THE TIME IS NOW See Page 4 dYI A6F ICBM, Mt n r4 ga Latest Deadline in the State 4444*&®rr :43 t I ML . CLOUDY, SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LXI, No. 56 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1950 EIGHT PAGES C U.S. Claims China Reds World Threat Austin Tells UN Wu Lies, Distorts LAKE SUCCESS -()- The Chinese Communists are chal- lenging two-thirds of the world, the United States declared yester- day, and the United Nations must show it will not submit to threats nor tolerate military actions against the UN. Warren R. Austin, top Ameri- can delegate, said Peiping's re- presentative here had lied and distorted the facts in a defiance which must be answered by speedy action to stop the spread of war in Asia. SHARPLY ANSWERING the long attack on the U.S. Tuesday by Wu Hsiu-Chuan, Peiping's re- presentative, Austin said he de- nied categorically Wu's charges that the U.S. and UN commit- ted aggression in Korea. ."In the course of his speech," Austin told a grave-faced coun- cil, "General Wu contrived to challenge two-thirds of the world, defy the United Nations, and dismay the friends of China. Glorifying peace, he sounded threatening. Invited here to give information and shed light, he gave only distortions, sland- ers, half-truths, and outright lies, some big, some small. # "General Wu went very far yesterday to show that his hand is against all men's. Let him give heed lest he go home from this place with all men's hands against him." r a r AUSTIN SAID once niore that the United States and the UN have not committed aggression in Korea, and are not threaten- ing China. He then called on the Coun- cil to vote speedily-perhaps to- morrow-on a six-power resolu- tion which ,cals on Peiping to pull its soldiers out of Korea quickly and assures Peiping that China's legitimate inter- ests will be protected. Some delegates were discussing a time table calling for a vote on the resolution tomorrow. The' Soviet Union is expected to veto the proposal. With that veto, the Western delegates would appeal to the General Assembly Friday. They hoped for quick debate in the As- sembly and perhaps a decision for collective action by the weekend. After Austin spoke, Jacob A. Malik launched into a Russian attack of more than an hour on the United States' role in the Far East. He said Turkish and Philippine forces fighting in the ' UN army in Korea are vassals of the United States. Malik said Austin had shed "crocodile tears" about sons dy- ing in Korea. Estep Predicts Court Okay for tMeCarran Act Prof. Samuel Estep of the Law School told a meeting of Students for Democratic Action last night that the courts would probably find the McCarran Act consti- tutional. Prof. Estep asserted that when the constitutionality of the act is challenged, the most contro-i versial aspects would be the de- tention, registration and denat- uralization provisions. The pre- sent Supreme Court, he ventured, would upheld all three provisions. Those doubting the constitu- tionality of the registration clause could claim that registration of Communists serves to deprive them of freedom of speech, he pointed out. Registered Communists would have to identify themselves as such upon making speeches or mailing literature, but because thc wonii bP riskmin +hm. 4,1h I * * * * 4 Acheson Deces Red Aggression Warns U.S. Will Fight if Necessary; Six-Point 'Strategy of Peace Outlined WASHINGTON--(M)-Secretary of State Dean Acheson charged last night that Communist aggression has put world peace in "un- paralleled danger," and he said history shows the United States will fight if it must to preserve freedom and justice. "No one can guarantee that war will not come," Acheson said in a crisis broadcast to the Nation and the world. "The present crisis is extremely serious. Whether reason will prevail is only partly for us to decide. We must hope and strive for the best while we prepare for the worst." SOLEMNLY, Acheson called on the Chinese Communists to halt -their "brazen aggression" ih Kor- 'ea O ffie le Acheson expressed confidence O in c ls G ive thtthe United Nations will not be intimidated by the responsi- bilities of acting to curb the Grin Reports Chinese Red attack. He spoke as the Far Eastern crisis brought forecasts of a To ong ess change in the Draft Law-to get more men into the Armed Forces -and as Congress heard that a WASHINGTON ,- (P) - Top completely new war plan will have administration officials reportedly t be created. sketched for Congress yesterday The growing mobilization pro- one of the darkest pictures since gram also brought a 15 per cent early in World War II and warn-, cut in civilian use of copper in ed that aside from the Korean cri- order to build up military sup- sis, trouble may erupt in Europe plies. The National Production "next spring." Authority ordered the cut, ef- Throughout a tense day, key fective Jan. 1. Production of auto- military-and diplomatic figures ap- mobiles, radios and many other peared before committees on both items will be affected. sides of Capitol Hill and gave the * * lawmakers an up-to-the-minute IN BARE-KNUCKLE phrases, analysis of events. Acheson linked the Chinese attack * . * in Korea with the revolutionary G R A V E L Y CONCERNED as Communist movement throughout they were over the possible imi- the world. nence of World War III, the legis- His program called for active lators drove ahead on such home- support of the United Nations, front legislative matters as taxes, development of regional group- Alaska-Hawaii statehood and rent ings along the lines of the control. North Atlantic Pact, and a rapidj -On the international front, buildup of the military strength President Truman underscored of this country and its allies. the danger in Europe in a mes- Acheson continued- that eco- sage to Congress appealing for nomic cooperation among nations, speedy emergency aid to help constant readiness to negotiate in- Yugoslavia resist "the savage ternational differences, and a firm threats of the Soviet imperial- adherence to "the moral values ists." which gave meaning to our lives," Noting that Yugoslavia has the were all necessities. secondlargest fighting force in * * Europe and that the two-year-old GOPSenators breech between Yugoslavia and Ge n O S Moscow has "steadily widened," President Truman said: "The Blast Acheson Kremlin is determined to wipe out this one successful example of a former satellite which has freed WASHINGTON -(P)- Three itself from Soviet control." Republican senators las night '*accused Secretary of State Ache- son of trying to oust General Group Passes Douglas MacArthur as Command- er of UN Forces in Korea. R ent Control eThe charge was made by GOP, Senators Wherry of Nebraska, the Senate Republican leader, Brick- WASHINGTON - - Theer of Ohio, and McCarthy of Wis- An HnINTonm- (.P p-_Thconsin. * * * Britain Asks Big Power Peace Talks Bevin Seeks To Avert World War LONDON-(1')-Britain held out to Communist China yesterday the possibility of a political deal in Korea to avert a third world war. In a broad statement of British foreign policy, Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin also told the House of Commons Britain is ready to join with the United States and France in any talks with Soviet Russia which might ease exist - ing tension between East and West. THE FIRST ESSENTIAL in Korea, Bevin said, "is to stabilize the military situation and then to explore a political settlement.j "I have been working on this for some weeks and the military development in the last few days has not altered my opinion one bit-it is on political lines in the end that we must seek the solu- tion," he said. Britain has recognizd Commun- ist China and has a charge d'af- faires in Peiping, but full diplo- matic relations have not been established. Referring to China's seat in the UN, Bevin said, "Indeed, I believe that some of the difficulties with which we are now faced in the Far East would have been avoid-' ed if there had been these oppor- tunities for mutual discussion of problems which the membership of international bodies affords." Europe Angry PARIS -()- Angry outbursts against Gen. Douglas MacArthur last night marked the reaction in war-weary Western Europe to Korean setbacks. There was talk in official French circles of informally sug- gesting his replacement as UN Supreme Commander. Many newspapers and anony- mous political critics protested MacArthur acted too hastily in launching his "end-the-war" drive last Friday. They said he should have waited until British and French suggestions for a buf- fer state on the Korean-Man- churian border had been worked out. ' A French spokesman said his government felt MacArthur had launched his offensive in order to wreck negotiations by France and Britain for a settlement of the frontier issue with the Chin- ese . Communists. The Chinese Communist counterattack fol- lowed. It was reported here MacArthur ignored the advice of the British and French diplomats with a statement that, once the U for- ces were on the Yalu Rive, sep- arating Manchuria and Korea, the Chinese would negotiate peace- fully. NEW UN COMMUNIST-Wu Hsiu-Chuan (left),head of the Chinese Ctmmunist delegation to the United Nations, listens to proceedings at session of the United Nations General Assembly's political committee at Lake Success, N.Y. Also seated at the table are United Kingdom Delegate Kenneth Younger (center) and U.S. Delegate John Foster Dulles (right). * * « " * * Williams I A irs Views OnRecount, LANSING-(iP)-Governor Wil- liams "went to the people" last night with his accusation that the Republicans are trying to " x- ploit" the governorship recounit tangle for political purposes. In an address delivered at 10 p.m. over a seven-station net- work, Williams enlarged upon his theme that the all-Republican State Board of Canvassers had willfully violated the law by re- fusing to certify him as the win- ner of the Nov. 7 election. - * a THE BOARD has said that it is not required to do so and that common sense dictates that no winner be certified until after the recount, asked by former Gover- nor Harry F. Kelly, the Republi- can candidate for Governor. Under an opinion from Attor- ney General Stephen J. Roth, a Democrat, Williams contends that he is entitled to take office June 1 until and unless a re- count unseats him. Roth told the board so today in a second opinion, but the board rejected his views. Williams accused the Republi- can board of "making up its own rules as it goes along-one set of rules for the Republicans and an- other set of rules for the Demo- crats." Williams said that with war threats facing the nation, the state could not afford to have any doubt about who its chief execu- tive is, Drive Progress The Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project has received contributions from 80 per cent of the members of three addi- tional groups. The house groups are: Angell House, Alice Lloyd Hall Kappa Delta Alpha Gamma Delta SL Anti-Bias Clarification Postponed for Two Weeks The Student /Legislature voted last night to postpone for two weeks final action on a proposed clarification of the anti-discrim- ination measure which SL passed at its last meeting. . A special four-man committee introduced the proposal to the legislature. However a postpone- ment to Dec. 13 of any decision was suggested by Hugh Green- berg, '51, to give the legislators an opportunity. to carefully con- sider the issue and to formulate any additions or corrections to it. * * THE PROPOSED motion pro- vides that any campus organiza- tion which in 1956 has discrimina- tory clauses in its constitutional structure, would be denied recog- World INews Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - A 15 percent cut in civilian use of copper and brass will go into effect New Year's Day, along with an earlier announced slashin aluminum con- sumption. The National Production Autho- rity issued its copper control order yesterday to conserve supplies for military production and the de- fense stockpile. * *-* DETROIT - Another jump in the cost of living plopped a three-cent hourly wage boost in the laps of more than 600,000 auto workers today. The benficiaries are employes of General Motors, Ford and 61 other car producers and sup- pliers whose pay is hitched to the consumers' price index put out by the Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics. * * * PARIS-Premier Rene Pleven staked the life of his cabinet yes- terday on a double-barreled mo- tion for parliamentary approval of Defense Minister Jules Moch and the new taxes needed to rearm France. He asked the National As- sembly to take the vote tomorrow. nition by the Student Affairs Com- mittee- unless the organization could prove to SAC that there was "a substantial probability that the clause would be eliminated in the near future." The new motion was intended only to clarify, and not to modi- fy, the intent of the anti-bias motion which SL passed Nov. 15. In that motion no written men- tion was made of any extension to the 1956 deadline. The new proposal would also place all campus organizations, except church connected groups, under SAC ruling. Previously only fraternities had been mentioned. The special committee had worked for three days to formu- late the proposal, after it was dis- covered that the meaning of the original motion was not clear to many of the SL members. The decision for postponement came as time was running out on the automatic 11:15 p.m. clo- sure of the meeting. In delaying action on the pro- posal legislators also took into con- sideration an SL Michigan Forum debate on the issue to be held at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 12, at the Archi- tecture Auditorium. The debate will provide background on the, question in addition to giving ar- guments for and against it. Excess Profits Tax Rejected WASHINGTON -- (P) - The administration's $4,000,000,000 ex- cess profits tax proposal was ten- tatively rejected yesterday by the House Ways and Means committee but members failed to agree on a substitute. Yesterday's balloting represent- ed a victory for Republicans oppos- ing President Truman's plan to slap a 75 per cent tax rate on cor- porate earnings in excess of 75 per cent of the 1946-49 average. But the Republicans, who h'ad some Democratic support on seve- ral test votes, couldn't hold their strength to put over any alter- nate system. UN Forces Stiffen Lines For Defense Fight to Hold Chongehon Bases AT THE FRONT, Korea-(P)- Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond said today elements of three armies-- as many as 80,000 men - have "suddenly confronted" United Na- tions forces in Northeast Korea. Meanwhile resistance stiffened against Chinese Communist hordes trying to swing in behind the 110,- 000-man UNarmy. Earlier reports to the U.S. Eighth Army yesterday indicated Communist pressure had eased sharply. AMERICANS, Turks and Brit- ish, defending an arc at the crushed east flank of the UN line, fought hard to protect three Unit- ed States divisions and one South Korean division retreating south- ward across the Chongchon river. The United States 24th and Second divisions, at the west and east ends of the line, were re- ported across. Near the center of the line, the American 25th Division reported it was continuing an "orderly withdrawal under pressure." The Republic of Korea First Division, on the 25th's east flank, also still was making crossings. * * * FIELD DISPATCHES said there still were considerable American and South Korean elements an the other side of the river, The Eighth Army's immediate objective was to hold an are running from Kunu east to Kae- chon and southeast to Sinchang. This would protect completion of the river crossing by the Unit- ed States 25th and the first Korean Division. Red pressure was reported against all- three points of the arc, It was not clear at Eighth Army headquarters whether Kunu still was in UN hands. Kunu, on the south bank of the river, is only 17 miles from Sinanju on the west coast. CHINESE FORCES yesterday blocked the main supply route of American forces in the Changjin reservoir sector of northeast Kor-' ea, it was announced. Elements of two army regiments were cut off. An estimated three Chinese regiments on the south side of the huge power dam reservoir grabbed control of the main supply road leading to the Amer- ican troops' area from Ham- hung on the east coast. Four, other Chinese regiments cut oc elements of the 31st and 32nd regiments of the United States Seventh Division. A spokes- man at 10th corps headquarters said the cut off was "only a tem- porary thing." Saturday Set For Students' Arraignment Arraignment of alleged student bookies Lee Setomer and Robert McGuire before the circuit court was yesterday postponed until Saturday. The arraignment had originally been scheduled for today, but a crowded court docket made the change necessary. How the two would plead con- tinued to remain a mystery yes- terday. Ann Arbor lawyer Louis Burke, who has been retained to represent the two, said he didn't have "the slightest idea" what their pleas would be. Meanwhile, authorities were con- tinuing their investigation of the operations of the football' pools, but Assistant County Prosecutor k senate .tan ing uommiTee yes- terday voted 10 to 2 to extend fed- eral rent controls for two months beyond Dec. 31 when the present law expires. Chairman Maybank (D-SC) said the proposed legislation will be sent to the Senate today and call- ed for action not later than next Monday. Maybank offered t h e two- months extbension proposal as a compromise to Present Truman's request for a 90-day extension. * , * COMMENTING ON Acheson's speech last night, Sen. Wherry rocked newsmen when he lashed out at the Secretary of State. "There is one thing that we've got to get straight right now. One thing that has got to stop is this sniping at MacArthur by Acheson and Bevin." McCarthy declared that "Ache- son and his group are trying to get MacArthur because he has stood in their way." o Should Guarantee World Peace, Says Laurence * * Pr 6 Atom Peace Projects Urged * lecturer Expresses Optimism 4) <" i The United States' manufactur- ing of the hydrogen bomb is the greatest possible guarantee of world peace, William L.' Laurence, science reporter of the New York Times, declared yesterday. Speaking in the fourth lecture of the 1950 Oratorical Series the not- ed journalist expressed an optimis- tic hope for the future in his talk on "The Truth of the Hydrogen Bomb." our heads, we can still keep peace and preserve democratic values indefinitely, he declared. Deriding those who advocate beating Russia to the draw and preventatively dropping atomic bombs, Laurence said such ideas were councils of hysteria and de- spair. "Only when all hope for peace is gone, and when the world is in flames .hould we resort to By DONNA HENDLEMAN T h e giant hydrogen bombs plants which willrbe built in South w Carolina can serve for peace as well as for war purposes, William Laurence, two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize in journalism, de- clared in a Daily interview yester- day. "The plants will be a double- edged utility," he said. "Although ".886 on-_s- tor- -i - - ma-csri a iority of man-power which the USSR and Soviet China have over the United States. We are forced to manufa'cture the ohy- drogen bomb," he pointed out. Turning to the problem of ci- vilian defense planning, Laurence declared that such preparations are only common sense. As for the atomic future, Lau- rence hailed the Phoenix Pro-