£ w I UN WITHDRAWAL FROM KOREA See Page 4 Y it' L~ast Dedline in the State Daitr to ' 0 MOSTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXI, No. 64 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1950 SIX PAGES Navy Stands By To Evacuate UN J Officials Ask Self-Imposed Price Linoes Blast Profiteers, . Threaten Control WASHINGTON - () - The Administration yesterday appealed for voluntary hold-the-line help in the fight against inflation, but warned that it "can and will roll back prices" if necessary. High officials also denounced profiteers as "enemies of the na- tion.' THESE WERE the highlights of a round-robin news conference by Economic Stabilization Chief Alan Valentine, Price Stabilizer Michael V. DiSalle and Wage Stabilizer Cyrus W. Ching. All three made it clear that a wage-price freeze, widely rumored in the last 48 hours, is not imminent. However, Valen- tine. said the government "can and will" roll back prices "if we feel we should." The federal officials spoke out amid rising pressure from Con- gress and elsewhere for immediate wage-price controls to safeguard the nation's economy and save American taxpayers from having to pay wildly inflated prices for re-armament. Military costs have already shot up beyond the levels of World War II. DISALLE'S statement that no controls can be imposed now be- cause his agency is not yet or- ganized drew an angry blast from Chairman O'Mahoney (D-Wyo) of the Senate-House Economic Committee. "That's a mistake, a serious mistake," O'Mahoney- told news- men. "If I were in DiSalle's place, I would call in the United States District attorneys and county at- torneys, if necessary, and tell them a wage-price 'freeze' was being put into effect." DiSalle told newsmen the government is now drafting plans for a possible ceiling on prices, but he said "at this time we see no reason for imposing such controls and we hope it will not be necessary." * Valentine implied that even if general controls are not invoked, some "selective controls" may be applied on basic defense materials. He did not indicate when such action might be taken. Other key officials, in close daily contact with President Tru- man, declared Thursday night that eventual wage-price controls are "inevitable." But DiSalle. indicated strongly he is banking for the immediate future on a campaign to persuade industry and labor to hold down prices and wages voluntarily. In any event, he said, his agen- cy will not be ready to impose a general ceiling on prices for 60 to 90 days because it has just begun to organize its administrative staff. Democrats Claim Kelly Will Concede DETROIT - (W) - Democrats boasted yesterday that Republican followers of Former Gov. Harry F. Kelly were about ready to "throw in the sponge" and con- cede defeat in Michigan's gover- norship vote recount. The boast came as the total lead of Gov. G. Mennen Williams, including the 1,154-vote advan- tage he had in the official can- vass, mounted to 2,636. This was on, the basis of returns from 1,946 of the state's 4,355 precincts. These gave Williams 934,298 and Kelly 931,662 votes. Denials by GOP spokesmen that they niight abandon the recount failed to squelch such rumors. It was a move by Kelly's own legal counsel in Wayne County that touched off the rumors. Stanley E. Beattie asked the Wayne County Board of Can- vassers to give priority to ballot boxes in certain "strategic" pre- cincts where Renublicans think 'Extend Education' . Ruthven Tells TV By BOB KEITH. Firing a few pot-shots at the shortcomings of movies and radio,, President Alexander G. Ruthven in effect warned the television in- dustry yesterday that it had better boost education if it wants to make good where its predecessors have failed. In a forthright, visionary address to TV broadcasters in New York's swank Waldorf-Astria, President Ruthven told his audience that television must team up with educators in order to meet its responsibilities. ,i. * ** WIDELY RECOGNIZED as one of the nation's earliest and fore- most proponents of adult education, President Ruthven stressed tele- 'vision's role as the "best means yet devised" for extending educa- Wr Goods tion to masses of people. "In a rapidly changing world, what we learn in the school xports years is never sufficient to carry us through the rest of the life span. Continuing social change H arequires continuing adjustments on the part of the individual. old as well as young should be By The Associated Press taught how to live in each new American ships and planes yes- era." terday were forbidden to carry war As the "greatest medium of potential goods destined for Rus- mass communication yet known," sia or her puppets by a ban im- TV has a proper and vital func-! posed by the Commerce Depart- tion in furthering adult educa- ment, effective immediately. tion, the President said. It rounded out a series of steps * * barring shipments to Red areas "AND THE BEST educational from America, via America, or on results in television are to be ob- American carriers, of materials tained, for the immediate present, useful for the Communist war ma- by cooperative effort between chine, commercial stations and colleges," a. ' President Ruthven asserted. SPECIFICALLY named in the He cited the University's new directive are weapons, fission- weekly Television Hour over sta- able (atom bomb) materials or tion WWJ-TV as an example of strategic industrial goods. such partnership. "The program Shipments can't even be drop- has already been successful far ped off by American vessels at beyond our dreams," President ped ff y Amricn vesel at Ruthven declared. non-Communist ports if the con- President Ruthven em masized traband is to go to the forbidden that colleges, as well as commer- Portugese Britishaa Hong Kong rtand cial stations, have an obligation ports at Communist China's door, comewithin the ,ban t.B oGd make sure the goods don't find Ve their way to America's enemies. EAST LANSING-Television Meanwhile in Hong Kong, the is "absolutely essential" in col- British Government apparently lege teaching, John A. Hanna, acting in response to pressure from president of Michigan State Washington, today listed 110 new College, told a Federal Com- items which can no longer be ex- munications Commission hear- ported to Red China without li- ing in Washington yesterday. cense. "It can show, not merely tell, The new list will hold back from how to do such practical things Chinese Communists mainly air- as repair farm machinery, cull plane parts and machinery or poultry, can vegetables, spray _ ane par r _nd _a..inery..r "9 More Arms Gets Attlee, Truman OK Pledges of Unity End Conference WASHINGTON - (,4P) - Presi- dent Truman and Prime Minister Attlee gave the signal yesterday for a faster buildup of the West's military might but offered to halt the rearmament drive if Russian and Red Chinese leaders would "modify their conduct" and make an acceptable peace. The President and the British leader pledged in the meantime that their countries would "act to- gether with resolution and unity" to meet Communist threats with "no thought of appeasement or of rewarding aggression. THE JOINT British-American policy statement came at the end of a historic five-day conference called to consider the world-wide implications of the Chinese Com- munist attack on Korea. A 2,000-word communique, issu- ed after the sixth and final meet- ing, disclosed Truman has prom- ised Attlee he will be kept "at all times informed" of developments that might cause the United States to use the atomic bomb. The state- ment emphasized, however, the President's "hope that world con- ditionshwould never call for the use of the atomic bomb." The President apparently re- served for himself the right to make a final decision about use of the A-Bomb. Despite this, Bri- tish officials said Attlee is very well pleased with his under- standing with Truman on this important point. Attlee announced before leaving for the United States last week that one of. his main objectives was to obtain a promise from the President that Britain would be consulted before any such deci- sion. THE FINAL communique reveal- ed that while the President and Attlee had agreed on 11 positive steps that should be taken to coun- ter Communist threats through- out the world, they failed to agree on a common stand toward Com- munist China. Britain continues to believe the Peiping regime should be gi- ven Nationalist China's seat on the UN. In addition, Attlee balk- ed at an American suggestion for a naval blockade of the Red China coast as a means of pun- ishing the Communists for their aggression. British officials said Attlee op- posed any such move on the grounds it constituted, a "half- war" that might explode into a full war. Attlee apparently was persuad- ed to change his attitude slightly toward Formosa, the Chinese Na- tionalist island stronghold now be- ing protected by the American Seventh Fleet. As a result of the conference, he agreed that the UN should con- sider the final disposition of .For- mosa. Previously the British had indicated it should be handed over to the Chinese Communist regime in accordance with the Cairo de- claration which transferred it from Japan to China. * *; * THE INDIRECT Truman-Attlee appeal to Moscow to end the pre- sent world-wide tension came in one brief paragraph in the com- munique which explained the rea- son the Western Democracies are strengthening their defenses. In the present world crisis "im- mediate action" is imperative in this field, they said, but all mili- tary preparations are intended "purely as a defensive measure." Trace UCLA Deaths to Reds LOS ANGELES-()-An attor- ney for the State Senate Un- American Activities Committee Angry WASHINGTON - President Truman wrot sic critic this week thr to beat him up for daughter Margaret's si The story leaked on meal today. Paul Hum for the Washington P closed in response to1 that he got a long-har on White House st Wednesday signed "H. The White House, sponse to inquiries, c that the President had Hume. Neither would give r the text of the letter, Washington Daily Ne it "goes like this:" "I have just read yo review buried in the ba "I never met you, bu you'll need a new n plenty of beefsteak." Senate 0 .Rent Cu, ExtenSIoU WASHINGTON-(P)-- ate yesterday went along House and voted for month extension of th rent control law. The ac line with President Tru quest. Senate approval of a Forces - Tenth Corps ()- Battles To e a mu- eatening panigReach Port panning inging. t piece- te, critic ost, dis- Army, Sea Heads inquiries nd lttConfer Secretly ationery S.T." TOKYO-(A')-The commander in re- of United Nations naval forces in onfirmed Korea said today his ships were lwritten standing off the East Korean coast reporters port of Hungnam, ready for an but the evacuation, if necessary. ws said Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, the ur lousy UN Naval Commander, made the ek pages. remark to a news conference on t if I do the Northeast Korean front when ose and he was asked about the possibility of the sea-borne withdrawal of all UN forces in the northeast sec- tor. MKS IN THAT SECTOR more than 100,000 Chinese Reds were seek- rb s ing to trap elements of three- American divisions and South Korean forces. Admiral Joy saw newsmen af- ter conferring, today with Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond, com- T~he Sen-mander of the U'.S. Tenth Corp4, g with the which embraces all UN troops on a three- the Northeast front. ie federal That conference followed a ction is in secret meeting yesterday of Joy man's re- with top Navy and Marine of fi- cers. TRUMAN-ATTLEE CONFERENCE ENDS-President Truman chats with British Prime Minister Clement Attlee (seated right) as their historic five-day conference comes to an end. Standing are Secretary of State Dean Acheson (left) and Defense Secre- tary George Marshall. End of Fighting Will Foster Cooperation, China Told tools with which to make machinery. Profits Tax that May Be Cut WASHINGTON - (AP) - T e Senate Finance Committee la t night wound up public hearings o the excess profits tax, clearly in\ a mood to make the measure less drastic than the House proposed. Chairman George (D-Ga) told reporters he will recommend that it be amended to limit the overall maximum tax load on corporation profits to not more than 60 per cent, compared with the 67 per cent maximum proposed in the House-approved bill. George said Secretary of the Treasury Snyder believes that would be too severe a cut, but is willing to compromise on reduc- tion to a 65 per cent ceiling. orchids and plow on contours," the college head said. to provide the public with educa- tional TV programs. He revealed that the University hopes to have its own equipped studios "within a year or so." * * * TELEVISION offers greater po- tentials for education than movies or radio, President Ruthven in- timated. "As I see it, every level of learning from kindergarten through the university is poten- tial television material. "Those of us who had hoped to do something in the field of the moving picture have been grieviously disappointed," he added. "Now television is given the op- portunity to mak good where its predecessors have failed, and to capitalize also on their successes." If this is done, President Ruthven predicted, "for once there will be no great lag between an important discovery and its effective use." LAKE SUCCESS -(P)- Bri- tain's Kenneth Younger told Red China yesterday that if it stops fighting in Korea and submits to the UN Charter, the way should be open to free cooperation between the Chinese and the nations of the East and West. Younger, whose country is one of the 17 UN members recognizing Red China, told the UN Assembly's Political Committee that UN troops World News Roundup By The Associated Press NEW YORK-Secretary of De- fense Marshall last night called for national unity and every ef- fort to prevent the Korean con- flict from deteriorating into a "dreadful" world war. *' * * WASHINGTON - Joseph H. Short, Jr., White House cor- respondent of the Baltimore Morning Sun, was appointed press secretary to President Truman yesterday. SEATTLE-A 12,000-ton vessel used in transporting troops and military cargo from the United States to the Korean war zone has been sabotaged in the port of Seattle with extensive damage, Naval authorities reported early today. WASHINGTON - Despite sharp protests against helping a Communist government, Senate leaders pushed last night for swift action on legislation to send additional food supplies to drought-stricken Yugoslavia.. SAIGON, Indochina - French troops have completed a campaign to mop up rebel nests inside the Red River delta defense zone, the French Army said yesterday. * * * TOKYO-Outright censorship of Korean war news will not be invoked unless the United Nations formally directs Gen. MacArthur to do so, headquarters indicated yesterday. are in Korea to uphold the prin- ciples of the charter. He said they would continue that course. HE SPOKE shortly before the communique on the talks in Washington between, President Truman and Prime Minister Att- lee was made public. Younger's speech here lined up Britain firm- ly with the United States in pur- suing the UN efforts in Korea, a point also stressed in the Truman- Attlee communique. Few delegates wanted to com- ment on the communique until they had a chance to study it. Jacob A. Malik, Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister, shrugged off questions with a grin and said he would have to read the text. A text was sent to him but there was no immediate comment from the Soviet bloc. Younger endorsed again a six- power resolution, of which he is a sponsor, which calls on Commu- nist China to withdraw its troops from Korea and pledges the pro- tection of the Chinese-Korean frontier. But his speech was de- voted mainly to telling Red China it will have to choose its course now. "IF THEY stop the killing and put themselves within the pale of the Charter's principles," he said, "there is no reason why the way should not be open to a period of free cooperation between China and the nations both of East and West who are represented around this table." "The Central People's Govern- ment of the People's Republic of China are faced with an his- toric decision," Younger continu- ed. "The choice they now make will determine whether future generations will curse or bless their name. The committee earlier heard a report from the seven-member UN Korean Commission saying for- mally that an on-the-spot inquiry showed that all Communist Chi- nese prisoners captured by UN forces were members of the Regu- lar Army units and "were not vol- unteers in any possible meaning of the term." t continu-{ ante througn March 3 came shortly rafter a Senate-House Con- ference Committee reached a com- promise resolving differences be- tween the .separate bills passed yesterday by the two branches of Congress. The bill the Senate originally approved called only for a two- month extension-through Feb. 28. The House measure provided for three months. The pending extension legisla- tion would continue the local op- tion provision of the present law -that is, local communities still could vote to retain rent control through June 30. The compromise which the Sen- ate approved today by voice vote still is subject to ratification by the House, which probably will act early next week. Phoenix Drive RollingAlong Pledges to the student Phoenix drive now total $88,901, Stan Wein- berger, '52, drive publicity chair- man announced yesterday. He said that 3,107 pledges were received during the first four weeks of the campaign. The drive is scheduled to end Dec. 20. Weinberger said that 26 organiz- ed house groups have reached the goal of receiving pledges from 80 per cent of their members. Of these, 11 are fraternities, 10 soro- rities and five independent groups. Three groups, Sigma Alpha Ep- silon, Pi Beta Phi and Kappa Al- pha Theta have reached the 100 per cent mark. Drive Progress The Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project has received contributions from 80 per cent of the members of these addi- tional groups: Gamma Phi Beta, Michigan House (WQ), Alpha Delta Pi and Delta Zeta. UN troops in Northeast Korea include a force of 20,000 Ameri- cans bloodily battling their way southeast toward the coast from the Changjin reservoir area. Their escape route was an ice- sheathed mountain canyon road, dominated by hordes of Chinese, well-armed and in ridge positions. Eighth Army headquarters re- ported that the main body of the Americans fighting out of the Reds' death trap was only about a mile south of the jumpoff town of Koto. That was indicative of the terrific opposition they face ftbm dug-in Communists over- looking the escape road down from the Changjin reservoir. ADVANCE PATROLS, Eighth Army said, were last reported five miles ahead of the main body. Chinese infantry held positions between the escape column and a U. S Third Division task force fighting north in an attempt to meet it. The Fifth Regiment of the U. S. First Marine division which held the rearguard spot as the force withdrew from Hagaru to Koto, has reached Koto safely, the Eighth Army spokesman said. In the Northwest, Allied planes attacked large Chinese Communist convoys moving south toward the Red capital of Pyongyang in a build-up for smashes against the new Eighth Army line. That line is between Pyongyang and the 38th Parallel boundary. Meanwhile, a Chinese Com- munist semi-circle of men and guns moved closer to the port of Hungnam and the nearby Indus:; trial city of Hamhung, the two big Allied bases on the me aced Tenth Corps front. Gen. Collins Reassurin About Korea WASHINGTON - (P) - Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Army Chief of Staff, put out the heartening word yesterday that American forces in Korea "will be able'to take care of themselves without further ser- ious losses." He gave that confident forecast to reporters as he stepped from a plane bringing him back from a spot inspection of the battlefront and conferences with Gen. Doug- las MacArthur and his field com- manders. Despite Collins' guardedly op- timistic summation of the war situation, a speed-up was ordered PASADENA CHRISTMAS: Local Group Will Play Santa for 'U' Gridders fi By CRAWFORD YOUNG There will be a Santa Claus for Michigan football players! Ever since that snowy day in Columbus when they won the right to play in the Rose Bowl, the team had been noticeably downcast. Thoughts of a bleak Christmas morn in a strange town had dam- pened oncerbuoyant spirits.dThe trainingtable dietician described the players as "off their feed." BUT LEAPING TO the rescue went the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce. To combat this rising retary of the local Chamber, said that the party plan was an im- promptu affair, conceived over- night to prevent spirits from sag- ging. More than 600 letters have been sent out to local merchants, pro- fessional men, industries, and the general public explaining the plan and asking for gifts to fill Santa's sack, Christman explained. CHRISTMAN estimated that the blue-and-gold socks on the mantle would be bulging with as many as two or three presents each. THREE DIMENSIONAL: 'Last Supper' Shown on State Street By ZANDER HOLLANDER State Street passers-by stopped, stared and were visibly impressed last night by a three dimensional version of "The Lord's Last Sup- per." The life-like exhibition, a full- size plaster reproduction of the Leonardo Da Vinci masterpiece, is mounted in a 38 foot trailer Thursday, the exhibit has al- ready been seen by about 1000 people and will remain here to- day, according to John Grant, Detroit Lions Clubhobserver traveling with the exhibit. Grant was very enthusiastic about student reaction to the re- production, maintaining that. "University students are the most And while most University students approved, several said they were annoyed by the gen- erator's clatter and gasoline fumes which "marred the spir- ituality of the theme." One pragmatic student, Christ- mas shopping with his wife, pro- nounced a wordly judgment on 4.1- - "