CED: METHODS & GOALS See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State A6F a t CLOUDY, CONTINUED COLD VOL. LXI, No. 66 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1950 SIX PAGES Truman May Call National Emergency Studies Controls On Wages, Prices WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi- dent Truman yesterday set the stage for a "national emergency" proclamation perhaps this week, and gave intensive study to an expected wage-price control or- der. The President called Congres- sional leaders of both parties to meet with him tomorrow "con- cerning the proclaiming of a na- tional emergency and related mat- ters." * * * THE WHITE HOUSE disclosed that Truman may also make a na- tionwide broadcast in the next few days to inform the American peo- ple on the need for drastic gov- ernment action. On Capitol Hill, Senate Ma- jority Leader Lucas (D-Ill) told newsmen he understood the President wanted to sound out Congressional leaders on how far they thought the nation should go toward all-out mobilization. "Personally, I am for all-out mo- bilization of manpower and indus- try and for wage-price controls," Lucas said. High Court Rules' On Red Q ueries' Witnesses May Refuse To Tell Jury About Communist Party Activities' WASHINGTON-W)-The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that witnesses may refuse to answer Grand Jury questions about Commu- nist party activities on grounds of possible self-incrimination. Such questions, the Court said, fall clearly within the guarantee of the fifth amendment which provides "no person . . . shall be com- pelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself." THE 8-0 ruling may have far-reaching effect on laws and pending Arab-Asians Appeal for Cease-Fire Mediation by UN Also Requested LAKE SUCCESS-(AP)-Thirteen Arab-Asian countries called on the United Nations last night to ap- peal to Red China for a cease-fire in Korea. They also urged immediate steps for meditation by a UN commis- sion. All 13 countries who joined last week in a plea to the Chinese Communists to halt their armie at the 38th parallel approved the cease-fire request. The meittion commission was adopted key a 12-0 vote in the absence of a Philip- pines representative. * * * SIR BENEGAL N. RAU said the text of the two approved resolu-' tions will be introduced in the General Assembly Political Com- mittee here this morning. Under the cease-fire resolu- tion, Assembly President Nasrol- lah Entezam would hear a com- mittee of three to negotiate the terms of the cease-fire. Entezam would appoint the other two members. The mediation commission would be composed of seven na- tions, to be chosen by the General Assembly itself. S ' get ,Aostly Retreat SENATOR TAFT (R-O h i o), Chairman of the Senate GOP Pol- icy Committee, commented, "If the President wants to make a statementthat a national emer- gency exists and calls for greater sacrifices on the part of the peo- ple, I think that would be all right." But Taft said an over-all pro-I gram should be developed before any final decision is made on wage-price controls. "I think we should know how many men they plan to put into the armed services and what in- dustrial speedup is planned," the Ohio Senator said. Acting White House Secretary Stephen Early declined to say when the decision on wage-price controls would be made, but he told reporters, "I would say there is a large school of thought that price and wage scales are inevit- able." Asked whether the proposed con- trols would apply to cost-of-living items as well as industrial mate- rials, Early said, "I think the Pres- ident would be just as much in- terested in the cost of food and essentials of life as in the essen- tials of defense." Chrysler To Follow GM Whge Plan DETROIT--(IP)-Chrysler Cor- poration gave its 125,000 employes an almost exact replica of the fam- ed General Motors coniact yes- terday, at the same time boosting wages for the second time in four months. Hourly-waged workers got a one- cent an hour raise immediately and, a guarantee of four cents more each of the next four years. Otherwise, the cost of living will control wages almost five years. THE ACTION was announced somewhat surprisingly after speedy negotiations with the CIO United Auto Workers. It put the last of the "big three" car companies un- der an escalator wage system and brought to about 90 percent the portion of the auto industry oper- ating under almost uniform con- tract conditions. Chrysler settled a 100-day strike last May 4 by granting $100-a-month pensions and im- proved hospital and insurance benefits in a new three-year con- tract. Then, after General Mo- tors and the UAW came up with a new five-year cost-of-living pact later that month, Chrysler gave its employes a voluntary 10-cent pay raise Aug. 25 over and above contract terms. Yesterday's move made these further changes: 1. Extended the contract to Aug. 31, 1955 with no wage reopenings. 2. Geared wages to the consum- Rent Control Bill Passed To Trun'ian WASHINGTON -(o)- Congress sent to the White House yesterday a bill extending federal rent con- trols through next March 31. It was the first major domestic legislation passed in the short ses- sion of Congress. The House pass- ed the? compromise bill yesterday by a voice vote. The Senate had approved it Friday. UNDER THE present law, fed- eral rent controls expire on Dec. 31-except in communities which vote to continue them through June 30. The new legislation moves the automatic cut-off date forward to March 31. Shortly after the current "lame duck" session of Congressj convened, President Truman asked for a temporary extension of the controls to give the in- coming Congress which meets in January-time to examine the whole rent problem in relationj to inflation controls. Upon the insistence of the Sen- ate, the bill contains a provision that a city council may decontrol local rents by a simple council resolution rather than a formal ordinance. The aim wis to prevent local decontrol actions from being nullified in the courts. The bill would have no effect on communities which have already been decontrolled. Simportant cases. It immediately raised speculation as to how itI might affect: 1. Contempt cases growing out of refusal of witnesses to answer questions of Congressional com- mittees about Communism ion g r o u n d s -of self-incrimination. Lawyers differed. 2. A section of the new McCar- ran Communist Control Act, re- quiring individual Communists to register with the Attorney General if the Communist party itself has not listed them. Some lawyers ex- pressed belief the ruling might deal a blow to this section of the act. 3. The scope of a law which gives witnesses before Congressional committees protection against pro- secution for statements they may make in hearings. Government attorneys were con- cerned especially with the applica-! tion of the new ruling to contempt cases now pending as a result of refusal of witnesses to answer, questions of Congressional groups about Communist activities. Yugoslavia' A id Passed By Senate I World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - A meeting of Western foreign ministers in Brus- sels is being arranged to speed de- fense preparations of the North Atlantic Nations, and Secretary of State Acheson will fly there next week. * * * CATANIA, Sicily -- Clouds of smoke and volcanic ash blotted from sight the entire snow-capped top of Mt. Etna yesterday as the volcano's worst eruption of this century went into its 17th day. * * * GRAND RAPIDS-Dr. A. B. Smith last night described the condition of Sen. Arthur Van- denberg as "fair." * * * NEW YORK-Prime Minister Clement Attlee last night termed "perfectly ridiculous" a report that Winston Churchill might be offer- ed a British cabinet post. WASHINGTON - Two state governors, Frank J. Lausche of Ohio and Vat Peterson of Neb- raska, speaking for the whole 48, asked for and got yesterday a promise of speedy action on legislation setting up a national system of civil defense against atomic attack. * * * KALAMAZOO - Sheriff Otto Buder continued last night to grill two young men picked up in the investigation -of the mysterious slaying of co-ed Carolyn Drown, 18 years old. WASHINGTON-The Commerce Department yesterday barred a London firm from getting any more goods from this country on the ground that it had illegally re-shipped to Russia 50 tons of molybdenum, a steel-strengthening metal. Mrs. Rosenberg's Fitness Reviewed WASHINGTON -(A>) -The Senate yesterday approved up to $50,000,000 in food aid for drought- suffering Yugoslavia. A move by Senator Knowland (R-Calif.) to write in economic and military aid for Nationalist China failed. The House is scheduled to begin debate today on the Senate-ap- proved bill. Knowland tried to amend the measure by earmarking $38,000,- 000 in already appropriated funds to aid the Chinese Nationalists. But Senator Stennis (D-Miss), presiding at the time, upheld a motion by Senator Connally (D- Tex) that it be ruled out of or- der. Knowland told the Senate the Yugoslavs-who broke with Mos- cow but maintain a Communist government - had shot down American planes. But he said Na- tionalist China has been an Amer- ican ally yin the last war. The administratipn, in pressing for the aid contends thatYugo- slavia's position is of security value to the West. On final passage, 35 Democrats and 25 Republicans joined to roll up a margin of nearly three to one. Seven Democrats and 14 Republi- cans, including Senator Hicken- looper (R-Iowa), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, vot- ed against passage. SL Cinema Guild SponsorsWanted The Cinema Guild Committee of the Student Legislature is accept- ing petitions from campus groups for the co-sponsorship of movies, according to Hugh Greenberg, '51, SL member. Petitions may be picked up by any interested group either at the Student Legislature office at 122 S. Forest or at the Office 'of Stu- dent Affairs in the Administration Bldg. The petition deadline has been set for Christmas vacation. * * * IT WOULD attempt to find so- lutions for all the political prob- lems in the Far East-probably thej question of Red China's demand for UN membership, the fate of Formosa, the question of Indochi- na, the final fate of Korea itself, among others. The United States has an-I nounced that it opposed any move to link the Korean ques- tion with any other Far Eastern questions. The Philippines' hesitancy in joining in a vote on the mediation commission was ascribed to its sympathy with the US. viewpoint. ''ToOpen South Quad I n S um.Mer The new eight story South Quad will be opened formally for the summer session 1951, University officials announced yesterday, and portions of the ground floor may be used for faculty offices on a temporary basis before that time. Built in two sections, the east side of the building will be com- pleted in the spring, according to Francis C. Shiel, business man- ager of the University residence halls. It will be opened for stu- dent housing at the beginning of the summer session. Construction will continue on the west half. MEANWHILE, some faculty of- fices may be installed in the parts of the building already finished. Wilbur K. Pierpont,' controller of the University, asserted that "small areas may be used for office space for the balance of the school year." "If this is done, it will prob- ably be before the beginning of the spring semester," he noted. "The faculty office situation on campus is rather poor, because of the extensive construction and destruction work being-car- ried on." Under construction since early1 this year, the building was origin- ally scheduled to be opened this year. Difficulties in obtaining ma- terials delayed completion. According to Karl D. Streiff of the Office of Student Affairs, ap- plications for rooms in the new building during the summer term will be accepted any time after the beginning of the semester. It will be the only regular dorm open during the summer session. ' I. I 1. I_ FORUM DEBATORS-Al Blumr Johnstone, '51, John Ryder, '51L debate tonight, on the question of campus groups. Four Killed Safety Battle March Made' In Sub-zero. Temperature' Casualty Loss Not Estimated TOKYO - 0) -- A 25,000-man force of the U.S. First Marine Di- vision and Army units reached safety inside the U.S. Tenth Corps lines in northeast Korea last night in a fighting retreat that cost the Marines alone 30 per cent casual- ties. A Marine Corps spokesman in Washington estimated Marine cas- ualties were somewhere between those of Peleliu's 6,500 and Tara- wa's 3,300 in World War II. Army casualties were not esti- mated, nor was the percentagd of Marine dead. * * * THE 60-MILE march through cruel mountains in 25-below-zero weather from Yudam to the haven of the coastal plain was "one of the outstanding operations in miliA tary annals," said Maj. Gen. E M. Almond, Tenth Corps commander. There was no estimate of casualties in the elements of two U.S. Seventh Division regi. ments which participated in the retreat. Previously General MacArthur had cautiously suggested that his United Nations troops could hold off heavy' Chinese forces in Korea for the time being, but the gen- eral warned in effect they could not do it for long. There was no immediate indica- tion whether conferences with General Almond and Lt. Gen. Walton H. Walker had brought a decision on evacuating Hungnam which is the -last big United Na- tions base ipi the northeast. The Supreme Commander said losses inflicted on the Reds were staggering, while Red claims of UN losses were "fantastically ex- aggerated." SL Forum To Debate Anti-Bias Issue Tonight In Singapore 31slem Riots SINGAPORE-(A)-Widespread rioting swept Singapore all day yesterday, leaving at least four dead and more than 140 persons injured. The continuing riots grew out of Moslem wrath at a court decision returning a Moslem-reared girl to her Dutch mother, a Roman Cath- olic. THE RIOTING eased early to- day. The 13-year--ld girl whose case touched off the disturbanc- es is Maria Bertha Hertogh. The court, in turning the girl over to her mother last week, annulled her marriage to a Moslem school teacher. British authorities last night spirited her from a con- vent to a secret hiding place, heavily guarded. The Moham- medan rioters had threatened to storm the convent in an effort to obtain the girl and return her to the husband or a Malayan foster mother who reared her for eight years. Most of the ,persons injured were Europeans. Others were Eur- asians, Chinese and Indians. All Europeans were warned to stay indoors through the night. THE VIOLENCE began yester- day morning when an appellate tribunal opened to decide whether Mrs. Hertogh should take her daughter to Holland before an appeal by the child's foster moth- er and husband is heard. When the hearing wasad- journed until tomorrow, judg- es, lawyers and Dutch and Brit- ish officials were forced to bar- ricade themselves behind the building's iron gates. Phalanxes of police, carrying anti-riot shields on their arms like Ro- man soldiers, tried to drive the rioters back. Then began a wave of violence against all Europeans. More than 50 cars and trucks were over- turned. Columns of smoke began to rise as rioters poured gasoline over the wrecked vehicles and set them afire. I Student Legislature's Michigan Forum will present a free, four- man debate 7:30 p.m. today at the Architecture Auditorium in an at- tempt to clarify for the student body the controversial issue of bias classes in campus groups consti- tutions. The question to be resolved is "Should the University enforce re- moval of discriminatory clauses, and if so, is the Student Legisla- ture action the best and most ef- fective method?" * * * AL.BLUMROSEN, '53L, and Phil Dawson, Grad., will speak in fa-, vor of University intervention and SL action, while Pete Johnstone Lawyer for Mickey Cohen Assassinated HOLLYWOOD-(A')-Sam Rum- mel, 52 years old, long top man of gambler Mickey Cohen's legal staff, was killed from ambush yes- terday by a patient assassin. The pattern, police pointed out, was similar to an ambush 18 months ago outside a restaurant, which left Cohen anid three others wounded. As yesterday, the gun- man apparently hid -for hours waiting for his quarry. Police Chief William H. Parker told reporters, "This (case) can and will be solved if it takes every member of the police department." He disclosed reports that Rum- mel was involved in gambling en- terprises of his own are being in- vestigated. Parker added that inevstigators are considering the possibility that Cohen. and Rummel may have split, because Cohen had another attorney two weeks ago in an ap- pearance before a U.S. Senate Crime Investigating hearing. Cohen himself was being ques- tioned at the Rummel home, where a gunman cut down the attorney as he stepped outside his brilliant- ly-floodlit garage. Cohen came to the house after the shoot-ng. , osen, '51L, explains a point to fellow debaters (left to right) Pete and Phil Dawson, Grad. The men will speak at a Michigan Forum of how to remove discriminatory clauses from the constitutions '51, and John Ryder, '51L will take the opposite stand. The Student Legislature has before it now a motion dealing with discriminatory clauses. The motion was presented two weeks ago but final action was post- p o n e d until tomorrow's SL meeting to give legislators th chance to hear the debate. The motion asks the Student Affairs Committee to deny recog- nition to any campus group which has not removed discriminatory clauses from its constitution by 1956. The motion would also pro- vide for an extension of this time limit only if there was a substan- tial probability that the clause would be eliminated soon after the deadline. THE FIRST real move against the bias clauses took place last fall. The SAC at that time adopt- ed the SL's "Michigan Plan," un- der which no new organization that prohibits membership because of race, religion or color could gain campus recognition. Audrey Smedly, '53, Michigan Forum chairman, has made ar- rangements for an expected ca- pacity crowd. Tonight's Forum will be the second in a series of debates on campus topics to be presented by SL this semester. Forum moderator, Dave Frazer, '51, will introduce the speakers and take charge of the question and answer period which will follow the debate. Williams' Lead Up in County The gubernatorial recount in Washtenaw County is following the trend of the recount in the rest of the state. With the recounting of the County's 31 paper, ballot precincts completed, Gov. G. Mennen Wil- liams showed a net gain of 36 votes. In the State Williams had increased his margin to 4,054 votes, which is nearly triple the margin he had compiled beforE his Republican opponent, Harry F. Kelly, challenged the election. Williams now has a total of 934,325 votes to Kelly's 930,271 with 2,953 of the State's 4,355 pre- cincts reporting on the recount. Today the Washtenaw recount- ers will begin a check of the 17,000 ballots that were cast or machines in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Saline. Drive Progress t t' I 1 e g e e s 6 d 4 e e y i. f 1 t. e n Gi Phoenix Drive Pledges Reach $100,000 Total Pledges to the student Phoenix drive now total $100,000, campaign chairman Mary Lubeck, '51, an- nounced yesterday. "The student drive workers are all very gratified at how well the drive has been supported by many students and house groups," Lu- beck said. But he expressed disappoint- ment that only 4,000 students have contributed pledges to the cam- paign. "It is unfortunate that such a small per centage of the student body has to carry the drive along as the success of the campaign rests on the full support of the campus." Lubeck noted that nearly every student has been contacted for Phoenix. Student workers have just finished the job of mailing pledge cards to 5,500 students who live outside of Ann Arbor. Only a few students living out- side of organized house groups re- main to be solicited. More Military' FundsSought WASHINGTON-(,')-A top de- fense official was reported to have told Congress yesterday that more funds for the armed forces prob- ably will be sought before next July-in addition to the $18,000,- 000,000 request now pending. A member of the Senate Appro- priations Committee, who request- ed that , his name not be used, quoted Deputy Secretary of De- fense Robert Lovett asesaying Congress could expect to be asked COMPROMISE SEEN NECESSARY: Attlee Korean War Policy Feasible, Filley Says. v By CAL SAMRA Withdrawal of United Nations troops to the 38th parallel and appeal to the Communists to cease hostilities for peace negotiations is a feasible compromise to the nese Reds would be disasterous," he warned. "The United States, at present, isn't strong enough to wage full scale war," Filley asserted. "More- over, the Chinese Communists can quences of such a move might be pointed out that it is the obliga-C serious. tion of the UN to stand by and "The repercussions of an inva- protect the South Koreans. sion on the Far East may hardly "Bataan and Corregidor having be conductive to our international given the United States a reputa- prestige," he explained. i tion of not yielding, it wouldn't be "TT,frrtiiratelv Aour alternative~s a very good practice now to let