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December 14, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-14

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Foreign Policy Control

WASHINGTON--One of those rare, but al-
Ways momentous, contests between
President and Senate over control and di-
rection of foreign policy seems in the mak-
ing as the result of developments of the last
few tense and critical days.
It has meaning politically for the 1952
presidential elections.
Republicans In the Senate apparently
are emboldened now to try to wrest con-
trol of foreign policy from the executive
-President Truman. This is indicated by
the way in which they revived their cam-
paign to oust Secretary of State Dean
Acheson in the very midst of the critical
conferences between President Truman
and British Prime Minister Clement Att-
lee. Mr. Acheson was a key figure in those
It was indicated also in the demand by
20 Republican senators that any agreements
with the British Prime Minister be put in
treaty form and submitted to the Senate for
ratification, one way in which the Senate
could assert its authority.
That may be taken as a symbolic move in
the reach of power rather than in expecta-
tion of any results, for the outcome of the
Truman-Attlee conferences reveals no hard-
and-fast "agreements" of a nature that
could be embodied in a treaty. That could
have been forseen in advance, when the de-
mand was made, as the two allies are deal-
ing with a long-time situation'in which poli-
cies are necessarily flexible and subject to
AN INTENTION by many leading Repub-
licans to begin fighting the 1952 cam-
paign now on the Korean and Asian policy
issues was forecast by the tenor of the meet-
ing here of national and state party leaders
with Republican Chairman Guy George Ga-
brielson last week-end.
Republicans are, indeed, well fortified for
an attempt to seize commanding influence
in foreign policy by virtue of their Senate
strength, along with the support of a few
Democrats. The party line-up in the new
82ndCongress will be 49 Democrats, 47 Re-
Historically the last such challenge was
In 1919, after the First World War, when
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are' written by members of The Daily staff.
and represent the views of the writers onl'y.

Republicans, then with the aid of Demo-
cratic isolationist allies, chose to challenge.
Woodrow Wilson's League of Nations.
They whipped up a great campaign public-
ly, defeated Mr. Wilson's dream in the
Senate, and then made it the issue in the
1920 Presidential campaign. They won
that election, but there were other factors
than the League involved in that over-
turn. We have come to see, too, the tragic
mistake of the course of policy they origi-
nated at that time.


No such clear-cut issue is involved now.
The United Nations, the League's successor,
is settled and accepted fact divorced from
party politics. There are big, vague issues
now, growing out of the confusing, cloaked
maneuvers of Communist imperialism. Lines
of policy are subject to periodic shift with
circumstances. The UN, of course, is heavily
involved in all of it.
* * *
TO President Truman's advantage in this
struggle with Senate Republicans is the
very fact, itself, on policy adjustments which
can only be handled by the executive and on
the basis of information available only to
him. A Senate junta is clumsy for meeting
sudden developments, not to mention the
handicap of differences among Republicans,
But, beyond that, no President can af-
ford to have his constitutional authority
over foreign policy arrogated by the Sen-
ate. That is his prerogative, and his his-
torical responsibility under our system.
Mr. Truman is a stubborn fighter, a per-
sonality factor that enters heavily. He has
stood by Dean Acheson, and there is little
reason to believe that he would permit
Senate Republicans to dictate who shall be
Secretary of State, evidently the aim of
current maneuvers, even if eventually he
may decide to let Mr. Acheson step aside.
It will be interesting to see just how far
Republicans will go. That will become clear
in the next few days. Because of their war
on Dean Acfeson and their criticism of Far
Eastern policy, it has become incumbent up-
on them to formulate a policy of their own.
This they say they intend to do.
How much solidarity the party can mus-
ter remains to be seen. It may be significant
that Governor Thomas E. Dewey issued a
call for "unity" in our present crisis, coming
as it did on the heels of the new Senate
outbreak against Mr. Acheson. He is, as he
said, perhaps the outstanding critic of the
administration's Asian policy, but in a time
like this the country must be united.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

'Washington Merry-Go "Round

A SUB-COMMITTEE of the Dean's Con-
ference is currently studying the prob-
lem of possible discriminatory questions in
University application blanks. Their find-
ings will form the basis of recommendations
to the Deans
It is imperative that this report asks
for the removal from application blaks
of all questions that can be used for dis-
criminatory purposes.
The worst offender in requiring informa-
tion from applicants that can be used for
discriminatory pruposes, is the Medical
School. It is the only school in the Uni-
versity that still requires applicants to
state their religion.-
The Medical School says that knowing an
applicant's religion provides a means by
which members of the Admissions Commit-
tee can investigate applicants' personalities.
But it is quite ridiculous to say that by
knowing what church a person frequents,
insight can be gained about his personality.
Unless by knowing whether a person is
Catholic, Jewish, Methodisthor what have
you, an admission official is able to form
in his mind a catch-all stereotype of a per-
Another reason the Medical School gives
for wanting to know the religion of an ap-
plicants is that it helps the Admissions
Committee determine if an applicant has
philosophical objections to the scientific
study of medicine. Clearly this is just a ra-
tionalization on the part of the Medical
School. Students who hold any private Phil-
osophies which object to the scientific study
of medicine will not apply to a medical
school. And there is no correlation between
scientific ability and the church a person
Very often members of the Committee
must be stymied in selecting one applicant
from several who are equally qualified in
all respects. Under such circumstances it is
only human for personal biases to influence
The- remarks of President Truman's Com-
mission on Higher Education are pertinent
in this respect: "A recent study of the ques-
tions asked on the admission blanks of a
large number of colleges leads to the con-
clusion that a substantial proportion in-
cludes several questions which are readily
susceptible for use in carrying through a
tacit policy of discrimination."
But why present the opportunity for bi-
ases to come into play. Much desired fur-
ther investigation of a person's ability would
be fostered if there were no subjective
grounds on which a decision could be made.
Already every institution of higher edu-
cation (except religious schools) in the state
of New York have removed objectionable
questions from their application blanks. A
Massachusetts law prohibits the use of such
questions on college applications in that
Rhode Island has ruled that when ap-
plications contain inquiries "answers to
which would directly or indirectly reveal
the race, color, religion or ancestral ori-
gin of an individual, all such questions
must be completely deleted to comply
with the law."
At this University, it is clear that an ir-
rational thing such as discrimination should
be eliminated. The Deans should grasp the
opportunity to wipe out the inequlity of
educational opportunity which the question
on their application blanks foster.
-Paul Marx
At The Michigan...
THE HIDDEN ROOM with Robert New-
ton, Naunton Wayne, Phil Brown and
Sally Gray.
THIS IS another of those taut little thrill-
ers which the English do so well. Done
with a carefully calculated lack of preten-

sion, it chronicles the misadventures of a
jealous psychiatrist who plans to do away
with his wife's paramour. Whether he will
be able to do this without detection and
his quietly sinister preparations, form the
major portion of the film's action. The au-
dience is fully aware of what is happening
at all times, which, while this device may
lessen the plot's suspense somewhat, comes
as a welcome diversion. Even the contents
of the hidden room are -known to the au-
dience and the principals, but this, in turn,
does not mitigate the baleful implications of
its intended use.
Robert Newton's low-keyed performance
as the homicidal psychiatrist is eminently
successful. Quite in contrast to his usual
flamboyant roles, he quietly builds up sus-
pense by effectively underplaying his part.
Naunton Wayne as the inevitable Scotland
Yard detective is pleasantly casual about
his duties and Phil Brown as the intended
victim contributes much to the picture's suc-
While not especially edifying, it is a beau-
tiful way of whiling away a couple of spare
-D. R. Crippen
Looking Back
THE UNIVERSITY reported an enrollment
of 8,137 for the first semester of 1920,
."A it, in Tc n ..,.yrt-- .-. ns- - - r tp


"The Only Question Is, Whose Bipartisan Policy?"




(Continued from Page 3) ics, mechanical, naval architec-
ture, and petroleum. These posi-
candidates with a B.S. degree in tions are for grades GS-9 to GS-
pharmacy, chemistry, chemical, 12. There isno closing date.
e n g I n e e r i n g, pharmaceutical The City of Detroit Civil Ser-
chemistry, bacteriology; M.S. de- vice Commission announces ex-
'gree in pharmacy, pharmaceutical aminations for Junior Account-
c h e m i s t r y, chemistry, organic ant, Semi-Senior Accountant, and
chemistry; and Ph.D. degree in Senior Accountant. Applications
p h a r m a c y or pharmaceutical must be filed by Dec. 29.
chemistry nhvsiol b hinh im

*.9 Y W .Jo54 iF. vS'r E
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason 'are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

uitioy, puys iogy, wocnemis-
try, and chemical engineering.
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces the fol-
lowing examinations: JUNIORj
with options botanist, entomolo-
gist, fishery biologist, forester,
soil scientist, statistician, wildlife1
biologist; zoologist (parasitology
including nematologists). Appli-
cations must be filed by Jan. 9.
ENGINEER with options aero-
nautical, civil, electrical, electron-


The Connecticut State Person-
nel Department announces an ex-
amination for a Psychiatric So-
cial Worker. Applications must be
filed by Dec. 28.
For further information con-
cerning the above' announcements
please call at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
Interviews, Women's Army Corps:
Due to the increased interest in
the training program for commis-

have been indoctrinated with sioned officers in the Women's
class distinction cannot readily Army Corps and the lack of time
shed this attitude or accept for interviews this week, Captain
another without first being edu- Biddle will be i the office of the
cated, informed and reconciled to Bureau of Appointments again
a new progressive cultural pat- on Tues., Dec. 19. Closing date
tern . . . for this program is Jan. 15, and
The fact remains that affiliated June as well as February gradu-
groups have made great strides ates must make application at
toward removing discriminatory' this time. For furtheiYinformation
clauses from'their constitutions.I call at the Bureau of Appoint-
In my opinion, the motion will ments, Room 3528, Administra"
obstruct or destroy all the pro- tion Bldg.
gress made by pioneers of equal-
ity. Furthermore it will not only Lectures
make those dissenters more vig-
orous in the defense of their be- University Lecture Postponed:
liefs but it will also force those The lecture by Paul Nettl on "The
deliberators to make a decision German Lies in the 17th to the
which ought to be and must be 19th Centuries," previpusly an-
their own. No matter how you nounced for 4:15 Thursday after-
disguise this time-limit plan it noon in the Rackham Assembly
can be interpreted as nothing else Hall has been postponed due to
but a threat or demand by force. illness. Instead, Dr. Willi Apel,
Maybe not by 1956, nor by 19- author of the Harvard Diction-
60 will we have seen the end of nrvof -.,wl1 b .'* +1h


Student Morale

0 0 *


ASHINGTON - Those who sat in on
W the prolonged talks with Prime Minis-
ter Attlee and President Truman agreed that
they set a new high-water mark for Anglo-
American cooperation-something that had
been needed for a long time.
The two men talked as if they were
fellow members of the same cabinet --
though the Prime Minister, in his frendly
'way, did more talking than the President.
Attlee even told Truman quite frankly
that both he and French Premier Pleven
were worried over his growing opposition
in Congress and wondered whether any
military agreements, made now, would be
honored in the new 82nd Congress. Presi-
dent Truman later expressed some con-
cern about this, and asked his staff to
see what they could recommend to get the
bipartisan foreign policy back on an even
However, despite the healthy Anglo-Amer-
ican agreements to cooperate on economic
matters and move for quick rearming of
Europe, the two men remained far apart
on policy toward Communist China. In fact,
the only thing they agreed concerning China
was to disagree.
A JOINT POLICY on the intermediate
problem in Korea was a lot easier and
here is how the Korean discussions progress-
Prime Minister Attlee arrived with the
feeling that the United Nations would be
better off if we pulled out of Korea alto-
gether. His views were confirmed when
Gen. Omar Bradley, Top Chief of Staff,
gave an unvarnished account of the ter-
rible casualties, and expressed doubt re-
garding the wisdom of trying to hold a
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, incidentally,

have been unanimous behind Bradley; be-
lieve it might take as many as 50,000 casual-
ties to maintain a beachhead.
This view was seconded by the British
Chief of Staff, Field Marshall Sir William
Slim, who also doubted the wisdom of re-
maining in Korea.
HOWEVER, Secretary of State Acheson
took the opposite view. Though branded
an appeaser by Republicans, Acheson was
anything but an appeaser in the talks with
He argued that there were two ways of
getting out of Korea-one to pull out, the
other to get kicked out. To run out on a
small country like Korea, he argued, would
brand us as dishonorable, without courage,
and a nation not to be trusted as an ally
in the future.I
If, on the other hand, we went down
fighting to the last ditch and with colors
flying, Acheson argued, our position would
be far better in the eyes of the world4
Therefore, the Secretary of State urged
that we keep at least a beachhead in Ko-
rea, during which time we would do our best
to improve our diplomatic bargaining posi-
President Truman vigorously supported
his Secretary of State, and Prime Minis-
ter Attlee, after listening to the arguments,
changed his mind and agreed that Ache-
son was right.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff meanwhile es-
timate that with enough warships standing
off shore and pounding the enemy around a
beachhead, plus enough airplanes overhead,
they can defend an Allied toe hold in Korea
*4 * *
H AVING AGREED to this, the next big
question was joint Anglo-American dip-
lomatic policy toward China. This was the
most difficult nut to crack of all.
In this case Acheson again proved to be
anything but an appeaser. He favored a
stiff straight-arm policy against the Chinese
Communists, including a naval blockade and
a, boycott.
He proposed stationing the American and
British fleets off the coast of China and
preventing a single pound of merchandise
or material from entering any Chinese port
--until China was ready to revert to a peace-
ful status.

To the Editor:
ings reported this week which
have shown a concern for stu-
dent morale. The :first was a
meeting of student leaders and
University officials; the result
of it was the message to keep
faith with the future and devote
ourselves to the work at hand
from Provost Adams in Sunday's
DAILY. Provost Adams' letter was
called an "unprecedented" action.
Tuesday afternoon at a meeting
of student pastors, religious lead-
ers also felt that this is a time
that requires many "pnprece-
dents." They decided to set a time
when students and campus reli-
gious leaders could come together
to think out the philosophy which
will determine their attitudes and
actions in this world emergency.
I was a part of this latter meet-
ing and I feel, therefore, respon-
sible to explain its significance.
The intense concern which these
men and women gave to the pre-
sent student problem met the re-
alities squarely. They do not feel
that religion is an optimistic call
for hope in the future. Men who
have been in touch with religious
men of other countries know the
great trials they are facing now.
We in this country have been an
exception from the rest of the
world but now we must realize
that we may not have peace with-
in our life time and we have to
prepare for that fact.
This preparation is not a sim-
ple formula. No one knows better
than religious leaders who have
long worked with one another on
this campus that there is no one
set of answers they can give. It
may seem often that the religious
approach is too disunified to give
us anything concrete to stand on.
Yet these men feel that there is
a very basic philosophy which un-
dergirds the Judeo-Christian tra-
dition and which is strong enough
to withstand the pressures of to-
With this in mind, the student
pastors of this campus are com-
ing together at Lane Hall Thurs-
day evening at 7:30 to meet with
all students who wish to come.
Concrete proposals will be made
representing five different reli-
giousaapproaches to the problems
we face as students and as citi-
zens of this country and the
world. The discussion which is
scheduled to follow, led by Dr.
McClusky, may enable us to clar-
ify our own philosophy and to'
know others who can help us fur-
-Rosemary Jones
** *
Dead-End Road...
To the Editor:
THERE ARE twenty-thousand
students enrolled in the Uni-
versity of Michigan. If all of
these students were suddenly an-
nihilated, they would constitute
only one-seventh of the human
lives which were taken by the
Atomic bomb dropped on Hiro-
shima. Do we want this horrify-
ing nightmare to repeat itself
again in Korea?
We certainly do not, and so that

it will not happen again, we must
not use the Atom bomb as a de-
fensive measure in the Korean
War. The total devastation that it
has wrought should be sufficient
proof, of what will happen if this
is a third world war and the bomb
is used as an armament of de-
fense. What is freedom if it is
gained with such brutal
force which can only have catas-
trophe as its aftermath?
The United States has always
been a peacemaker, a country
whose people cringed at the
thought of such uncivilized 'me-
thods of warfare. It was necessary
to use the Atom bomb in World
War II. At the time of its use we
had reached a crisis in that war.
Although it took countless lives,
many more were saved by its use
in bringing an end to the war
that might still be raging today.
We are not yet at such a crisis
in the Korean War. The use of
the Atom bomb now will not save
lives, but it will bring on a war
which will take countless more.
Ignore all of the former facts
if you wish and the moral wrong
of this act still persists. If pos-
sible, someday, we want to have
peace in this world. The anni-
hilation of millions of innocent
people is not going to do the
Man, through scientific pro-
gress has paved his own "dead end
road." Unless he uses this progress
wisely, he has devised a method
for total destruction of the earth,
although few realize it. The atom
bomb used in Korea would surely
bring on a third world war and a
third world war now can end in
nothing but disaster.
The crisis is not yet here. Rus-
sia is not ready to declare war be-
cause her armaments are not yet
built up andtbecause she does not
feel her purpose has been fully
achieved by the war in the pup-
pet states. Wait! Do not use this
devastating weapon now. Try by
patience and understanding to
avert a crisis which will necessi-
tate its use. We are now halfway
down the "dead end road."
Thought and persistencewill turn
us back the other way.
-Barbara Gressa
S* * *
Time-Limit .
To the Editor-
B A very close margin a pro-
posal was recently passed by
the Student Legislature asking the
Student Affairs Committee -to
deny recognition to any campus
group which has not removed dis-
criminatory clauses from its con-
stitutions by 1956.
An attempt to clarify the pro-
posal was made in aafour-man
debate Tuesday night at the Ar-
chitecture Auditorium. After two
hours of controversial debate the
only. colplusion or clarification
was again in a word, controver-
To some of us this proposal
seems ridiculous . . . Advocators
of this proposal should realize
that this question has naturally
been discussed by the majorities
in their own individual groups.
However, the problem requires
no small amount of tact and di-
plomacy. A group cannot afford
an open split and still function
successfully as a unit. Those who

this unjust and unfounded dis-
crimination and hypocrisy but
we are healing this sore of our
democracy with amazing rapidity.
It wouldsbe unwise andsunfortu-
nate to set back or destroy that
progress we have already made.
We are facing this problem
where it should be faced, amid
the doers in future America; let's,
not be impetuous and try to build
Rome in a day. Print, educate, in-
form and discuss, that is con-
structive, but don't threat or de-
mand in a democracy,that is de-
-Richard D. Helmrich
* * *
Movie Ciliicisms . ..*

ary oz 1VsC, Wil eecure aL ne
same time1 in the Rackham Am-
phitheatre, on "The Organ Chor-
ale Prelude Before Bach."
University Lecture: Willi Ap-
el, author of "Harvard Diction-
ary of Music," will be heard in
a public lecture at 4:15; Thursday
afternoon, Dec. 14, in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. A Professor
of Music at Indiana University,
Apel will speak on "The Or-
gan Prelude Before Bath."
Originally scheduled to lecture
during the Second Semester, Dr.
Apel will appear at this time in
place of Paul Nettl who was com-
pelled to postpone his , visit be-
cause of illness.

To the Editor:
An illustrated lecture on some
=DO NOT envy the job of the phases of his botanical experien-
critic for each individual who; ces in Northern Alaska will be
participates in the experience of given by Dr. Ira L. Wiggins, at
art or drama or music brings to 4:15 p.m., Fri., Dec. 15, Rackham
that experience a background of Amphitheatre. Dr. Wiggins is pro-
personal events which to a certain fessor of Botany at the Stanford
extent interpret the meaning of University and is on leave of ab-
the piece. sence from his university position
This truth notwithstanding, I' for the current year to take over
was surprised at the superficial- the Directorship of the Arctic
ity of D. R. Crippen's movie re- Institute at Point Barrow, Alaska.
view of "The Next Voice You (Continued on Page 5)
Hear-." Here, it seemed to me
that Hollywood courageously (if
courage is necessary( to deal with
important ideas) has dealt with
a question which is at the very
core of our ailing society. The re-
presentation of the modern com-
mon man, a victim of the inse-
curities and fears and monoton-
ies of existence-sometimes trans-
formed by the love for his wife
and child but by-and-large too
weak to alone meet the futility of - r.
a materially sufficient but spirit-t
ually pointless existence. The
comic but tragic character of the -
bar scene displays a man driven -
to 'escape even by the ordinary Sixty-First Year
frustrations of life. The movie Edited and managed by students of
is a fantasy and yet it reveals that the University of Michigan under the
the real and holy sacraments are authority of the Board in Control of

the times of crisis when God
speaks to man whether through
the radio or through his heart.
The reviewer suggested that the'
ideals of the Sermon on the
Mount are "disingenuous" in these
"intensely realistic" times. Be-
yond the inappropriateness of;
statements in this area in a mov-
ie review, I submit that such a
judgement is totally false. Indeed,
the self-giving love is the only
practical and workable way for
man to rid himself of the fears
which build the barriers between.
men and engender suspicions
flowering into mistrust and hate.
-George Edgar Bradley, Grad.
Movie Criticisms . .

Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.........Managihg Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsky........ Editorial Director
Dave Thomas.........Feature Eidtor
Janet Watts...........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan...........Associate Editor
James Gregory......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly........... Sports Editor
Bob Sandell.... Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton....,Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.......Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business ,Staff
Bob*Daniels.......Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1

I mn fhe Wal+.nr.

GM Grant

To IteL kInUk.Member of The Associated Press
THE DAILY'S critics-a rancor- The Associated Press is exclusively
ous and reptile crew of poet- entitled to the use for republication
icules who have decomposed into of ali news dispatches credited to it or
eriteastrs, oo on-aimader-otherwise credited to this newspaper.
criticasters, too non-animadver- All rights of republication of all other
sive to regard a favorable critique matters herein are also reserved.
as anything short of croodling. Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Their motto: We come to bury Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
drama and not to praise it. - matter.
Subscription during regular school
--D. Eugene McNeil year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

THE NEW Institute -of Industrial Health,
made possible.by General Motors' grant
of $1,500,000, will easily fit into the Michigan
Memorial Phoenix Project.
It is one of the best illustrations of the
Memorial's principles yet proposed.
Although the project aims at a problem
that at first thought does not seem to fit into
the atomic age too well, it should be re-
membered that Phoenix will study all

Oh, John-You're home. Hello, dear-
Will you gals
excuse us a
...:....o9W ai r. -

The bag's all shot-But if
you want to buy the clubs-
They feel fine,
. John. It's a deal.

You ought to get a good price
for that silver piece, Ellen-
I'll buy John a
nice new leather.

Did you see that silly-silver
C~ pot Ellen had out? I know an
antique shop that has stuff to
match it. Ym going to buy her
n th nec h nar e e .ds far

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