THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3,195-' '4. Ih Middies Shackle Cadets, 14-2 Ends Today I MICHIGAN DAILY Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .54 1.21 1.76 3 .63 1.60 2.65 4 .81 2.02 3.53 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline daily except Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays, 11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. BUSINESS SERVICES Experienced typist wishes work to do in home. Ph. 2-4942. )31B KIDDIE KARE Reliable sitters available: Ph. 3-1121. )10B GOOD RENTAL TYPEWRITERS now available at Office Equipment Ser- vice Company, 215 E. Liberty. Guar- anteed repair service on all makes of typewriters. )6B VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist. 308 S. State. Legal, Master, Doctors dis- sertations, etc. 2-9848 or 2-4228. )12B TYPING - Accurate worx, reasonable rates. Phone 3-4040. )3B WASHING - Finished work and hand ironing if preferred. Also rough dry and wet washing. Free pick-up and delivery. Ph. 2-9020. )1lB TYPEWRITERS AND FOUNTAIN PENS Sales, Rentals, and Service Morrill's - 314 S. State St. )4B FOR SALE MENS RUBBER FOOTWEAR-Toe Rub- bers $1.49, ankle-high galoshes $3.75, 4-buckle dress galoshes $3.75, high zipper galoshes $4.88. Open 'till 6 p.m. Sams Store, 122 E. Washington. )5 CANARIES, parakeets, finches, and cock- atiel. Bird supplies and cages. 562 S. Seventh at West Madison. )2B CHRISTMAS Gift Rates on TIME and LIFE now available. Phone Student Periodical Agency 2-8242 to order. )2 FORMAL TAILS like new with accessor- ies. Coat size 38, waist 32, will sell reasonably, 8285. )117 ROOMS FOR RENT MALE STUDENT wanted to share two room apartment. Call evenings 2-6348. ) 61R TOURIST HOME for Overnight Guests. Bath, shower, reasonable rates, 518 E. Williams St. Phone 3-8454. )12R 3RD FLOOR STUDIO NEAR CAMPUS- Prefer two to four art or arch. men students. Linens, use of dark room. Student landlord. Ph. 2-8545, 6-7. )23R PERSONAL PERSONALIZE your Christmas Cards with photographs of your family or drawings of your home, by the Litho- printing process. Braun-Brumfield, Inc. 308 S. State, Ph. 2-2615 or 3-8243. )38P AO ENSIANS for $1.00. Those are your earnings every time you sell 10 Michi- ganensians. Start selling today! If interested call at the Ensian offices of the Publications Building. LEARN TO DANCE Jimmie Hunt Dance Studio 122 E. Liberty Phone 8161 )1P WILL GIVE piano lessons. School Hof- Music senior. Phone 2-8242. )2, COMING HOLIDAY PARTIES it costs so little to learn to have fun at RAY HATCH DANCE STUDIOS 209 S. State Ph. 5083 )4P LOST AND FOUND LOST Nov. 22-Universal wrist watch. Telephone 3-0895. T. E. Parker. )96L LOST Thursday morning between bus. ad. bldg. and Waterman gym, a ring of keys with miniature 1949 license plate. Reward. Call 2-8765. )97L LOST-Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity pin. $5 reward. Call 2-4790. )95L FOUND - One Ensian Salesman (fe- male). Owner can pay reward of $5.00 and pick her up any time next week at 420 Maynard. Michigan Ensian. LOST-Ronson Adonis lighter initialed A. L. K. Phone 9434. Anne Kermath. )88L PERSONAL STILL THE BEST BUY IN 3 meals a day $9.00 a week.C J. D. Miller's Cafeteria. TOWN! Club 211, )2P TRANSPORTATION RIDE WANTED to and from vicinity of Dearborn daily. Box 22 Michigan Daily A.A. )35T WANTED RIDERS to San Diego, L.A. or cities on southern route. Leaving Dec. 22. Phone 2-2283. )36T ARE YOU goin' to the Rose Bowl Game? You can drive a Cadillac, Oldsmobile or others.. Free gas. Call WO 55768 or come to 103 W. Vernor, Detroit. )34T WANTED TO RENT WANTED-Garage in vicinity of East Quad. Call evenings 2-3046. )13W HELP WANTED CLOTHING SALESMAN Experienced.Full or part time. Apply DIXIE SHOPS 224 S. Main Phone 9686 )45H FOR RENT TWO ROOM furnished apartment near campus, share bath. Box 31. )25F WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY-Two tickets for Royal Philharmonic Concert. Pho. 3-4870. )35x Read and Use Daily Classifieds "THE MIGHTIEST WAR DRAMA EVER SCREENED ... IT RIPS THE. HEART TO SHREDS AND TATTERS" N. Y. Journal American Starring LEW AYRESt .LOU IS WOH E IM hom ERICH MARIA REMARQUE'S .o..I Direced by LEW% MILES NE Aword Wnner Supplementary Program of Exceptional Miniatures An Intimate Theater Bringing Cinema Triumphs From All Nations Zastrow Leads Inspired Navy; Army'sWin Skein Shattered All Seats 50c M ti1l Fgn NOW SHOWING (Ends Tuesday) Continuous from 1 P.M. TWO GREAT STARS together for the first a ROMANTIC ADVENTURE(1 (Continued from Page 1). their moleskins with joyful aban- don as the regiment of Midship- men yelled its hysterical approval. ZAstrow, the big junior, who had been able to drive the Mid- dies to only two victories, over Southern California and Coluin- bia, in eight previous starts, really cme into his own. The pride of Algoma, Wis., played himself a tremendous game. No individual in Army's backfield even approached his brilliance. He scored the Middies' first touchdown midway of the second Last Laugh PHILADELPHIA-tP)-Army coach Red Blaik was mad be- cause his mighty Cadets were rated second instead of first in the Associated Press Foot- ball poll, Coach Eddie Erdelatz said that he was mad too: "We're 65th and we ought to be 64th," joked the Navy mentor. Then the Middle team got mad and gave the Black Knights a black afternoon to the tune of 14-2. quarter by bulling his way sriiack through the center of Coach Earl Blaik's favorite line for seven yards, climaxing a drive of 27 yards after recovery of a fumble by Army's Al Pollard. TWENTY SECONDS before the first half ended he ran far to his left, dodged two Army tack- lers, and rifled a scoring pass into the arms of Jim Baldinger, a tall end from Pittsburgh, who "out- rassled" a pair of Army defend- ers for the ball in the end zone. Roger Drew of Kenilworth, Ill., placekicked both extra points. Army's lonely two points came in the third period when Zas- trow, chased behind his own goal line as he tried to spot a receiv- er, had to "eat" the ball rather than risk an interception and was hit by Bill Rowekamp and Bob Volonnino of Army. It didn't really matter, as by that time there was little, if any, doubt of the outcome. The statistics gave a fairly ac- curate guage of Navy's superior- ity, though they could not quite tell of the futility of Army's of- fense until the game's late stages, when Al Polland got away on sev- eral nice runs. The Middies ripped for 13 first downs against Army's five. At one point early in the second half the count was 12-1. The Tars smashed an even 200 yards on the ground to the Army's 77, perhaps the most astonishing figure of all. They passed for 68 yards to Army's 60. It was a good, solid, nourishing demonstration of superiority. It didn't seem possible, but it hap- pened here. Mule Kicked ... F I I NAVY First Downs..........13 Yards Gained Rushing .200 Passes Attempted...... 10 Passes Completed....... 5 Yards Gained Passing .. 68 Passes Intercepted By .. 5 Punts .................. 8 Punts Average.........40 Yds. Runback of Punts 23 Fumbles Lost .......... 4 Number of Penalties ... 9 Yards Penalized....... 65 ARMY 5 77 24 6 60 1 , 39.5 65 3- 3 35 I BEN JOHNSON - CLAUDE JARMAN, JR. - HARRY CAREY, JR. 1. CARROL NAISH - CHILL WILLS - VICTOR McLAGLEN SONS OF THE PIONEERSh EXTRA ! { FDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the Uni- versity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552' Administration Building, by 3 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11 a.- m. Saturdays). SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3,1950 VOL. LXI, No. 59 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to stu- students from 4 to 6 o'clock on Wed., Dec. 6. Members of the University Sen- ate: Because of delay in its mail- ing, the time for answering my letter of November 24 is extended to December 6. R. A. Dodge, Chairman Senate Advisory Committee Presidents of fraternities are reminded that monthly member- ship reports for November dust be filed on or' before Dec. 5 with the Office of Student Affairs. "UNBEARABLE BEAR" COLOR CARTOON PARAMOUNT NEWS Read and Use The Daily Classifieds! i Christmas caroling by recogniz- ed student groups is authorized Monday through Thursday, Dec. 18, 19, 20, 21. Groups planning caroling parties must notify the Office of Student Affairs before Friday noon, Dec. 15. Mixed groups planning to return to stu- dent residences must register cha- perons. Resident Directors or mar- ried couples 25 years of age or older may serve as chaperons. Resident Directors are notified that women students (either as individuals or members of spon- soring groups) have midnight per- mission for caroling parties pro- vided that such parties are an- nounced in the D.O.B. as. approv- ed. The approved list will be pub- lished Sat., Dec. 16, and Sun., Dec. 17. Judiciary Council requires that women students specify on sign- out sheet the name of the group giving the party. Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Meeting, Mon., Dec. 4, 4:10 p.m., Room 10- 25, Angell Hall. 'AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of Nov. 6, (pp. 1629-1636). 2. Memorial for Prof. Neil C. Van Deusen. 3. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the call to this meet- ing a. Executive Committee-Prof. L. G. Vander Velde. b. Executive Board of the Gra- duate School-Prof. Leo Gold- berg. c. Deans' Conference - Dean Hayward Keniston. 4. Special Order. Revision of the Faculty Code re the Administra- tive Board and the Scholarship Committee. 5. Report of the Committee on Examination-Prof. P. S. Dwyer. 6. Discussion: The Qualifications for Promotion and Salary In- creases., 7. Announcements. 8. New business. (Continued on Page 4) No. Main - Opp. Court House Mat. 30c Nights A Sun. 40c TODAY Thru WED. DEMiS 0'KEEFEj MANIE r'PLtDOA$ C EAx-H LLIFIMS PLUS CO-HI4 --- STARTING TODAY / This is the SEQUEL to one of the greatest pitures tvf ;'2;". " ' 2x':;;; : $ ds:;f.:S:fifr,:r,>i".;;:i't:: ir i:;r s? ' .I ,: of all timel X'C Attast! The further story of beauti- ful Mrs. Miniver, her secret romance and exciting adventurel i# 3ZXI Mrs. Miniver discovers that her daughter is in love with a married man: M-G.M presents M s' * P GREEK GARSON-WALTER PIDGEON The ® 0 stq Mmm ncT oe rn ? :a: :" ix :;": :fir fa r :. CO-STARINGU~I AfHM U Ufl K I(MISNNRu The frank letter from another man is revealed. Mrs. Miniver has a mret ser. I i I