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December 02, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-02

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China's Reds,
India Discuss
War Situation
Assembly To Get
Issue Next Week
NEW YORK - (P) - India's
Sir Benegal N. Rau met yesterday
with Red China's representative
in the first attempt here at con-
ciliation of the Korean crisis.
He said later he still hopes for
a solution.
"It was my impression that they
too would like a peaceful settle-
ment," Sir Benegal said to news-
men after a conversation of al-
most an hour with Wu Hsiu--
Chuan, Chinese Communist repre-
sentative to the United Nations.
"It is that which makes me hope-
RAU SAID he hopes to see Wu
again before Monday. It was in-
dicated that they talked only on
' preliminaries and did not get
down to brass tacks.
Wu also talked with Secre-
tary-General Trygve Le-for an
hour and a half in the new UN
building in Manlattan. Lie's
spokesman said they discussed
general matters and Lie showed
Wu the New York City skyline.,
UN delegates at the same time
spoke gravely of Gen. Douglas
MacArthur's coment that his
lack of authority to hit the Chi-
nese Communists across the Man-
churian border from Korea is "an
enormous handicap, without pre-
cedent in military operations."
No one here would comment pub-
licly except T. F. Tsiang of Na-
tionalist China, who said he
agreedifully with MacArthur.
THE UN GENERAL Assembly is
expected to start on the Red-
China Korean crisis early next
week after the West decides what
resolution it wants to offer. ,
The President of the Assembly,
Nasrollah Entezam, appealed yes-
terday to world leaders to keep
clear heads in the Korean crisis
and not be "blinded either by
hatred or fear. He told the As-
sembly it must consider the prob-
lem because the Security Council
was stymied by a Russian veto.
Two Students
Face Bookie
Lee Setomer, Grad., and Robert
McGuire, '53A, will be arraigned
at 9 a.m. today in Circuit Court
before Judge James R. Breakey,
The two were arrested Tuesday
< by Ann Arbor police on a charge
of registering bets. The authori-
ties said that Setomer and Mc-
Guire were the heads of student
run football pools on campus
which were exposed in a series of
Daily articles.
* * *
IT STILL was not known yes-
terday what the students would
There are three possibilities
open to them, Assistant County
Prosecutor Edmund Devine ex-
plained: They may plead guilty,
not guilty or nolo contendere.
The third means that they won't
plead guilty, but neither will
they contest the case.
Devine would not comment on
an informed source's report that
the two would plea Aolo con-

LOUIS BURKE, Ann Arbor at-
torney who is representing Mc-
Guire-and Setomer, also would not
say anything definite. in regard
to their pleas. "I haven't talked
to those fellows yet," he said. "I
talked to them a bit when they
were arraigned. I expect I'll see
them first thing in the morning,"
he declared.
Whatever the plea, Devine ex-
plained that the case would not
be ended today. If the two plead'

Truman Asks


* * *n
More Armls Funds

Balance Sheet-
Shows 'U'Deficil
A deficit in the University's General Funds budget for the
1949-50 year was disclosed yesterday in the University Financial Re-
General Funds income was $18,862,841 while General Funds ex-
pense was $19,008,899. This represents a deficit of $146,058.
MOST OF THE MONEY available for teaching, research, and
public service activities, is provided by the General Funds which
includes the State Legislature appropriation and revenue from stu-
dent fees.
Revenues of the University's self-sustaining units such as
Residence Halls, the University Hospital, student publications .
and athletics brought the University's total income to $37,909,661


Pact Allies
Seek Quick
WASHINGTON - (R) - Mili-
tary leaders of the Atlantic Pact
Powers plan to meet soon to seek
a quick accord on united defenses
for Western Europe, it was re-
ported yesterday.
Substantial progress was said
to have been made toward solv.
ing the dilemma of how to gear
German troop units into the com-
bined force. Working committees
have been pounding at the prob-
lem since a deadlock arose among
the treaty nations last October.
* * *
MEETINGS in London next
week may poiit the way to a
speedy solution, it was indicated.
This, in turn, would clear the way
for the selection of a supreme
commander for the combined
force. This is the post expected to
,be handed Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
American leaders prodded for
action amid the urgency of a
mounting world war threat.
President Truman said Thurs-
day that establishment of the
European force must be speed-
ed up.
A British defeise spokesman
said yesterday that military lead-
ers of the North Atlantic Powers
will report Tuesday in London on
their progress toward forming a
United Western Defense Force.
Drive Progress
The Michigan Memorial
Phoenix Project has received
contributions from 80 per cent
of the members of these addi-
tional groups.
The house groups are:
Sigma Phi
Delta Gamma
Theta Chi

while total expenses were $37,-
526,703 for the 1949-50 year.
The Financial Report empha-
sizes three major fields of Uni-
versity operation: teaching, re-
search and public service.

A RECORD total of 33,156 stu-
dents received training from the
University in credit and profes-
sional programs last year, accord-
ing to the report. In addition,
10,527 were taught in non-credit
classes. This brings the total num-
ber of persons who received in-
struction to 43,683.
This tremendous teaching
load was handled by a full-time
staff of 1,309 as compared with
1,187 the previous year. Also a
record number of graduates was
reported. Degrees were granted
to 7,091 students in August,
February and June.
Organized research cost the
University $5,135,520 during 1949-
50. All except $704,675 of this
amount came from sources other
than the state appropriation.
* * *
OUT OF ITS instructional and
research activities have evolved
many University public services
such as the educational work of
the Extension Service, the Medi-
cal School program of affiliated
training in 16 Michigan hospitals
and public service broadcasting
from the campus.
Student fees for the year
amounted to $6,582,710 while
the state appropriation was
$11,436,315. Trust funds and
research projects (these from
gifts, grants, or contracts for
reasearch) supplied $5,895,434.
Income of the hospital and af-
filiated units was $6,442,620.
Publications, athletics and
other student activities had an in-
come of $3,055,244, while residence
halls and other living quarters
operated by the University had
an income of $3,442,040.
Major items of expense were as
follows: instruction and research
$12,203,644; student serviceseand
aid, $1,409,611; plant operation
and maintenance, $2,172,601; bus-
iness operation and special ser-
vices, $704,275; research and
other projects financed by trust
funds, $5,437,621 hospitals, $6,-

War Threat
Forces Call
For 18 Billion
Army Issues Call
For 50 Thousand
WASHINGTON -- (A) - Presi-
dent Truman asked Congress yes-
terday for a vast new outlay of
$17,850,000,000 to build for vic-
tory in Korea and prepare for pos-
sible attack "in other parts of the
At the same time the Army step-
ped up its draft call and the Navy
and Air Force lowered their stan-
dards for volunteers to speed ex-
pansion toward the military man-
power goal of 2,800,00 set by Pres-
ident Truman.
The President said the armed
forces now have a strength of
more than 2,225,000, and he told
the lawmakers, "Our goal, until
this most recent act of aggression,
has been a strength of 2,800,000
by the end of the current fiscal
year. Now we face the necessity of
having to raise our sights."
In his message to Congress,
the President branded the Chi-
nese Communist assault in Ko-
rea as "naked, deliberate and
unprovoked" aggression, but he
declared that whatever happens
"we shall not falter or turn
The President went over the sit-
uation in a tense, h ur-long meet-
ing with congressional, military
and diplomatic leaders at the
White House. At noon, he sent a
message to Capitol Hill urging the
lawmakers to act with the "ut-
most speed" in providing $16,800,-
000,000 for swift expansion of the
Army, Navy and Air Force.
HE ALSO asked $1,050,000,000
to speed the atomic energy pro-
gram for production of A-bombs
and development of the hydrogen
* * *
Cadwell Given
'TOP Civilian
Defense Post
Truman yesterday set up a Fed-
eral Civilian Defense Administra-
tion and named a former governor,
Millard F. Caldwell Jr., of Florida,
to head it.
Caldwell's appointment to the
$17,500-a-year post, effective at
once, was announced after he call-
ed on the President.
* * 4,
PENDING IN Congress is new
legislation creating such an agency
and the post of administrator with
vast powers to guide the nation
into a state of readiness to meet
any enemy attack.
However, the President put
Caldwell to work by executive
order. His salary is to be paid
out of the President's emergency'
fund pending congressional ac-
Employes at work on civilian
defense planning under the Na-
tional Security Resources Board
will shift over-to Caldwell's com-
The appointment does not -re-
quire Senate sanction until legis-
lation is enacted covering it.
Caldwell, 53 years old, was gov-
ernor from 1945 to 1949 and now
practices law at Tallahassee. He
told reporters he would fly home
tonight and return here Tuesday
or Wednesday. He called the new
assignment "a tremendous job."

Caldwell was given authority to
appoint a $16,000 a year deputy
administrator. The new adminis-
trator will be instructed to pre-
pare "comprehensive federal plans,
and programs" for the Civil De-

Calif .-()-A late-and pro-
per-Bostonian millionaire was
revealed yesterday as one of
the world's great collectors of
nude paintings, as his $750,000
hideaway here was sold to a
church for a reported $60,000.
The three and one-half acre
ocean front estate in this Los
Angeles suburb belonged to the
late Harvey C. Wheeler.
In his estate were found hun-
dreds of paintings of beautiful
nude women, some hung on thej
walls of the 18 room mansion.
But most were stacked in their
frames, like surplus furniture.

GREAT EXPECTATIONS-Char Miettunen, '52, lines up a shot
on one of the Union's pool tables in joyful anticipation of the day
when she can shoot pool there legally.
Union Gives Experimental
P lan for Co-ed Recreation

Attlee Will
LONDON-(A')-Prime Minister
Attlee will urge President Truman
in their talks next week to avoid
war with Red China at all costs,
British informants said yesterday.
Attlee will confer with French
Premier Rene Pleven here and may
take with him the support of the
Paris government for a moderate
Western policy in Korea.
* s
ASSOCIATES pictured Attlee as
believing firmly that avoidance of
war with Communist China is the
only way to keep Western unity.
Attlee will leave tomorrow,
spend Monday conferring with
British officials in Washington,
and see President Truman Tues-
Attlee probably will speak on be-
half of most commonwealth gov-
ernments as well as his own.
He is expected to insist that
possible use of the atom bomb
against the Chinese is a ques-
tion which the United Nations,
not the United States alone must
The Attlee-Truman talks, how-
ever, will probably go well beyond
the atom bomb issue.
Yogt To Hit

Six Armies
Building UP
For Attack
Chinese Advance
In Northwest
TOKYO-(I)-S i x Communist
armies-at full strength each has *
40,000 troops-appeared today to
be building up for a powerful at-
tack aimed at turning the UN
right flank and rolling on to
Pyongyang, the former North Ko-
rean capital 30 miles south of a,
new UN defense line.
And eight of 18 Chinese Red di-
visions massed in Northwest Ko-
rea were reported bearing down
toward the east flank of the new
defense line.
SWARMS of U.S. Fifth air force
fighter-bombers strafed and ro-
keted the southbound columns, In-
flicting heavy casualties.
The abated Communist offen-
sive, which already has rolled the
U.S. Eighth Army back 40 miles,
appeared developing against
Songchon. It guards the flank
of UN defenses 30 miles north of
In the snowy Northeast sector,
cut-off American Marines and in-
fantrymen made slow headway on
both sides of the Changjin reser-
voir in efforts to break out of Red
traps and pull, back south.
* * *
U.S. 10TH CORPS headquarters
reported that Marines on the West
side of the ice-covered reservoir
had abandoned Yudam and were
under fierce attack from three
sides. The leathernecks were try-
ing to reach Hagaru, at the south
end of the reservoir 10 miles
southeast of Yudam.
U.S. Seventh Division infan-
tymen on the east side still
were hemmed in against the res-
Enemy fire also kept closed a
seven-mile segment of the main
supply route' soith between Ha-
Baru and Koto
Red losses were heavy. Tenth 4!
Corps officials said more than
6,000 of the enemy have bee} kill-
ed in Northeast Korea in the past
five days.
* r
THE LULL which fell over the
critical Northwest front Thursday
continued. But three Red divisions
-possibly 24,000 men-were seen
moving southward toward Song-
chon. Another Red division was
reported in the Samso area,
27 miles northwest of Songchon.
Near Kaechon, seven miles north
1,000 Chinese changing from uni-

of Sarnso, air observers spotted
forms into civilian clothing-a
ruse aimed at faciliting nfiltra-
The Reds smashed three South
Korean divisions defending the
east flank and forced the Eighth
Army to pull back hastily across
the Chongchon to avoid a trap.

University co-eds accompanied
by Union members will have the
limited use of Union recreational
facilities for three and one half
months under provisions of an ex-
periment revealed yesterday by
Union president Jerry Mehlman,
From Dec. 18 until spring va-
cation in April escorted co-eds
will be allowed to use the bowling
alleys, ping pong and billiard
tables, and the Union cafeteria
and Taproom.
* * *
ideas of co-ed recreation for some
time, and created the Union Liai-
son Committee earlier this year to
Galens Yule Drive
Lags on First Day
The Galens almost reached the
halfway mark in the first day of
the Annual Christmas Drive for
$5,000, according to Don Griffith,
'51 Med.
The actual collections for the
first half of the two day drive was
set at $2,450. "This figure is
slightly below the first day tabu-
lations for past drives," Griffith'
pointed out.
"But if we have good weather
and generous contributions, I'm
confident that the goal can be
reached," he continued.

test opinion on the changes. This
group discussed how to improve
the Union, and backed up the idea
of allowing. women students es-
corted by Union members to enjoy
the Union activities. Armed with
this approval of many campus or-
ganizations, the proposal was
brought up before the Union
Board of Directors meeting.
This group decided to test
campus reactions to permanent
co-ed Union relations by this
experimental period.
The Board will review the co-ed
use of facilities marie possible by
this drastic change in Union poli-
cy two weeks before spring vaca-
tion, and decide whether it should
be a permanent policy.
LONG THE DEN of masculinity
on campus, except for dance
nights, the Taproom and adjoin-
ing cafeteria will be open to the
women and their dates from 2:30
to 5:30 daily and from 7 to 11 p.m.
Fridays and Saturdays.
Four of the seven bowling al-
leys will be available to women
guests from 9 to 11 p.m. on Fri-
days, from 7 to 11 p.m. Satur-
days, and from 1 to 6 p.m. on
Three billiard table and four
pong tables have been marked
for co-ed use, and these may be
used at the same time the bowling
alleys may be used, except 'that
Friday nights activities may begin
two hours earlier at 7 p.m.

Interfraternity Council and Pan
hellenic Association will protest a
proposed change in Ann Arbor
zoning law at 7:15 p.m. Monday at
an open meeting'of the City Coun
IFC President Bob Vogt will re-
port that 17 fraternities and eight
sororities have building plans to-
taling about $1,500,000 which
would be killed by the amendment.
House presidents, IFC and Pan-
hel officers and fraternity alumni
will be at the meeting, according
to Vogt.
The proposed amendment would
prevent fraternities, sororities and
co-ops from building new houses
or adding to their present build-
ings in certain zones.
"Many houses have already
bought land or material. for their
planned building," Vogt said.
"They would suffer heavily if the
amendment were passed.

world News Roundup
By The Associated Press
HANOI, Vietnam, Indochina,-Conquest of the Indochinese king-


doms of Laos and Cambodia is a
Minh, Communist rebel leader.
for Alaska and Hawaii was vir-
tually written off as dead yes-
terday for this session of Con-
Senator Cordon (R-Ore), a
strong advocate of Alaskan
statehood, conceded in a Senate
speech that he was "under no
illusions". that the enabling leg-
islation can be passed in the
present short session, which
must end by Jan. 3.
* * ~ *

newly announced aim of Ho Chi
Commission acted yesterday to
speed a final decision on the
need for regulation of natural
gas deliveries by Panhandle
Eastern Pipe line co. in the Mid-
It ordered intermediate deci-
sion procedure omitted in two
phases of a consolidated hear-
ing now under way, thus plac-
ing those phases directly before
the commission for decision.

Orders Called
Big 'Handicap'
By MacArthur
Douglas MacArthur said yesterday
that orders forbidding him to
strike across the Korean border at
the Chinese Communists are put-
ting United Nations forces under
"an enormous handicap, without
precedent in military history."
MacArthur called the situation
in Korea critical but not hopeless
in view of the tremendous re-
sources that the free nations of
the world still can throw into the
He said it wouldn't be appropri-
ate for him to comment on the
possible use of the atom bomb
against the Chinese Reds-al-
though his chief intelligence offi-
cer said the situation is not des-
perate and implied that the bomb
is not needed.
Highly placed administration
sources in Washington said it is
the United States government
rather than the United Nations


Philharmonic To Play Tomorrow

Tomorrow night's concert by the
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of
London is a sell-out except for a
limited number of standing room
To be presented at 8:30 p.m. ina
Hill Auditorium, the first Ann I
Arbor appearance of the famed

public sale, and they are for
standing room only, are the un-
called-for tickets belonging to
members of the Choral Union.
They will be sold until noon to-
day at the Office of the University
Musical Society in Burton Tower.
Any remaining tickets will be old
at the Hill Auditorium box office

Dance of the Seven Veils" from
"Salome" by Strauss.
The Royal Philharmonic Or-
chestra was founded by Beecham
in 1932 and is associated with the
Royal Philharmonic Society, the
world's oldest organization cre-
ated for the encouragement of or-
chestral and instrumental music.

Brewster (R-Me) told the Se-

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