TUESDAT, SEPTEMBER 26, 1956 THE MICHITGAN DAILY BUSINESS BIG-AS USUAL: D;. DIVERSIFIED DISPLAY: Hospital Treats Quarter Million Yearly 1.4\wArt Exhibit To Feature .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................o athletic Theme By RON WATTS Treating patients at the pace of a quarter of a million per year has been "business as usual" for the University Hospital. It's not hard to understand why this medical center has become a hub for so many people. The long and commendable service that the University Hospital has offered the medical practice explains the popularity. * * * 'U' HOSPITAL, which is close- ly coordinated with the Mater- Opera Society Issues Call for Agie Chorus A special dancing chorus, com- posed of six agile students will be recruited for the forthcoming Gil- bert and Sullivan production of "Gondoliers," according to So- ciety president Gary Hicks, '51. A chorus of 50 singers, plus eleven principals will also be needed to present a bang-up pro- duction this fall. The dancers will perform the more-complex routines, and will be backed up by the principals and chorus, Hicks said. "Gondoliers" will be the sev- enth production of the Society, ' which boasts an impressive rec- ord of hits with their "H.M.S. Pinafore," "Pirates of Penzance," and "Patience." At the first meeting, to be held at 7:15 p.m. Thursday in the Grand Rapids Room of the Lea- gue, all interested eligible stu- dents may sign up for the chor- us, principal try-outs or stage crew and then get a taste of the operetta by singing some of the show's best songs. Work on the production will start immediately, with two week- ly rehearsals for the singers un- der the direction of James Ueber- horst and Bill Boyer. nity Hospital, Neuropsychiatric Institute and Veterans Readjust- ment Center, is under the man- agement of the University. Be- cause it is under the University's, management, the Hospital gains a big advantage from the close' intergration with the medical school, dental school, School of Public Health, School of Nursing and the scient4fic departments. Continued expansion of the University's medical set - up with completion about 1960 is foreseen. Future plans of the Medical Center include a new medical research building and outpatient clinic building. The Medical Research Build- ing is being financed through a $3,000,000 grant from The Kresge Foundation. The new building is designed to provide research in problems related to medicine, of- fer training for a selected group of people and bring* theory and practice together under one roof. * * * THE STRUCTURE itself will be connected to the main hospital for- maximum integration. It will contain an amphitheatre-type lecture hall with a seating capa- city for 400, a medical library with space for 150,000 volumes, research laboratories and semi- nar and conference rooms. The need for a new outpa- tient clinic arose from the in- Bulletin Contains MichiganHistory More than 300 years of Michi- gan as seen through maps, letters, books and documents, have been compiled in the latest bulletin of the Clements Library, "One Hundred Michigan Rarities." Seventeenth century French maps on which the name Michi- gan probably appears for the first time are included in the bulletin. It also contains several letters written during Pontiac's seige of Detroit in 1763, and Lincoln's first draft call in Michigan in 1863. creased use of the University Hospital's facilities. The out- patient clinic of the hospital was originally designed to handle 7,000 patients per month. Last year the clinic av- eraged 21,000 patients per month. Besides providing more modern and adequate facilities for pa- tients, the new outpatient clinic will enable the Medical School to increase the size of its classes. It is believed that the new clinic will permit a 100 per cent in- crease in the enrollment of the junior and senior classes in the Medical School. THE UNIVERSITY .Hospital, founded in 1869, was the first university-controlled hospital in the United States. It is a self-sup- porting institution which depends on the charges from patients to finance operations. The State of Michigan erected the buildings, but provides no funds for run ning expenses. 'U' Hospital is known as a "referral hospital" since the patient's own doctor must give him a letter of referral, asking the Hospital to provide diag- nosis and treatment of the ill- ness. Patients who are residents of the State of Michigan receive a diagnostic service from the physicians as well as examina- tions and expert opinions. The results of all treatment are re- ported to the patient's own physician. To make a patient's stay as pleasant as possible, the hospital has a large social service staff which cares for patients' needs. For the younger people, the University Hospital School offers instruction to all from pre-school age through high school. * . * FOR THE older patients 'U' Hospital ha s an occupational therapy shop with a printing press, clay work, music room, sewing, basketry, jewelry making, woodwork and other arts and crafts. Educational movies are also shown each week. Perhaps unique in libraries is the one located on the fifth floor of the hospital. It has a wide se- lection of books, magazines and newspapers. But to make them easy reading, several special aids are employed. They include ceil- ing projectors with books on mi- crofilm slides, soundscriber and "talking books" on records. Up Dorm Fee Dime A Day -Daily-Ed Kozma WALLS COME TUMBLING DOWN-The last wall of demolished University Hall teeters and falls to the ground, leaving nothing but rubble as a reminder of the once-famous building. Final razing of the structure will expose a long-hidden portion of An- gell Hall to view. S* Hall Only Memories; orsers EndRazingJob By JOHN DAVIES the '70's--dancing took place Old University Hall is now just in the building,. an activity so many truck loads of rubble- which ceased there when reli- and a memory. gious groups protested. Efficient workers this weekend A massive dome, towering 140 completed the razing of the 78- feet above the surrounding pas- year-old building which served toral countryside, made U Hall a for many generations, in all its much-photographed b u11 d in g. Victorian splendor, as the center The original dome was replaced of campus activities. by a second, smaller one in 1896, * * * " ,te vra.m nr.,.o. af w hih 4 IL U A 0 0