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November 21, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-21

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T heatre

The'Taft Dilemma'

"Don't Worry - I Might Catch You"

ONE GRAPHIC example of the inadequate
facilities of the University is the dearth
of theatres in which student groups may
present dramatic productions.
At present there are three auditoriums
which possess the minimum stage require-
ments of a theater-Lydia Mendelssohn,
Fattengill Auditorium in Ann Arbor High
School and the "U" High School Audi-
Lydia Mendelssohn, by far the best of
the three, is almost completely booked for
the entire school year by the Speech De-
partment and the School of Music. When
a student group does book a show it finds
only a minimum of rehearsal time available
and a maximum of expenses. A three night
production with one rehearsal and conmpul-
sory use of the box office costs approxi-~
mately $250.
Pattengill, which does not possess the
acme in back-stage setups is used primarily
for Ann Arbor High School functions. A
booking must be obtained far in advance
and at the last minute is liable to be can-
celled by some high school activity. Added to
this policy is the experience of one group
last year whose production was accompan-
led by a dance band from the gym below.
"U" High School Auditorium, the smallest
of the three, is now completely restricted
for use by the high school and the School
of Education.
To obtain a booking in Lydia Mendelssohn
or Pattengill under the existing conditions
an organization must make its plans a year
in, advance. While this is possible with a
group like Gilbert and Sullivan whose an-
nual pducton is similar to the previous
year's, and which uses limited material, it
is not practical in the case of original,
spontaneous or experimental productions.
This leaves any student group which wish-
es to stage a production the choice of a local
church or the steps of Alumni Memorial
The loss to cultural and recreational as-
pects of the University's life are rather
obvious. One arwer to the problem is an-
other campus theater, similar to Lydia Men-
delsohn but containing better storage and
production facilities. An alternate plan could
s} be to build a recital hall for the . School of
Music thus freeing Lydia Mendelssohn for
play productions.
Admittedly a new theater would not be
in constant use. Yet other campus facili-
ties, such as the stadium, which are not
used throughout the year have proved
their worth to the University and the
The University's answer to a request for
g new theater would most likely be that
there are not sufficient funds. under the
existing budget. But at least the University
should recognize the lack of theater facili-
ties and make plans to correct this situation
as soon as possible.
-Leonard Greenbaum
Editorials published In The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
At The State .. .
Two Weeks with Love with Jane Powell,
Ricardo Montalban and Louis Calhern.
' DON'T know, maybe this sort of stuff ap-
peals to some people. Evidently the pro-
duction chiefs at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer as-
sume that an amalgam of period costumes
(those "gay" Nineties again), the problems

of adolescence, carefully staged production
numbers and fatuous performances by all
hands are sure-fire box office. There exists,
I've suspected for some time, a wide dis-
parity between the level of. intelligence im-
puted to.the average movie-going public by
the Hollywood front-office men and what
that level actually is. Is it possible that pap
!such as this sells anything more than a few
boxes of popcorn?
The picture relates the adventures of a
strangely familiar family on a vacation in
the Catskills. The oldest daughter, (whose
voice and figure belie her seventeen years).
Is engaged in a pointless pursuit of a dash-
ing Cuban who is summering at the same
resort. From this point on the film disinte-
grates into a tasteless melange of adolescent
posturings and tears, bumbling parents, com-
petition from a predatory actress, charac-
ters bursting into song at the slightest pro-
vocation plus the usual stock gags, includ-
ing, (so help me) a breakaway pair of trou-
About the only bright spot in the picture
is a sparkling teen-ager, named Debbie Rey-
nolds, who shows real talent. She can sing
and dance as well as act. But her perform-
ance, valiant though it is, cannot compen-
state for the almost overpowering dullness
of the piece.
-D. R. Crippen
Ii 1.D Li

W ASHrINGTON-Senator Robert A. Taft
of Ohio, now that he is reelected and
has a "mandate," so to speak, by his big
majority, again has become the same fa-
miliar problem to the Internationalist wing
of° the Republican party.
The "Taft Dilemma," as it becomes once
more to that elenent of the party, Is one
of the most interesting things in our poli-
tics. For it lays bare the paradoxes, in-
consistencies and confusions of our poli-
tical system caused by divisions within
each of the maor parties on fundamental
policy, both foreign and domestic.
The Internationalist wing of the party
was frightened and disturbed by some of the
Ohio Senator's early post-election state-
ments which, as moderated subsequently,
are no more than what he has said many
times before and are not out of lint with
his previous actions in the Senate.
IT IS AS IF, somehow or other, Senator
Taft was expected to become a completely
changed person after his election which In-
ternationalists, along with others, promoted
so feverishly. The worry about the senator
comes out, here and there, in solemn re-
minders to him of his "responsibility" and
hopeful expressions, plaintive in tone, that
he will not interfere with basic principles
of Foreign Policy. To-the latter the Inter-
nationalist -wing of the Republican Party
generally subscribes, with some deviation as
to the far east. As a matter of fact the
broad outlines of the policy were laid down
with its cooperation under leadership of
Senator Vandenberg (R., Mich.).
Senator Taft's foreign policy attitudes
were forgotten for the duration of the
campaign when Republican ranks closed
behind him. This was dictated by that.
same political necessity which, on the
other hand, causes the Truman Fair Deal
political high command to support for
reelection Democratic members of Con-
gress who afterward will oppose fair deal
domestic reform measures.
It is a glaring weakness of our two-party
system about-which little has been done, or
very likely can be done.
For Republicans, as a party, it was ex-
tremely important that Senator Taft be
re-elected. Because- of the eminent position
he has achieved in the party his defeat at
this time would have been a heavy blow to
the party as a going political institution.

There were, too, other reasons which had
become important to components of the Re-
publican Party, however much they dif-
fered with the Senator on foreign policy.
Among these are powerful economic in-
terests which recognized clearly the chal-
lenge of labor politically and were deter.
mined to check it in Ohio where labor had
chosen to make its supreme and nationally-
advertised effort.
Now, with those matters settled, the In.'
ternationalist wing of the party has the
Senator back on its hands, and he is Just as
independent as ever and just as unpredict-
able as ever, and his prestige and influence
have increased. He hurried back here to
direct plans for the upcoming special ses-
sion of Congress and the new Congress
which meets in January with that same in-
cessant urge of leadership that he always
has exhibited after every election whether he
was directly involved or not.
There are some items which should com-
for te Internationalists within his party
when their excitement subsides.
One is that despite the Senator's con-
tinuous fight to cut down foreign economic
aid appropriations and his opposition most
recently, among other measures; to the At-
lantic Pact, the latter was adopted by Con-
gress and appropriations for foreign aid
were not much modified. It must be remem-
bered also. that in his complaints about
foreign policy he does not get the support
of Southern Democrats as he does in his
attacks on the Fair Deal domestic program.
Another source of comfort for the again
harrassed Internationalist wing of his party
is the news that Senator Vandenberg is re
turning to the Senate to re-assume the lead-
ership he formerly exercised in matters of
foreign policy. It was the absence of Senator
Vandenberg on account of illness that gave
Senator Taft his head in foreign policy in
which formerly the Ohio Senator had played
second string to devote most of his attention
to domestic policy; and it was that circum-
stance which had disturbed Republican In-
Beyond all that, Senator Taft does have
a sense of responsibility. He has said that
"only an idiot would be an isolationist to-
day," and his bark hitherto on foreign policy
has been worse than his bite, though no one
can predict at what he may bark as the situ-
ation develops in Congress.
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

i; ,/
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters o!
General interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are notrin good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
(tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11 a.-
m. Saturdays).
VOL. LXI, No. 49
Regents' Meeting: Sat., Dec. 16,
9 a.m. Communications for con-
sideration at this meeting must
be in the President's hands not
later than Dec. 7.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
School of Business Administra-
tio: Students from other Schools
and Colleges intending to apply
for spring admittance should se-
cure application forms in Room
150, School of Business Adminis-
tration, as soon as possible.
Regulations governing use of
automobiles by University stu-
dents will be waived during the
Thanksgiving holiday from 12 p.-
m. on Wed., Nov. 22 until 8 a.m,.
Fri., Nov. 24.
Employment Interviews:
Bendix Aviation Corporation Re-
search Laboratories, Detroit, have
openings for new staff members
with interest and experience in
the fields of dynamic analysis and
controls as applied to aircraft and
guided missiles. Applied mathe-
maticians are also desired. Mr. H.
Helvidge will interview for this
corporation in Room 1521 E. En-
gineering Bldg., Mon., Nov. 27.
Sign interview schedule on.Aero
bulletin board. Application blanks
in Aero Office.
Employment Interviews:
A representative from the Stan-
dard Register will be here for in-
terviews on Monday and Tuesday,
Nov. 27 and 28. There will be one
representative from the Detroit
office and one from the home of-
fice. in Dayton, Ohio to interview
men for sales in any part of the
country. For further information
and appointments call at the Bu,
reau of Appointments, Ext. 371.
Men's Housing: Applications for
rooms in the Men's Residence
Halls for the spring semester 1951
are now being accepted. Any stu-
dent interested in accommoda-
tions should see Mr. K. D. Streiff
in the Office of Student Affairs.
Rooms will be available in the
East and West Quadrangles, Vic-
tor Vaughan House, and Fletcher
Hall (room only).
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: W e d.,
Nov. 22, 10 a.m., Room 1520, .E
Medical Bldg. Speaker: Dr. Bur-
ton L. Baker. Subject: "Physio-
logy of Adreno Cortical Hor-


Unto Erkkila, violinists; David
Ireland, violist and Jerome Je-
linck, cellist; Symphony in Two
Movements by Grant Beglarian,
with Elaine Brovan and Ann Mc-
Kinley, pianists.
The discussion panel will in-
clude Gilbert. Ross, Helen Titus,
Harvey Gross and Edward Chd-
acoff. The public is invited.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross
and Emil. Raabviolinists, Paul
IDoktor, violist, and Oliver Edel,
cellist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 21. The program will
include the Rasoumowsky Quar-
tets by Beethoven. Open to the
Events Today
Congregational, Disciple, Evan-
gelical and Reformed Guild: Tea
at the Guild House, 4:30 to 5:45
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Kappa Phi: Meeting of all Kap-
pa Phi actives and pledges, 5:30
p.m., Youth Room, Methodist
Church. Mrs. LeSourd, our na-
tional =sponsor will be our .guest.
Theme of program: "Great Wo-
men of the Half Century."
U. of M. Women's Glee Club:
Rehearsal, 4:10 p.m.
Sigma Rho Tau: Meeting, 7 p.-
m., Union. Program: Debate with
the University of Detroit and a
contest in raconteur speaking. All
engineering students invited.

WASHINGTON - War documents seized
after V-E Day have shown conclusively
that about three million Russians surrender-
ed to the German army in 1941 because of
the revolt against Moscow. There is also
conclusive evidence that millions of Rus-
sians were friendly toward the United States
at the ;time of V-E Day; and that the chief
reason for the Iron Curtain was to keep
them from knowing the benefits of peace
and friendship.
Cracking the Iron Curtain, it should be
noted, is not easy. But neither is war easy.
And as a step toward cracking it, I would
like to propose four rather elementary moves
which could be made in Washington.
MOVE NO. 1-President Truman should
call in the most powerful leaders of the Re-
publican party-Governor Dewey, Senator
'Taft, Gov. Warren of California and Sena-
- -- -


SOLOMON combines a prodigious technique
with a warm and sensitive musician-
ship. The combination makes him a superb
interpreter of romantic music: his perform-
ance of the Schumann Etudes Symphoniques
was the most exciting I have ever heard.
There were no technical problems for
Solomon, and unlike other heaven- storm-
ers his technique does not seem to be built
on an effort of will. His manner of playing
is relaxed and unaffected without any of
the characteristic virtuoso gestures.
His interpretation of the Beethoven
Waldstein Sonata was a virtuoso reading,
and I heard complaints about this. But the
Waldstein is in many ways a display piece:
a very superior display piece, but neverthe-
less a work which is brilliant and showy.
Solomon's reading made the most of the
runs and trills, and I don't think I'l soon
forget the rondo theme ringing out above
the trill on G. It sounded like the pianist
had three hands. Yet it wasn't all bravura;
his tender treatment of the E Major theme
in the Allegro, and his handling of the in-
tense Adagio made one anxious to hear his
interpretations of the later Beethoven so-
SIn the Adagio he worked up a beautiful
emotional curve, moving from questioning
expactation, through agitation and intensity
and finally dropping down to serenity. At.
this point the entrance of the rondo theme
was magical.
Solomon was at his top form in the
Schumann. These studies became, under
his hands, truly symphonic. One heard

tor-elect Duff of Pennsylvania-in an effort
to chart a straightforward foreign policy
for the nation. We have suffered too much
from having foreign policy statements shoot-
ing off in different directions. We don't real-
ize that when foreign governments' hear the
White House say one thing and a group of
Senators who have been visiting General
MacArthur say another, they don't know
which side to believe.
MOVE NO. 2-Create a government pro-
paganda office entirely separate from the
State Department.
MOVE NO. 3-Bring more top newsmen
and public relations experts into the new,
reorganized Propaganda Bureau.
MOVE NO. 4-Create in the United States
a "League for a Democratic Russia." Made
up of Russian exiles, this committee could
function as did the Czechoslovak committee
in Pittsburgh in 1918 which led to the dis-
ruption of the Austro-Hungarian empire and
the founding of the Czechoslovak republic.
* *. *
the Italian-born British atom scientist, had
the full cooperation of the OGPU in escap-
ing behind the Iron Curtain.... Pontecorvo
drove his car to Copenhagen and left it there
while he and his family took the north ex-
press to Stockholm. From Stockholm they
flew by plane to Helsinki. The Russian
freighter Beloostrov had been scheduled to
sail at 10:40 a.m. September 5. It waited
until 5 p.m. and sailed the minute the Pon-
tecorvo family was on board.
can legation reports that a mysterious meet-
ing of eastern European Communist bosses
is now going on at the Russian resort town
of Sochi in the Crimea. This is Prime Minis-
ter Stalin's favorite hideaway and It's be-
lieved he may be present. A number of Polish
and Rumanian generals are known to be
present and American diplomats belive the
subject being discussed is how to bring great-
er coordination between the satellite armies.
TENSION IN IRAN-U.S. ambassador
Grady has cabled from Teheran that the
Russian radio across the border in Aberbai-
jan is warning Iranians to get ready to wel-
come a Russian army. The broadcasts-
which continue round-the-clock-no longer
say "If the Russian army enters Iran," but
"When the Russian army enters Iran." . .
Meanwhile the Moscow diplomatic set has
been buzzing about the way all Soviet btg-
wigs turned out for a party at the Iranian
embassy a week ago.
SdVIET TANKS-The U.S. Army in Cer-
many has reported to the p'entagon that
Russia's tanks and artillery and even the

Pedestrians .
To the Editor:
I WAS LOOKING forward to a
follow-up of Saturdy's article
on "frustrated drivers," but since
none seems to be forthcoming, let
me attempt an apologia for the
poor defenseless pedestrian, whose
very name has become synony-
mous with certain unfavorable
characteristics. He is the boor, the
very peasant in American culture,
and is treated like dirt under the
wheels. He very often winds up
that way. His longevity is not re-
markable, and in this State the
absence of ventral license plates
on cars makes it possible never to
know who hit you.
Of course I realize that the oth-
er fellow is always the idiot, and
I do not wish to elevate the am-
bulant above the cyclist and the
motorist. When I was a kid, I had
a car. As a young man, I had a
bicycle ("A plague on both your
houses"). Now, in my dotage, I
walk. And the dumb things I have
done in each case are legion.
I also realize that automobiles
are a faster means of locomotion
than Shank's mare, and often in
a greater hurry than I on the way
to my one o'clock, but neverthe-
less the motorist does not yet own
Michigan. Every time you make a
car stop if it is supposed to stop,
you protect Civil Rights just as
much as when you take a stand in
the Student Legislature.
Why is the pedestrian on the
highway a parasite and the bicy-
clist a nuisance? The law says
that a car must stop before the
cross-walk on a stop street. Park-
ed vehicles blocking cross-walks
are no sources of enjoyment, eith-
er. At traffic lights, pedestrians
take precedence over turning ve-
hicles, unless otherwise specified.
It might even be nice for cars to
slow down to let pedestrians cross
at other intersections, after wait-
ing five minutes. But at State and
Williams, it often takes a Dufek to
break through.
Some cars do stop, but in gen-
eral there is far too little cour-
tesy of drivers to pedestrians or to
other drivers. In California, the
Promised Land, walkers get as
much courtesy crossing the high-
way as do cattle in Michigan. The
poor Midwesterner has to readjust
himself to a situation where high-
way traffic will stop to let him
pass. At first, he will jump back
on the curb, never thinking it pos-
sible that approaching traffic is
halting just for him. How about
.-John Neufeld
,, * "
Zoning Code .
To the Editor:
ORDINANCE 10 constitutes the
zoning code of the City of
Ann Arbor. One of the amend-
ments to Ordinance 10, now under
consideration, would affect areas
z o n e d for single-family use,
through the adoption of a defini-
tion of what is a family. If the
definition is adopted, the effect
would be to exclude fraternities,
sororities and similar groups from
entering "AA" and "A" Residen-
tial Districts.'Those already locat-
ed within such districts would
then continue as a non-conform-
ing use.

This amendment was recom-
mended to the Common Council
by the Ordinance Committee, of
which I am chairman. It passed
its first reading on November 6.,
Prior to its second reading, a pub-
lic hearing must be held; and
that hearing is to be held priors
to the C'ouncil Meeting of Decem-
ber 4. The purpose of this letter
is to make sure that all concerned
have been notified.
It may also be noted here that
the City Planning Commission is
working on plans for rather exten-
sive revisions of the several usej
districts. One of these plans,
which might be ready for recom-
mendation to the Council fairly
soon, would involve a considerable
extension of the "B" district; and
if this plan were adopted, it
wolud include a very large share.
of existing fraternity and sorority
--Alderman A. D. Moore
* . *
Haircuts . .
To the Editor:
Chapekis and the Hiawatha
Club. The movement that you andJ
your club have launched should be
followed by all the male students
on the campus of the UniversityE
of Michigan.
A small group of friends, all stu-
dents and Faculty members, who1
used to get a haircut every two
weeks, decided about two months


ago to have their hair cut every
four weeks. It is working very nice- Mathematics Colloquium: 4:10
ly, and as matter of general in- p.m., Tues., Nov. 21, Room 3011,
formation for the students, per- Angell Hall. Prof. Wilfred Kap-
haps we ought to mention that lan will speak on "Fourier Series
we get a lot of help from the Sta- and Logarithmic Potential."
Neet (a razor blade-comb combi-
nation available at the drug stores
at a rather low price). Concerts
We are very happy to see that Composers' Forum under the di-
another group of students, much rection of Ross Lee Finney, 8:30
larger than ours, is also interested p.m., Wed., Nov. 22, Rackham As-
in bringing down the price for a sembly Hall. The program will in-
haircut. Just as Mr. Chapekis puts lude Symphony in D by Dean
it, perhaps the whole thing won't Nuernberger, with Robert Stein-
do any good. Perhaps what we bauer and David Hildinger, pian-
need is to get together all the stu- ists; Concerto in A by Frederick
dents who live in the frater- Don Truesdell, with Mr. Truesdell
nities, dormitories and all other and Digby Bell, pianists; String
houses. These fellows have a big Quartet in B flat, by Robert Co-
advantage on the rest of us. They gan, with Theodore Johnson and

Pershing Rifles: Meeting Pic-
tures will be taken. Everyone
should appear in correct uniform.
Gilbert and Sullivan Properties
Crew: Meeting, 7 p.m., League.
Quarterdeck Society: 7:30 p.m.,
Room 3G, Union. Speaker: Com-
mander W. R. Smith. Submarine
Graduate History Club: Meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Room 3S, Union. Pro-
fessor Th. J. G. Locker, Visiting
Professor of History from the Uni-
versity of Leyden, will speak on
"The Teaching of History in Wes-
tern Europe."
Chess Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Room 3D, Union.
Michigan Education Club: 7:30
p.m., League. Dr. Lord will discuss,
"Opportunities In The Special
Fields In Education." All are in-
Undergraduate Psychological So-
ciety: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room
3-D, Union, Prof. Emeritus John
F. Shepard will "R e m i n i s c e
through 50 Years in Psychology."
Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Full
chorus rehearsal, 8 p.m., League.
(Continued on Page 5)

Cercle Francais: Meeting, 8
Michigan League. Talk by
C. E. Koella.

live at one place, they can get to-
gether easily and they constitute ;ountry.
a very large group of the male
students. Let's hope we get some anetics m
reaction from them! sent me
--F. Villegas will beco
* * * without
they ark
Dianetics . . . good." T
To the Editor: is Prof.
I READ with a good deal of in- book pro
terest the opinions on Dianetics probably
as expressed by various Univer- result in
sity psychologists. Having had a ple . . .
good deal of experience with Di- the factI
anetics I would be inclined to say sult of n
that these professional men were not an i
passing judgement on something gether o
without giving it a fair trial, if many ca
any trial at all. Even the author perience,
of "Dianetics" doesn't ask anyone results w
to believe his ideas, but he asks I am n
them to try them out and see. In my word
my experience with this new sci- Dianetics
ence I have not yet found any- fore it i
thing to contradict the statements who kn
made by Mr. Hubbard. would be
The statements made by these this sub,
University men is typical of the group tha
way Dianetics is being received by ed in it.
psychiatrists throughout t h e

They are afraid that Di-
might work and that pre-
thods of psycho-therapy
ome obsolete. Therefore,
any experiment or test
rbitrarily say, "It's no
that is certainly not the
attitude. Proof of this
Kelly's statement: "The
omises so much that it
cannot deliver, and may
a setback for some peo-
. " Prof. Kelly overlooks
that Dianetics is the re-
many years of research;
dea that was thrown to-
vernight. I can point to
ses, some in my own ex-
in which the expected
rere achieved.
not asking anyone to take
for it; I merely ask that
s be given a chance be-
s ripped apart by people
ow nothing about it. I
e quite willing to discuss
ject with any person or
at is genuinely interest-
-Bert Braun

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under' the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown..........Managing Editor
Paul Brentinger..........City Editor
Roma Lipsky.........Edtoral Director
Dave Thomas..:,.....Feature Editor
Janet Watts .. ..,.......Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan............Associate Editor
James Gregory ........ Associate Editor
Bill Connolly...........Sports Editor
Bob San dell.....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton..Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans...........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........ .Business Manager
'Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.....Advert .ng Manager
Bob Mersereau....... Firfance Manager
Carl Breitkretz.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier. $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


- -1
A GOLDEN EGG, m'boy! What
a goose! Was there ever such
o goose!... Where'd she go?-


eflew away-
ISfon fro/ina arround, Rarncmhv!


Y$ t i N k

.. ran.:.:. ":

r M ima~84u t 1sL3


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