomorrow at
Architecture Auditorium. See review this
QUARTET, four of W. Somerset
Maugham's delightfully satirical gems.
Starts today at the Orpheum.
sparkling photograpry of verdant Africa.
Metro's lensmen went all out on this as-
signment. Starring Deborah Kerr and
Stewart Granger. Today and tomorrow at




Architecture Auditorium
THE BROTHERS with Patricia Roc,
Will Fyffe, Maxwell Reed and Finlay Cur-
FILMED ALMOST entirely in the rugged
Scottish highlands (specifically, the Isle
of Skye) the picture affords a fascinating
glimpse of timeless customs and ritual. The
action ostensibly concerns itself with the
effect of a liberally endowed servant girl
upon the long-smoldering feud between the
MacRae-and the MacFarish clans. The girl
reluctantly turns (after having been rejected
by the austere MacRaes, to whom she is
bound over) to a lively member of the Mac-
Farish clan. This precipitates anew the two-
family quarrel which is punctuated byi a
dramatic ritual cursing scene and an ex-
hausting oar-pulling contest. Though the
film loses much of its punch after this cli-
mactic moment, the beautiful scenery and
the authentic setting more than compensate
for this notable defect.
Patricia Roc as the cause of all the trou-
ble is nicely adequate in a limited role,


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.......... Managing Editor
Paul Brentling.r.........City Editor
Roma Lipsky..........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas.........Feature tidtor
Janet Watts .........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan........ Associate Editor
James Gregory......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly.........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell. . .. Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton. ..Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.......Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels.......Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.... .Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz.....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-t
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
-otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


Looking Back

"G ARGOYLE," then in its hey-day, came
out with an edition including such
spicy articles as "Poverty," "The Woman
Pays," and "The Third Encore."
On The Daily's editorial page, "The City
Editor's Scratch Pad" made an interesting
"There's a Michigan coed leaving for
Miami, and she wants one companion to
drive down with her, 'preferably male.' If
you are interested, it tells all about it on

(Continued from Page 3)
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces the fol-
lowing examinations: JUNIOR
with options botanist, entomolo-
gist, fishery biologist, forester,
soil scientist, statistician, wildlife
biologist, zoologist (parasitology
including nematologists). Appli-
cations must be filed by Jan. 9.
ENGINEER with options aero-
nautical, civil, electrical, electron-
ics, mechanical, naval architec-

ture, and petroleum. These posi-
tions are for grades GS-9 to GS-
12. There is no closing date.
The City of Detroit Civil Ser-
vice Commission announces ex-
aminations for Junior Account-
ant, Semi-Senior Accountant, and
Senior Accountant. Applications
must be filed by Dec. 29.
The Connecticut State Person-
nel Department announ'ces an ex-
amination for a Psychiatric So-
cial Worker. Applications must be
filed by Dec. 28.
For further information con-

Good morning, Barnaby. Your
Fairy Godfather's been busying
himself with arrangements
for your family's Christmas.

They HAVE? Well, I suppose
it's habit to find a few odds
and ends to worry over. Even
with ME in tomplete charge-

It's nice, Mr. O'Malley.
Did you make it?-
Well... I

It looks like the wreaths
they have hanging on all
the lamp posts down town.

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