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December 15, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-15

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Latest Deadline in the State

014 1 ttly











UMS Plan













Be liveries

By Ruthven
Says GI Benefits
Should Be Added
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven yesterday announced that he
was in favor of a Universal Mili-
tary Service proposal issued last
week by the Association of Ameri-
can Universities.
The plan calls for a 10-year
continuation of the Selective Ser-
vice Act, with men serving for 27
months at the completion of their
high school training.
But if the plan is made into
law, President Ruthven thinks
that the educational benefits of
the GI Bill should be reenacted
and nation-wide economic con-
trols should be clamped down.
* * *
ASKED TO comment on the
association's proposal, President
Ruthven issued this statement: "I
believe that it is the best plan
that can be devised in view of
all the present conditions.
a "Personally, however, I am
convinced that it should be ac-
companied by three additional
"In the first place, the men and
women in our fighting forces
should have immediate asusrance
that G. I. educational benefits
similar to those accorded to the
veterans of World War Two will
be available to them.
"Secondly it is my personal
view that any such extensive mob-
ilization of our youth should be
accompanied by strict restrictions
against the shipment of military
supplies to our enemies.
$"Thirdly, while the plan is a
democratic one as far as it goes,
to make it more satisfactorily,
democratic, it should be accom-
panied by proper economic con-




Faculty Rating
Results of last spring's second Student Evaluation of Faculty
released yesterday, seem to indicate that most literary college students
are more than satisfied with the quality of their instruction.
The overall average for faculty members rated on the basis of
eleven questions contained in the evaluation form was 2.35. This falls
between "Good" and "Very Good" on the rating scale used for the
THE STATISTICAL RESULTS of the poll revealed an average
rating by rank (professor, associate professor, assistant professor, in-
structor, lecturer and teaching fellow) and a total average for all
ranks on each of the eleven questions.
Averages were also given for each .question on the basis of
course level (freshman, sophomore and junior, senior and lower
graduate, and graduate.)
Dean Hayward Keniston of the Literary College explained that
question one which concerned the difficulty of the course should be
considered as an item by itself while questions two to five pertained
to the character of the course and questions six to 11' dealt with
teaching qualities.
"IT SEEMS that in general, the students have rated their teachers
better than their courses," Dean Keniston said.
The total average for all faculty members on questions two to
five was 2.62. A much higher average, 2.13, was recorded for'the
remaining questions, six to 11.
On the rating scale used this would indicate that students rated
their courses nearer to "Good" while they considered their teachers
closer to "Very Good."
LOWEST SCORES were recorded for questions three, dealing
with the value of the text, and four, concerning fairness of exami-
nations. The averages were 2.90 and 2.63 respectively.
Students graded faculty members higest on question 10 which
concerned approachability and willingness to assist students. The
average for all ranks on this question was 1.87.
The second highest rating was given by students on the basis of
their teachers meeting class obligations. The average for this question
was 2.03.

U.S. Obtains
Court Order
Limits Placed
On Yule Mail
CHICAGO-(P)-The Postoffice
Department last night ordered a
far-reaching embargo on Christ-
mas parcel post mailings because
of the spreading railroad strike
that now affects nearly two thirds
of the nation.
The government, meanwhile,
obtained two more federal court
orders aimed at ending the strike,
but there were no signs of an
early break in the crippling walk-
out of yard workers at key term-
THE PARTIAL embargo, effec-
tive immediately, includes all par-
cel post. But it will fall most
heavily, on Christnas packages.
The order means that hundreds
of postoffices in every part of the
country will be sharply. limited on
what parcels they can accept from
the public. The order comes at
the peak of the Christmas mailing
The strike, which started in
Chicago Wednesday, also hashit
war shipments, cut steel pro-
duction and slowed meat sup-
ply movements from Chicago to
the east.
These were the highlights in a
day of rapid breaking develop-
1- Federal Judge Alexander
Holtzoff issued a temporary re-
straining order in Washington and
Federal Judge Emerich B. Freed
later issued a similar end-strike
order in Cleveland. Both directed
the Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen to end their "wildcat"
strike. A similar order was issued
in Chicago Wednesday night by
Federal Judge William J. Camp-
2--DESPITE the Chicago court
order, the strile spread during
the day to terminals in Washing-
ton, St. Louis and Alexandria, Va.,
and disrupted service in Balti-
3-Union officials called a meet-
ing of general chairmen in Chi-
cago. They read them Judge
Campbell's order threatening pos-
sible penalties, and a message
froni W. P. Kennedy, BRT presi-
dent, urging a return to work.
4-Chairmen for the railroads
in Washington issued a statement
asserting they are "frankly skep-
tical" of claims by union officials
that the walkout is unauthorized.

STACY AND LAWYER-Robert H. Stacy. (left), how being tried
in the Ann Arbor circuit court on a charge of arson in the Haven
Hall fire, confers with his attorney, .Leonard Young.
Girl Friend Claims Stacy
Told Her of Setting Fire
An attractive former-girl friend of Robert K. Stacy took the
stand yesterday to testify that the 30-year-old University teaching
fellow told her last summer that he set the huge Haven Hall fire.
Zelda Clarkson, a registered -nurse who attended the University
from 1946 to 1948,'said that Stacy admitted the arson in August
during an "uninvited" visit to Proviricetown, Mass.
IT WAS MISS CLARKSON'S petition to have Stacy committed
* * * "as insane that led to his arrest
on the arson charge Oct. 10."
She told the court, presided
over by Circuit Court Judge.
rgJames R. Breakey, Jr., that
Stacy had seemed "very agitat-
ed" when he described in detail
to her how he set the fire. She
said Stacy told her, "I did it to
f >:>relieve the tension. I set a
match toha wastebasket in a
map room. .I walked out of the
building, across the street, and
watched the fire."
Before and since the time of the
alleged confession, Stacy "watch-
ed every move" she made, and
continually bothered her with
ZELDA CLARKSON telephone calls and letters, Miss
ZE__ DA____AK___N _Clarkson said.
She told the court that after
Stacy spoke to her of setting the
VoSe s Bias fire, she had notified the Pro-
f vincetown police immediately but
said she did not know why they,
failed to contact Ann Arbor

High Hat
Five Hinsdale House men ap-
peared at dinner yesterday clad
in various degrees of formal
attire, in protest to the strin-
gent dress requirements. en-
forced by a resident adviser.'
To lend a more truly Bohem-
ian atmosphere to the East'
Quad dining hall, the men dec-
orated their table with candles
inserted in empty whiskey bot-
The protest move was in
vain, however, as authorities
refused to ease the coat-and-tie
Draft .Four
Million Men
tration officials said last night
President Truman's expected pro-
clamation of a national emergen-
cy may be quickly followed by calls
for a four million man army and
an eventual expenditure of $100
billion a year for defense.
These officials made it clear
that the President's broadcast to
the nation tomorrow night will be
backed up by a triphammer series
of jolts for the home front.
THEY SAID the projected boost
in defense spending will "take the
lid off" all previous estimates and
compare with World War II
Much higher taxes, sweeping
industrial mobilization and a
rigid war-time economy with at
least PIartial wage-price controls
were regarded as inevitable parts
of the developing world crisis.
As an immediate step, the gov-
ernment called in Charlm E. Wil-
son, president of General Electric
Co., to become chief of a new,
central agency to direct industrial
mobilization. Wilson announced
his acceptance of the post.
TWIN STEPS were taken, mean-
time, to make any enemy air at-
tack on the United States as in-
effectual as possible.
The Air Force, it was disclosed,
has asked Congress for fundsnso
the Air Defense Command can
maintain a 24-hour alert.
Dewey Urges

*P* e* Faculty members received. their third highest rating for open-
PRESIDENT Ruthven explaine mindedness and encouragement of differences of opinion. On this
meant those on production as well point they scored an average of 2.18.
as wages and prices. He would * *
not elaborate on who the "ene- DEAN KENISTON pointed out that these qualities, approach-
mies" mentioned under his sec- ability, and readiness to help students, willing acceptance of respon-
ond point- are, nor would he link sibilities, and bpenmindedness are among the most important desired
his statement to the investigation in a teacher.
of shipments of war materials to s far as individual ranks were concerned associate profes-
TheCo unPresident was not sure sors received the highest score on most questions. Their total aver-
what reception the AAU's plan age for all questions was 2.06.
would get in Washington. "It's Full professors followed next with an overall average of _2.27.
very difficult to say," he declared, * * *.
"because so many plans are being INSTRUCTORS took third place on the rank average break-
considered." down. Their total average for the questions on which students rated
Though the University is a them was 2.31.
member of the association it was Assistant professors, were rated fourth from the top of the
not represented at the meeting list with an average of 2.37.
when the resolution was adopted. r t
However, President Ruthven Teaching fellows received the lowest ratings,
said that he had helped in the Their average for all questions was 2.47. They were rated lowest,
drafting of the adopted resolution. 3.11, on the value of the texts used in their courses and highest, 1.88,

Yanks Meet
Chinese Jets
In Air War
Blast Pyongyang
By The Associated Press
The 60,000-man U.S. 10th Corps
yesterday withdrew deeper into its
last beachhead in Northeast Ko-
rea around Hungnam under pres-
sure from patrols of 100,000 Chi-
nese Reds.
The enemy also was showing.
signs of increasing its hitherto
negligible air activity over Korea.
Russian-built jets fought U.S. jets
in the Northwest for the second
day in a row.
A DISPATCH from AP corres-
pondent Tom Lambert said the
U.S. Army Third Division on the
Northeast front began pulling out
hastily from outposts of the Ham-
hung-Hungnam perimeter. Red
patrols probed those positions.
The North Korean Red om-
mand was quoted in a Moscow
broadcast as saying United Na-
tions forces were being evacuat
ed by sea from the perimeter.
This confirmed Dec. 13 frontline
dispatches of American corres-
pondents. Since then a military
blackout has been clamped on
overall operations of the 10th
Lambert said enemy trucks have
been sighted moving down toward
the perimeter from the Changjin
reservoir area, which is 50 miles
northwest of Hamhung,
B-29 Superfortresses s t r u 0 k
through a wintry fog at the North
Korean capital of Pyongyang for
tle second day in a row in an at.
tertl to wipe it out as a Commu-
nist offensive base.
In Washington total announced
U.S. casualties in Korea mounted
to 33,878, with the main impact
of the Chinese Communists' coun-
ter-blow apparently still unrecord-
The total show shows 5,870
Americans dead-5,258 killed in
action, 607 dead of wounds, and
five persons previously listed as
missing but now known to be dead.
* * *
UN Approves
Move To Stop
Korean War
NEW YORK-()-The UN As-
sembly approved overwhelmingly
yesterday an Asian-Arab resolu-
tion setting up a three-man com-
mittee to seek a cease fire in
The Soviet bloc bluntly warned
the move would not succeed.
The Assembly voted 52 to 5 for
the resolution put up by 13 coun-
tries of Asia and the Middle East.
Nationalist China abstained and
Peru and Nicaragua were absent.
* * *
THE UNITED States, which
voted for the resolution, was re-
ported to have agreed in advance
to accept a cease fire order if the
Chinese Reds would agree also.
The flat opposition of the
Russian bloc indicated Peiping
would not accede to the UN idea
but the UN will try anyway.
Ambassador Nasrollah Entezam,
Iran, president of the Assembly,

was named specifically in the re-
solution as a member of the com-
mittee. He pleaded with the dele-
gates to give him all their sup-
port in his tremendous task. He
immediately consulted with UN
leaders on naming the other two
UN circles said that Lester B.
Pearson, Canadian Foreign Minis-
ter, and Sir Benegal N. Rau, In-
dia, the only delegate who has
had any prolonged contact with
the Chinese Reds and a leading
force in the framing of the 13-
nation resolution, were likely to
be the other members.
The Assembly will not go home
until it has tried every effort to

Interfraternity Council president
Bob Vogt, '51E, yesterday predict-
ed the Student Legislature's stand
on fraternity discriminatory
clauses will change.

noon's hearing, Stacy's lawyer,
Leonard H. Young, hammered at
discrepancies which cropped * up

Group Meets
To Discuss
Low Morale,
The air was filled with talk of
theology, the draft, morals and
conscience last night at Lane Hall,
as students, faculty and religious
leaders met to discuss current
problems of lowered student, mo-
The conference, called by the
University's Board of Religious
Counselors, came as a direct re-
sult of the recent publication in
The Daily of Provost Adams' let-
ter which brought to light the
fact that student morale is at its
lowest ebb since the last war.
IN A meeting complicated by
the meager turnout of 33 people
-only 16 of them students-and
the almost incessant popping of
a national magazine photograph-
er's flashbulbs, representatives of
varied religious groups provided a
composite of viewpoints on the
morale question.
Despite a few dissenters, most
students and faculty members
agreed with Prof. Howard Mc-
Cluskey, of the education school,
that there is a crisis in student
morale and that the current
world'situation lies at the base.
But conclusions were few.

on approachability.
Prof. Burton D. Thuma, administrative assistant in the literary
college pointed out that teaching fellows who are faced with a com-
Following are the questions and the rating scales used in the
second Student Evaluation of Faculty. In addition, the total
college average for each question is shown.
1. Difficulty of course. 2.54
(Rating scale for this question: 1. Very difficult,
2. Moderately difficult, 3. Average, 4. Moderately
easy, 5. Very easy.)
For the remaining questions the following scale was used.
(1. Superior, 2. Very good, 3. Good, 4. Fair, 5. Poor.)
2. Clarity of objectives of this course. 2.52
3. Value of text used. 2.90
4. Effectiveness and fairness of exams and tests. 2.63
5. Correlation of lectures, text, lab work, etc. 2.42
6. Regularity and adequacy of meeting

class obligations. v
7. Thoroughness of presentation of subject matter.
8. Ability to arouse interest and stimulate thinking.
9. Openmindedness and encouragement of
differences of opinion.
10. General approachability and willingness to
assist students.
11. General teaching effectiveness.


World Newus
By The Associated Press
BERLIN--The shift of a Soviet
armored division from deep in East
Germany to the Elbe River -and
establishment of a new Soviet
command post a half day's march
from the United States zone were
reported'-in Berlin last night by
United States intelligence sources.
* * #
ate Arm4d Services Committee
decided yesterday that Commu-
nism charges against Mrs. Anna
M. Rosenberg were wholly un-
founded and voted, 13 to 0, to
reaffirm its approval of her
nomination as Assistant Secre-
tary of Defense.
8 * 8
LONDON - Winston Churchill
warned the Western Allies last
night against the argument "that
we must use the atomic bomb un-
til and unless it is used against us
He said such a resolve would
increase the danger of war.
SAIGON, Vietnam, Indochina

Vogt gave as his reasons the'between the statements of Doro-
close 18-20 vote on a Nov. 15 mo- thy Strauss, who testified Wed- NEW YORK-(IP)-Gov. Thom-
tion setting a 1956 deadline for nesday, and Stacy's original con- as E. Dewey last night demanded
removal of such clauses and the fession statement which he later the greatest mobilization in Amer-
near success Wednesday of a mo- repudiated. ican history to cope with Com-
tion to kill the deadline. Miss Strauss testified that she munist aggression.
The Nov. 5'action provided that had seen a man resembling His proposals included general
raternov.iestionpovinded th Stacy in the second floor corri- registration- of every American
story clauses Oct. 15, 1956. would dor of Haven Hall at about 4:30 man and woman above the age of
bedenied Student Affairs Commit- p.m. the day of the fire. She 17 for national service.
be said that he went down the The governor, in a prepared
tee recognition. north stairway of the building. speech for the New York County
An 'amendment passed 32-8 However, in the confession Lawyers Association, called for
Wednesday would give a one-year statement-introduced into the an army of 100 divisions, each al-
extension to fraternities which try trial record yester.day afternoon- most twice as large as a Russian
to have the clauses removed from Stacy said that he was in Haven division.
their national constitutions. Both Hall at about 3 p.m. and left by Dewey said Universal Military
motions require SAC approval. the south door after setting fire to Service of at least two years should
The amendment to eliminate a pile of maps in Rm. G. be required of every young man
the deadline was defeated Wed- ' The trial will continue this and that the necessary legislation
nesday though 24 legislators voted morning in the Ann Arbor Circuit should be "enacted now - this
for it and only 20 against it. Court. month - not next month."
Phoenix Will Continue if War Comes

2.18 .

paratively new role are not expected to do as well as faculty members
with many years of experience.
THE BREAKDOWN for each question on the basis of course lev-
els revealed that students taking sophomore and junior courses were
least satisfied with their teaching. Their average rating for all 11
questions was 2.42.
Students taking freshman courses gave their teachers an
overall average of 2.38 for all the questions.
Students enrolled in senior and lower graduate courses gave their
teachers an average of 2.27 while those enrolled in graduate courses

The Phoenix Project will carry
out its study of the peaceful ap-
plications of atomic energy to the
fullest extent possible if the na-
tion should be put on a war-time
basis. University officials an-
nounced yesterday.
"In war as in peace, the ad-
vancement of the welfare of the
rnwwn1o is hivhlu important" Presi-

greatest .strength in the struggle
with our enemies is the advanced
state of American science, indus-
try and society.
"Ani as the cold or hot war
could possibly continue over
many years, it is important that
we carry forward this basic con-
structive development as Phoe-
nix would," he said.

carry on atomic research for peace
outside of government.
He pointed out that it would
give our enemies much satisfac-
tion if such undertakings as
Phoenix abdicated their freedom
to government control.
Although there is a possibility
that new buildings for Phoenix
would be held up in 'case of full
mobilization, Vice-President Nie-



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