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December 05, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-05

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'u :S)AY, I)ECJiVIBE,A5, 1960U


Marshall Plan Extension

AMONG THE MANY issues destined for
prolonged debate in the new session of
Congress is the question of extending Mar-
shall Plan aid after 1952. Recently Senator
Bricker of Ohio, in a statement which could
very well reflect future Republican policy
on the matter, declared that the United
States definitely should not continue Mar-
shall Plan aid when the present bill expires.
Another quite different recommendation ap-
pears, however, in the Gray Report.
Composed of information gathered by
Gordon Gray, who is a former Secretary
of the Army, the report has summarized
many important facts about the relative
value of the Marshall Plan thus far. It
then goes on to make certain recommen-
dations for the future.
The conclusion Gray arrives at is that
the Marshall Plan should definitely be con-
tinued. Of course, as Gray points out, few
people actually thought that the Marshall
Plan would come to an abrupt halt in 1952,
even had it progressed much better than it
has. And even if, in the next year or so,
some of the countries that we are aiding
become much more self-reliant than they
now are, there will still be many that have
not recovered enough to do without aid
from us. Mr. Gray stresses the point that
the rearmament program has put a tempor-
ary setback in the economic recovery of
many of the countries we are aiding.
It is these countries that Mr. Gray has in
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.

mind when he advocates changing-if the
plan is renewed-the present setup so that
it will be easier for the countries that are
borrowing from us to spend their money in
other countries, as well as ours., For it is
only in this way, according to Gray, that
these countries will ever be able to regain
their position as a nation capable of stand-
ing on its own.
But by far the most important point
brought out in the report is that efficiency
must be stressed far more than it is now.
To accomplish this, Gray has suggested that
agencies be established to "administer for-
eign economic programs." The idea behind.
this is to bring about better coordination of
the whole program.
For it appears that one of the chief de-
fects in the Marshall Plan now is in the
inefficiency of some of the countries re-
reiving our aid. Greater pressure must
be brought to bear upon them to make
their tax systems more equitable; for in
different instances, the report declares,
a country will take taxes from the poor
and give them to the rich.
Undoubtedly there will be much opposi-
tion in the next few years about whether
to continue the Marshall Plan. And con,.
sidering the money and effort we have
already spent, this reaction is to be ex-
pected. But we must remember that if the
money we have expended thus far is to
have any salutary effect in European coun-
tries, the Marshall Plan must be carried
through until Europe is once again on its
feet. The Marshall Plan needs improvement,
yes. but that improvement should come in
the form of the recommnendations made in
the Gray Report, rather than by dropping
the plan altogether.
-Larry. Rothman.

IT'S BEEN A carefully hushed-up secret
between the State Department and Al-
bany, but last summer, Governor Dewey dis-
cussed with Secretary of State Acheson the
idea of becoming American Ambassador to
Great Britain.
Although Governor Dewey's office re-
fuses to discuss the matter, what happen-
ed was this. Early in the summer and be-
fore Dewey changed his mind about run-
ning for re-election, he asked for a meet-
ing with Acheson. He specified that the
meeting should be neither in the State
Department nor in the Roosevelt Hotel,
Dewey's New York City headquarters; so
the two met in the home of Roger Straus,
President of the American Smelting and
Refining Company whom Dewey had plan-
ned to make Secretary of Commerce if
elected in 1948.
Later, Dewey decided to run for a third
term and the idea went up in smoke. How-
ever, the man who helped persuade Dewey
to run for governor again, the Chase Bank's
Winthrop Aldrich, also knew of Dewey's
foreign-policy plan, and out of this came
the appointment of Walter Gifford, former
head of the American Telephone and Tele-
graph Company, to the post Dewey wanted
-an appointment which has all the poli-
ticians puzzled.
What most people don't know is that Ache-
son, despite the red label pinned on him by
Republican Senators, has long been Wash-
ington attorney for J. P. Morgan and the
various Wall Street interests. He has also
known Winthrop Aldrich and the Rocke-
feller group which dominates the Chase
Therefore, when Dewey reneged on his
budding ambassadorial career, he and his
New York banking friends sold Acheson on
Walter Gifford instead. That was how Tru-
man happened to appoint a big money-raiser
for Dewey to the most coveted of all diplo-
matic posts.
Note-Though Dewey wanted to promote
the bipartisan foreign policy for his friend
Acheson and though Gifford's appointment
was sold to Truman with the understanding
he would swing GOP support, it didn't work
out that way at all. On the day before elec-
tion, Dewey spent all day on the television
vehemently denouncing his friend Acheson's
foreign policy in China. It helped him clinch
the election.

"We've Got A Good Ally Fighting Yugoslavia For Us"





i e .1

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or with~held from publication at the discretion of the


(Continued from Page 3)
Los Angeles, Oakland, San Fran-
cisco, Philadelphia, Texas, and
many other cities. For further in-
formation and appointments call
at -the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Bldg.
University Lecture, auspices of
the Department of Astronomy and
the Department of Physics. "The
Origin of Radio Frequency Radia-
tion and Cosmic Rays in the Gal-
axy." Dr. A. Unsold, Professor of
Theoretical Physics, Kiel Univer-
sity. 4 p.m., Tues., Dec. 5, 1400
Chemistry Building.
Lecture, auspice of Delta Sigma
Pi, Professional Business Frater-
nity. "How to Sell Yourself." Mr.
L. Clayton Hill, Professor of In-
dustrial Relations. 8 p.m., Tues.,
Dec. 5, 130 Business Admin. Bldg.
All students invited.
University Lecture, auspices of
the Department of Romance Lan-
guages. "El destierro 'y la soledad
en la moderna poesia espanola."
Jose F. Cirre, Associate Professor
of Spanish, Wayne University. 8
p.m., Wed., Dec. 6, Rackham Am-
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: Wed.,
Dec. 6, 10 a.m., Room 1520, E.
Mbedical Bldg. Speaker: Dr. Carl
A. Lawrence. Subject: "The Use
of Radiations in Microbiology."
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues.,
Dec. 5, at 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell
Htal. Dr. Jack McLaughlin will
speak on "Distributivity."
The University Extension Ser-
vice announces that registration
may still be made' in the eight-
week course on general semantics,
titled Scientific Living II. A con-
tinuation of Course I, the lectures
deal with the effective use of lan-
guage in the professions and in the
home; practical suggestions on the
correct use of words; general se-I
mantics and social reconstruction;
the mind-body problem. Registra-
tion in Course I is not a prerequi-
site. Noncredit course, eight weeks,'
$5.00. Prof. Clarence L. Meader.-
Tues., 7 p.m., 171 Business Ad-
min. Bldg.

[+' ART +

FOR THE REMAINDER of December two
exhibitions are concurrently featured by
the Museum of Art in Alumni Memorial
GAN," the Museum's third exposition of
current developments in regional art, is de.
voted to textiles, metalwork, and ceramics.
The other show, "WATER COLORS AND
JOHN S. NEWBERRY," is eloquent proof
of the affluent catholic taste of the Curator
of Printsand Drawings at the Detroit Insti-
tute of Arts.
With several puzzling exceptions the
drawings and water colors are of very fine
quality. Possibly the inclusion of two speci-
mens of John Carroll's over-refined work
can be explained as a consequence of the
Woodstock artist's commisson to execute
the ethereal and vapid murals in the north-
west gallery of the Institute of Arts.
Curiously enough one of the most highly-
regarded artists of our epoch is represented
by one of the least inspiring drawings
shown. Max Beckmann's weakly-conceived
"Ice Man" has little to offer other than the
signature of the great Expressionist who
triumphed in the University's "Begin the
For those who are not familiar with the
work of the Pacific Northwest's recluse,
Morris Graves, here is an opportunity to
become acquainted with two moving ex-
amples of a singularly personal expression-
a rare fusion of East and West that I like
to think may survive. "Bluebird" and
"Wounded Sea Gull" are two variants in
At The State ...
Garson, Walter Pidgeon and Leo Genn.
ALTHOUGH IT WAS shown approximately
nine years ago, my recollection is that
the original Miniver picture had a trifle
more verve and dash than its wispy suc-
The main characters, the indomitable
Minivers, are back and by a maladroit
twist of the story line (which had precious
little merit in the first place) several new
characters have been introduced. The most
fatuous, perhaps, is an American colonel
who, during his wartime stay in England
has fallen in love with Mrs. Miniver's fey,
albeit dignified, beauty. This character
(played by John Hodiak who receives, in-
credibly, co-star billing) is presently sent
home presumably, to an unloved wife.
The actors go through their paces as
though sleep walking and have no relation-
ship (coincidental or otherwise) to living
people. Pidgeon, as the titular head of the
Miniver clan, shows little interest in the
proceedings and Miss Garson needs Techni-
color or something to compensate for her
almost complete lack of acting ability. Cathy
O'Donnell and a youngster whose name es-
capes me at the moment are simply awful.
The synthetic sets are peopled with large
numbers of Hollywood's British colony who
seem to become less real with every picture.
The only acting worth any mention is es-
sayed by the always competent Leo Genn as
the married brigadier infatuated with the
Miniver daughter Though the role calls for
hm to shout, move abruptly, pound out

gouache of an obsessive, mystic-romantic
symbol. The persistent image of the eerie
winged creature in its sundry manifestations
is an uncanny suggestion of the frailty of
the human spirit in its struggle with the
phenomena of the external world. Titles of
others of his paintings, as "Little Known
Bird of the Inner Eye," "Insanely Lonely
Bird," and "Joyous Young Pine," more
clearly convey the implication. The ghostly
black and white calligraphy, the mortal
crimson, of the "Wounded Sea Gull" ema-
nate the same disturbing psychic mood as
the more delicately-elaborated "Bluebird,"
an equally macabre, almost ectoplasmic pre-
sence, self-illumined in its spectral aura of
white. Encysted insulated from its murky
environment in a crystalline matrix of bold
framing rubbed lines, it turns a penetrating
and troubled gaze full on the spectator.
This is far more than a study in ornithology.
Less occult, but no less brilliant, the two
handsome water colors of Lyonel Feininger
share with the above the guerdon of "best
of the show." They are magnificent inter-
pretations of sea and atmosphere, organ-
ized almost schematically through sparing
use of straight lines into luminous planes,
With its subtly-composed polygons of gray-
green, black, and brown. "Marine II" is a
pellucid miracle of. the shimmering spatial
essence of the vast sea-world.
Tchelitchew and Eugene Berman are
shown to good advantage respectively by
the strong "Africa" and the Neo-Romantic
"Imaginary Figure."
Walter Stuempfig and Stephen Greene
have invested their figure drawings with
more freshness and individuality than the
literal anatomical nudes of Paul Cadmus,
which are typical products of the life draw-
ing class. A somewhat enigmatic contrast to
any of these is Jared French's "Beach Mu-
sic," a carefully-devised wash drawing on
gesso, whose distinction lies in the simple
monumentality of the forms-reminiscent
of Piero della Francesca-and in the pecu-
liar vibrancy of the submerged pale red
that brings life to an otherwise flat gray.
Although there are Michigan painters
who could hold their heads high in such
company, perhaps Wallace Mitchell of
Cranbrook was not the most felicitous
choice. He is not at his best in the meticu-
lous "Abstraction," but, in any event, his
best seems a limited, decorator's art of
sparkling patterns, precise minutiae, too
coldly tidy in conception and rigidly con-
trolled in execution to allow full expression
of a promising talent.
GAN" I can only advise that its lovely ex-
hibits be given a fair share of attention.
Too limited an understanding of the art
forms on display deters me from venturing
a detailed critical estimate, but I am im-
pressed by the professional finish of these
textiles, metal objects, and pottery. The
latter particularly includes many vases and
bowls of striking size, shape, glaze, and tex-
ture-some with delightful designs incised
or laid on with pigment or slip. These may
be acquired by the connoisseur whose dis-
crimination has sound financial backing.
-Donald R. Matheson.
New Books at the Library
Gheorghiu, C. Virgil-The Twenty-Fifth
Hour. New York, Knopf, 1950.
Kane, Harnett T.-Pathway to the Stars.
Garden City, Doubleday, 1950.
Moyzisch, L. C.-Operation Cicero. New
York, Coward-McCann, 1950.
Rich, Louise D.-My Neck of the Woods.


HERE SEEMS to be no end to the feast
of musical delights offered this year by
the Choral Union Series. Sunday's concert
by Sir Thomas Beecham and the Royal
Philharmonic Orchestra marked another
highpoint in a stellar concert season.
The music was music of a bygone era-
an era in which ease, charm and a pleasant
courteousness were not deemed foreign to
musical perception, dynamism and beauty.
Sir Thomas neither conquers his orchestra
nor dictates over it; he collaborates with
it, and thereby achieves a spontaneity of
response which is superior in both a human
and a musical way.
The program itself was a disappointing
hodgepodge. I could have done nicely with-
out the opening Rossini, and should willing-
ly have sacrificed both Delius and Massenet
to another Mozart symphony. This was
the only disappoinment, however, for in
execution the garnishing as well as the soul-
satisfying main course were superlative.
By "main course" I refer, of course, to
Beecham's Suite from Handel's opera "The
Faithful Shepherd," and to Mozart's
"Prague" Symphony. The lyric grace of the
Handel and the classic majesty of the Mo-
zart gave ample evidence of Beecham's ex-
cellence in the 18th century repertory. The
Suite is a fine piece, and Beecham's or-
chestration of. it rich, neat and tasteful.
The Mozart was the highpoint of the eve-
ning for me. It is a remarkable symphony
and was remarkably read. Beecham con-
ceived it with breadth and continuity, with
refined detail and gossamer delicacy, with
interpretive insight and executive sheen.
The Rossini Overture bore testimony to
Beecham's operatic understanding, and it
was rewarding to hear Rossini treated with
respect. The Delius one-movement concerto
for violin and orchestra (David McCallum
soloist) is an interesting, albeit soporific,
work, rhapsodic in character but filled with
some rather fascinating sounds. Massenet's
"The Last Sleep of the Virgin" for muted
string orchestra was played with exquisite
tonal beauty, and the dance from Strauss'
"Salome" was a strange combination of
abandon and refinement; there was some
excitement, but I heard no frenzy.
The orchestra sounds like an ensemble of
highly skilled and individually confident
musicians. They play with security, ease
and pleasure. The strings have a silken

Warsaw Congress.. ..
To the Editor:
LAST WEEK the Second World
Congress of the Defenders of
Peace took place in Warsaw.
People of many countries of the
world and of many political and
religious views participated. Their
belief was that peace can be ac-
hieved if the people of the world
demand it.
Behind them lies the greatest
successful mass movement in all
history: the more than 500 million
signatures to the Stockholm Peace
Appeal, collected in less than half
a year in scores of countries
throught the world. The Appeal
calls for the banning of the A-
bomb and the branding as a crim-
inal any nation which uses it
first. This expression of the yearn-
ing for peace represents a mighty
threat to any potential aggressor.
Such an aggressor would have to
reckon with the wrath of hun-
dreds of millions.
With this great success behind
them, the Congress decided to ap-
peal for the reduction of all types
of armament of all nations by one-
third to one-half within two years.
Why, then, did the British gov-
ernment refuse to allow 500 dele-
gates to the Congress come to
Sheffield when it had planned to
meet there? Why did Attlee, af-
ter allowing the Congress to be
held in England, refuse to let the
delegates come in? Why did he
force them to meet in another ci-
ty, Warsaw?
Why did the U.S. government re-
fuse passports to Paul Robeson and
Howard Fast to attend this peace
congress? Why was Fast told by
the government that it is not in
the interests of the U.S. for him
to attend this peace congress?
Since when is it not in the in-
terest of the American people to
make every possible effort to pre-
serve peace, to explore every pos-
sible channel? How can it be ex-
plained that people who want to
struggle for peace are denied ac-
cess to a peace congress, a con-
gress endorsed by Einstein and
Thomas Mann, by the French Ca-
tholic prelate Abbe 'Boulier, by Pi-
casso and W.E.B. Dubois, the great
Negro histrian?
-Myron Sharpe,.Grad.
* * *
Appeasement ...
To the Editor:
ENGLISH and French leaders are
trying their best to force a
Chinese Communist appeasement
upon us. These two ill-governed
countries of lazy people are not
seeking a negotiated peace for hu-
manitarian reason. They fear an-
other war in Europe and want
full U. S. protection for them-
selves. At the same time, they are
jealous of our progress. There is
nothing the English and French
would enjoy better than using their
diplomacy to slow down our pre-
paredness so that Communism can
later destroy us in a surprise at-
This country is descended from
people that were dissatisfied with
the dirt, indolence, and corruption
of Europe. This young country of
ours worked ambitiously for the

multitudes of goodness we have to-
day. It is absolutely ridiculous to
let the governments that our par-'
entage renounced and disinherited
destroy us by dictating a false
After preparedness, an all-out-
war against Russia will be an ea-
sier task for us than Mussolini's
conquest of Ethiopia. Once the
Bear's head is cut off, his claws
won't hurt you.
Prolonging the present situation
increases our danger. Let's not ap-
pease Stalin like we once appeased1
Hitler. Let's not have anymores
cockeyed English Peace. Remember
Chamberlain's "Peace in Our1
Time?" Destroy Communism be-
fore it destroys mankind.I
-Nistor Potcovat
* * *
Suggestion * ,
To the Editor:'
IN CASE the plans for the new
literary college building, now be-
ing constructed, include space for3
an inscription over the entrance, It
suggest the following quotation as
well suited to the purpose:
"This institution is based on
the illimitable freedom of the
human mind. For here, we are
not afraid to follow truth wher-
ever it may lead, nor to tolerate1
error so long as reason is left
free to combat it."t
This was written in 1820 byf
Thomas Jefferson, founder of thet
University of Virginia. But it is
ever more appropriate to a univer-
sity today, when this ideal is so
greatly in need of reaffirmation
and acceptance.t
-Philip Dawsont
* * *
Reunion . .
To the Editor:
Hamhung, Korea
WORD of The Daily's 60th An-I
niversary Reunion just reach-
ed me out here at the end of the
line. I wish I could have been back1
for it and, belatedly, I'd like to
pass on congratulations to the pre-i
sent editors for carrying on Thet
Daily tradition of a free college
It's just ten years ago that The
Daily had two of its finest edi-
tors: Carl Petersen, Managing Ed-
itor, and Mel Fineberg, Sports Ed-
itor. Carl died in Germany, Mel on
Luzon. Both were fighting for the
same thing they had fought for as
Daily staffers.
I hope on the 60th anniversary
that The Daily alumni remember-
ed Carl and Mel as those of us1
who worked with them so oftenf
-Stan Swinton1
(City Editor, 1940)
. ' 'I
To the Editor:
F RIDAY'S Daily Official Bulle-
tin (Vol. LXI, No. 57) contain-
ed a short announcement regard-
ing Christmas caroling; it says, in
"Christmas caroling by recogniz-
ed student groups is authorized
Monday through Thursday. . . .
Groups planning caroling partiest
must notify the Office of Student
Affairs before Friday noon . . .
Mixed groups . . . must registerl
chaperones.... married couples 25

String Quartet Class under the
direction of Paul Doktor and
Emil Raab will be heard at 8:30
p.m., Wed., Dec. 6, Rackham As-
sembly Hall. Program: Beethoven's
Quartet in E flat, Op. 18, No. 6,
with Nathalie Dale and Shirley
Sullivan, violins, Elizabeth Woldt,
viola and Daphne Ireland, cello;
Three Songs for Contralto and
String Quartet by Hernried, with
Joan Zapf, soloist, and Mendels-
sohn's Quartet in D major, Op.
44, No. 1. Vern Erkkilla and Theo-
dore Johnson, violins, David Ire-
land, viola, and Jerome Jelinek,
cello, will play the final work.
Stanley Quartet with Benning
Dexter, Pianist, will play the sec-
ond and final program in its fall
series at 8:30 p.m. Tues., Dec. 5,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The
concert will be composei of con-
temporary works, two of which, Al-
vin Etler's Quintet for Piano and
String Quartet, and Quincy. Por-
ter's Quartet No. 8, were commis-
sioned by the University of Michi-
gan and dedicated to the Stanley'
Quartet. The Quartet in A minor,
No. 4, by Ross Lee Finney of the
School of Music faculty, will close
the series. Open to the general
Events Today
Congregational, Disciple, Evan-
gelical and Reformed Guild: Tea:
4:30 to 5:45 p.m., Guild House.
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
S.R.A. Council report at Lane
Hall, 8 p.m., for publicity picture.
S. R. A. Executive Committee
meets at Lane Hall, 5-7 p.m.
SquareDance Group meets at
Lane Hall, 7 p.m.
Ice Skating Club: Ensian Tic.c
tures will be taken at 2:15 p.m.,
at club session at the Coliseum.
Intermediate Swimming and
Life Saving Class (Women) Meet
at the Coliseum for ice-skating,
8 p.m.
Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:15
p.m., Union.
Chess Club Meeting: 7:30 p.m..
Union 3D.
Science Research Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 5, Rackham
Amphitheatre. Program: "Hard-
ness Variation in Diamond," by
Jack A. Kohn, Mineralogy. "The
Adrenal Cortex in Relation to-Nor-
mal and Cancerous Growtht," by
Burton L. Baker, Anatomy.
Young Progressives: "The Crisis
in Korea." Speakers: Cal Lippitt,
Chairman, Mich. YPA. Plans to
produce the play They Shall Not
Die. 7:30 p.m., 1018 Angell Hall.
Quarterdeck Society: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Room 3-R, Union.
(Continued on Page 6)

years of-age or older may serve as
chaperones.... Judiciary Council
requires that women students spe-
cify on sign-out sheet the name
of the group... ."
This has me puzzled, and I won-
der if someone would clarify the
regulations by answering the fol-
lowing questions:
1. Does a single student consti-
tute a-group? If not, would it be
a violation of University regula-
tions for the single student to hum
or whistle carols to himself on the
street during the specified carol-
ing period? If a single student is
considered a group, how should he
obtain recognition for himself so
that he may participate to the
fullest in some good, old-fashion-
2. If a married couple under 25
years of age wants to go caroling,
must they be chaperoned by an-
other couple over 25 years of age?
3. Can we obtain a list of ap-
proved carols, so that none of us
will abuse this privilege by sing-
ing offensive Christmas carols? Is
there any particular key in which
recognized carols must be sung, or
can we just throw caution to the
winds and sing in any old key?
4. Have all law enforcement of-
ficers been provided with lists of
students who don't belong to re-
cognized groups, so that violators
can be rounded up for the safety
of the community?
5. Will unauthorized caroling
groups be fined? In keeping with
the spirit of the season, would it
be asking too much to request that
any caroling fines imposed be kept
below $2,000 per unrecognized
--James L. Rogers
*. * *
Praise . .
To the Editor:
MY PRAISES to editorialist Rob-
ert Vaughn, who in his piece,
"Axe & Pen-Knife," turned out
one of the very best editorials the
Daily has published in a long time.
Not only was the editorial to the
point, but the manner in which
the writer achieved his point de-
serves much praise, and attention
from his fellow editorialists on the
--Rus Gregory '53

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown........... Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger........City Editor
Roma Lipsky ..........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas.,..*......Feature Editor
Janet Watts .. .......... Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan...A......Associate Editor
James Gregory.......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly.............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell.....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton...Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans........... Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Pau) Schaible....,Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press, is exclusively
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All rights of republication of all other
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription durin regular school
year: by carrier. $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


LSo we'll confine our jolly
Christmas festivities to the
immediate family, Barnaby.
It's best that way, anyway.


Just you, your mother and
father and your old Fairy
Godfather gathered 'round
the hearth, happy faces
reflecting the glow from


I'd better get on with it-
This Yule log needs time
to dry out before Christmas.
Nothing like a well-seasoned
log to burn brightly...

Cush)amochreepPrefly harsf
uh_ '

I -

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