U Puerto
Spurned Males Reorganize BIX
* * *
* * *
* *
Once spurned by the unfairest
of the fair sex-but refusing to be
bitter about it-jilted Michigan
males are banding together to
bring both themselves and the
"Michigan Laughing in Your Beer
and Marching Society" back into
Today's organization is much
the same as an earlier one on the
campus, since it is composed of
deceived men of Michigan who
convene at a certain Liberty Street
tavern and draw up chairs at a
round table to reminisce over the
whys and wherefores of their bro-
ken college romances.
* * *
THE CLUB is officially known
as Beta Iota Chi, or BIX for short,
but is unofficially called the "Boo-
hoo Club."
Every Monday at about 10:30
p.m., members file into the
tavern, symbolically wearing
their returned fraternity pins
under a black ribbon. After
pulling their mugs down from
their usual resting place on
hooks over the bar, they gather
around a reserved table and
begin their "tapping" ceremo-
monies, "which last as long
as there's a keg to be tapped."
Mournfully, they exchange the
true life stories of their broken
affairs, stopping now and then to
sing their official club song,
"Don't cry Joe, let her go, let her
go, let her go." They pay no at-
tention to other customers, but
startle them every half hour when
they collectively pound their mugs
on the table three times, and
shout "Boo-hoo" in commemora-
tion of their pasts.
* * *
BUT LEST AN involved coed be-
Ricans Rap
The Puerto Rican Nationalists
who last month staged a bloody
revolt on their island are radicals
who have no popular support,
Puerto Rican University students
agreed yesterday.
Commenting on a recently dis-
tributed Puerto Rico Teacher's As-
sociation pamphlet which blasts
the group as a radical, misdirected
minority, the students agreed with
the publication, and joined in de-
claiming the riotous faction.
* * *
just a group of fanatics who are
trying to impose "their rule over
the Puerto Ricans," Manuel Resto
said. "They tried the same kind
of revolt ten years ago; it did not
work, and they are no stronger
now than they were then."
Resto estimated the Nation-
alist strength at no more than
1000 men.
"The popular feeling towards
the United States is not repre-
sented by the Nationalists," An-
dres Resto, '52M, agreed. "Most
of the people want either state-
hood, or to obtain their indepen-
dence in an orderly fashion. They
are no revolutionists."
Cruz Cancel, Grad., holds views
parallel to those of her country-
men. "The revolutionists are only
a small group who want to be
known for their fight for liberty
and glory," she said.
New Social
Union Holds Annual Bridge Tourney
Dismissing Canasta as just a
passing fad the Union will hold
its annual bridge tournament
"We feel that canasta really has
no future," Union staffman Jack
Ehlers explained, "and that it has
already passed its peak."
* * *
URGING ALL "amateur Cul-
bertsons and just plain amateurs"
to enter the tourney, Ehlers an-
nounced that the contestants
must register from 3 to 5 p.m. at
the Union or the League. Regis-
tration closes Friday.
"The entrance fee is one dol-
lar," he said, "but a chance at
one of those four trophies is
worth the cost."
The trophies, one for both
members of winner and runner-
up teams, are now on display
in the Union lobby.
The Union tournament offers
student bridge experts the chance
to take part in many intercol-
legiate bridge tourneys as its win-
ning teams are often chosen to
represent the University in con-
tests at other schools.
Contestants will follow the re-
gular tournament rules for con-
tract bridge, according to Ehlers,
and the contest will be played in
two sessions; from 2 to 5 p.m.
and from 7 to 11 p.m.
-Daily-Jack Bergstrom .
UNION BRIDGE--Patty Jewett, '53, Pat' Olsen, '53, Al Clamage,
'53L, and Jerry Subar, '51, practice for the tournament as Harvey
Howard, '53, and Margie Abrams, '52, admire a trophy.
Buy and Sell Through Daily Classifieds
-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
THUMBS DOWN! ... Seated members of the 'Back In Circulation' Club turn thumbs down on "one,
two, or anything less than three more beers." Standing behind them, with black-edged beer mugs
in hand, are other "Boo-hoo" 'ers who supervise the club's keg-tapping ceremonies.
* * *<
gins worrying that her name is
part of these round-table discus-
sions, club rules provide strictly
that the identity of the feminine
romance-breaker never be men-
tioned. As long as the club's quota
of 18 has not been filled, a candi-
date can gain membership by just
telling a sufficiently sad story,
Tickets for All 'Gondoliers'
Performances Now Available
S* * *<
provided he has reached the legal
age of 21.
Nor will members call each
other by their right names dur-
ing meetings. They refer to each
other by self-chosen titles fit-
ting to each member's particular
experiences. For instance, the
club's president is known as
"Mr. Honored High Eminent
Other club members are known
as Reminiscent Reid, Mad Memo-
ries McWood, Jilted Johnson,
Heartless Hanor, and Boo-hoo
* * *
EACH MEMBER tries to get
back into active contact with the
opposite sex without relinquishing
his pin to a new flame, which
would mean automatic dismissal
from the club. One means is a
"date night" held every fourth
week, "the purpose of which is
S* * *
to help us rehabilitate, readjust,
and formulate a more positive at-
titude toward the opposite sex, in
spite of our past experiences."
Such mixed meetings, how-'
ever, always end by 10 p.m., at
which time the f coeds (all 21
years old or over) are packed in-
to a taxicab and bid farewell by
the club members, who wave
goodbye and sing a second club
song, "They Say That Falling
in Love is Wonderful"
BIX has been so successful that
jilted coeds are reportedly plan-
ning to form a WIX-"women in
The BIX claim they will meet
such a situation in 'their usual
manner-"with bended elbows,
-and tilted chins. We accept the
fact that, after all, every time we
meet a woman we don't neces-
sarily meet a good thing."
Tickets for the Gilbert and Sul-
livan Society's production of
"Gondoliers," to be held at 8 p.m.
Dee. 14, 15, 16 in Pattengill Audi-
torium are on sale in the Ad-
ministration Building from 10 a.
m., to 4:36 p.m. daily.
Special 60 cent student rates
for the Thursday performance
have been inaugurated by the
group. Regular prices of 90 cents
and $1.20 will be charged for the
weekend nights.
In addition to the scheduled
performances, several of the mem-
bers will participate in the Uni-
versity of Michigan television
show at 1 p.m. Sunday.
"Gondoliers" will play three
nights in Ann Arbor, and at Rack-
ham Auditorium in Detroit the
following Monday. Tickets for the
Detroit show are also available
at the Administration Building
ticket window.
Security Act
Hits Students
Students who work over the
holidays are required to have So-
cial Security numbers even if the
work is part-time, Raymond
Eidem, Social Security representa-
tive for Washtenaw County le-
clared yesterday.
"It does not matter whether stu-
dents working here live in another
state or country-a number is still
Eidem issued a reminder to
household employes working, in
private homes-including baby-
sitters-that effective Jan. 1 they
will be covered under Social Se-
curity as will domestic employes
of fraternities and sororities.
"However, student employes of
fraternities and sororities will be
Applications for Social Security
numbers can be obtained from the
post office.
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Get the s o frn. extras, no tips
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i \
Reptile Spurned by Soph Cab
Dies in Zoology Department
We will wrap and .Mail for you
A little corpse in a jar of alcohol
at the Natural Science Bldg. today
marked the tragic end of the ca-i
reer 'of an adventurous chameleon.
The zoology department re-
ceived the chameleon as an un-
expected gift when the women
working on the Soph. Cab. deco-
rations found the ill-fated rep-
tile in a shipment of spanish moss.
THE STOWAWAY was first
discovered by the women when
they unpacked the moss, which
they are using for the production,
"Bewitched Bayou." At first they
mistook it for one of the realistic
rubber lizards that they are us-
ing for decorations. However,
when the animal began to crawl
friskily around on the floor, the
women decided it was a litttle too
realistic for an imitation.
Some of them favored making
the chameleon part of the pro-
duction but a strong anti-
'chameleon faction opposed it
and so the animal was presented
to the zoology department.
The roving, reptile apparently
deserted the balmy climate of
Orlando, Fla. in favor of Ann Ar-
bor's famous winter weather.
However, yesterday morning, re-
ports from the zoology department
indicated that the color-changing
lizard was in poor spirits.
In the afternoon it had ceased
moving around its cage and an
investigation showed that the
scaly adventurer was dead.
The-deceased lizard was about
eight inches in length and, its
color, when last seen alive, was a
mottled brown.
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