MARSHALL PLAN EXTENSION See Page 4 Aft Latest Deadline in the State ai t f , Lk- .... SNOW VOL. LXI, No. 60 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1950 SIX PAGES S S 0 Snyder Asks Big Excess ProfitsLevy Predicts Controls Of Wages, Prices ~WASHINGTON - (- A') - Secre- tary of the Treasury Snyder said yesterday that Congress should provide the full $4,000,000,000 in excess profits tax asked by the ad- ministration, and get ready for an even more massive tax program next year. At the same time Snyder pre- dicted that general wage-price controls will have to be invoked "to avoid damaging inflation." * * * BUT THE MAN who. would be in charge of such controls, Alan Valentine, Director of Stabiliza- tion, indicated to another group of Senators that the government has not yet organized a staff to carry out the controls even if it wished to do so. Valentine declin- ed to be specific on the timing of administration plans to apply wage and price controls. Meanwhile, Snyder told the Senate Finance Committee that the critical world situation may push government spending up next year by 50 per cent, for a possible total of $67,000,000,000 in the fiscal year beginning next July 1. Snyder told the committee, "the events of the past few days in Ko- rea and in other parts of the world testify to the compelling need for the enactment of additional pro- fits taxes at this congressional ses- sion." * * s HE WAS the first witness as the Truman, A flee Confer on Crisis Declare 'Determination' To Reach Understanding; More Talks Today WASHINGTON-(IP)-President Truman and British Prime Min- ister Attlee, after an emergency face-to-face conference, announced last night their "determination" to understand each other's problems in meeting the fast darkening world crisis. The American and British leaders reported this much progress in a "frank discussion" at the White House lasting one hour and 35 minutes. They reviewed "the general world situation in the light of developments in the Far East" where their troops are falling back be- fore a horde of Chinese Communists. A JOINT STATEMENT issued after the opening conference gave *no hint as to the specific topics discussed. The Prime Minister and SSthe President arranged to resume Stheir extraordinary discussions aboard the President's yacht Wil- liamsburg today after a noon Governor S lunch. The meeting was hurriedly summoned at Attlee's request six and a half hours after he land- ed here from London. He came Tato work out with Truman a joint By The Associated Press approach to the grave problems LANSING - The S e n a t e ahead of the free world in meet- snubbed Gov. Williams last night ing the suddenly expanded Com- by confirming David M. Martin, int sgddenly ' Flint Democrat, as a member of Theuni ein. the State Liquor Control Commis- The only specific action men- sion after the Governor tried to i tioned in the brief statement was withdraw his name. that Gen. Omar Bradley, chair- Earlier yesterday Williams noti- man of mericandothies fied the Senate that he was with- of Staff, summarized the latest su-military devolpments in Korea~ drawing Martin's name and sup- during the meeting. planting him by George Burke, Jr., - * . of Ann Arbor, member of an old THE TALKS capped a day of line Democratic family, tense devolpments. Appraising the legislature's ac- President Truman held an tion last night, Burke expressed hour-long discussion on the crisis doubt that the governor could with the four top Democratic cons "mandamus the legislature" to gressional leaders. None would withdraw its confirmation of Mar- comment; all looked grave. Civil Defense Bill Brought To Congress Administration Asks 3 Billions WASHINGTON-UP)-The Ad- ministration yesterday presented Congress a $3,100,000,000 program for building bomb shelters and otherwise mobilizing the nation's defenses. Nearly two-thirds of the money would go for "communal type" shelters, designed for protection against atomic warfare. JAMES J. Wadsworth, a top official of President Truman's newly created Civil Defense Ad- ministration, said the federal gov- ernment proposed to match the expenditures of cities and states on a dollar-for-dollar basis in the construction of the bomb shelters. Wadsworth said field tests will begin in the immediate future on a number of bomb shelter types. When the tests are com- pleted, he said, specifications for individual and community shel- ters will be issued to states and cities. Wadsworth said the Federal government proposed to put up about $1,670,000,000 or 54 per cent of the total outlay for thej -Daily--Jack Bergstrom DEAN SPEAKS--Dean of Student Erich A. Walter stands up and speaks out for fraternities, in the open hearing on the controversial east side zoning ordinance. In the company of student repre- sentatives, Dean Walter hit the attitude of certain landholders who are trying to rid the zones of fraternities and other group houses, and said that no vote should be taken at this time. Students File Compromise Move Seen three-year states and viding the program, wi local governme remainder. th the nts pro- Senate Finance Committee opened tin. hearings on President Truman's Burke was reluctant to com- request to siphon off $4,000,000,000 ment on the action, explaining, "If of abnormal corporate profits into think I should leave the comment the federal treasury. to Gov. Williams." Later, in a statement, Gov. Wil- The House, meanwhile, started liams said, "It Is regrettable that debate on its version of an ex- the opportunity to acquire the ser- cess profits tax, recommended by vices of a man like George Burke, a majority of the members of Jr., of Ann Arbor, received no con-1 the Ways and Means Committee. sideration from the Senate." With a base somewhat narrower than the administration asked, the bill was estimated by com- mittee experts as likely to yield about $3,400,000,000 a year. Snyder, however, figured the po- tential revenue from it at only $3,000,000,000. As the House debate started, Re- publican leaders there came up with a proposed substitute plan which they said would yield $200,- 000,000 or $300,000,000 more than the Ways and Means Committee measure. Their plan would couple an increase in the normal tax rate on corporations with an excess profits levy. Five Indicted For Contempt Of Congress WASHINGTON - (P) - Three atomic scientists and two men de- scribed by a congressional com- mittee as organizers were indicted here yesterday for contempt of Congress. The scientists, who worked in the wartime radiation laboratory at the University of California, are Giovanni R. Lomanitz, Irving D. Fox, and David J. Bohm. The others indicted are Steve Nelson, described by' the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee as Communist Party organizer for western Pennsylvania, and Marcel Scherer, accused by the Committee of helping Nelson es- tablish a Communist cell in the laboratory at Berkeley, Calif., where the scientists were employ- ed. The charges stemmed from the refusal of the five to answer ques- tions put to them by the Un-Amer- rWilliams Gets Recount Lead DETROIT - {P) - Democratic Gov. G. Mennen Williams slowly but steadily pulled farther ahead in his bid for reelection yesterday as 21 of the state's 83 counties got rolling on a recount of the.Nov. 7 election. With only 189 of the state's 4,355, precincts recounted-all but 15 of them in Wayne country-Williams moved 1,400 votes ahead of his Republican rival, former-Governor Harry F. Kelly, on adjusted fig- ures. The original state canvass of last month's vote for governor showed Williams re-elected by 1,154 votes, out of nearly 1,900,000 cast in the state. Red Leaders Argue Quietly In HighCourt WASHINGTON-(P)-The case of 11 Communist leaders convicted of conspiracy to "teach and advo- cate" the violent overthrow of the United States government was ar- gued sedately yesterday in the Su- preme Court. The four-hour debate-which revolved around the constitution- ality of the so-called Smith Act- proceeded calmly in sharp con- trast to the stormy New York trial before Federal District Judge Harold Medina. Attorney Harry Sacher led off the attack of the convicted Com- munists on the legality of the law under which the 11 were given prison sentences of three and five years each. political ideals. Sacher, who was sentenced to a six-month jail term for his con- duct during the New York trial, presented his arguments in what at times was almost a half-whis- per. HE GAVE the following break- down:. 1. For "communal" shelters - $2,250,000. The United States gov- ernment would contribute 50 per cent. 2. For heavy equipment used in fire fighting, engineering, trans- portation, communications, rescue service - $200,000,000. Again the, federal government would pay half, and state-local governments the rest. 3. For cost of local personnel and administration, supplies and equipment needed by volunteer workers-$200,000,000. This would be financed by the states and local communities themselves. 4. For regional stockpiles and materials, including engineering supplies, blood plasma, medical and evacuee supplies-$400,000,- 000. This would be provided by the federal government. 5. For communications and con- trol centers-$32,000,000, all pro- vided by the federal government. Bowl Ticket Applications "Several hundred" students and faculty members stood in line yes- terday to get first crack at tickets to the Rose Bowl. "We've been too busy all day to stop and figure out just how many people actually applied for tic- kets," ticket manager Don Weir said. BUT HE noted that there will still be enough tickets for any stu- ALL SPRUCED UP Library Doors Flanked By Padded Evergreens, In Fraternity Zone Fight World [Nws Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The Alaska Statehood Bill was pushed aside -probably for the rest of the session-in the Senate yesterday. Democratic Leader Scott Lucas (Ill.) sidetracked the bill when he withdrew his motion-which the Senate had been debating for six days-to take up the measure. LONDON - The 12 Atlantic Pact Nations -including wary France - were reported last night nearing agreement on a fresh plan for using German troops in Western Europe's de- fense. The plan, proposed by the Dutch, was said by diplomatic informants to contemplate ap- pointment' of a civilian high commissioner to supervise re- cruiting of German troops. OTTAWA, Canada-In a major statement of Canadian foreign policy, External Affairs Minister L. B. Pearson said yesterday he is opposed to use of the atom bomb against Communist China "while' there is any chance at all" of preventing the spread of the Kor- ean War. Diary of Student IStudied for Clues See PLANS Page 6 dent or faculty member that ap- plies for one before the Thursday deadline. "Students who wish to pur- chase the ducats should fill out an application blank at the tic- ket office in the Athletic Ad- ministration Bldg.," Weir ex- plained. They must present their ID card and pay for the ticket then. The office is open from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Tickets are priced at $5.50. Each student is entitled to only one, al- though married students and fac- ulty members are allotted two. Weir explained that no refunds will be made after the tickets are purchased. "Students have until Thursday to complete their trip plans, and should know by then if they are going to use the tickets." He said that any tickets when not used, will just mean empty seats at the Bowl. "The job of re- funding money and reselling tic- kets is too big-in fact I still have tickets from the last game we pWayed at Pasadena that were not picked up," he related. . Tickets purchased here cannot be obtained until the day before the game in Pasadena. Drive Progress The Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project has received contributions from 80 per cent of the members of this addi- tional groups: Greene House A compromise move to create 'a special "fraternity zone" seemed probable last night, at the close of a hearing held to help decide the fate of fraternities, sororities and co-ops in the city's top zoned east side areas. The hearing ended with a de- cision by the Council to postpone action for two weeks. PROF. A. D. MOORE, chairman of the Council committee on ordi- nances, suggested the creation of an "A2" zone, specifically designed to take'in the group houses. The amendment discussed would ban the, houses from "A" and "AA" zones by reclassifying them as multiple dwellings, which are not permitted in the highly restricted areas. The 75-minute hearing, held in the crowded, smoke-filled Council chambers, was punctuated by rip- ples of applause as fraternity, so- rority, co-op and administration representatives presented their cases against the proposal. * * * PROF. MOORE pointed out that UN Assembly. Asked to Judge Chinese Attack NEW YORK - R) - The Big Three Western powers and three other Security Council /members yesterday asked the veto-free United Nations General Assembly to sit in judgment on Red China's intervention in Korea. The move came in a telegram addressed to Secretary-General Trygve Lie by Britain, France, the United States, Norway, Cuba and Ecuador. Warren Austin, Chief U.S. dele- gate, said the next move is being delayed for instructions from Washington where President Tru- man and Prime Minister Attlee were talking. The instructions will cover sub- mission of a memorandum pro- mised by the six nations to ex- plain the request for Assembly ac- tion. Austin said he expects the memorandum to be presented to- I day. some definition of terms must be made. "If the fraternity area is to be rezoned after that .. . well, all right, but they must be given their true definition first. Any oth- er way would be chaotic." Bob Vogt, '51E, IFC president, asked to have the amendment combined with a-.rezoning mea- sure, so that the group houses wouldsnot be placed in the posi- tion of not knowing where they stood. Erich A. Walter, dean of stu- dents, said that "now is not the time to vote." ',' * * . IF THE proposal is made law, the fraternities, sororities and co- op houses already located in the "A" and "AA" zones may remain there, but no new ones may be built nor may additions or altera- tions be made. Thus, Dean Walter said, if a house is forced to close its doors for more than the period stated because its members have been drafted, for instance, it may not reopen. "The city has grown along with the students. It should realize this and not vote on the proposal now." William Brown, mayor of Ann Arbor, scored the importance of zoning. "We value otir citizen's rights-the University nor any part of it should not try to swal- low us up." * *4 * AFTER TAKING the vote to postpone action on the zoning is- sue, the City Council decided unanimously to hold up the vote on the extension of rent controls in Ann Arbor. Prof. Russel A. Smith, chair- man of the Council special com- mittee on rent controls, explain- ed that to actually extend the controls locally after the federal controls expire in December, the Council must pass an ordinance sanctioning a resolution to ex- tend the control. Prof. Smith said that he had planned to present the ordinance last night, but as the federal gov- ernment may act imminently to extend the controls on a nation- wide basis, he advised the Council to wait for two weeks to see what the government would do. British Fight Rearguard Engagemuents Guerrillas Slash At UN Retreat U.S. EIGHTH ARMY HEAD- QUARTERS, Korea -(.A)- Obser- vation planes reported to the Eighth Army early today that Communist forces had occupied Pyongyang ail- field. The field was one of two air- ports abandoned by American forces last night in their retreat south before hordes of Chinese Communists. THE BRITISH 29th Brigade co- vered the withdrawal of the Americans and South Koreans then itself began moving south through Pyongyang's center across the ice-cloked Taedong. U.S. engineers blew up a new- ly rebuilt railroad bridge lead- ing out of the city, as the re- treating Eighth Army traded space for time to avoid entrap- ment. Red guerrillas were active along roads between Pyongyang and Seoul. They were North Koreans bypassed earlier in the war when the UN tide rolled north. ONE GUERRILAS force near Sibyon, 70 miles southeast of Pyongyang, attacked and drove back elements of the U.S. 187t Airborne Regimental combat team. Reinforcements moved into the area. Near Singye, 55 miles south- east of Pyongyang, a guerrillar band of 2,500 men was concen trated. Other guerrilla. bands were in action within 40 miles of Seoul. The Chinese Communist masses, who have compelled the U.S. Eighth Army to retreat more than i40 miles since Nov. 24, were under dawn-to-dusk air attack north of Pyongyang. THE FAR EAST Air Force re- ported its planes killed 2,100 Reds in North Korea yesterday pushing the last three-day total past 6,000. Overwhelming outnumbered, Lt. Gen. Walton H. Walker, commander of the U.S. Eighth Army, was intent on keeping his force as intact as possible. In the yesterday afternoon sum mary MacArthur said Chinese Communist forces had hurled 268- 000 men as shock troops against the UN army. Back of these came an immediate reserve of 550,000 more men. Moving up from cen- tral China toward the flaming war fronts were an additional 200,000. This totaled 1,018,000 Chinese to which must be added an addition- al 100,000 to 150,000 Red Koreans. * * * CORRESPONDENT Leif Erick- son reported from Eighth Army Headquarters that the pullback might go as deep south as Seoul, 125 air miles to the southeast. There a perimeter could be thrown around the Republic of Korea cap- ital and the escape port of Inchon AP correspondent Don White- head, with the retreating army, said a decision must be made soon whether to stand and fight or quit Korea altogether. White- head reported that most military men in the field believe the Chi- nese were determined to destroy the Eighth Army. Significantly, Gen. J. Lawton Collins, U.S. Army Chief of Staff, flew to the war zone for confer- ences with top commanders after a meeting with General MacArthur in. Tokyo. A top-level decision could be in the making. On the isolated northeastern front, fighting was heavy and bloody. In sub-zero ,temperatures, Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond's trapped Tenth Corps-three U.S. divisions and two Republic of Ko- rea divisions--battled for life over vast distances. The Corps was spread thin over 23,000 square miles of frozen wasteland. Storms A afn K * A tall pair of healthy-looking conifers are maintaining their Yuletide vigil on the Library steps today-and both of them are put- ting up a false front. The twin evergreens were chop- ped from a University-owned lot near Dexter and hauled in yester- day by the Plant Service. Their thick, full appearance is mostly illusory. While the sweep- ing limbs branch out in balanced symmetry, a goodly number of them are affixed by wire or just jammed into a crotch. Onlookers wondered if maybej fhazon~oprv cir mpWPrp obained v:- I ,Y": PATENTOFFICE PADDLED: High Court Slams Gavel on Gadgets WASHINGTON--(P)-T h e Su- preme Court lost its patience yes- terday with gadget-makers who want to get patents, and it crack- said, "has placed a host of gad- gets under the armour of pat- ents," in seizing an opportunity in nand its own iurisdiction. THE COMPANY appealed from a ruling of the U.S. District Court in Detroit. It contended the claims were invalid for lack of in- :i I