AMERICA'S ASIAN ATTITUDE See Page 4 L Latest Deadline in the State fla4t1 SNOW, COLDER VOL. LXI, No. 61 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 6, 1950 SIXTEEN PAGES S * * * * * *[ * * " * * * Press AssistantRoss Dies C House Gives Profits Bill" Full Sanction Senate Expected To Follow Suit WASHINGTON - (AP) - The. House last night passed an "ex- cess profits" tax estimated to bring in $4,600,000,000 from cor- porations in 1951. The levy was approved and sent to the Senate, 378 to 20. There Senator George (D-Ga), Chairman of the tax-writing Fi- nance Committee, told reporters that he expects the measure to reach the 'White House for sig- nature inhsome form before Jan. 1. AS APPROVED by the House, the levy would be retroactive to last July 1-a few days after the United States got into the Korean war. During the first 12 months off High U' OfficialsntPlan By VERNON EMERSON its operation it is expected to fall short of raising the full $4,600,000,000 asked by Presi- dent Truman from a tax on "excess" corporate profits. But experts of the House Ways and Means Committee, which framed the measure, estimated it would produce $4,600,000,000 in calendar 1951 on the basis of in- creased corporate earnings ex- pected then. PASSAGE CAME soon after a substitute tax bill backed by Re- publican policy leaders was de- feated, 252 to 145. The approved measure provides a 75 per cent tax on profits in excess of what it calls normal. It defines normal profits as 85 per cent of average profits for the best three years in the four- year period 1946-1949. Profits thus defined as normal would be taxable at the present top cor- poration income levy of 45 per cent. GM, Ford Up Prices of New Automobiles DETROIT --(A)- The automo- bile industry's efforts to hold the price line collapsed yesterday. General Motors and Ford--two of the industry's "big three"-an- nounced price increases on 1951 models. Both blamed higher man- ufacturing and labor costs. The action leaves only Chrysler, third member of the large produc- ers, yet to announce price plans. Chrysler will introduce its 1951 cars in January. Several independent car manu- facturers recently put higher price tags on their new models. The Ford boost, effectively im- mediately, followed by only a few hours the General Motors an- nouncement. Ford listed specific prices for its cars, while GM said prices would be disclosed when its various cars are given first public showing. Chevrolet will be introduced Fri- day, followed by Pontiac Dec. 11. UAW President Walter P. Reu- ther sharply criticized the GM in- crease in a statement late yester- day. He said the boost was "totally unjustified and unnecessary." Williams Recount Lead Now 1,558 DETROIT-(M)-Gov. G. Men- nen Williams' vote recount gain climbed to 1,558 votes late yester- day as figures in additional coun- University faculty representatives generally went along with Harvard president James Bryant Conant and his Universal Military Service plan which would place every able-bodied man in the armed forces upon graduation from high school. President Conant bases his plan, which is outlined in the current issue of Look magazine, on the immediate and future need to keep three million men under arms. HE CALLED FOR immediate enactment of UMS, to reach this goal, which he claims cannot be reached by Universal Military Train- ing or the draft alone. Warning that Russia may consider herself far enough ahead on paper to begin a war by 1952-54, the Harvard educator pointed out that a large force may be needed for years to come. He did not, however, count out present methods of obtaining men for the services. "RECRUITING WOULD have to continue at a vigorous pace, and Selective Service would have to be kept in reserve, for use in event of global war and possibly to supplement universal service. "For the next year or two, the draft and the proposed uni- versal service would be required." President Conant's plan would even use men physically unfiit to serve in the armed forces. They would serve in other capacities at the same pay, "which should not be high." "THERE SHOULD BE NO deferment nor exemptions for college students or anyone else. Dean of Students Erich A. Walter said that he could see no alternative to the plan.. "With it, our eighteen year olds may still see peace in their time," he said. But Hayward Keniston, dean of the literary college opposed the thinking behind the proposal. HE NOTED THAT any such plan would leave a gap in training of top level men in such fields as physics, engineering, medicine, and the social sciences. "And these men are vitally needed In times of crisis. Admitting that every youth must serve in time-but not now, Dean Keniston proposed a plan that was worked out at a recent meeting of deans of eastern universities. Under this plan, the nation's manpower experts would determine how many highly trained men would be needed for a given period (the present estimate is 70,000 for five years). * . * * THIS POOL WOULD BE filled by university men who would be allowed to complete their education providing they pass nation-wide tests and remain above a "breaking point" in their grade standing. Dean Keniston noted that that point would be well above the median. At present, the plan would allow juniors to finish school, with underclassmen competing to stay. But every man would serve after graduation. PROF. W. CLARK TROW, of the School of Education, had a still different proposal. He explained that if the emergency is great enough, he would go along with the universal service idea. "But the advocates of UMS should not hold out any claim of it's being an educational program as was done for UMT," Prof. Trow said. He suggested that perhaps qualified persons could be given spe- cialized university training while in the armed services, thereby elim- inating any feeling of unfairness that might arise from deferring university students. AND DEAN IVAN CRAWFORD, of the engineering college, agreed with President Conant that the situation appears so desperate at the! present time that "we must place military service above everything else." And Dean Crawford pointed out that UMS will give men ex- periences which may be bneficial in determining the profession they want to follow. But President Conant's plan is not likely to come off soon, ac- cording to Col. Charles *iegand, director of the Army ROTC unit on campus. Although Col. Wiegand said that the proposal seems the best answer to the armed services' long range manpower problems, he explained that the facilities for such a program are now unavailable. 800 DUCATS SOLD: Rose Bowl Ticket Sale Enters Final Two Days Heart Attack Hits Truman Secretary Ex-Newsman Falls at Desk WASHINGTON -()- Charles G. Ross, scholarly journalist and Press Secretary to President Tru- man, died unexpectedly at his desk in the White House late yesterday. Ross, 65 years old, was an old school mate of the President and Mrs. Truman, with whom he had "grown up" in Independence, Mo. He enjoyed an affectionate and intimate relationship with the Presidential family. s* w HE ESTABLISHED a wide repu- tation as a newspaperman during his long career on the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. He won a Pulitzer Prize in 1931-in the midst of the depression-for an article on "The Country's Plight-What Can Be Done About It?" Death was attributed to a heart attack. He was stricken at his desk while he was talking with his secretary, Miss Myrtle Bergheim, and television men. A long-time reporter himself, Ross died just after he had finish- ed a stint in the role he liked best -that of a reporter. He had given newspapermen a graphic account, down to minute details, of the f Truman-Attlee meeting. THE TELEVISION men were waiting to make a recording of a statement Ross had given the re- porters. Miss Bergheim, with whomthe press secretary liked to joke, said, "Oh, they don't want your mum- bling." She said Ross smiled and re- plied: "I don't mumble. I speak very clearly." Then, lighting a cigarette, he slumped over in his chair. Brig. Gen. Wallace H. Graham, Presidential Physician, was sum- moned immediately. "He was gone before I got there," Graham said. TWorld News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Senator Ives (R-N.Y.) called on the Republi- can leadership of the Senate yes- terday to demand formally the removal of Secretary of State Acheson by President Truman, and told a reporter he has as- surances from Senator Taft (R- Ohio) that the question may be taken up today by the Republican policy committee which Taft heads. TAIPEI, Formosa-Chiang Kai- Shek yesterday promised Nation- alist China's full support against appeasement in the Korean crisis1 and again offered to send troops.' London-West Germany re- acted strongly yesterday against a Dutch-proposed compromise plan for use of German troops in the North Atlantic Treaty organization army in Europe. S * * STOCKHOLM-The newspaper Dagens Nyheter quoted a German physicist yesterday as saying that Gustav Hertz, German atomic ex- pert who won the Nobel Physics Prize in 1925, is believed to have been killed "during some experi- ments" in the Soviet Union. GUATEMALA--The Congres- sional Election Committee ruled yesterday that Lt. Col. Jacobo Arbenz Guzman has won the * * * , . Coplon Gets Korea Plans Made INew/I neBy I eeom WASH Trumana NEW YORK-(AP)-A Federal less talke Appeals Court yesterday agreed be taken" that Judith Copion plotted to spy of circum for Russia but nevertheless revers- reported,t ed her conviction and ordered a a Dunker new trial. eventually The United States Court of Ap- pelas unanimously ruled that Miss Coplon'sa arrest by FBI aents U1 ut a warant was illegal . * * r- I THE FBI argued that hei ar- rest March 5, 1949, without a war- rant was vital lest she try to flee this country. "It is possible on another trial there may be more evidence of BV the likelihood of escape," the Uleven Appeals Court said, indicating UnitedT the FBI had not backed up its night to charge as fully as it should have. North Ko Also, the Court said, secret wire arellel, a taps could be made public and Eastern c: confidential FBI informants could E be identified to bolster the claim The a: that Miss Coplon was prepared to transmitte flee when arrested. Communi * now in N Tr urnan, Attlee INGTON-MP)-President and Prime Minister Att- d yesterday of "steps to' in Korea under any set stances including, it was the grim possibility that que-type evacuation may y be necessary. Asia Asks la Not To s Parallel The Associated Press Asian members of the Nations appealed last Communist China and rea not to cross the 38th and to give time to con- ys of settling the Far risis. ppeal was immediately ed to Wu Hsiu-Chuan, st China's representative ew York, with a request relay it immediately to THE DECISION gives the 29- year-old former government girl a fresh chance at freedom from on her in New York City last a 15-year prison sentence imposed March 9. But it does not affect a 40 months to 10 year sentence hang- ing over her in Washington on a separate count. She was convicted there of stealing government sec- rets from her Justice Department office. She is appealing that con- viction, too. Rent Control Vote Held Up WASHINGTON-(IP)-The Ad-1 ministration's timetable for House consideration of a 90-day exten- sion of rent controls was upset yesterday by the House Rules Committee. It voted 6 to 5 against clearing the legislation to the House for debate. Democratic leadershad intended to take it up today. Earlier in the day, the House Banking Committee had recom- mended passage of the measure by a 17 to 3 vote. The bill would extend until March 31 the automatic decontrol provision of the presnt law. LONG LINE OF RETREAT-Jeeps, trucks and trailers of the U.S. Second Division move slowly along a highway near Pyongyang, retreating before the million-man Chinese Communist army roll- ing down from the Manchurian border. that her Peiping. THE COUNTRIES making the appeal were India, the Philippines, Burma, Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Irag, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Sy- ria and Yemen. The Asian countries acted as Canada's Lester B. Pearson sug- gested a cease fire, Secretary General Trygve Lie called for all out efforts to settle the cri- sis, ,and the steering committee of the United Nations sent the issue to the full assembly. Pearson, Canada's external af- fairs minister, said the talks should begin if and when the military situation is stabilized in Korea. MEANWHILE, Trygve Lie; Sec- retary-General said in New York City, he still hoped for a peaceful settlement of the Korea conflict but confessed he could not pre- dict the outcome of the present emergency. Drive Progress The Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project has received pledges from 80 per cent of the members of this additional group: Acacia THEY SAID THE American and British leaders were canvassing the question of what their course should be in case any one of three eventualities occurred: The advancing Red Chinese hordes, for some reason, should voluntarilyrstop their forward pro- gress. General MacArthur's forces shouldbe able to hold a defense line in Korea, about which there is no certainty. The UN forces should find themselves unable to keep any foothold at all in Korea. There were no further details, although officials said the Presi- dent and Prime. Minister were determined to support UN action in Korea to the limit. SL Will Elect NVew Cabinet OfficersTodayv New cabinet officials for the coming semester will be elected by the Student Legislature in their meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. Exactly who is contesting what position was unknown last night, as nearly all Student Legislators seeking cabinet posts were unde- cided as to what position they wanted. George Roumell, '51, present SL president, was the biggest ques- tion mark. Although there are in- dications of a movement by some. legislators to draft Roumell for the 'presidency, he declared that he had not yet decided to run. If Roumell does run and is re- elected, it will be the first time in recent SL history that a president has done so. Other possible candidates for the presidency are Len Wilcox, '52, and Dave Belin, '51BAd. What these two students do is largely dependent upon Roumell's deci- sion. For the vice-presidency, Irv Stenn, '52, Hugh Greenberg, '51, and perhaps Bill McIntyre, '53, are possible candidates, B u t here again, exactly who. will contest the vice-presidency depends on the outcome of the race for the presi- dency. Regroup On New Line. in Northwest Northeast Troops Still Encircled TOKYO - (P) - The United, States Eighth Army, still a fight. ing force, today awaited the van- guards of a 1,000,000-man Chinese. Communist Army from a new de- fense line in northwest Korea. It had halted its retreat from Pyongyang toward the 38th paral- lel. But there was no retreat yet for 30,000 United States troops trapped in northeast Korea where appearance of Red forces close to the coast increased the peril. . *. A TEMPERED note of optimism for the northwestern situation was voiced by Gen. J. Lawton Collins United States Army Chief of Staff. "I think the Eighth Army is capable of taking care of itself," he said after a flying front line inspection Tuesday. Asked at a news conference in Seoul whether the atomic bomb' would be of worthwhile tactical use in Korea, the Chief of Staff re- plied: "Virtually not, from what I saw yesterday." * * * PRECISELY where the Eighth Army has set up its new lines was a carefully guarded military sec- ret. AP correspondent Don Huhi said he saw large United Nations convoys move south of the 38th parallel whie is 70 miles south of Pyongyng. A possible suggestion that it was °a defense line in depth eame in re. ports from the field. These told of North Korean guerrillas being driven out of positions along com- manding ridges and hills north of the 38th. * * * ALREADY the Chinese were in abandoned. Pyongyang where Al- lied air attacks dealt them deadly blows. Approximately 2,500' Reds were killed by air action there yes- terday, United States Fifth Air Force Headquarters reported. But patrols moving out from the new Eighth Army defense line reported few contacts be- yond minor skirmishes. In Washington, Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chairman of the Unite1 States Joint Chiefs of Staff1.was reported to have told Senators that, Allied forces had reached positions making possible a giant evacuation of Korea by sea-if necessary. Lat- er, however, he said his talks with the Senators on that subject had reference solely to northeast Ko- rea. A Defense Department spokes- man said that on the northeast front the Chinese Reds pushed a speadhead eastward and cut the main highway between the two major east coast ports of Hung- nam and Wonsan. Wonsan is headquarters of the United States Tenth Corps. Hung- nam, port for the industrial city of Hamhung, is about 50 air miles north of Wonsan. It serves as the supply center for chopped up seg- ments of the United States First Marine Division and Seventh In- fantry Division, making a fighting withdrawal some 50 miles to the northwest. YPIs Suggest PlanTo Stop War. in Korea The Young Progressives last night adopted a three point pro- gram aimed at ending the Korean crisis and preventing it from le- veloping into World War III. The proposals which according to the YP are "the three basic de- mands for the best interests of the American people and the rest of the world" call for President Truman to do everything within his power to prevent use of the With over 800 Rose Bowl tic- kets already sold during the first two days, students and faculty members have today and tomor- row left to place their orders. Ticket manager Don Weir re- ported a slight decrease in sales yesterday in comparison with Monday's receipts, but predicted "the usual last minute rush be- fore the deadline tomorrow at The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and students must present their ID card and pay for the ticket when it is re- served. * * * WITH THE PRICE set at $5.50, married students and faculty members can buy two, each stu- AFFECTS APPROPRIATIONS: 'U' Below Average in GI Enrollment Students studying under the GI Bill at the University are far fewer than the average for col- leges throughout the country, a report by the U.S. Office of Edu- figures closely, because the 1950 Legislature has a stipulation in the appropriation bills that will affect the University and Michi- gan State College. "Of the total appropriation of $11,572,945 for this year $606,000 of it was to be given us only if we showed a reduction in fees equ'al -to that amount. Inasmuch