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UW~ith the
Associate Sports Editor
THE DELUGE of All-American squads has hit the sport pages and
magazines, and it's not too surprising to find that no Wolverine
has managed to make a first team yet with the possible exception of
one or two minor ones.
This was not totally unexpected. A couple of the Wolverines had
a lot of pre-season ballyhoo, but for one reason or another had just
mediocre seasons. Some of the other Michiganders looked like All-
Americans at times, but they weren't expected to by the pre-season
Then there is the inevitable fact that Michigan did not have
a good season despite its ranking of sixth and ninth in the land
depending on what press association you' prefer. It was rated
around 25th most of the season and only a final day miracle put
them in the top ten and is sending them to the Rose Bowl.
There isn't much sense in arguing that one or two of Bennie Oos-
terbaan's lads should have made some of the lists of gridiron immor-
tals, but we can't help feel that it's a shame that the blonde kid from
Milwaukee, Charlie Ortmann isn't going to be an All-American.
None of the teams that have come out so far have Charlie on
them, and one of them, The Sporting News "Quarterback" didn't
even place him on the third team. It seems like an injustice to
somebody that had a chance to break Tom Harmon's all-time
offensive record at the start of the season, and probably would
have in a normal campaign.
Chuck's total offensive figures aren't so impressive this year as
they were the last two years when he led the conference in total of-
fense. But this year's statistics don't reveal the fact that Charlie miss-
ed the better part of two games, was far below physical peak in thrpe
or four others, and had to contend with snow storms in a couple more.
ORTMANN is the victim of circumstance in one sense and maybe
just bad luck in another. Anybody that has been on this campus
for three or four years can't help compare Charlie with Bob Chap-
pus, Michigan's great 1947 All-American.
That's where the circumstance angle comes in. Chappuis had
a really great team back of him, and in 1947 they had a tremen-
dous year, that included the lopsided Rose Bowl triumph. "Chap"
was passing to four or five pass receivers, all of which were at one
time or another considered as All-American candidates.
Along side Bob were brilliant runners like "Bump" Eliot and Jack
Wiesenberger, who were expected to more than share the offensive
burden. Chappuis didn't have to handle any defensive assignments.
either, with a guy like Gene Derricotte around.
On the other hand there's Ortmann who had capable receiv-
ers to throw to only in his sophomore year, and since that time
has been expected to dominate or lead the entire Michigan attack.
Oosterbaan has had to use him as a safety man this year simply
because he was the best one on the team, contrary to what some of
the grandstand quarterbacks might think. Moe important than that,
neither this year's or last year's squad had anywhere near the depth
and all around ability that the 1947 or 1948 teams had.
* * * *
AS WAS MENTIONED before, maybe it was just bad luck. There
is little doubt that Ortmann can do an4 has done everything that
Chappuis did and maybe some things better. But Charlie (dn't have
the team back of him.
Both were great passers, probably just average runners, but
plenty dangerous in that latter regard too. Ortmann's running
impressed Army's Elmer Stout, an All-American incidentlfy, to
the point where he expressed amazement after the contest in
Yankee Stadium.
Ortmann had another talent, that of punting, which is the big
reason that the Wolverines are going to Pasadena.
What we've tried to say is if Bob Chappuis is an All-Ameri-
can, then so is Charlie Ortmann. And it's not taking anything
away from Chappuis to say, than our humble opinion, Charlie is
every bit the player Bob was.
Charlie has one more chance to prove that he is All-American
material when he bows out in the January first classic. He presum-
sbly will be in top shape physically and so will the team back of him.
But it won't matter too much what he does. His three year ac-
complishments along with what we know he could have done under
more favorable circumstances this season still stamps him as an All-
American in our book.
He just had a run-in with Lady Luck.
Face Strong Toledo Squad
Minus Services of Captain
IKeyes Possible Starting G oalie
Michigan's already slim hopes
of garnering its first cage win of
the season at the expense of a
strong Toledo University five to-I
night, received a severe jolt from
an unexpected quarter.
Charlie Murray, diminutive
guard and fiery captain ofthe
Wolverine quintet, was stricken
with glandular fever Saturday
night and will be sidelined for the
remainder of the week in Health
* * *
MURRAY BECAME sick during
the Miami contest last Saturday
night and the little guard was
taken to Health Service and put
under the competent care of Dr.
Meanwhile, Murray's team-
mates will have to face Toledo
tonight minus their second high
scorer-he chalked up 11 pointst
--and chief play-maker. Con-
sidering the quality of materialJ
available, Murray's loss consti-
tuted a real blow to Coach Erniek
McCoy's victory designs.
In all probability McCoy will call
Charles Wins
In Knockout
CINCINNATI - (A') - Sharp-
shooting Ezzard Charles unloaded
his heavy guns in the 11th round
last night to knock out Nick Ba-
rone of Syracuse, N. Y., and thus
retain his World Heavyweight
Championship before an estimated
12,000 fans.
The knockout came at 2:06 of
the 11th round. It was the first
time Barone ever had been knock-]
ed off his feet in his professional
fighting career.
UP UNTIL that time he had
taken a fearful punching around.
If Charles lost any round it might
have been the fourth and that byr
only the slimmest of margins.
The knockout blow was a
crushing right after a series of
rights and lefts had the chal-
lenger wobbling around the ring.
The Charles flurry started aftert
Barone had backed him to ther
ropes with one of the bull-like
rushes that he maintained until]
he fell to the floor.t
* *
By JIM PARKER to Club, Heyliger played his trump
The goalie position, a ticklish card-Keyes.
problem for hockey coach Vic * *
Heyliger this year, faced the pos- THAT KEYES had never before
sibility of a major revision after played the goalie position in a
yesterday's practice at the Coli- regular game was not in evidence
seum. yesterday as the flashy sophomore
A vacancy in goal caused by from Tiverton, Ontario, came up
illness to regular goal keeper Hal with several outstanding saves in
Downes forced Heyliger to shift a long ice scrimmage.
forward Earl Keyes to the goalie Bt i oc n i em
hot spot. Bath his coach and his team-
S. . * * mates were impressed with
DOWNES, WHO HAD inherited Keyes' display of agility and
sole possession of the goal tend- coolness under fire. "He has a
ing job at the start of the season, hockey sense for where the puck
was forced to enter Health Ser- is going," said Heyliger after
vice Monday night with a case of practice. "He's a natural for
intestinal flu, any position on a squad."
Just how long the Michigan A check of the positions that
goalie would be sidelined by the the five foot nine inch 165 pound
illness could not be determined Canadian has played quickly
as of last night. proves the validity of that state-
Thus faced with the possibility ment.
of not being able to call on Downes
in the hockey season curtain rais- PREVIOUS to his enrollment atr
er this Friday against Detroit Au- Michigan in the winter of 1948,
* *
... bug bitten
,* * *
on Bob Olson, normally a for-
ward, to fill the vacant guard slot
for tonight. Olson will team up
with Mark Scarr to handle the
back court duties.
* * *
JIM SCALA will fill Olson's for-
ward post, and Paul Geyer and
Leo Vanderkuy will. round out the
front line. Russ Smith is a strong
contender for Geyer's spot and
might possibly crack into the start-
ing lineup.
Toledo University prepped for
the Maize and Blue game by
running roughshod over two
small-college quintets in a
double-header Monday night. In
the opener the Rockets crushed
AdrianCollege under a deluge
of baskets, 95-38, and in the
nightcap "doubled" Bluffton
College, 79-38.
Along with the double triumph
Monday the Rockets possess a
...ready replacement
* * * .
Keyes had had experience at both
right and left wing.
At Michigan last year he
played a tremendous game at
center and this year was moved
to left wing to give more balance
to the Michigan scoring attack.
Last year, in his second game
in a maize and blue uniform,
Keyes chalked up his first of
three "hat tricks" over an abre-
viated season (he had not become
eligible for intercollegiate compe-
tition until the second semester).
OVER HIS half-season of play-
ing, he posted 27 points (16 goals
and 11 assists) in the individual
scoring column.
Using Keyes in goal would
most certainly be a terrific loss
to the Wolverines' offensive
power.. But it has been a move
that has been under considera-
tion by Heyliger for some time
in event that Downes needed
backing up in goal.
But Downes' illness brought the
problem to a head and left Hey-
liger with no alternative, than to
rush the fast-stepping Keyes into
the Michigan nets.
The Largest
Display of
Big Ten Convenes in Chicago Today,
Many vital issues will be up for
discussion in the Winter meetingsI
of the Big Ten Conference which
got underway at Chicago today.
Commissioner Kenneth L. (Tug)
Wilson said the following items
would be on the agenda: (1) the
future draft policies of the Armed
forces and their effect on colleges
enrollment; (2) suggested amend-1
ment to the "Snity Code" of the
National Collegiate Athletic Asso-
ciation; (3) Conference television
policy, and (4) consideration of re-
newal of the Rose Bowl agree-
get together, and on Friday and
Saturday the Faculty Represen-
tatives as well as coaches of foot:
ball, baseball, golf, tennis, and
wrestling will convene.
The Presidents of the Universi-
ties, or their representatives, will
meet with Conference Faculty
All members of the football
team who were on the training
table meet at the Union this
afternoon at 4:30 for transpor-
tation to the football bust in
--Ben Oosterbaan.
For more sports news, see
pages 9, 15, and 16.
much-coveted win over the Akron
Goodyears, one of the strongest
independent aggregations in the
top-notch men from last year's
squad which fashioned a 57-361
win over Michigan, Coach Jerry
Bush expects his sophomores to
take up the slack.
SINCE SOME of these issues af- group and Athletic Directors Sat-
fect overall university policy, Wil- urday, and the meetings will close
son said that the Conference had on Sunday with a joint meeting of
invited the various Presidents of Faculty and Directors.
the Big Ten schools to the meet-
ings. ON THE TV issue, Wilson stat-
Today there will be a meet-
ing of the Big Ten Publicity Di-
rectors, with Michigan being
represented by Les Etter. Tomor-
row, the Athletic Directors will
t Gift
(Continued from Page 2)
as 2nd Lieutenants and must be
between the ages of 21 and 27. On
Tues., Dec. 12, she will interview
individuals. All those interested
contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments for interviews.
The Kawneer Company, Niles,
Michigan, will interview at the
Bureau of Appointments on Wed.,
Dec. 6, for the following men: Ar-
chitects, Architectural Engineers,
Civil Engineers, Mechanical and
Industrial Engineers, and Ac-
countants. Technical men are
wanted for both professional and
sales. Please call the Bureau, Ext.
371, for appointment.
List of approved social events
for the coming week-end:
December 8 -
Am. Society Civil Engr., Kappa
Delta, Martha Cook, Sr. Class-
School of Nursing, Zeta Tau Al-
December 9 -
Acacia, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha
Kappa Kappa, Beta Theta Pi, Chi
Phi, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau
Delta, Greene House, Hinsdale
House, Kappa Nu, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Michigan Christian Fel-
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
lowship, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi
Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Tau,
Prescott House, Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi, The-
ta Xi, Triangle, Trigon, Wenley
December 10 -
Kappa Delta, Phi Delta Phi.
University Lecture, auspices of
the Department of Romance Lan-
guages. "El destierro y la soledad
en la moderna poesia espanola."
Jose F. Cirre, Associate Professor
of Spanish, Wayne University. 8
p.m., Wed., Dec. 6, Rackham Am-
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture: Prof. Linus Pauling, Calif-
ornia Institute of Technology.
"Structural Chemistry in Rela-
tion to Medicine." Rackham Am-
phitheatre, 8 p.m., Fri., Dec. 9.
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture: Sat., Dec. 9, 2:30 p.m., Room
1400, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Frank
H. Wiley, Chief, Division of Phar-
maceutical Chemistry of the Food
and Drug Administration of the
Federal Security Agency. "The
Role of the Analytical Chemist
in Food and Drug Law Enforce-
Academic Notices
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: Wed., Dec. 6, 4 p.m., Room
101, W. Engineering Bldg. Mr.
Clark will speak on "Heat Trans-
fer Pertaining to Nuclear Reac-
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
tics: Thurs., Dec. 7, 4 p.m., Room
247, W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. J.
Okabe of Kyushu University, Fu-
kuoka, Japan, continues his talk
on "Approximate Calculations of
Laminar Wake behind a Flat
Plate and Laminar Jets."
Geometry Seminar: Wed., Dec.
6, at 2 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr.
Kilby will continue his talk on
Fary's Paper on Knots.
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics: Meeting, Thurs., Dec. 7,
4 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall.
Mr. Osborn will conclude talking
on "The Transcendence of Pi,"
and Mr. Line will speak on "Con-
tinued Fractions."
"Messiah" Concerts. Handel's
oratorio, "Messiah," will be pre-
sented by the University Musical
Society Sat., Dec. 9, 8:30 p.m.,
(Continued on Page 4)
ed, "The Conference will not take
any action until after the NCAA I HI STMAS
convention in Dallas next month." A
He pointed out that the Rtg TenCA D
Television Committee has doneiCAecS
considerable research on the ef-
fect of television on sports atten- 50 for $1.25 and
He said all of this material with your name
will be laid before the meeting BEAUTIFUL BOX
along with an analysis of the ef- ASSORTMENTS
fect of the Conference's own pol--
icy during the 1950 season, when
all live telecasts were banned., and up
A report of the experiment of
theatre television by the confer-L I
ence will bediscussed too, Wilson
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