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November 22, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-22

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Latest Deadline in the State




















Rail, Air Crashes Jolt Nation on Holiday ve

First Action
Taken Under
Control Bill





Report Red
Base Ruined
Advances Made
In Border Drive
SEOUL --(P)- United Nations
forces pushed closer to the Siber-
ian frontier in northeast Korea
yesterday and United States air-
men today claimed destruction of
one anchor of the Red defense line
in the northwest.
On the northeast coast, South
Korean troops advanced under
cover of United States planes and
naval gunfire to a point within 63
air miles of the Siberian border.
The troops were approaching the
big port of Chongjin.
Meanwhile, on the northwest
front, United States bomber pilots
reported Huichon "destroyed" by
repeated air attacks. Huichon is
the east end of defense line thrown
up by Chinese and Korean -Reds
westward 20 miles to Onjong.
** *

Seats 24 on SL
Confused Count Ends With Perry,
Steinberg in Final Seat Deadlock
The long count is almost over.
With 24 of 25 Student Legislature seats filled, sleepy election of-
ficials threw in their ballots at 4:45 a.m. yesterday and turned over
the task of selecting the 25th student legislator to Men's Judiciary
*' * **
WEARY BALLOT COUNTERS had gotten the tabulation of the
votes for the two remaining candidates-Bob Perry '53E, and Bob
Steinberg, '53--so jumbled that the SL election officials were unable
to untangle the count.
Which of the two candidates will be picked to fill the remain-
ing SL post will depend on the decision of the Council, which
will meet at 2 p.m. Friday to rule on the matter.

In explaining the slowness
*' * .
Disrrnte SL


THERE have been reports of an- ,F v F
other Red defense line below the Y/
Onjong-Huichon line-one extend- Vote Trend
ing east from Taechon to the
Chongchon river. Reports received
today from UN patrols probing Leading affiliated and indepen-
that sector emphasized contacts
with Red troops.dent men on campus expressed
United States bombers and varying opinions last night in re-
fighters rained explosive and fire gard to the results of the SL elec-
bombs on Yalu River bridges con- tion.
necting Manchuria and Korea and Intrafraternity Council Presi-
on Red battle staging areas all dent Bob Vogt, '51E, saw the out-
along the northern rim of Korea. come as having little significance
On the northeast front, South as far as independent and affiliate
Korean Capital Division spear= SL standings are concerned.

heads advanced four to five
miles on the east coast to a point
about eight miles southwest ofj
Chongjin, a big port 55 miles]
south of the Siberian-Korean

The South Korean troops drove
aheadunder covering fire from
eight-inch guns of the United
States cruiser St. Paul. American
B-29 superforts bombed Chongjin,
where Reds were expected to make
a stand.
Across a rugged snow-mantled
mountain range and 50 miles
southwest of Chongjin, the South
Korean Third Division's 22nd regi-
ment entered the rail and highway
center of Hapsu. The Third's 23rd
regiment ran into a battalion of
Reds seven miles southwest of
Hapsu. A spokesman for the U.S.
Tenth Corps reported the Red bat-
talion is being squeezed between
the two South Korean forces.
Profit Taxes
May Be Paid
By Consumer
WASHINGTON -(R)- Spokes-
men for public utilities testified
yesterday that consumers may
have to bear the burden of any
excess profits tax that is levied on
the utilities.
Predictions of higher rates for
gas, electricity, , telephone and
transportation service to offset any
such tax were given to the House
Ways and Means Committee by
spokesmen for the utilities indus-
They were the final witnesses as
the committee ended seven days
of public hearings on the admin-
istration's request for an excess
profits levy to raise $4,000,000,000
more revenue.
The committee will meet again
Friday behind closed doors to start
writing a bill. It hopes to have
the measure ready for considera-
tion during the short session of
Congress which convenes next
The end of the hearings found
comimittee members irk disagree-
ment as to what ought to be done.
While all consented that more
money must be found to foot the


"The election was so undeci-
sive," Vogt declared, "that it will
make no difference in the IFC's
position in campus affairs."
BUT DAVE BELIN, president of
the Association of Independent
Men saw a definite trend in the
"The election ,returns," Belin
said, "show that the AIM's pol-
icy of encouraging good inde-
pendent candidates to run for
office is here to stay."
Belin pointed out that "nearly
55 percent of the independents
running for SL were elected, in
contrast to only a 35 percent fig-
ure for affiliated candidates."
* * *
mell, '51, sounding a somewhat
non-commital and non-partisan
note, was "very happy with the
"Despite the weather," Rou-
mel said, "we have had the
highest percentage of the cam-
pus voting in SL history."
Despite pre-election attemptsj
to make the SL anti-bias clause'
resolution the main issue in the
election, all three campus leaders
agreed that the resolution had not
been a deciding factor in the re-

f the ballot counting, Jim Storrie,
'51BAd, who was in charge of elec-
tion night, indicated that inex-
perienced personel was a big fac-
to* * th
ALSO, Storrie blamed the crowd
noise and the late start the ballot
counters got for the slowness of
the tabulation.
For the record, the count took
morertime thansany other in SL
history. It consumed nearly 10
Independent candidates bounc-
ed back from their 17 to 9 defeat
SL Results
The following are the newly
elected membersrof thenSL.
They are listed in order of their
Robert Baker, '52 BAd
Dave Belin, '51 BAd
Alice Spero, '53
Tom Walsh, '51L,
Pat Doyle, '53
Susan Craig, '53
Keith Beers, '52E
Phil Berry, '52 BAd
Jack Rose, '52 Ed
Joe White, '53
Harold Herman, '52
Wally Pearson, '53
Alan Berson, '52
Irv Stenn, '52
Ken Babcock, '53
Rosemary Brown, '52E
Gordon MacDougall, '52
Kala Aronoff, '54
Lee Benjamin, '52
Gene Bohi, '53
Bill Gay, '53
Joe Savin, '53 A&D
Dick Strzelecki, '53
Mary Ummel, '51
(Bob Perry, '53E or Bob
Steinberg, '53, will fill the 25th
at the hands of affiliates in last
spring's elections to gain a 12 to
12 tie. Since Perry is independent
and Steinberg is affiliated, one
group will emerge with a 13 to 12
edge when the final results are
made known.
In the J-Hop elections, however,
independents took their usual
beating. All of the nine J-Hop1
Committee candidates elected wereI

Long Island
Line Wreck
Toll Near'75
Other Disasters
Increase Total
By The Associated Press
A huge train wreck in New York
City boosted the death toll to more
than 100 in a wave of plane
crashes and railway smashups in
this country and Canada.
The worst of the diasters in-
volved a Long Island passenger
train, which jammed w it h
Thanksgiving e v e commuters,
crashed into the rear of another
train last night. Police said at
least 75 persons were killed.
The estimate came from Chief
Inspector Joseph A. Curry, in
command of rescue work on the
The last time an American train
wreck took that many lives was in
1944 at Ogden, Utah.
It appeared to be the worst
wreck in the history of the Long
Island, the nation's third oldest
road, and by far the worst wreck
in New York state history.
Rescue operations went on four
hours. Dead and injured still were
trapped in the wreckage at mid-
night-nearly six hours after the
s *
THE MOTORMAN of the first
train said his brakes locked as he
slowed his train at about 6:30
o'clock. A second train, roaring in
from behind, knifed into the
standing train.
The front and end cars that
took the shock of the impact
were telescoped or sliced apart
"like a loaf of bread."
An estimated 2,100 to 2,300 pas-
sengers were crammed on both
trains, some standing in aisles.
Many were home-bound. Others
were going out to Long Island for
the Thanksgiving holiday.
ABOUT 100 passengers were ser-
iously injured in this wreck and
scores of others shaken, cut and
bruised by flying glass or jagged,
twisted metal.
Dr. Randy Wyman, a director
of the municipal hospital sys-
tem, alerted hospitals to "be pre-
pared to receive 50 bodies."
Queens General Hospital report-
ed 15 known dead.
It was the second major Long
Island Railroad disaster in nine
months-31 persons died Feb. 17
in a Rockville Centre crash.
The crash scene is 13 miles from
Times Square, in the Kew Gar-
dens section of Queens Borough. It
is on the Long Island's main line
from Pennsylvania Station to the
Meanwhile, the toll of a head-on
collision of a troop train and a
passenger high in the Canadian
Rockies yesterdaytroseto 20 dead
or missing and at least 61 injur-
ed, 22 seriously.
Fourteen soldiers were known to
be dead and two others were listed
by the army asumissing and be-
lieved dead. Four trainmen were
In Wyoming 21 persons were be-
lieved dead in the wreckage of a
chartered plane which apparently
crashed into the side of jagged
Mount Moran Monday night. .
All evidence pointed to the fact
a missing twin-engine DC-3, carry-
ing members of the New Tribes
Mission, a religious organization,
caused a fire spotted 1,000 feet be-
low the crest of the mountain.

Less than 12 hours later a B36,
largest of the world's land based
bombers crash landed 25 miles
south of Fort Worth, Texas, kill-
ing two men. Seven others were
injured, and another seven para-
chuted to safety.
Arrests Delayed
In Football Probe

Convict Pair
In Red Spy
NEW YORK-(!P)-A Federal
Court jury last night convicted Ab-
raham Brothman and Miriam
Moskowitz of conspiring to ob-
struct justice in a grand jury probe
of their relations with atom spy
Harry Gold.
The jury gave its verdict after
nearly four hours of deliberation.-
BROTHMAN and Miss Mosko-
witz were charged with conspiring
together with Gold to defraud the
The government additionally
charged Brothman "urged, ad-
vised and persuaded" Gold to
give false testimony on July 31,
1947, before the Federal Grand
Jury investigating espionage and
subversive activities.
Federal Judge Irving R. Kauf-
man set Tuesday for sentencing.
CONVICTION carries a maxi-
muf'n penalty for Brothman. of se-
ven years in prison and a $15,000
fine; for Miss Moskowitz two years
in prison and a $10,000 fine.
Brothman is a 36-year-old
chemical engineer and Miss Mos-
kowitz his 34-year-old business
associate. At one time Gold was
employed by Brothman.
Gold, the chief prosecution wit-
ness' and a mild mannered bio-
chemist from Philadelphia, is a
confessed former go-between for
Klaus Fuchs, imprisoned British
atomic scientist, and a Russian spy,
'U' Gets $25,000
For Cancer Study
By The Associated Press
The United States Public Health
Service today awarded 17 special
grants, totaling $324,525, for can-
cer research.
Included among the grants was
one to the University's School of
Public Health for $25,000.
The American College of Sur-
geons, Chicago, received $12,500
for more frequent inspection of
cancer treatment. The grant
brought Public Health Service
contributions to this work, since
1947, to more than $150,000.

UN Dooms Appeal to Probe:
Soviet Aid to Chinese Reds

opposition from Britain, France
and Russia apparently doomed
yesterday Nationalist China's ap-
peal for a UN committee to in-
vestigate charges that the Soviet
Union has been aiding, the Chi-
nese Communists.
The United States countered.
that the issue could not be buried
and suggested the Little Assembly
study it next year.
World News
8y The Associated Press
Bourke Hickenlooper (R - Iowa)
yesterday called for the resigna-
tion of Secretary of State Dean
Acheson and demanded "a thor-
ough and extensive housecleaning"
of tfie State Department.
* * *
WINDSOR, Ont.-A shutdown
of Ford of Canada manufacturing
operations, stemming from an iso-
lated seniority dispute on the as-
sembly line, stopped work at all
four of the company's production
plants here yesterday.
* * *
CHICAGO - A dispute over
the CIO's stand on government
operation of utilities touched off
the first floor fight of the three
day old CIO convention late yes-
The dispute was settled and a
resolution was adopted with only
scattered opposition after CIO
President Philip Murray "clari-
fied" the proposal.
WARSAW, Poland-The second
World Peace Congress proposed a
big five peace meeting to include
Communist China, criticized Unit-
ed States foreign policy and lec-
tured the United Nations in its
final sessions yesterday.
The congress program, which
follows in several respects propo-
sals of Soviet Russia in the UN,
was approved by an overwhelming
vote of 1,655 to three, with two
abstentions. No one was obliged
to say how he voted but the rebel
of the congress, O. John Rogge of
New York, reported he was one of
the "no's."

COULD IT HAPPEN HERE?-A milling crowd of University of Illinois students let go with its jubi-
lation over the Illini's upset win over Ohio State. Thousands of Illinois students cut their classes
to attend this rally. Seven point underdogs, the football team from Champaign managed in the game
to put the Buckeyes down by that margin, 14-7.

AUSTRALIA, Canada and mem-
bers of the Soviet bloc group team-
ed with the three big powers in
the UN Political Committee de-
bate on Nationalist China's charg-
es. Those countries said it mould
be a waste of time to deal with
the problem any longer; that the
evidence was in and the countries
could make up their minds with-
out further investigation.
The committee debate drag-
ged on all day with speakers of
the Latin American and Middle
East groups lining up behind a
Syrian resolution which would
send the charges back to the
Little Assembly for more study.
John Foster Dulles, U.S. dele-
gate, insisted that the Assembly
would bury the hopes of millions
if it dropped the charges com-
pletely. He urged the committee
to accept the Syrian proposal.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Jacob A. Malik said the "Kuomin-
tang libel" should be thrown out
of the committee.
Elsewhere in the UN the Trus-
teeship Council rejected a new
Russian demand for seating Com-
munist China in place of Nation-
alist China. The vote was 2 in
favor, 9 opposed and one abstain-
ing. Russia and Britain were for
it and Australia abstained.
Puerto Ricans
N a1bbedin NY
NEW YORK-(IP)-Two top of-
ficials of the Puerto Rican Nation-
alist Party in New York were ar-
rested yesterday as the possible
brains behind a recent plot to as-
sassinate President Truman.
Two Nationalist gunmen storm-
ed Blair House in Washington Nov.
1 but were cut down by guards'
bullets before they could get 'to
the President. One gunman and
one guard died in the duel.
Arrested today were Julio Pinto
Gandia, a veteran terrorist and
New York president of the Nation-
alist party, and Juan Bernardo
Lebron, a past president of the New
York unit of the party.
More arrests may be in the off-
ing, it was reported.

Ask Registration,
List of Members
Justice Department yesterday for-
mally charged the Communist Par-
ty of the United States with be-
ing run by the government of So-
viet Russia.
The department made the accu-
sation in filing a petition with the
new Subversive Activities Control
Board, asking that the party be
ordered to register with the de-
partment, disclose its financing
and list all of its members in this
THIS IS the first such action
under the new Subversives Con-
trol Law, which requires registra-
tion of all Communists and Com-
munist front organizations.
The 4,800 word petition, sign-
ed by Attorney General J. How-
ard McGrath, was filed with the
board a few minutes after 6 p.m.
At the same time, the depart-
ment served copies of the petition
by air mail, on the party's head-
quarters in New York City.
The service was marked for the
attention of William Z. Foster,
party chairman, and Gus Hall, de-
scribed by the department as "a
high party functionary."
* * *
SINCE THE PARTY has refused
to take advantage of the opportun-
ity to register voluntarily under
the 1950 Internal Security Law, it
has been freely forecast that it
will fight the action before the
control 6bfard. Some officials have
estimated that the forced regis-
traion proceeding, counting pos-
sible court appeal, may take two
The McGrath petition said
said that the party "has been
and is substantially dominated
and controlled by the govern-
ment and Communist Party of
the Soviet Union," and has tak-
en its orders from the Russian
government and the Communist
International headquarters in
The attorney general said that
both the Soviet Union and the
Communist International have
supplied finances for American
Communists and that the Ameri-
can group "regularly reports" to
the Moscow government.
* * *
"THROUGHOUT its existence"
McGrath said, "the Communist
Party never knowingly has deviat-
ed from the views and policies of
the government and Communist
Party of the Soviet Union, the
Communist International, the
Communist Information Bureau
and other leaders of the world
Communist movement.
"Whenever such views and
policies have conflicted with the
position taken by the govern-
ment of the United States, the
Communist Party has opposed
the position of the United
Asserting that all Communists
owe "primary allegiance" to the
Red flag, McGrath said:
"In the event of a war be-
tween the Soviet Union and the
United States, the Communists
in the United States have obli-
gated themselves to act to defeat
the military efforts of the Unit-
ed States and to aid and support
the Soviet Union.
"The Communist Party teach-
es its members that in such
event they must act to foment a
civil war in the United States as
a means for impairing the na-
tion's military effort and for es-
tablishing a Soviet America hav-
ing a dictatorship of 'the prole
tariat such as exists in the Soviet
Since no Communist group has

come forward to register on its
own motion, the attorney general
may have to take similar action
against perhaps 100 organizations
which he has listed as Communist
on his subversive list. Apparently,
however, he plans first to obtain
a ruling on the Communist Party
proper before proceeding against

Student Aid Fund Gains
From Psi Upsilon Fine

The information may be no con-
solation to Psi Upsilon fraternity
members, but their $2,000 fine
money has been earmarked for a
good cause.
All University-imposed student
fines are put into the Goodwill
Student Aid Fund, according to
Dean of Students Erich A. Walter.
The fund is drawn on by himself
and the Dean of Women to 'aid
down-and-out University students,
Dean Walter explained.
* * *
THE BIGGEST addition to the

bucket drive,
sale of special
campus with
the fund.

highlighted by the
papers, was held on
proceeds going to

Turkey Day Exodus Empties 'U'

THE FUND DRIVE was discon-
tinued during the war and has
since passed into oblivion. When
the war ended The Daily againt
inaugurated an annual fund drive,
but the proceeds were slated for
the March of Dimes.
When Dean Walter took over
his present position in 1947, $113
w a lft in the. fuind."That was


but still had to turd away stu-

University regulations, profes- dents with late reservations.
sor's instructions, blue books and A nother airline however,
who knows what to the contrary,' scheduled only seven flights yes-
thousands of students tossed text- terday where 20 are normally
books aside yesterday and headed required. This may account for

apparently not conscience-stricken
about cutting Friday classes.
Martha Cook Residence re-
ported that three-fourths of its
women residents had signed out
yesterday, the majority of them


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