THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER S, 1959 U I America's Asian Attitude TWO DAYS AGO Pravda asked who but a lunatic could believe in the peaceful in- tentions of Truman and his friends. Pravda may know better, but it is probable that most of its readers do not. We in America are in the position of people of deep reli- gious conviction who can't believe that any one who disagrees with them is being quite honest. We seem to find it impossible to be- lieve that the Russians, Indo-Chinese and especially the Chinese really think we are aggressively imperialistic. When looked at from the other side, our attitude is monumentally naive. In Indo- China we are supporting a debauched pup- pet who legislates as the French dictate and who keeps his unpopular and pre- carious "authority" only by military force. In China WE have decided that the fate of Formosa shall be determined by the Unit- ed Nations. Many of our national leaders, some of them congressmen, have stated that we "need" Formosa for our defense. If the British had claimed they needed Long Island for their defense during our Civil War, we would understand how aggressive and un- justifiable this statement sounds to the Chi- nese, 90 miles from their Formosa and 3000 miles from us. Our need is not synonomous with international justice. Russia may feel it needs Cuba for her national defense, but it is unlikely that we (or Cuba) would con- cede her the right to it on that basis. Chiang Kai-Shek is rightfully a discredit- ed figure in Asia. At the end of the war he was the greatest living figure in China, a war hero and trusted leader. By his mal- administration he managed to alienate a major portion of an illiterate population and make his name anathema -to all liberty- seeking Asians--a notable accomplishment. He was supported visibly, if ineffectively, by American arms, material and advice.. When Red China told us to stay away Ii Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: BOB VAUGHN from the Manchurian border and the power plants there, there is little doubt that they were convinced we would cut off their power supply if we captured the plants. In fact from their point of view they would have been fools to think otherwise. In a scantily industrialized country struggling with civil problems growing out of almost twenty years of continuous war and faced with, a seem- ingly aggressive antagonist (United States), it is little wonder they ended the threat forcibly. Now,,most tragically, we declare that we will use the atom bomb in Korea if neces- sary. The atom bomb is not just another and bigger weapon. It has become a world symbol of ruthless, merciless slaughter even with military jurisdiction. The first country to use it will be branded criminal, not crus- ader. How better could we convince the people of Asia, whom WE know we don't hate, that we are their bitterest enemies. z Our policy in Asia has been stupid and blind, not because Mr. Acheson is incom- petent or Mr. Marshall a dunderhead, but because their policies reflected-as they always must-our own attitude toward Asia. It is an attitude founded in aloof ig- norance and dogmatic narrowmindness. We didn't want to hurt anyone in Asia; we just wanted it run the way it ought to be, for the good of the Asians, of course. We scoff at that line when Russia uses it, and then wonder in wide-eyed indigna- tion why China won't accept the same story from us. We have blundered in Asia; it seems that we will continue to blunder. The answer rests not in a wiser Secretary of State or even a general who knows enough not to go around kissing Madame Chiang's hand. We need more understanding and wisdom on the citizen level. To a remarkable degree we have solved the paradox of democracy in America. We have combined independence. with an ability to see it as the other guy does. When we as citizens begin to do that on an international level, the policies of our leaders will reflect our wisdom as they do now our pathetic incomprehension. -John Briley THOMAS L. STOKES: China at the UN WASHINGTON-There's been a lot of im- patient criticism in the last -few days, some of it echoed in Congress, because the United Nations has permitted Communist China's representatives to get up and say the rash and untrue' things they do, par- ticularly about us. Feeling is the more embittered against the Communist China visitors because, simultaneously with their appearance here before the UN, their armies back home were pouring In a new wave of aggression against UN armies, largely American sol- diers. This feeling is understandable and 'so are the questions raised: "Why were they asked to come here in the first place? Why not just throw them out?" This angry and bitter reaction over the Chinese Communist performance before the UN translates itself, naturally, into scepticism about the UN, itself, which is on test now before the world and consequently more vulnerable than ever before. SUCH AN ATTITUDE is understandable, too, but it rests on a very flimsy base and reveals a lack of understanding of what the United Nations is, and what its mission is. It is good again to take a look at the UN's purpose in order to keep our balance and perspective for the big task in which the UN now is engaged to prevent another world war. The visit here of the Chinese Communist delegation, its actions and its postures also have served a purpose always served by put- ting men and issues on public view. Through the mothering attitude of the Russians toward the Chinese, through the public speeches of the Chinese which parrot Com- munist harangues now so familiar, our peo- ple have learned how close is the tie be- tween the two in a way they never could ;have learned it from merely being told of such a tight association-and that is a good thing for our people to know for what lies ahead of us. Such understanding only is possible in a gold fish bowl operation like the UN, with everything that goes on spread across our newspapers, reported over the radio, and pictured by the camera. A GOOD WAY to assess the value of the UN is to imagine what might have hap- pened without it, if nations had been deal- ing with one another in this tense and confused period in formal communications, a method not conducive to understanding, instead of having a common room, so to speak, where their representatives could meet and discuss their differences face to face, while at the same time maintaining constant communication with their own governments as situations change. From any one of a number of explosive situations general wars might have come had it not been for the UN, as, for ex- ample, the Berlin blockade by the Soviets, which ended as a result of negotiations at the UN between Dr. Phillip C. Jessup and Jacob Malik, and the' Palestine dispute which was settled by negotiations con- ducted through the UN. Many others might be listed. The present crisis is, of course, of far greater magnitude, but its chances of peace- ful solution without a general Asian war are far better by virtue of the UN, since every act of the representatives of the nations of the world are under the close and careful observation of the people of the world who are bringing pressure to bear, unseen, in- visible, yet mighty. (Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) "Five Hundred Million Of Them - All Expendable" * t - DAILY OFFICI AL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) with a repeat performance Sun., Dec. 10, 2:30 p.m., Hill Auditor- ium. Lester McCoy, Associate Conductor of the University Mu- sical Society, will lead the Choral Union of 300 voices, the Univer- sity Musical Society Orchestra, Mary Stubbins, organist, and the following soloists: Nancy Carr, soprano; Eunice Alberts, contral- to; David Lloyd, tenor; and Oscar Natzka, bass. Concert-goers are respeatfully requested to be seated on time, since late-comers will not be seat- ed during the performance. Tickets are available at the of- fices of the University Musical Society. Burton Tower, daily; and any remaining tickets will be on sale at the Hill Auditorium box office one hour before each per- formance. Special Student Organ Recital by Robert Ellis, pupil of Robert Noehren, University Organist, 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 7, Hill Auditor- ium. Mr. Ellis will play Fantasie in C minor, Trio Sonata No. V in C major, and the Chorale Prelude, O Guiltless Lamb of God, by J. S. Bach, and Max Reger's Variations and Fugue on an Original"Theme, Op. 73, considered one of the most difficult compositions for the or- gan. The public is invited. I - I _ _ _ I I a XetteP4TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all lettersrwhich are signed by the writer and in ood taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or .. iL ... ..L2 nyC. reason are ... not . in :_-ooa 4iate-811 MAGAZINES w i i i T HE NEW, ISSUE of "Generation" is more balanced, unified, and varied than either of its predecessors. It is less self-conscious about its dedication to the arts, and this new ease and assurance makes it more com- plete and satisfying. The new number, on gale today, will certainly be welcomed by those who were pleased with the publica- tion last spring and should also be grati- fying to those who supported the basic idea of a student magazine attempting to inte- grate the several arts and provide a medium of expression for student work, but who found short-comings in the initial published results. This should make its campus appeal wider and its reception a happy one, for the broader scope is achieved not by any sacrifice of its standards, but rather by extending and expanding the areas to which they are applied. A real excitement permeates the creative work, especially when it is truly original rather than imi- tative; and the spirit of that excitement carries through the pages of the magazine. Just one instance of the imitative has been allowed to creep into print-a Cum- mings-Ern Malloy type poem credited here to t. carlin brammer. The most outstanding contributions ;re an essay by John Paterson and a story by Ted Solotaroff. Paterson's "The Private Eye" is penetrat- ing literary criticism. It treats the detective story with the respect it deserves as a mir- ror of new trends in social standards. The modern "private eye" is no more akin to Sherlock Holmes or Poe's armchair sleuths than is our society to the gentile traditions of the nineteenth century. "Evening Song," Solotaroff's story of a distracted and frustrated English professor is a profoundly moving and well-conceived piece of writing. The author achieves, a unity of characterization, plot and style not often found in student writing. It is unfortunate, however, that this and a lesser story, both using rain as a thematic symbol, should have been included in the same issue. With the exception of Solotaroff's story, the essays are considerably more effective than the creative work. The poetry inter- spersed throughout the issue is uneven; the best being the contributions by Janet A. Emig and Harvey Gross. Among the essays, Sigfried Feller's cri- New Books at the Library Hall, James N.-The Far Lands. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1950. Hart, B. H. Liddell-Defence of the West. New York, William Morrow & Co., 1950. Porter, Clyde & Mae, & Hafen, Leroy- Ruxton of the Rockies. Norman Oklahoma, University of Oklahoma Press, 1950. Militav A-,p ticism of obscurity in modern poetry em- ploys the over-familiar technique of projec- tion into the future to gain historical per- spective, but is essentially effective. Daniel Waldrom's plea for a course in the motion picture, "The Movies Aren't New-Fangled Anymore," is both good movie criticism and a sound suggestion for recognition and re- vision in the curriculum. "Two Week Plan," by Joseph Roberts, is amusing in itself and refreshing as the comic relief. The architecture section presents designs for "an enclosure for display of contempo- rary design." It is not so esoteric as to be incomprehensible to the layman, but at the same time it is of interest to the interested. "Symposium," a discussion of student- written music by a professor and three stu- dents, is the highlight of the music section. The introduction to this division, however, does not succeed as well. It has often been said that people should always take their job and their work seriously, but never themselves. Music editor Robert Cogan, however, all but succumbs. , The magazine's cover is artistically dis- appointing, but the art displayed within the covers is generally of high quality. Especially noteworthy are the featured works of Al Massnick and Marianne Kull. The engaging division page sketches are an inspired touch. In all, Generation's editors are to be commended for an interesting and in places, absorbing, magazine, a testimony to the high calibre of student creative work. Generation serves an important function in a univer- sity community, and its first effort this year indicates that it is capable of handling this role. -Roma Lipsky. TV and Education SPOKESMEN for educational institutions and organizations have told the Federal Communications Commission that certain television channels should be set aside for strictly educational use. But the ones who have gone to the trouble to make their views known during the current FCC hearing can't say how extensively education may use tele- vision in the near future. The task confronting the educators is twofold. First, they are still asking them- selves how television could and should be used. Secondly, they can't promise to make early use of television bands that may be set aside for education. They can't make any promises of this kind for the simple reason that they don't know where they' will get the money to build and operate stations. The FCC, therefore, should not be guided solely by the lack of immediate demand for reservation of television channels for education Rather it must allow for the de- libelousletters, and letters wich fora be condensed edited or withheld from editors. Yule Rules . To the Editor- I THINK that I can probably save Mr. Rogers some time and the Dean some trouble, by reply-; ing to his question's regarding Christmas caroling. My long as- sociation with the administrative officials makes the following rul- ings seem quite probable, to me: In the first place, any individual student who is not recognized as a group, within the meaning of this act, may apply to the Star Chamber for recognition by sub- miting a constitution or facsimile thereof, a roster, and a list of all organizational officers, who must have eligibility cards. Non-recog- nized students must never whistle, hum, or sing, nor, in fact, show any other sign of enjoyment or levity. Couples (married) under the age of 25 may sing carols in their own homes, if they do not live in AA, A, or B residential, zones. Chaperones are not required un- less guests are present.Celibate couples will enjoy their usual un- restricted privileges; they may sing at any time. A list of carols which are ap- proved by the Supreme Tribunal will be found in the Compiled Rules of Student Conduct, Volume 12; had Mr. Rogers read the Rules, as required of all matriculates, he would have known this. NO OTHER CAROLS ARE TO BE SUNG BY ANY STUDENT! Note particularly the omission of "O Little Town Of Bethlehem;" it is not approved, as it is strongly anti-semitic. However, if the name "Ann Arbor" is substituted for the word "Bethlehem," the words may be sung to the same tune. Al- so, any well-known Christmas carol by an alumnus of this Uni- versity may be sung if submitted to the Tribunal for approval be- fore Easter of the previous year. As only students over 21 are permitted to sing at all, the muni- cipal police will use the tandard Domesday Drinking Wiest for checking offenders. No out-of- state student may sing, regardless of age, unless he sings only in- state carols. Offenders willbe fined $2,000.00. IF AN OFFENDER SINGS IN MORE THAN ONE UNAUTHOR- IZED GROUP, HIS FINE WILL BE DETERMINED IN POWERS OF $2,000, according to the num- ber of such groups. Thus, for sing- ing in two unauthorized groups, the fine will be $4,000,000; for singing in three such groups, $8,- 000,000,000; and so on. We wish you all an orderly Christmas, and an obedient New Year. ---Hal Walsh. Carlton Is Sixty Lines . . To the Editor: IT TOOK Mr. Cy Carlton some 60 lines '. . . to see red . . ." in his ON THE SPOT column in last Saturday's DAILY. The cause of his improved vision was ".... one gentleman named John Lujack, who rumor hath it. played for Notre Dame inh1946-47.'But it was the lines that followed that interested me; 'But its inconceiv- able that anyone with a fair de- gree of common sense could select Lujack over so many great passers, the listing of whom would take about 100 lines of type.' any reasonare not ngoo r e l publication at the discretion of the String Quartet Class under the direction of Paul Doktor and Emil Raab will be heard at 8:30 Not granting that there were p.m., Wed., Dec. 6, Rackham As- enough men, '. . . . to fill. about sembly Hall. Program: Beethoven's 100 lines of type . . .' that were Quartet in E flat, Op. 18, No. 6, better passers than Lujack; I be- with Nathalie Dale and Shirley lieve, Mr. Carlton, that Lujack was Sullivan, violins, Elizabeth Woldt, selected as a Quarterback, not a viola and paphne Ireland, cello; passer. In his years at Notre Dame Three Songs for Contralto and - not just 1946-47 - Lujack String Quartet by Hernried, with had great teams to direct, and he Joan Zapf,rsoloist, and Mendels- didn't try to pad his passing rec- sohn's Quartet in D major, Op. ord to qualify for your Mid-Cen- 44, No. 1. Vern Erkkilla and Theo- tury All American team, but he dore Johnson, violins, David Ire- did an excellent job as a QUAR- land, viola, and Jerome Jelinek, TERBACK! cello, will play the final work. Another point is the manner of Lujack's selection. By a vote ofy 551 players, themselves chosen by football experts as worthy of be- Michigan Christian Fellowship: ing named All Americans. Pretty Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall high companyfor Mr. Carlton! '(Fireside Room). Topic: Romans, Finally, a rumor is a current chapter ten. story but not authenticated. If ____te- Mr. Carlton has faithfully read Westminster Guild: Tea and Colliers' football specials, as he Talk, 4-6 p.m., third floor parlor, claims, I'm sure that he has run First PresbyterianChurch. across material to substantiate the an_ ur_ story that Lujack played for Notre Canterbury Club: 7:15 p.m., Dame in 1946-47. Schola Cantorum Rehearsal. Mr. Carlton, I respect your right to your opinion on sports, as I Congregational, Disciple, Evan- would have you respect mine, but gelical and Reformed Guild: Sup- is such phrasing as was contained per Discussion at the Guild House, in your column (lines 60-68) justi- 5:30 p.m. Phone 5838 for reserva- fied? I think not! tions. -George R. Seegert . * Roger Williams Guild: Tea 'N Asian Crises . . . Talk at the Guild House, 4:30-6 To the Editor:+- THE CURRENT situation in Asia Wesley Foundation: Do-Drop- seems to most people on the In, 4 p.m. Special weekly an- campus (including the prnfessors) nouncements will be made at' 5 a very confusing one, but to me, a p.m. student from Asia, rather simple. First of all I should beg to apolo- Generation Literary Staff ,Meet- gize for criticizing, in dome re- ing: 7 p.m., first floor, Student spects, the U. S. Government. Publications Bldg. New members I have to say that the main rea- and contributions welcome. son made the recent situation in Asia more confusing, if it is, is Student Legislature: Meeting, the U.S. failure to understand our Union, 7:30 p.m. Agenda: I. Cabi- main post-war problem. Undoubt- net Elections; II. Bookstore; III. edly, our essential post-war prob- Michigan Forum. lem is how to adjust the funda- mental conflict between the U.S. U. of M. Rifle Club: 'Ensian chitecture Auditorium. Speaker: Mr. Clare Ditchy, National Secre- tary of A.LA. Slides of contemp- orary architecture by Mr. Pier- man: Business meeting. U. of M. Soaring Club: Short meeting, Room 1042, E. Engineer- ing Bldg., 7 pm. Applications for student licenses will be filled out and dues are to be collected. All members are urged to attend. Ann Arbor Girl's Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., League. Marching Band Members: Meet- ing, 7:30 p.m., Harris Hall. Every member urged to attend. Ullr Ski Club: Meeting to dis- cuss weekend ski trip. Movies. 7:30 p.m., Room 229, Angell Hall. Michigan Arts Chorale: Regular rehearsal, 7 p.m., Lane Hall. Bridge Tournament: 7:30 p.m., Union. W.A.A. Square and Folk Dance Club: Meeting, W.A.B. 7:30-9:45 p.m. Coming Events Canterbury Club: Thurs., Dec. 7, 10:15 a.m., Holy Communion. Michigan College Chemistry Teachers Association and Amen- can ' Chemical Society Meeting. Sat., Dec. 7, 9:30 a.m., Room 1400, Chemistry Bldg. Prof. L. C. An- derson, "Research History of the Section," together with current research papers. Women of the University Fa- culty: Weekly tea, Thurs., Dec. 7, Club Roam, League, 4 to 6 p.m. Student Affiliate of the Ameri- can Chemical Society presents an illustrated talk on the Engineer- ing Research Institute. Speaker: Mr. Herbert F. Poehle, Assistant to the Director. Thurs., Dec. 7, 7 p.m., Room 1300, Chemistry Bldg. Important business meeting pre- cedes the talk. Polonia Club: Thurs., Dec. 7, International Center, 7:30 p.m. All students of Polish descent and their friends invited. Michigan Crib, University pre- legal society: 8 p.m., Thurs., De. 7, Room 3-R, Union. Speaker: Prof. John Dawson, Law Schol "The Lawyer in Politics and Pub- lic Life" All new, old, and pros- pective members invited. Michigan Sailing Club: Meeting, Thurs., Dec. 7, 7:30, p m., Room 311, W. Engineering Bldg. Movies by Ratsey on sail making and mending. International Center Weekly Tea for foreign students and American friends, 4:30 r 6 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 7. Graduate Student C o un c il Meeting, Thurs., Dec. 7, 7:30 p.m., West Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg. r t 1 :i Iw DREW PEARSON: Washington Merry-Go-Round WASHINGTON - In a highly secret con- ference with the Senate and House Foreign Relations Committees, Secretary of State Dean Acheson warned that a third world war is "imminent," if not already in progress. The Korean conflict might spread to Yugoslavia and possibly other points in Europe and Asia "at any moment," Ache- son declared. Asked if there were still time to avoid an- other world-wide conflict, the Secretary of State replied that it could be avoided only by prompt and concerted action against the Russian-Chinese Communist entente by our friends in the United Nations. He mentioned trade sanctions against the Chinese Communists as one possible solution. But Acheson added that we must also get economic aid to Yugoslavia as quickly as possible to stiffen the back of that drought- hit nation against Russia. "All I can say now is that the situation is dangerous-very dangerous," Acheson as- serted. Under questioning by the House commit- tee, Acheson bluntly charged that the Ko- rean crisis is due in large part to General MacArthur's bungling-military intelligence. He specifically mentioned that military in- telligence officers had estimated that the Chinese army which invaded Korea would number at the most 60 or 65,000 troops; and the U.S.S.R. Any program for picture, Postal match with Illi- world economic reconstruction nois Tech., R.O.T.C. Range, 7:15 would be of little use unless a rea- p.m. sonable adjustment between these two powers can be reached. It is Israeli Singing and Dancing: a very important task of the U.S. 8 p.m., Union Everyone interested Government to realize -intelligently in learning the modern songs and the nature and future of such a dances of Israel is invited. Begin- conflict. Whether the adjustment ners welcome. Group led by com- can be made or cannot, some in- petent and experienced instructor. telligent action should be taken immediately. It would be disas- .. Tau Beta Sigma: Meeting, 7 trous for an individual or a coun- p.m., Harris Hall. try to live in I dream instead of reality. Displaced Students Committee: It seems to me that if there is Meet at 4 p.m., Lane Hall. a war before us, it is one between Washington and Moscow. It will Modern Dance Club: Meeting, be very stupid and disastrous for 7 p.m., Dance Studio, Barbour U.S. to go to the war with those Gym. 'Ensian picture to be taken. people in Asia who are just some puppet instead of the Russians-, Sound Movies of Boeing Air- the real persons directing the play; plance Company activities, Room by such action, the people in Asia 348, W. Engineering Bldg., 7 p.m. who are originally struggling for All persons interested in employ- their own national needs but mis- ment with Boeing are urged to led by the Russians. will merely be- attend. Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michtigan under the authority of' the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staf JimBrown..........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger..........City Editor Roma Lipsky ........ .Edtorial Director Dave Thomas..........Feature Editor Janet Watts............Associate Editor Nancy ...... .....Associate Editor James Gregory....... .Associate Editor Bill Connolly ............ Sports Editor Bob Sandell..Associate Sj36rts Editor Bill Brenton.... Associate SportsEditor Barbara Jans..........Women's Editor Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels........Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Paul Schaible. Advertising Manager Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz....Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 lieve that the U.S. is imperialist and it will be more difficult to have the normal friendship rebuilt up. At this critical moment, I would like to suggest that the U.S. Gov- ernment should get the main point immediately. If there was no such a country as Russia in this world, it would not be harmful for those countries such as China, Korea, and even Indo-China to manage their own economic affairs in a A.I.A. Meeting, 7:30 pam, Ar- Communist or Socialist way. Now the U.S. Government s h o u l d choose a way immediately-to fol- low the Russians or to be against them. If any atomic bomb is go- ing to be used, it should be drop- ped in the Russian territory. Oth- erwise the situation will really be more confusing and disastrous. --Y. Li, Grad. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to~ the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All ges of republication of all other matiters herein are also reserved. Enteredaithae Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second-glass mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mall, $7.00. BARNABY 1" .. w r guess this Yule log is too hard for you to chop, Mr. O'Malley.. The hatchet bounced right off it- Pop could hire some men with saws- Perhaps we'd beffer] skip it, Barnaby- Considerable evidence has come down through the ages to show that trees have living spirits in them--Your Fairy Godfather n 'I [ 1 I I { 1 c I