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November 29, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-29

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Taft's Hour of Decision

13 . S.

"Come On, Let's See Some Action:"

WUASHINGTON-Developments since the
election make it clear that Senator Ro-
bert A. Taft of Ohio will have more to do
with shaping events of the next two critical
years affecting our position and influence
in the world than any other political figure,
even President Truman.
The effect of the election, as we recog-
nize, was to shift power from the White
House to Congress, a periodical occurence.
As to Senator Taft and the role he will
be called upon to play in this shift of power,
his own acts and the attitudes expressed
by others since the election offer some guid-
He moved in promptly to establish firmly
the increased influence and prestige which
the election gave him, first, by virtue of his
triumphant personal victory, s e c o n d,
through 'the added strength of those who
accept his leadership and who now consti-
tute, in effect, the major party in Congress.
* .* *
N.THIS POSITION he now finds himself
confronted by certain irresponsible forces
which the election released and encouraged.
Their outlets and mouthpieces in Congress
seemingly interpret the election' as license
to go the limit. Luckily this is a minority,
though a noisy one.
Senator Taft's position in his party im-
poses upon him the task of holding these
forces in check, that is, if we as a nation
are not to appear before the world as ir-
responsible, vacillating, andnunsure of
ourselves and our mission and destiny.
For steadfastness is our shield and buck-
.t is conceded of course, that neither
Senator Taft nor anybody else could pre-
vent a certain amount of wild talk and
postures from this element in Congress.
That is part of the price of our democracy
and we tolerantly pay it. That is more
clearly understood now by our allies than it
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

was a few years ago, even though it is ex-
ploited by our enemies.
But the confidence of our friends can
be shaken and our position in confronting
Russia can be weakened if such irrespon-
sibility impresses itself upon policy deci-
sions by Congress in which Republicans
now will have so much weight.
If, for example, it results in continued and
baseless attacks upon the integrity of our
State Department, and ifrthe prospective
"re-examination" of our foreign policy de-
generates into unwarranted assaults upon
the fundamental bases of that policy that
were established, with Republican coopera-
tion, in the last five years.
* *
THERE IS A disturbing spirit of reckless-
ness abroad. Senator Taft can hardly
escape the obligation to check and subdue it.
He is called upon, in short, to occupy the
role of statesman.
He has the necessary personal force. He
has the position of authority as chairman
of the Republican Policy Committee in the
Senate. He has the national reputation
which will give him public backing.
Formerly, before Senator Vandenburg
was compelled by ill health to withdraw
from the active front, the Michigan Sen-
ator exercised a moderating influence, and
in whatever activity his improved physi-
cal coridition will permit in the next Con-
gress, he will continue to do so. But it is
clear that the major part of the burden
will fall upon Senator Taft. '
The Ohio Senator disappointed some of
his admirers by condoning the tactics of
Senator Joe McCarthy in the last session.
The election, in which McCarthyism was an
issue and an influence, now is over and
sterner days are ahead.
It apparently is the aim of some Republi-
cans to keep it alive for the next election.
That might be a high price to pay in terms
of national and world interest, for it would
present to the world a bickering and inse-
cure people, a people lacking faith in their
own institutions and in their own strength
as a nation free and unafraid.
This is Senator Taft's hour of decision.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

Washington Merry -Go-.,Round

WASHINGTON - Judging from conver-
sation heard in Capitol Hill cloakrooms,
the current session of Congress may ap-
proach the post-World War I days of Wood-
row Wilson when it comes to dissension over
foreign policy.
It will be recalled that in the November,;
1918, elections, Wilson lost control of his
House - of Representatives and from that
time on opposition to his foreign policies
increased, resulting finally in the defeat of
the League of Nations and the Versailles
Many leaders of both parties felt that
this injection of politics into foreign pol-
icy paralyzed the nation and paved the
way for World War II.
On Capitol Hill today leaders point to
certain similarities between what happened
then and what may happen today.
In November, 1918, for instance, the Unit-
ed States was winning in Europe. The armis-
tice was signed on Nov. 11,, just a few days
after the election, but Wilson lost anyway.


SMALL CHORUSES are seldom, heard in
this day of large choral and symphony
groups. Even more rare are entire programs1
of Finnish music. Last night's concert by
the Polytech Chorus of Finland presented
both of these oddities to an Ann Arbor audi-
ence, many of whom came largely out of
curiosity. Their reward was a musically sat-
isfying evening.
From a performance standpoint, the chor-
us did a fine job. Mr. Elokas drew a
beautiful tone from the singers. The bal-
ance of voices was sometimes shaky when
a voice or a section struck out from the
total sound. Intonation also suffered occa-
sionally, but attacks and releases were ex-
tremely accurate.
Each soloist displayed ample vocal tal-
ent, and good training. Both Mr. Borg
and Mr. Koskinen suffered from colds
which cut their respective volumes. All
three soloists displayed good understand-
ing of a lyric vocal line.
Mr. Elokas deserves special commenda-
tion for the exacting work required in han-
dling a small amateur chorus. Anyone who
has never been in one of these organizations
has no idea how many hours go into study
and rehearsal.
Musically speaking, the program consisted
entirely of post romantic works, and as
such was a bit dull. However, the songs ran
the gamut of emotions which transcended
the barriers of language readily. Two songs
in English were included, the "Star Spangled

In November, 1950, the United States was
likewise on the eve of victory in Korea. Yet
Truman, though keeping a scant margin in
Congress, for all practical purposes lost
workable control of the Senate.
And the main issue contributing to Tru-
man's setback was the attack led by Sena-
tor McCarthy on the State Department
and its Chinese policy.
This is certain to lead to the following sit-
uations in the Senate :
SENATOR MC CARTHY has now proved
that his combined formula of isolation
plus investigating Communists pays political
dividends. Furthermore, the Republican Par-
ty owes him a debt. McCarthy made more
than 30 speeches in key states, which means
that the little group of Republican isola-
tionists now not only have a vigorous spokes-
man, but a demonstration that their tactics
This isolationist group includes: Myalone
of Nevada, Wherry of Nebraska, Jenner
of Indiana, Hickenlooper of Iowa, Ecton
of Montana, Watkins of Utah, Bricker of
Ohio, Brewster of Maine, Cain of Wash-
ington, Dworshak of Idaho. In addition,
certain mid-road Republicans, such as
Flanders of Vermont, hitherto shunning
the isolationists, are now leaning their way.
Apparently they see that McCar'thyism
Senator Taft's big victory in Ohio also
puts him more firmly in this camp. In the
past, Taft did not really believe McCarthy's
wild charges against the State Department,
but was willing to go along for political rea-
sons. Now the two are likely to cooperate
DIAMETRICALLY opposed to the isola-
tionists is another group of GOP Senators.
They include various New Englanders and
Easterners who are bitterly opposed to both
isolation and McCarthyism, such as Tobey
of New Hampshire, Ives of New York, Mrs.
Smith of Maine, Lodge of Massachusetts,
Hendrickson of New Jersey.
With them usually, though not such vi-
gorous scrappers, are Smith of New Jersey,
Saltonstall of Massachusetts, Thye of Min-
The only far westerner among them is
Morse of Oregon, whom the McCarthyites
want to bar from the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee.
E MAN who did most to keep foreign
policy on an even keel is now absent
from the Senate-Arthur Vandenberg of
Michigan. Once an isolationist, he saw the
dangers of repeating what happened after
World War I. So, by conferring back and
forth with the State Department, Vanden-
berg rewrote treaties, modified State Depart-
ment policy, swung recalcitrant GOP col-

MANY lavish praises, accolades, and eulo-
gies in recognition of the deceased
George Bernard Shaw have filled newspaper
columns throughout the country. But some-
where in his Sixth Heaven, the venerable
Shaw must have got a shocked lift into the
Seventh, when the weekly journal of a Bap-
tist church paid tribute to him.
It is indeed unusual because the so-called
"atheist" Shaw has been held in contempt
in most religious circles for a great many
years. Few are the "atheists" who have been
the recipients of as many bombastic invec-
tives as the "greater-than-Shakespeare"
Shaw. Consequently, when a church news-
paper is so tolerant as to even mention GBS
in a favorable light, it's likely to raise a few
The non-conformist church paper hap-
pened to be the "First Church News" of
the First Baptist Church of Flint, Michi-
gan. The article, which was entitled "Was
Shaw a Saint or a Sinner?" was complete-
ly objective, presented some of Shaw's
views on religion, and requested the reader
to decide for himself the virtues of the
wickedness of the didactic Irishman.
"The moment it strikes you," Shaw is
quoted, "that Christ is not the lifeless, harm-
less image he has hitherto been to you, but
a rallying center for revolutionary influences
which all established states and churches
fight, you must look to yourselves; for you
have brought the image to life; and the mob
may not be able to bear that horror."
* * *
AT ANY RATE, this is a typical Shavian
tirade, explicit in its biting qualities. But
for all that, neither heresy, nor blasphemy,
nor paganism are manifest in the excerpt.
To the contrary, it is indicative of a reli-
gious faith, spiced with a humorous outlook
on life.
It would be ludicrous to say that Shaw
was wanting in religion or that he was
an impious sinner. Time and time again,
the Irish giant reiterated his belief in the
same sort of belief; but preferred to found
his own faith on creative evolution.
He might be called a Deist, but certainly
his beliefs don't warrant the atheist label.
Nor does his sharp criticism of the modern
church justify the atheist tag. As Voltaire
poked fun at the medieval church, so too
Shaw's satire was directed at what he
thought were paradoxes and ambiguities in
the modern church.
It was not religion itself but rather theo-
logy that was the object of many a Shavian
thrust. Ritual was inane to Shaw, and he
said so. Custom and usage were meaningless
to Shaw, and he said so.
He perceived them as nothing but an
irrational approach to religion, which di-
verted attention from the real values in-
digenous in religion-mainly, faith and
good works. A man cannot be condemned
for such a philosophy.
* * S
SHAW HIMSELF lived somewhat of a
saintly life. Although he would now and
then unload a caustic barrage at what he
considered a social evil, Shaw would have
shuddered at the thought of bludgeoning a
fly. Moreover, his interests always lay with
the struggling English masses.
In one sense, however, it is unfortunate
that he stepped upon the devout beliefs
of millions of people who exact a great
deal of satisfaction in the manner they
worship God.
Perhaps in his fervent quest for truth,
GBS was heedless of the benefits which
do accure from organized religion.
But Shaw's idealistic goals, for which he
earnestly strived, were compatibl- with those
of organized religion-namely, the better-
ment of society. On this basis alone, he can
be classified among the great humanitarians
in history. And one would have to look far
and wide to find a humanitarian who didn't
have some kind of faith. George Bernard
Shaw was no atheist.
-Cal Samra

Ca lend aring
ALL SEMESTER long, protests have been
made concerning the way the University
draws up its calendar. For months much
criticism has been levied against the Thanks-
giving holiday and the question is now be-
fore the deans.
The latest protest have been voiced over
the arrangement for the Christmas vacation.
It has been pointed out that because the
holiday will start only a few days before
Christmas, many students will not have
dnough time for their home-town shopping
and that those students wishing employment
will be unable to secure a position because
one of the two weeks does not fall before
Dec. 25.
Granted that these two issues are some-
what justifiable, there is one great advan-
tage to the present arrangement. Students
who wish to go to the Rose Bowl will now
have enough time to make the trip.
Transportation by car from California
takes three to four days at the least and
if the schedule had demanded that stu-
dents be back two days after the game,
either fewer students would have gone or
else many hours of classroom time would
have been lost.
The fact that the two week vacation now
ends on Jan. 8 instead of Jan. 3 will give
students at least a week to get back to Ann
Therefore it would seem that this ad-
vantage in the calendhrinr o' ulnffp ,4


(Continued from page 2)
Bureau of Appointments:
The Intermountain I n d i a n
School (nation's largest boarding
school), Brigham City, Utah, is
seeking elementary-trained teach-
ers. Applicants must have at least
24 semester hours in Education, 12
of which must be in Elementary
Education, and not be over 40
years of age. For further infor-
mation contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
List of approved social events
for the coming weekend:
December 1-
Adelia Cheever Hse., Alice
Lloyd Hall, Chi Omega, Ishpem-
ing Club, "M" Club, Mosher Hall,
Helen Newberry, Phi Sigma Dlta,
Sigma Alpha Mu, Zeta Beta Tau.
December 2 -
Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Kappa
Psi, Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Sigma
Phi, Chi Phi, Delta Chi, Delta
Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma Pi, Del-
ta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Hins-
dale Hse., Kappa Nu, Kappa Sig-
ma, Phi Gamma Delta-Theta Xi,
Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta,
Phi Sigma Kappa, Robert Owen
Co-op, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sig-
ma Alpha Mu, Sigma Nu, Strauss
Hse., Student Legislature, Theta
Delta Chi, Tyler Hse., Victor
Vaughan, West Quad Council,
Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi.
December 3 -
Inter-Cooperative Council, Phi
Delta Phi.
The William W. Cook Lectures
on American Institutions. Sixth
Series, "Democracy and the Eco-
npmic Challenge," Dr. ROBERT
Professor of Political Philo-
sophy and Sociology, Columbia
Third lecture, "The Portent of
Karl Marx." 4:15 p.m., Wed., Nov.
29, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Fourth lecture, "Demcoracy and
the Socialized Economy." Thurs.,
Nov. 30, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Academic Notices
Algebra I Seminar: Thurs., Nov.
30, 4 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
Wed., Nov. 29, 4 p.m., Room 101,
W. Engineering Blag. Mr. Hun-
ter will speakon "Pile Construc-
Geometry Seminar: Wed., Nov.
29, 2 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall.
Mr. Leisenring will be the speaker.
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics: Meeting, Wed., Nov. 29,
4 p.m.. Room 3001, Angell Hall.
Mr. Osborn will speak on the
"Transcendence of e and pi."
University Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will
present a concert at 8:30 Thurs-
day evening, Nov. 30, Hill Audi-
torium. The program will open
with Glinka's Overture to "Rus-
sian and Ludmilla," followed by
Brahms' Concerto for Violin and
Violoncello in A major, Op. 102,
with Unto Erkkila and Jerome Je-
linek as soloists. Following inter-
mission the orchestra will play

the complete ballet, Daphnis and
Chloe by Ravel. The public is in-
Events Today
Student Legislature: Meeting,
Roonis Rooms 3KLMN, Union,
7:30 p.m..
I. By-Laws changes.
II. Student Directory.
III. Fraternity Discrimination.
Modern Dance Club: Meeting,
7 p.m., Dance Studio, Barbour
Board of Representatives: Meet-
ing, 4:30 p.m., League.
Bridge Tournament: 7:30 p.m.,
U. of M. Flying Club: Open
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room 1042, E.
Engineering Bldg. Prof. Carver of
the Math Dept. will lecture on
ASME: Open meeting, 7:15 p.m.,
Architecture Auditorium. Due to
illness, Mr. E. R. Ordway, the1
scheduled speaker, will not be able
to be present. Films will be shown
on powdered metallurgy and nick-
el mining. 'Ensian pictures will be
Generations Literary Staff Meet-
ing: 7 p.m., First Floor, Student
Publications Bldg. New members
and literary contributions wel-

Botany Club will not meet to-
day. Regularmeeting will be held
Dec. 13 as scheduled.
Hiawatha Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., League. All members are.
urged to attend.
League Dance Committee: Meet-
ing, 4 p.m., League Concourse.
University Rifle Club: Postal
match, discussion of Ensian pic-
ture and rides to the Edison match'
this weekend.
Michigan. Christian Fellowship:
Bible Study, Lane Hall (Fireside
Room), 7:30 p.m. Topic: Romans,
chapter nine.
Phi Delta Kappa, Omega chap-
ter: Meeting, Faculty Dining
Rloom, Union, 6 p.m.
Congregational, Disciple, Evan-
gelical and Reformed Guild: Sup-
per Discussion, 5:30 p.m., Guild
"Caesar and Cleopatra," George
Bernard Shaw's wise and witty,
comedy will open at the Lydia.
Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m. The
Department of Speech presenta-
tion will run through Saturday
night. Tickets for all perform-
ances are on sale at the Mendels-
sohn box office daily, 10 a.m.-8

de soixante pieces vues la saison
derniere a Paris."
Ullr Ski Club: Organizational
meeting. New members invited.
Movies. Room 3-D, Union, 7:30
American Society of Civil Engi-
neers, student chapter: Meeting,
7 p.m., Room 3-G, Union. Mr. C. J.
Kirchgessner, of Grand Rapids, a
represenattive of the Portland Ce-
ment Association, will talk on the
use of pre-stressed concrete.
Delta Sigma Pi: Business meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Chapter House, 12-
12 Hill.
Roger Williams Guild: Tea 'n
Talk at the Guild House, 4:30-6
Michigan Arts Chorale: Regular
rehearsal, 7 p.m., Lane Hall. All
members must be present. Concert
Sat. night.
English Journal Club: Meeting,
East Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg., 8 p.m. A graduate student in
psychology will speak on Psychol-
ogy and Literature. All graduate
students in English and psycho-
logy and others interested are in-
Wesleyan Foundation: Do-Drop-
In at 4 p.m. Special weekly an-
nouncements for the week will be
made at 5 p.m. Bible Study Group
will meet in the lounge, 7:15 p.m.
W.A.A. Square & Folk Dance
Club. Meeting, Waterman Gymna-
sium, 7:30-9:45 p.m. All those in-
terested are welcome.
Westminster Guild: Tea and
Talk, 4-6 p.m., Russel Parlor,
First Presbyterian Church.
All Musicians on Campus: First
rehearsal of the U. of M. Varsity
Band is to be held at 7:30,p.m.,
with instruments. All those in-
terested are invited. The Varsity
Band is under the direction of
Jack K. Lee.
William A. Laurence, science re-
porter, N.Y. Times, and authority
on the Hydrogen Bomb, will be
presented at 8:30 p.m., in Hill
Auditorium. Subject: "The Truth
About the Hydrogen Bomb." Tick-
ets on sale at 10 a.m.-8:30 p.m.,
Auditorium box offiee.
Coming Events
U. of M. Young Republican Club:
M 4tinq Thu- N n7.v15 0 71 -

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Chinese, Reds in Korea
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
THE VERY THING that the United States has been trying to avoid
for five years-the expenditure of vast material, human and finan-
cial resources in China-is perilously close to coming about.
The charge of open and notorious aggression, made in the Se-
curity Council Tuesday by the United States against Communist Chi-
na, can mean' but one thing if the nations heed the call to face the
If the UN follows through, as it did when the Security Coun-
cil acted against North Korea, it means attacking the bases, at
least, of the Red Chinese in Manchuria. This would probably mean
full-scale war.
War with China might mean fighting 400,000,000 people, many of
whom are our friends, in a vast land for years.
It was just such a vision of expenditure of time, effort, money
and resources that was so appalling five years ago, when the formal
peace of V-E and V-J days had come.
* * * *
THE PROBLEM of putting China on her feet economically, socially,
and politically looked so enormous at a time when we were res-
cuing Europe with the Marshall Plan that this country washed its
hands. The Communists were allowed to take China.
The hands off policy persisted after Generaliisimo Chiang Kai-
Shek had been driven to Formosa.
It was precisely because this country hoped not to excite the'
intervention of the Chinese Reds in Korea that Chiang's offer of
30,000 veterans for the Korean fighting was turned down,
By throwing a naval cordon about Formosa to discourage de-
cisively any Communist attack on that strategic island it was hoped
this country would not become involved with the Communist masters
of the mainland.
* * * *
NOW IT LOOKS as if all this elaborate strategy has been undone.
Gen. MacArthur reports that 200,000 Chinese Communists in
army, corps and divisional organization" have been poured into North
This could be a bid by force by the Chinese Communists for
United Nations recognition just as their delegation appears before
the Security Council. It could be merely an effort to hold United
Nations forces off from the Chinese frontier. But it looks much
more serious.
The U.S. may find its friends in the UN more reluctant to proa
ceed against China than against North Korea. British government of-
ficials said that country likely would oppose any moves to strike at.
Chinese bases.


Selling, J. L. Hudson Company,
who will talk on "How the J. L.
Hudson Company Gets Ready for
Christmas." Thurs., Nov. 30, 7:30
p.m., Room 130, School of Busi-
ness Administration. Open to the)
Polonia Club: Meeting, '7:30 p.-
i., International Center, Thurs.,
Nov. 30. Dr. A. ,A.'Lobanov-Ros-
tovsky will speak on Poland at 8
p.m. All are welcome.
Beacon Association: Meeting,
Thurs., Nov. 30, 7:45 p.m., League.
Guest Speaker: Dr. W. Stolper.
Subject: "The Marshall Plan and
Rearmament: Its Effect on Bri-
Phi Lambda Upsilon, Honorary
Chemical Society: Short business
meeting, Thurs., Nov. 30, 4:30 p.-
m., Room 1300, Chemistry Bldg.
It is urgent that all members at-
tend for the purpose of: (1) elec-
tion of National officers; (2) ap-
proval of a new chapter; (3) elec-
tion of a new local vice-president;
(4) certification of new initiates.
International Center Weekly Tea
for foreign students and American
friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Nov.


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown..........Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger.......... City Editor
Roma Lipsky.........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas...........Feature Editor
Janet Watts.. ....Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan............Associate Editor
James Gregory.......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly..............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton..Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible. Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz . .. .Circulation Manager



iee ig, mus., .Jv. u, :l p.
Inter-Cultural Faculty Discus- m., Union. Discussion with Young Telephone 23-24-1
sion at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Democrats on election results.
William B. Willcox, 1006 Lincoln Member of The Associated Press
Avenue. Group will meet at Lane Mathematics Journal Club: Dr. The Associated Press is exclusively
en titled to the use for republication
Hall, 7:30 p.m. J. L. Ullman will review a recent of all news dispatches credited to it or
Mathematics periodical. Fri., Dec. otherwise credited to this newspaper.
1 All rights of republication of all other
R o m a n c e Language Journal 1, 3 p.m.,,Room 3001, Angell Hall. matters herein are also reserved.
Club 4:5 pm., astCoucilEntered at the Post Office at Ann
Club: 4:15 p.m., East Council Arbor, Michigan as second-class mal
Room, Rackham Bldg. Speaker: U. of M. Marketing Club will matter.
Prof. Marc Denkinger. "Souvenirs present Mr. E. V. Luss, Supt. of year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

People-work themselves into such The secret of my success is Of course not! Remember
a tizzy over Christmas,. Barnaby. efficient organization and the years of propaganda
Your folks are lucky you have a careful planning. I'll start urging people to do their
Fairy Godfather to relieve them with a list of presents your Christmas shopping early-

I am efficient! I PLAN my
list NOW but Il do my
shopping at the last minute
and avoid that early crowd!

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