FOREIGN POLICY CONTROL See Page 4 / Latest Deadline in the State A6r :43 a t I I R VOL. LXI, No. 68 ANN ARBOR, M1ICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1950 SIX PAGES SL Passes New, Anti-Bias Motion Measure Would Grant Exceptions To 6 Year Time Limit on Clauses By RICH THOMAS The Student Legislature provided a loophole to its Nov. 15 fra- ternity anti-discriminatory clause motion in a confused and heated meeting last night. The original motion required in effect that University recogni- tion of all fraternities be withdrawn whose constitutions contained discriminatory clauses after an Oct. 15, 1956, deadline. * s * * THE NEW MOTION, which for the most part clarified the re- tequirements of the old one, added the provision that a fraternity might receive an extension of the time limit if it could prove that it pad done everything in its power to get its discriminatory clauses Kelly Concedes Gubernatorial Race Both Parties Agree an Big Arms Stepup Favor Statement Of Emergency WASHIlNGTON-(IP)-Presidenl Truman obtained agreement o Congressional leaders of both par ties to a "very rapid increase" in U.S. military strength yesterday and indicated that he plans a sharp stepup in home front effort to support it.1 Truman's proposals to meet the world crisis were outlined to the congressional leaders at a confer- ence with the President, Secretary of State Acheson and Secretary o befense Marshall. a" * M THE WHITE HOUSE announced afterward that there appeared to be unanimous agreement among she conferees that "our military strength should be built up with the utmost speed." Confirming this on behalf of the Republicans who attended, Sen. Taft (R-O) told reporters 'they also agreed fully that "a dangerous emergency exists for the people of the United States." The White House statement said there appeared to be strong senti- Ment in favor of declaring a na- tional emergency, a step which many of the conferees expect Tru- Alan to announce in a world-wide radio broadcast at 9:30 p.m. Fri- day. Jury To Weigh Plan To Defer Best Students WASHINGTON-(M--A jury of citizens will help decide. whether bright students should be deferred from the draft. " Draft Director Lewis B. Hershey has called 200 citizens, represent- ing education, labor, industry, vet- erans' organizations, the press and radio, to a meeting here next Monday. THEY WILL give their opinions Ifter listening to a report on a draft plan designed to provide the nation all the scientists, doctors and other professional people it needs, without upsetting draft re- Squiremients. The plan proposes an intelli- gence test as a basis for defer- ment and details now are being discussed. ' At present students may remain in. school until the end of a school year. And they may be deferred if they are in the upper half of their classes. Hershey's advisory committees have proposed that the best stu- dents in all fields be qualified for deferment if: They pass an apitude test with a high mark, stamping them as most likely to succeed as a skilled professional man or civic leader. They have, and keep, a high scholastic record. Any plan may conflict with 'pro- posals for universal military train- ing. S * * * State To Fill Doubled Quota PT:ANSINT-(p--/IL lirhigran wll -removed from its national con- stitution and that there was a "substantial probability" that the clause would be removed in the near future. The time extensions, if grant- ed, would be for a year at a time. The clarified motion, which supplants the original one, was passed as a recomendation to the Student Affairs Committee. It is not binding in itself, and will become effective only if the SAC approves and adopts it as a plan of action. The vote on the motion was 35 to 2 with 8 t abstentions. f Besides establishing the Oct. 15, _ 1956, deadline and the possible ex- tension provision, the clarified y motion contains the following sti- ,pulations: FIRST, that all fraternities with discriminatory clauses in their constitutions are required to pre- sent a motion on the floor of their national conventions asking the f removal of such clauses and that they support and vote positively on the motion. Also, such fraternities would have to report to the Student Affairs Committee each year on the action taken at their last convention. If they have not acted as required by the forego- ing national convention stipula- tion, the fraternities would be "forthwith" denied recognition. Further, if by Oct. 15, 1956, the fraternities still had the clauses, their University ,recognltion would be withdrawn until the clauses were removed. APPARENTLY the SL is not finished with its consideration of the fraternity discrimination is- sue, however, because immediately following the vote, Jim Moran, '52, served notice that he would present a proposal in the next SL meeting to rescind the motion which passed last night. Earlier in the evening,- Len Wilcox, '52, SL vice-president, had presented a substitute to the clarification motion which would have eliminqted the Oct. 15, 1956, deadline for the bias clause removal. 1 It was this proposal which drew most of the attention. Supporters argued that by removing the time limit, the danger of forcing fra- ternities to take hasty action in their national conventions and simply transfering the clauses into either their rituals or into obscure "gentlemen's agreements" would be eliminated. * * * ALTHOUGH 24 Student Legis- lators voted for the motion and only 20 opposed (with one absten tion), thb substitute was not pass- ed. As a substitute for a previous- ly passed motion, it would have rescinded the former proposal and such action requires a majority of the entire body. Such a majority in the SL is 25. Victory Goes To Williams In Recount GOP Surrenders As Lead Grows DETROIT -(P)--- Former Re- publican Gov. Harry F. Kelly, the apparent winner for three days after Michigan's Nov. 7 governor- ship election, finally conceded re- election last night to Democratic Gov. G. Mennen Williams. Kelly tossed in the sponge after twelve days of a recount during whih weary workers had recheck- ed more than three-fourths of the nearly 1,900,000 votes cast. FOR THREE solid days after the election the two-time wartime governor had led Williams by mar- gins up to more than 4,000 votes. Williams, however, pulled into a 1,154-vote lead after the offi- cial canvass. Ballots in 3,408 of Michigan's 4,355 precincts had been recounted when the end came. Williams had picked up 3,089 additional votes by that time, bringing his total margin to 4,243. These were the totals: Williams (D) 934,096 Kelly (R) 929,853 The Democratic margin will go down in history, however, as the original 1,154 votes-the leanest plurality in a governorship race since 1837. The recount, though not com- pleted, cost the Republicans $21,- 775-$5 a precinct. Besides victory for Williams, it brought out num- erous flaws in Michigan's election machinery. Actually, neither candidate gained a net vote b4t the recount. It was a case of Kelly losing more. He dropped 4,318 while picking up only 173 while Williams lost 1,907 and gained 851. Court Orders End to Wildcat Railroad Strike CHICAGO - (M A Federal Judge called a halt tonight to the Chicago rail strike which the Army said "directly hurts our war effort." But it was not immediately cer- tain if the striking switchmen would heed the judge's order. United States District Judge William J. Campbell issued a tem- porary restraining order directing t h e Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen to end a walkout which has crippled rail freight movement at Chicago. It has also caused some passen- ger train cancellations out of this big rail center. The strike today tied up mili- tary shipments, Christmas parcels and other freight. The Post Office Department said it would mean a major delay in Christmas mails through Chi- cago. The Trainmen's union called the walkout unauthorized. Union off i- cials indicated they were powerless to stop it. But United States Dis- trict Attorney Otto Kerner, Jr., said the strike was a result of "concerted action" by the union. REDS * * HEIGHTE Ti 0 E 'ACU TI * * * * --4 Malik Says Chinese May Quit Korea On Condition All Troops Must Go LAKE SUCCESS -(A')- In an unexpected move, Russia's Jacob A. Malik said yesterday the Chin- ese Communist forces will go home if all "foreign troops" (United Na- Stions forces) are withdrawn from Korea. ' This surprise statement came just before the UN Political Com- mittee beat down Malik's stubborn opposition and approved a plan of 13 Asian and Middle East coun- tries for seeking a cease fire in Korea. * * THE VOTE WAS 51 to 5 with Nationalist China abstaining. Malik's statement to the Po- litical Committee was the first time any Soviet delegate has ev- en hinted that the Communist Chinese would leave Korea. He told the delegates that several committee members had stated that the Soviet demand for the withdrawal of foreign troops meant only UN forces and did not refer to Chinese Commun- ists. He said he wanted it stat- ed for the record that Chinese "volunteers" also would leave Korea. Asked after the meeting just what he meant, Malik told a re- porter thateif the foreign forces (meaning the UN forces) are with- drawn, there no longer will be any need for the volunteers in Korea and they would be allowed to re- turn to China. told~ e sh de egae htsvr THERE WAS NO immediate re- action from the United States or other western powers. -Russian opposition to, the cease fire proposal made it doubtful that a truce could be arranged. Malie's explanation indicated that he expected the UN forces to withdraw first and this is a condition which western delegates indicated they could not accept. The General Assembly is ex- pected to take up this cease-fire idea today, with approval expect- ed. It calls on President Nasrol lah Entezam of the Assembly, and two persons to be named by En- tezam, to see if there is a basis on which a cease-fire can be ar- ranged. House Passes Food Relief Bill For Yugoslavia WASHINGTON - (wh) - After two days of sharp debate the House yesterday passed, 225 to 142, a bill to provide $38,000,000 in food relief to Communist Yugo- slavia, which has been stricken by drought. The administration bill, which already has been passed by the Senate, now goes to a Senate- House conference committee for ironing out of minor differences. Backers contended that the mea- sure is a wise move on the world front. They pointed to Marshal Tito's long split with Moscow and said his regime must be bulwark- ed as a barrier against the spread of Soviet Communism in Europe. On the other hand Rep. Davis (D-Ga) told the House that Tito is as "blackhearted and treacher- ous a Communist as Stalin him- self." He said it was a "weak ar- gument" to contend "our genero- New Letter NEW YORK--(P)-PresidentI Truman sent a letter to the Salvation Army yesterday prais- ing it , as an organization "whose compassion is bound- less and whose work for the unfortunate is never ceasing." Said Association President Walter Hoving: "That was a beautiful letter from the President. I must confess one is a little nervous these days when one receives a letter from the President." U.S. To Cut Flowvof Aid To Eng land By The Associated Press Virtually all Marshall Plan aid to Great Britain will be suspended after Jan. 1, British and American officials revealed in a joint state- ment yesterday. In a cautiously worded an- nouncement, the two countries said the suspension comes as a result of a marked ia. Iment in Bri- tain's economic health. The flow of Marshall Plan dol- lars may be resumed later if Bri- tain's condition worsens, it was emphasized. AT THE same time, top Ameri- can officiafs stressed that the United States would continue to give Britain dollars to spur her new rearmament program. The apparent switch to an em- phasis on defense was interpreted by several University economists as being less significant than it might appear. Prof. Charles F. Remen and Prof. Wolfgang F. Stolper, both of the economics department, agreed that the United States will still be able to bolster Britain's economic health through defense aid. Neither was surprised at yes- terday's action, which came after nearly six weeks of friendly talks in London over the need for con- tinued dollar help. , *- * * * . EVACUATION-Gen. Douglas MacArthur prepares to depart from Hungnam, U.S. evacuation port in Northeast Korea, follow- ing his secret visit to Maj. Gen. Edward Almond, Tenth Army commander. Stacy Trial Gets Un derway As. Court Hears Testimony By DON MALCOLM The trial of Robert H. Stacy, former University teaching fellow charged with'setting the June 6 Haven Hall blaze, opened in Cir- cuit Court yesterday as the Courti quickly picked a nine-woman arW three-man jury and began hearig testimo5ny. Highlight of the day's hearing was testimony given by Dorothy Strauss, former University re- search assistant, who testified she had seen a man who "resembled" the accused arsonist near the room W61 Ro By Th BERLIN- Parliament law making any German works for' Western Eu LONDON- FOLLOWING SELLOUT: Gargoyle Will Petition For Board Recognition IN ANNOUNCING the tempor- the Council ary cut-off decision, a joint Bri- North i Atlax tish-American announcement gave orio Ater these reasons: tion yester ' plete agreer 1. Britain has made such military r good progress" ir its economic German pa comeback that its once-serious grated forc dollar deficit has disappeared. Western Eu 2. The United States wants to WAH conserve its dollars because of WASHIN new and heavier burdens" for tors and F defense. day, for thi d''e-e. .against a The United States had suggest- "ultimatu ed the discussions last October 1951 car p after British gold and dollar re- federal cra serves rose to $2,750,000,000 after sinking to an all-time low of SINGAP $1,300,000,000 in September of rounded up 1949. tioning abou Britain, by far the biggest re- beset Singa cipient of Marshall dollar help, Raiding will thus become the first Western stately sult European country to have most of and seized a the aid tentatively withdrawn. , nition, crow Despite the suspension, Britain Then police will continue for a time to draw house-to-ho funds from allotments already of the mosq made. lems held w FREEDOM OF SILENCE: Court Ruling E By CAL SAMRA states that' Freedom from self-incrimina- compelled it tion and freedom of speech were be a witnes put forth as strong arguments in An expe the recent Patricia Blau case to law, Prof. I justify a person's balking at some this was a grand jury questions, Prof. Paul of the Cou G. Kauper of the Law School de- "It is rat rid News gundup e Associated Press - The East- German last night passed a death the penalty for ;x who believes in and the rearmament of rope. * * * . -Military Chiefs and 1 of Deputies of the ntic Treaty Organiza- day announced "com- ment on political and ecommendations for rticipation in an inte- e for the defense of rope." VGTON-General Mo- ord held firm yester- e time being at least, virtual government n" to roll back their rice boosts or risk a ckdown. ORE-Police have 101 Moslems for ques- ut the riots which have pore since Monday. squads cleared the an mosque yesterday a stock of rifle ammu- 'bars and clubs there. and troops made a use search in the area ue. Most of the Mos- Nere youths. where the Haven fire started. * * * MISS STRAUSS said she had just left her Haven Hall office on the day of the fire when she smell- ed smpke. Upon investigating, she saw flames, leaping along the wall of Rm. G. Shesaid she saw someone walk-, walking down the hall and shouted to him, "There really is a fire!" According to her testi- mony, the man did not turn around or stop walking, but she thought he "resembled" Stacy. But Miss Strauss admitted on cross examination by Stacy's law- yer Leonard H. Young, that she could not make a positive identi- fication. Her testimony was fre- quently interrupted by wrangles between Young and Prosecutor Douglas K. Reading. * * * ANOTHER WITNESS, Assistant Fire Chief Harold E. Gauss, said he saw Stacy on the first floor of Haven Hall 11 months earlier wheni he was called to investigate another fire. . Two Janitors, Joseph G. Smith and Julius Schiller, testified they had extinguished three separate fires in trash cans and waste- paper baskets shortly before the first started. In order for the prosecution to establish that Stacy "willfully and, maliciously" set fire to Haven Hall, it was necessary to prove that there was a loss of property and that lives were endangered by Sta- cy's alleged action. To support this legal point, Reading called Walter M. Roth, Superintendent of the University Plant Service, to the stand. Roth estimated that it would cost 1.5 million dollars to build a structure the same size as the fire-gutted building. He further testified that,-on the day of the fire, there were University stu- dents taking final examinations in Haven Hall. Zelda Clarkson, Stacy's former girl friend, is expected to testify at this morning's hearing. TOKYO - (P)- Chinese Com- munist forces menacing the Allied escape port of Hungnam showed increasing activity today as the evacuation of the 60,000-man United Nations army from North- east Korea proceeded swiftly but calmly. U.S. Third Division elements drove off a probing attack by about 300 Reds this morning only seven miles north of Hamhung, big UN supply base for which Hungnam is the port. * * * A SIMILAR attack, by Chinese Reds in American uniforms, was beaten back Wednesday. Red planes scouted the Hung- nam harbor evacuation area last night. Between eight and nine Chip se Communist divisions - posSbly 80,000 strong - ringed the last Allied toehold in Northeast-Korea from nearby, snow-covered hills. As tension increased inside the defense arc, quartermaster troops urgently increased efforts to re- move great piles of supplies from Hamhung to Hungham. * * * ALLIED PLANES were busy both in the northeast and in the west where the U.S. Eighth Army has fallen back to a new defense line between Pyongyang and Seoul.. B-29 superfortresses yesterday hit the Red capital of Pyong- yang anhd the rail-highway hub of Tokehon with 176 tons of de- molition bombs. Returning pilots said they had converted Tokchon into "a dead end" for the Red supply system in the West. The Pyongyang raid was aimed at knocking ont the city's usefulness as a Communist staging base. GROUND ACTION in the west was confined to small engage- ments. It was not disclosed whether the enemy forces were Chinese or North Korean Reds. Former briefing indicated these enemy groups were North Koreans by- passed in the UN drive north in October. Elements of the Republic of Korea Fifth Division engaged with what an Eighth Army spokes- man called the only strong con- tact with the enemy. This was near the 38th parallel in the Chunchon vicinity about 45 miles northeast of Seoul. Phoenix Nets 'New Pledges Student Phoenix officials yes- terday announced that the campus campaign has netted $114,144 in pledges. Mary Lubeck, '51, drive chair- man, said that so far 4,278 stu- dents have turned in pledge cards. He also announced that all per- sons who make donations to .the atomic research Memorial will have their names listed in a spe- cial contributor's book which will be placed in the Phoenix building. The book will list persons making pledges to any of the many Pro- ject drives n o w in progress throughout the nation. Recognition will also be given to all house groups on campus which receive pledges from 80 per cent of their members. These houses 1 With another sellout to its cred- it, the Gargoyle will submit a pe- tition asking for official recogni- tion at a Board in Control of Stu- deAt Publications meeting tomor- row. The humor magazine was oust- ed from the official family of stu- dent publications last spring. * * * ' ACCORDING TO THE minutes of the May 20 Board meeting, it was ousted for these reasons: this year, the Gargoyle has been operating independently and is not recognized or supported by the Board. Under the leadership of Bob Uchitelle, '51, its first issue this fall sold a record 3,400 copies. The Gargoyle will petition the Board for several reasons, ac- cording to Editor Uchitelle. "We are thinking of future staffs. At the present time the Garg could be dissolved without much trouble, because of insufficient xplained by Kan per "no person. ..shall be n any criminal case to s against himself." ert on constitutional Kauper explained that natural justification rt's ruling. ;ther significant, how- be charged with contempt of Con- gress for refusing to answer ques- tions, Prof. Kauper admitted the possibility that the .Court may ex- tend the immunity of the individ- ual to the congressional area. Prof. Kauper didn't believe, however, that the Court decision