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December 10, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-10

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4 a

See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t 1.




Relieving Task Force Reaches

rapped .S. Troops











Linked Units
Face Battle Student Jlo ii
To Hungnam
T Official concern over the effects which the critical international
situation is having on student zmorale and studies was revealed today
Reds Line Path in an unprecedented letter to the student body by a top University
Of Yank Escape official.
Provost James P. Adams in a short 200-word message said that
there was but one sensible course of action for students to follow at
TOKYO--0)--Twenty thousand this time: devote themselves to the work which they have undertaken
U.S. marines and soldiers fighting and keep faith with the future.
a bloody retreat from Changjin
reservoir today joined forces with
a relieving Army task force strik- HIS UNUSUAL ACTION WAS prompted by a meeting of
ing inland from Korea's east student leaders with U n i v e r si t y officials last week at
coast. c which the Korean crisis was the main topic of discussion.
The combined force still faced
a hazardous 39-mile escape drive At that time, many of the students present indicated that a state-
along a road. lined most of the ment of the University's attitude toward reports of sagging student
way with Chinese Communist moal w d be'welc d b
troops to the port of Hungnam. rae wou come y most of the student body.
Maj. Gen. Edward Almond,
commander of the U.S. Tenth Q a
Corps, announced in a purpose- n E d it r a
ly delayed communique that the Aa
retreating First Division Mar-
Ines and Seventh Division sol- THE PRESENT PRECARIOUS position of human free-
diers linked up yesterday with
the task force of the U.S. Third dom, emphasized by the disastrous turn of events in
Division. Korea, has caused student life on this campus to take on an
Gen. Almond added that the
two bodies of troops "joined fore- new complexion.
es" yesterday. He said the an- To deny this fact would be to deny that the West
nouncement was delayed for se- and its centuries-old tradtion of intellectual freedom is
curity reasons.
* * * faced with the greatest challenge in its history and that
MEANWHILE, U. S. planes con-
tinued their heavy pounding of our own government is preparing for full-seale mobili-
Communist troop and supply con- nation to meet the challenge.
voys om the western front, which
was generally quiet. It is natural that the American people, especially men
The Reds had a force esti- and women of college age, are bewildered find alarmed by
mated at 18 divisions in the this situation. The suddenness with which the crisis has been
west. They were building pne forced upon us has left millions of people with a feeling of
,z for the first test of the new
Uth fPongn Krean mRed hopelessness as they grope for a solution.
capital. This feeling has been reflected here in a general air of
Seoul, the capital of the Korean depression among the members of the student body; faculty
Republic 85 miles south of the men report a slackening of scholastic effort, students are
Eighth Army's new defenses, was d
jittery. An Eighth Army spokes- ropping out of school to await th4 draft call, a general lack
man said his command had made of purpose is evident . .
"no commitments on whether * * . .
Seoul will be defended." THESE REACTIONS, while understandable, do not indi-





Phoenix To


'U' Officials

o )

Rumors that the lowest freshmen grades in the post war period
would be posted this term and off-the-cuff statements by profes-
sors that academic work in general had recently taken a turn for
the worse were cited by the student leaders as causes for alarm.
They also noted that some students, faced with the demoralizing
prospect of atomic warfare or the uncertain workings of their local
draft boards, were dropping .out of school by the dozens.
THE TEXT of Provost Adams' "statement to the students of the
University" follows:
"WE ARE living in troublous times in which issues of supreme im-
portance are being received in the arenas of world opinion and in
the responsible councils in our own country. These deliberations and
the conclusions which will be reached through them, or be dictated
by events beyond our control, will have their impact upon all of us
and more particularly upon young men and women of college age.

"Until we know within what frame of reference we must make
our. plans for the future, there is but one wise course. We mnust
devote ourselves with all the resources of our minds and hearts to
the work to which we have set our hands. The basic strength of our
people at a time of crisis is dependent upon their moral reserves
and their faith in the values served by the processes of education
is an important part of those moral reserves. .
"Let us then-all of us, whatever may be our interests-confirm
that faith by devoting our best selves to the tasks immediately before
us. To help you do this is the purpose and desire of your teachers and
counsellors. They have a sustaining faith in these values and. they
realize that they are needed most in these times of social confusion.
"The University will make every possible effort to keep you in-
formed regarding developments which bear upon your own plans. It
accepts this as a part of its obligation to you."

I -


Huth said this terse statement-
not amplified-apparently meant
no decision had been made as to
whether the UN would try to hold
the city of more than one million
Many civilians already were
fleeing Seoul for the south.
* * *
Truman May
Call National
of Defense George Marshall point-
ed up the gravity of the, world
crisis yesterday by saying Presi-
dent Truman "is seriously con-
sidering" the declaration of a na-
tional emergency.
The cabinet member told re-
porters this as he stepped from
a three-hour closed conference
with Senators considering Presi-
dent Truman's request for nearly
$18 billion to strengthen the fight-
ing forces.
* * *
who had listened to grim reports
from Secretary Marshall and Ar-
my, Navy, and Air Force leaders,
wanted to go beyond declaring a
national emergency to at least a
start on "all-out mobilization."
Meanwhile, the windup of the
five-day Truman-Attlee confer-
ences left a continuing under-
current of concern that the Kor-
ean crlsis might erupt at any
time into an even graver threat
to world peace.
However, American and British
authorities generally shared Att-
lee's professed judgment that the
meeting was fully "worthwhile"

cate that we are assuming our responsibilities as Americans
and, more particularly, as students.
As Americans we must exhaust every conceivable
possibility in an attempt to secure a peaceful settlement
of a world-wide situation for which we cannot deny that
we are in a measure responsible.
Failing this, we must stand ready to fight for the sur-
vival of the free world with all the resources which we are
able to command.
AS STUDENTS, we particularly, must not lose sight of
those values which we stand ready to defend. We believe
that a final solution to the world's problems can be reached
only through the free exercise of the human intellect.
In our academic work we are engaged in this very
activity and to curtail it because of a lack of confidence
in the future is to deny the principle on which all pro-
gress is based.
We cannot afford hysteria or despair. We live in an
atmosphere of intellectual freedom and we must exercise that
freedom as well as stand ready to defend it.
-The Senior Editors
Student Fear Unjustified,
Local Dr aft Boar Says

Peace Move
Hinted in UN'
Weu Visits Lie'
In Secret Talks
By The Associated Press
India's Sir Benegal Rau said
yesterday the Chinese. Commun-
ist Government has, indicated a
desire toend the fighting in Korea
"as early as possible."
Reinforcing this statement, the
New York Times last night quoted
reliable diplomatic sources here
as saying Chinese Communist
leader Mao Tze-Tung has inform-
ed India that China is ready to
negotiate with the West on Korea
on the basis of full equality at the
conference table.
EARLIER, Chinese Red delegate
Gen. Wu Hsiu-chuan telephoned
Secretary General Trygve Lie and
asked him to come to his Waldorf-
Astoria apartment. Lie arrived at
4 p.m., and the two were closeted
for an hour. No statement was
issued immediately.
Reached by telephone at his
Forest Hills home later, Lie re-
fused to answer when asked if
Wu had received his govern-
ment's answer to UN peace over-
"I cannot tell you anything,"
he said.
top UN delegate told reporters
Gen. Wu Hsiu-chuan- assured him'
at a conference yesterday the
Peiping Government "is giving
careful consideration" to the ap-
peal by 13 Asiatic and Middle
East nations to halt the Chinese
forces at the 38th parallel.
'U' Librar'ian
Found Dead
In Apartment
The death of Robert B. Brown,
34-year-old University librarian,
was termed an "apparent suicide"
today by the county coroner's of-
An autopsy showed death was
caued by a bullet which pierced
the brain. The bullet was from a
gun which lay near the dead man's
hand when his body was discov-
ered by a radio repairman shortly
after noon yesterday on the floor
of , his apartment, according to

Michigan Forum To Argue
SL Bias Clause Resolution

NEW INSTITUTE-GM president C. E. Wilson presents University Vice-President Marvin I,. Nie-
huss with a $1,500,000 pledge for the establishment of the Institute of Industrial Health as cor-
poration and University officials look on. Among those participating at the meeting were (left to
right): H. H. Curtice, executive vice-president of GM; Vice-President Niehuss; Wilson; and Dr..A. C.
Furstenberg, dean of the Medical School.

The controversial question of
how to remove discriminatory
clauses from campus group consti-
tutions will get an open hearing
at the Student Legislature's Mich-
igan Forum debate at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday in the Architecture Audi-
Al Blumrosen, '53L, and Phil
Dawson, Grad, will speak for Uni-
versity enforcement of removal of
the clauses, while Pete Johnstone,
'51, and John Ryder, '53L, will ar-
gue against University interven-
* * *
DAVE FRAZER, '51, Forum
moderator, said that the debate
will center around the question of
whether the University and the
Student Legislature have the juris-
diction to enforce removal of the
bias clauses and whether the
pending SL motion on the issue
is the best way to deal with the
The SL motion will come up
for a vote at the Legislature's
meeting Wednesday. It asks the

Student Affairs Committee to
deny recognition to any campus
group which has not removed
discriminatory clauses from its
constitution by 1956..
The motion would further pro-
vide that SAC iay grant a one
year extension to this time limit
to any group if it can prove to
SAC that "there is a substantial
probability that the clauses will
be eliminated in the near future."
THIS MOTION was drawn up
and presented to SL by a special
four-man group Nov. 29. It was
intended to clarify the intent of
another anti-bias motion that SL
passed Nov. 15, in which no men-
tion was made of any extension
of the 1956 deadline.
Vote on the clarifying motion
was postponed until Wednesday
to give legislators a chance to
hear the forum debate. SAC
members, who will have to decide
on the, SL's motion if it is pass-
ed, were also asked to attend the
(Continued on Page 7)

Victory Near
For Williams
As Gap Grows
DETROIT - UP) - Democrats,
still gaining in the Governorship
vote recount, jubilantly announc-
ed plans today for another inau-
guration for Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams Jan. 1.
As they did so, there were in-
dications the Republicans would
fcall off the recount by the middle
of next week unless things take
a sharp turn in their favor by
Republican former Gov. Har-
ry F. Kelly lost more ground to
Williams in today's counting-
about 100 votes. Though he
fared better than usual, it was
the eighth straight day he has
dropped behind since the re-
count got under way last Satr
With 2,434 of the state's 4,355
precincts rechecked, Williams'
margin had risen to 3,030 votes.
This incl4des his official canvass
edge of 1,154 votes.
These were the totals:
Williams (D) 934,177
Kelly (R) 931,147

Use Money
For Institute
Industrial Health
Will Be Studied
General Motors yesterday grant-
ed the University $1,500,000 to
establish an Institute .of Industrial
Health which President Ruthven
said will be an integral part of
the Phoenix Project.
The Institute will have a wide
range of educational and research
activities including the prevention,
diagnoses and treatment of occu-
pational diseases.
Announcing that the findings of
the new project will be available
to all companies and employes of
American industry, GM president
C. E. Wilson said the Institute is
aimed at implementing, perpetuat-
ing and expanding the corpora-
tion's present employe health'
maintenance and research pro-
THE GRANT increased the to-
tal amount pledged to the Phoe-
nix Project's national fund-raising
drive to $2,675,000. The campaign,
however, still must raise more than
three and a half million dollars
to reach its goal of $6,500,000,
which will be used to establish
an atomic age research center
University officials noted that
Phoenix is dedicated to research
In all phases of living in the
atomic era. Because of the great
scope of study possible, they ex-
plained that the Institute of In-
dustrial Health will be an excel-
lent application of the Project's
"The Institute will be an in
tegral factor of the Michigan Me-
morial Phoenix Project, the Uni-
versity's broad programs designed
to enhance its ability to contribute
to human welfare in the atomic
age," President Ruthven said .
And Ralph Sawyer, dean of the
graduate school and chairman o
the Project's faculty planning
committee, called the Institute
fine addition to the 1iemorial.
"W i t h the development of
atomic power will come new and
important problems in the field of
industrial health. The institute
will be an appropriate way for
Phoenix to aid in solving these
problems," Dean Sawyer said.
OF THE $1,500,000 granted the
University, Wilson said that $500,-
000 will be used for equipment. In
addition; an annual payment of
$100,000 for 10 years will be made
by GM for research.
The Institute is scheduled to
begin operations within the next
few week under the direction of
a Board of Governors which will
be appointed by the Board of
Much of the initial work will
be carried on by the -staffs of Uni
versity Hospital and the School of
Public Health. In the future re-
search will be done in industrial
plants throughout thenation.
Funds will be set aside for fel-
lowships, scholarships and any ad-
ditional faculty and personnel that
are needed.
A SEPARATE building on cam-
pus has not been planned for the
(Continued on Page 7) .
Gold Gets 30
Years in Jail.

Gold was sentenced yesterday to
30 years in prison-more than dou-
ble the term Britain imposed on

Truman Letter Gets No Sympathy

Draft-worried students actually
should have no immediate cause
for alarm, according to local se-
lective service officials.
They reemphasized that all full-
time University students, with the
exception of reservists, are pro-
tected by the law .from induction
until the end of the present aca-

a semester's delay before order-
ing them to active duty."
Correll listed these points for
students to keep in mind:
(1) If a student receives a no-
tice to report for a physical at a
station a long distance from Ann
Arbor, he should take the noticeI

'* * *
A 1937 GRADUATE of the Uni-
versity and a veteran of the ar-
mored campaigns of North Africa
and Italy, Brown had been cura-
tor of books at Clements Library
for the last four years. He was


People active in music and po-
litical circles on campus were un-
der the impression that President
Truman's threatening letter to a
Washington music critic was un-
fortunate and in bad taste.
But these people believed that
the President's action may have
!2!fclll*OA from t he nrpnc,1rn nofthe

The letter, written in long-
hand on White House station-
ery, was signed "H.S.T." The
White House confirmed that the
President had written Hume.
Harvey Gross, Grad., a music
critic for The Daily, viewed Tru-
man's letter as "vulgar and igno-
rant remarks which may be attri-
buted in part to strong fatherly

Wilbert J. McKeachie, of the psy
chology department, said, "Some-
times when we can't express emo-
tions against things like the war,
we may tend to divert them against
an innocent person."
Fran Wagman, '52L, president
of Young Democrats, believed
that "even presidents should be
Pntd ffnA 4,,nr,.c 4.mcn.na

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