DEAN BURSLEY See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State 4bp RATHER CLOUDY VOL. LXI, No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1950 SIX PAGES -- i Outline Plan For Atlantic Defense Unii Ask Settlement o German Question NEW YORK-()- The Nort Atlantic Treaty Council agree last night upon establishing at thc earliest possible date a combine force for the defense of Wester Europe and in effect tpld its D( fense Committee to settle the ques tion of using German manpowe The 12-member council issued communique at the conclusion a series of talks here. THE COMMUNIQUE laid dow the following principles: 1. A combined force will be o .ganized under the North Atantic Treaty Organization and will be subject to political and strategic guidance exercised by the ap- propriate agencies of that or- ganization. 2. The force will be under a su preme commander who will hav F . sufficient delegated authority t insure that national units allo cated to his command are organiz ed and trained into an effectiv integrated force in time of peac as well as in war. 3. The supreme commander will be supported by an inter- national staff representing all nations contributing to the force. 4. Pending appointment of a su preme commander, there is to b appointed a chief of staff who wi have responsibility for trainin and organization of the force. On the question of creatingGer man military units for use in combined force the Council de request its Defense Coin mittee, made up of the defens ministers, to study the proble and make recommendations at th earliest possible date on the mos useful way in which German man power can be used. se of Army Manpower To Be Probed WASHINGTON-(')-A sweep ing investigation of the Army' use of manpower, its needs in tha field and how it intends to fil hem, was announced yesterday 6y the House Armed Services Com mittee. The hearings will cover every angle of the subject from the rea sons why so many draftees ar being rejected to estimates on the x' number of American troops wh may have to help guard Europe against Communist aggression. CHAIRMAN VINSON (D-Ga) announced the inquiry. Similar check-ups for the Navy and Ai Force are probable later. Some of the answers Vinson wants came out about the time \of his announcement. Col Daniel O. Omer, General Cousel of Selective Service, said all the manpower needs now in sight can be met from the present 19 through 25 age group if some of the rules are relaxed. * * HE SAID it would take drafting r of childless married men and vete- rans of World War II, and taking 4-F's for military duties in which their disabilities would not inter- fere, to build up and maintain a 3,000,000 man army within those age limits. He said the armed services are turning down half of the men sent them through the draft, and on that basis figured draft boards will have to send up 2,400,000 by next June 30. That, he said, would furnish the 1,200,- 000 men needed to build the ser- vices up to their goal of 3,000,- The colonel figured that after the 3,000,000-man strength is reached, the draft will have to provide 100,000 a month to main- tain it. Allow Freshmen * * n, InU'Glee Clubs igic Trap Forged as SAC Launches Year-Long Study of First-Semester Eligibility QuestionI By LEONARD GREENBAUM In a sudden eversal of policy the Student Activities Committee yesterday granted the Men's and Women's Glee Clubs exemption from Pit the eligibility ban of freshmen. Egh h P t SAC, in allowing first-semester freshmen to participate in the two - groups, also announced a year ! 1- 17C:71 Troops join O Reds Block a ofRil Traffic rTo Vienna VIENNA, Austria - () - Thou- sands of Austrian Communists Icut Vienna's rail traffic to the west temporarily yesterday and clashed sporadically with police - for eight hours in demonstrations 'e over wage and price scales, o Vienna, like Berlin, is a four- - power city nearly 100 miles be- - hind the iron curtain in the So- e viet Occupation Zone. But it e never has had a serious blockade THE AUSTRIAN Press Agency said Communist demonstrators also stormed through the Lin City Hall in the American Occu- pation Zone and made speeches - from the balcony outside the may- 'e or's office. 11 Other unconfirmed reports g told of Communist seizure of government offices sin several - provincial cities. a About 12,000 Communists at- - tempted to march on the chan- cellory in central Vienna, where e U.S. forces are in charge of keep- n ing order this month. Roving e bands clashed with police and mo- t lested Americans and Britons re- peatedly for eight hours. About 20 Austrian policemen were injured, not seriously. AT 2 P.M. men, women and children squatted on the tracks at Vienna's main railway station. For three hours and 45 minutes no train left or entered Vienna from any direction. So far ,no protest had been made to the Russians. American s officials said they felt a protest t would be a waste of time. Although l there was no outward indication that the Russians had any. direct - part in the incidents, the Austri- an Communists would hardly act y without Soviet approval. e IFC Beoins e Registration Of Rushees r Men may register for rushing from 2 to 5 p.m. today, tomorrow and Friday and from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday in Rm. 3D of the Union, according to Bruce Sodee, 1 '52, Interfraternity Council rush- ing chairman. A meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural Sci- ence auditorium for all men who are interested in rushing. A $2 fee is charged for registration. Rushing will begin with open houses from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday and 7 to 10:30 p.m. Monday, Sodee said. Rushees may be invited back to smokers from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesday through Oct. 5 or to lun- cheons Tuesday through Oct 6. All will be quieton the rushing front Oct. 7 and Oct. 8 except for after-game socials Oct. 7, Sodee added. Fraternities may ask the rushees to dinners from Oct. 9 to Oct. 14 and may ask men to pledge from Oct. 11 to Oct. 15. Gargoyle Sees Campus Cartoons "We're beginning to breathe again, and we need cartoons based on campus situations," Bob Uchi- telle, Gargoyle editor-in-chief de- clared yesterday in sounding a call for student help. "What we want are cartoons and writeups of any stock situation on campus," he explained.--Such situ- ations would include the length of time you have to wait for a book at the Library, and of fresh-1 man and seniors (sophomores and irninrc, fr rmp r ann anPnf long study of the entire question of freshmnen participation in ex- tra-curricular activities. AT THE END of the year a defi- nite and final decision will prob- ably be made concerning freshmen eligibility in all campus groups. The new change in the eligi- bility rulings came about as a result of a petition presented to SAC by Roy Duff, president of the Men's Glee Club and Prof. f Philip Duey, director. A similar petition presented by both glee clubs last spring was re- fused by the SAC. * * * AS A RESULT, of yesterday's meeting the committee expects further petitions from other stu- dent organizations 'asking for the lifting of the ban on their group. Each petition will be carefully considered, a decision reached as to the validity of each request and permission granted or re- fused, according to an SAC spokesman. When informed of SAC's favor- able answer to their petition Duff expressed his appreciation and a hope that in the future the com- mittee would see fit to extend freshmen eligibility to other cam- pus groups. DURING THE PAST few years freshmen eligibility rulings have assumed an "on again, off again" personality. Three years ago freshmen were not allowed to participate in any extra-curricular student organization. Two years ago this rule was re- laxed in order to allow the March- ing Band and the Men's and Wo- men's Glee Clubs to have first se- mester freshmen in their groups. Last spring new rulings were announced refusing the freshmen eligibility privilege to the glee clubs. NOW FRESHMEN eligibility is a wide open campus question. In petitioning for the lifting of the restriction the Glee Club, pointed out that the actual amount of time spent each week in rehearsals amounted to only four hours per week. The officers of the group, how- ever, feeling that the formerad- vance rulings might have kept some freshmen from coming, have announced a continuation of try- outs at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Rm. 3G of the Union. Douglas Quits British Post WASHINGTON--R)-Lewis W. Douglas resigned yesterday as Am- bassador to Britain and President Truman accepted his departure to private life with "most genuine re- gret." Douglas said his resignation was prompted by "personal considera- tion, including those of health." He was gassed during World Var I, when he served as a lieu- tenant in the field artillery, and since then his health has been less than robust. Douglas has served as envoy to the court of St. James' during the last three and one-half years of critical world events. 80 -Miners Fire Generates Poisoious Gases CRESWELL, England - (P) - Eighty coal miners died in a fire deep underground at Creswell c.ol- liery yesterday and the bodies of many more were sealed in the shaft where they fell. A flash fire generated poisonous fumes that blocked rescue and choked the life out of the trapped miners. ONE HUNDRED and twenty others, caught nearer the surface, crawled to safety. Gasping and stumbling, the stronger ones grab- bed those who faltered and drag- ged them along. Rescue workers penetrating a section only partially sealed off recovered and brought to the sur- face bodies of 19 of the victims. An official statement said there was "no possibility" that any of the others were alive below ground. Mine union officials, govern- ment mine inspectors and officials of the National Coal Board which operates Britain's mines decided unanimously "to seal off the af- fected part of the pit." -+JUany-vard ilserila.TJk1j. SIDEWALK CONTRACTORS--These students formed a part of the crowd which watched the last remains of the south portion of Haven Hall come crashing to the ground yesterday afternoon. The job was done by a huge swinging weight attached by a cable to a crane. Each particularly well- aimed blow of the maul brought cheers from the crowd and clouds of brick dust from the wreckage. Looking at the 'wreckage, then at his watch and then at the crisp new textbooks tucked under his arm, one of the sidewalk superintendents assumed a somewhat worried look. "Gee," he .said with great seriousness, "for my average's sake I hope this wrecking is all done by midsemesters." He thought about that for a minute and then wandered off in the direction of the 'U' Hall site to find out what was being wrecked there. CrimeInquiry AcceleratedSy Britain Following Chicago Killings Will Seek * . in Creswell Mine was known as of the safest in Britain. one Korean War Cancels Army- Game Planes The military situation in Korea has forced the Wolverine Club to change its plans for transportation of students to the Michigan-Army football game, according to George Benisek, Wolverine Club publicity chairman. "Because of the Korean situa- tion, all of the planes that were to fly to New York for the game are not available," Benisek ex-! plained. CHICAGO-(P)-A U.S. Senate Crime Investigating Committee stepped up its work yesterday after a bloody challenge from Chicago's underworld-the gang-style slay- ing of two investigators. The committee hastened its scheduled investigation of Chica- go underworld activities, setting a hearing here for Oct. 5. George S. Robinson, the committee's Chi- cago agent, said he expects the Chicago inquiry now will blossom into a. full-scale investigation. Murphy Takes, NY Police Job THE COMMITTEE issued more than a dozen summonses for per- sons to testify. - An authoritative source said they included: Jack Guzik, John Patton, former "boy mayor" of Burn-* ham; Tony Accardo, alias Joe Batters, former Capone aide; the three Fischetti brothers, Char- les, Rocco and- Joe, cousins of Al Capone; Phil Katz and Hy- mie "Loudmouth" Levin. There was new evidence, mean- while, of a possible link in the two killings. THE VICTIMS, killed last night about four hours apart, were Wil- liam J. Drury, 48 years old, a former police lieutenant once known as "the watchdog of the loop," and Marvin J. Bas, 45 years old, a lawyer. Luis Kutner, prominent Chi- cago lawyer, told newsmen yes- terday Drury telephoned Bas from Kutner's office Aug. 18, making an appointment to meet him immediately to "talk about that thing we have been work- ing on." Kutner, who said he was Drury's lawyer, said he did not know the nature of the matter. Investigators surmised earlier that the slayings were not dir- ectly related. "ONLY THOSE with receipt' numbers one to 60 can still go by NEW Y caIm, homa plane. Others who have made ar- Murphy, a calm, shrewd Federal rangements now have reserva- prosecutor, 'took over yesterday as ions on a special train. The cost head of New York City's uneasyF tios n aspcia tain Te cs-Police Department with a free by train is $30, a considerable say-l hand to weed out corruption. ing, The change in transportation The towering, 44-year-old Mur- will forcehabout 150 students hold- phy, who had never even been in- ing receipt numbers above 60 to side police headquarters until now, change their plans, while approxi-1said he will launch immediately a mately 60 students will still be able study to get at the roots of a inil- to make the trip by plane as plan- ion-dollar police graft scandal. ned. Murphy, who successfully prose- Kiorea Unity NEW YORK-(AP)-Britain has taken over the task of finding a solution to the Korean war and "maintaining the impressive uni- ty" of allied forces in the closing phases of the campaign, an in- formed source said last night. He said Britain has written the draft of a resolution which would call on the United Nations General Assembly to: 1. Establish an independent, united Korea. 2. Continue to furnish assis- tance to repel an armed attack. 3. Establish a democratic gov- ernment in all Korea elected under United Nations supervi- sion. 4. Set up a new United Nations commission, stronger than any, established previously, to make sure the U.N.'s recommendations were obeyed. The source refused to say, when directly questioned, whether the United Nations, or the United States, would order United Nations forces acting under Gen.. Mac- Arthur, to cross the 38th parallel and occupy all Korea. * * * , . - WHEN IT WAS pointed out to him that all the provisions of the proposed British resolution envi- sion a united Korea, which could be achieved only by military ac- tion or unconditional North Ko- rean surrender, he agreed that stopping at the 38th parallel would lead to "inconclusive and indl- cisive results," but insisted that the problem was a military one and not for discussion in the U.N. An American' source said the United States had not yet deter- mined whether it would act as co-sponsor of the resolution Steelworkers Call Raise Insufficient By The Associated Press The CIO United Steelworkers Union yesterday accepted a 10 per cent wage boost from the Alumi- num Company of America, but served notice it soon will ask for more. The wage increase will be effective Oct. 1, in 23 plants scat- tered across the country. The offer [ands Thousands of Reds Caught In Southwest Fighting Rages In Fallen Seoul TOKYO-('P)-United Nations forces today locked armored hands from liberated Seoul to Pusan in extreme southeast Korea in a dramatic linkup that promised to shatter the disor- ganized North Korean Army. Tanks of the U.S. First Cavalry Division speeding northward met armored patrols of the U.S. Sev- enth Division between Suwon and Osan, 30 miles south of Seoul at 11:20 p.m. yesterday. *' * * IN EFFECT, the linkup turned the Korean war into a giant mop- ping-up operation. American intelligence officers estimated that 100,000 North Koreans, the bulk of the Com- munist army, were caught in the trap. Although the linkup did not stretch a solid line of American troops from Taegu in the Sout- east to Osan, it did sever most of the possible routes of Red escape. HOURS LATER, savage house- to-house combat still raged through its flaming streets. U.S. Marines, Seventh Divi- sion infantrymen and the South Korean 17th regiment closed in. on some 5,000 Korean Reds who preferred death to surrender. The remainder of the garrison was in flight to the north. Three counterattacks were bro- ken up last night inside Seoul, two of them by the Marine First Divi- sion and the other by the Seventh Division. The attacking Red forces were destroyed. An esti- mated 650 Korean Reds were cap- tured. HUNDREDS of North Koreans were slain in the convulsive fight- ing. About 1,800 died in 36 hours of combat in one northwest sec- tor alone. Flames from burning struc- tures lighted the path for Ma- rines fighting their way toward the American Embassy near Duk Soo Palace in the heart of Seoul. J Marines used 90 millimeter guns of Pershing Tanks, 3.5 ba- zookas and bulldozers to press through strhet barricades. The night sky was aglow with fires. It lit up weirdly the smoke- filled streets where Marines' lashed past-buildings crashing to the ground after fires gutted them. The Americans were not sparing any building where the Reds had built up strong points. * * * Denies U.S. Will Occupy North Korea WASHINGTON-)-The Uni- ed States has told other friendly nations that they will have to arry the main burden of occu- pying North Korea under the Uni- ed Nations flag, if UN forces push north of the 38th parallel. Under the policy proposal which this government is. now discussing with its allies ,the main body of United States forces would st p at he 38th parallel in cleaning up nemy remnants. The task of re- storing peace and order north- ward toward the borders of Rus- sia and Communist China would >e left to other hands. * * * SECRETARY OF STATE Ache- son is said to feel that this is the best course of action for several easons, the chief one being that in American disavowal of any ter- ritorial or permanent military in- erest in Korea should reassure Anyone not wishing to go by train may cancel their reserva- tions and get a refund, Benisek added. Those wanting to make a train reservation can purchase one game ticket per reservation cuted Alger Hiss, was sworn in as Police Commissioner by acting Mayor Vincent R. Impellitteri. The ceremony was attended by top FBI officers and special city in- vestigators interested in the sen- if they have not yet obtained sation=l gmbhln'-bribery rera- DRURY, a long-time foe of big tickets. tions. name gangsters, had offered to All reservations or refunds must The graft inquiry, which result- testify before the Senate commit- be completed before Oct. 10, and ed in the dramatic resignation of tee. arrangements to make the trip Police Commissioner William P.' Both Drury and Bas had of- can be made at the Student Af- O'Brien, a veteran of 35 years on fered information on underworld fairs window in the lobby of the the 'police force, produced Mur- activities to John E. Babb, Repub- Administration building. I phys appointment. lican candidate for sheriff, A Michigan Daily Subscription is as close l a Y NEsAssociated Press World News Roundup By The Associated Press 'with Nationalist China abstaining. This action by the 11-nation NEW YORK-The huge, multi-million dollar Ford Foundation council assured the young republic a place in the U.N. Once admitted for Human Welfare yesterday announced the five fields in which it Indonesia would become the 60th member of the U.N.f will seek its goal. * ' * * These will be . the quest for world peace, the strengthening of LANSING-Attorney General Stephen J. Roth said yesterday democracy, world-wide economic improvement, the expansion of that he will seek renomination at the Democratic convention in education, and a fundamental study of human conduct. Grand Rapids Saturday. The Ford Foundation's resources are estimated at close to $215 He is the first Democrat to say formally that he would like milliion in grants and income from the late Henry Ford, his wife, 1 to be nominated, although there are reports that former Detroit Mrs. Clara J. Ford, their late son Edsel, and the Ford Motor Co. The ! Councilman George Edwards might seek the post. foundation trustees said it would concentrate on the exploration of Pre-convention gossip also has it that State Banking Com- such vitally important fields as the physical sciences, medicine and missioner Maurice Eveland will seek the nomination as state