i THEATRE INADEQUACIES See Page 4 I1 L Latest Deadline in the State :43 a t t CLOUDY, COLD VOL. LXI, No. 49 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1950 SIX PAGES w I T 3 I I I I 1 * S S * UN Rejects Russian Plan For Peace Assembly Adopts Nine-Power Draft NEW YORK-(P)-The United Nations Assembly yesterday re- jected Russia's terms for cooperat- ing in the development of Secre- tary General Trygve Lie's 20-year peace program. Instead, it adopted a Nine-Pow- er resolution calling for the ap- propriate UN bodies to work on various phases of Lie's plan. The backbone of the Secretary- General's 10-point plan was a se- ries of high-level Security Coun- cil meetings at which foreign ministers, prime ministers and oth- er top officials would tackle the UN's outstanding problems. SOVIET Foreign Minister An- drei Y. Vishinsky had countered with a series of conditions, includ- ing the participation of Red China in the Council meetings and the absolute prohibition of the atomic bomb. The United States charges this was an attempt to barter peace. The 60-nation Assembly beat down each section of the Soviet resolution in a paragraph-by-para- graph'vote. Its vote for the Nine- Power plan was 51 in favor, five against, with Nationalist China abstaining. None of the Soviet points received more than 16 votes. * s THE Lrat program calls for long range economic and financial pol- cies to raise world living standards, and suggests intensified efforts to break the deadlock of atomic ener- gy. And the 14-nation Steering Committee pos.tponed action on whether to place the Tibet case on the Assembly's agenda after several delegations said they were awaiting instructions from their governments. The special Political Committee adopted a resolution urging India, Pakistan and South Africa to try to negotiate their differences over South Africa's treatment of her 300,000 Indian minority. The Political Committee prepar- ed to open debate at Lake Success t o d a y on Nationalist China's charges that Russia engineered the civil war in China. Arrests Loom In Grid Pool Investigation Police were close-mouthed but confident yesterday that the first arrests in the football pool card investigation would be made this weuk Sergeant Walter Krasny, who is handling the probe, said, "As scion as we get a few irons ironed out, I think we'll be ready to o. I hope it will be today or tomorrow, but if it's either it'll probably be to- morrow." But Krasny warned that there were certain things which have happened that may delay the ar- rests. Krasny would not say what the "irons" were which were hold- ing up the arrests,- nor would he comment on the things which have happened that might delay thenm further. Krasny did say, however, that as far as he knew there was no connection between the $10 mil- lion gambling ring, smashed by Detroit Police last week, and the Ann Arbor operators. Ensian Contracts Due by Saturday 'Ensian contracts must be in by Saturday, Joyce Rashti, '52, con- tracts manager has announced. An Editorial WHAT'S THE matter with student government at the University of Michigan? Similar questions about government have been asked by newspapers for longer than we can remem- ber. Yet at the mid-point of the Student Legisla. ture's fourth fall election and with a disappointing number of ballots reported cast in the first day of voting, this seems an appropriate time to revive the query on this campus. Student government at the University has yet to gain the complete confidence of many members of the faculty and administration. It must also be admitted that SL has its share of skeletons knocking about in the family closet. , Both of these shortcomings, however, can be traced to the same cause: indifference on the part of the student body. If the students are not interested enough in student government to spend a few minutes in performing the simple task of marking a ballot, then the faculty can scarcely be blamed for viewing SL's actions with little more than bemused skepticism. For those who attempt to belittle SL by pointing to blunders such as the University of Philippines fiasco, the answer lies in the same direction. A little more time expended in examining the qualifications of the various candidates would insure more competent representation in the legislature. Astonishing enough, the answer seems plainly to be this: there's nothing the matter with student govern- ment at the University of Michigan except the voters. The new SL, along with this year's student representation on the Board in Control of Student Publications, engineering class officers and the J. Hop committee, will only be as good as the students make them. If we, as students, have any real interest in having our opinions regarded with respect in the councils of the University, now is the time to prove it at the polls. -The Senior Editors. DIM HOPE IN SENATE? Truman Said To Favor Rent Control Extension U.S. Troops Reach Yalu Unopposed Weather Slows Drive by Seventh SEOUL-(G)-U.S. Seventh Di- vision infantrymen reached the Manchurian - frontier today in Northeast Korea. There was no report of any op- position. The 17th regiment combat team, the first American outfit to com- plete the border advance, arrived at the Yalu river near the Korean border city of Hyesanjin. The troops were only two miles away this morning. * * * TANKS AND ARTILLERY were brought up in support. The com- bat team's commander, Col. Her- bert B. Powell said his force would not fire across the Yalu into Chi- nese Communist Manchuria until the Reds "fire at us first." The Seventh Division com- mander said his men, who, were slowed more by frigid winds and snow-banked mountain terrain than by Communists during re- cent days, would pull back into the nearby hill positions-"and wait and see what happens." The Seventh's commander, Maj. Gen. David G. Barr, had vi'ewed the river boundary late yesterday from the top of a ridge. He post- poned the final advance until morning because of the approach- ing darkness. The Seventh moved up virtually unopposed after brushing aside brief resistance Sunday at the walled city of Kapsan. Elsewhere onythe frigid battle- front yesterday, South Korean forces advanced six miles in the northeast ad up to three miles in the northwest. U.S. Marines plodded warily along both the eastern and west rims of icy Changjin reservoir, an important link in Korea and Manchurian hy- droelectric power networks. Socialist Win In Germany Perils Defense FRANKFURT, Germany-(A')-- America's plan to rearm Western Europe for defense within the rea- sonable future is in grave peril. This is underscored by weekend election returns giving a wide mar- gin of victory to the German So- cialist Party, which opposes rearm- ament as presently planned. It had been assumed the Ger- man people were ready to jump to arms if asked. In the election, however, two large German states gave their answer to the rearm- ament problem. Editors and po- liticians agreed the answer was- no rearmament. Kurt Schumacher, Socialist lea- der, has attached two conditions to German rearming-that re- arming not take place until West- ern Germany has complete inde- pendence nor until the Western allies have enough troops in Ger- many to defeat any Russian at- tack. This in effect meant the Ger- mans would not rearm until they could do so without risk and were1 no longer needed. Onion Sellout PRAGUE-M)-Some people in Czechoslovakia are buying heaps of onions to protect themselves against atomic ra- diation,the-trade union news- paper Prace said in a derisive report last night. Others, it said, are stocking up on vinegar to guard against gas attacks. It declared a woman spread the rumor that the smell of onions helped counteract the effect of radiation after an atomic bomb explosion. California Floods Start To Subside FRESNO, Calif.-(IP)-Rivermen hoped last night that the worst floods in California's Central Val- leys in a generation were Fbsd- ing. Several thousand people had been chased out of their homes by the raging waters, but some were returning yesterday and were add- ing up their losses. Damage ultimately w il1 be counted in the millions of dollars. LOSS OF LIFE was remarkably low-only two directly due to the floods, while 10 or 12 died as a consequence of t h e attending storms. Unrelenting rain, which had beaten down upon the valleys, the foothills and the higher mountains for eight days, stirred normally placid streams into tor- rents. The warm rain wiped out the snowpack in the high Sierra, send- ing the snow waters cascading down mountain canyons. FROM Sacramento, to the north, where the American River was on a rampage, south to the Kern which passes through Bakersfield, rivers, tributaries a n d creeks crested out of their banks and flowed over the lowlands. Physical damage to crops, live- s t o c k, farmlands, buildings, bridges and highways may run, between $10,000,000 and $15,000,- 000. A costal electric company said five of its hydro-electric power plants were out of service because debris either choked intakes to the powerhouse, flooded generating plants, or wrecked dams. The $200,000 state fish hatchery on the Kern River was demolish- ed. Between 75,000 and 100,000 fat turkeys, just ready for the Thanks- giving market, drowned in the Centerville area in Fresno county. Jury Cites 12 For Contempt VACANT VOTING BOOTH-Joe Hipfel, '52E, and Tom Goulish, '52E, (right) campus poll officials, wait for voters in the cold wind which kept students away from the polls in droves yesterday. * * * * Many Booths Fail To Open As Planned Students Resume BallotingToday By RICH THOMAS Only 3,000 students went to the polls in the first day of the all- campus elections yesterday, falling 1,500 short of last spring's record first-day turnout of 4,500. The huge drop in the number of voters was attributed to the cold wave which swept Ann Arbor yes- terday and a foul-up in the de- livery of ballot boxes to their assigned campus locations. * * * ALTHOUGH ELECTION booth were scheduled to open at 8 a.m. yesterday, many did not get un- derway until as late as 1:30 p.m. Jim Storrie, '51BAd, SL mem- ber in charge of the election, blamed the University's plant department for the delay. "Somewhere in the plant de- partment, our (the SL's) request to have the boxes delivered yes- terday got lost," Storrie said. "It wasn't until 9:15 a.m. that the error was finally corrected and a truck was dispatched to deliver the boxes." BY THAT TIME, Storrie assert- ed, many poll officials had report- ed for duty, found nothing at the' booths to work with, and had de- parted. "Boxes at these booths had to be left locked until the proper officials had been found and some of the outlying booths were not functioning properly un-, il after 1 p.m.," he said. The telephone network et up for the SL by the Univ rsity's ROTC signal corp and t e car which election officials ai.e were a great aid in straten ing out the mix-up, according to Storrie. Having double-checked with the plant department, Storrie was sure that distribution of the ballot box- es would be on time today. *3 * * EVEN WITH continued cold weather and snow flurries fore- cast for today, Storrie felt that more students would vote today than did yesterday. Although the heaviest vote is usually recorded the first day of elections, Storrie predicted that, with booths open for the full day, 4,000 students would go to the polls today. Booths will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. Students must have their ID cards when they vote. * '3 * IF THE WEATHER remains cold election booths at Angell Hall, the Union, the Business Adminis- SL Corrections The following corrections sup- plement the Student Legislature candidates' statements published in Sunday's Daily: Keith Beers, '52E, voted "no" on question three, Lee Benjamin, '52, completed satisfactorily the SL training program, and Al Samberg, '52, voted "yes" on all five ques. tions. tration Bldg, the Hospital and the League will be moved indoors. Other election booths (see map) will remain in their designated places. Storrie reported that no at- tempts at fraud were discovered by election officials. "If fraudu- lent activities did take place," Storrie asserted, "they will be easily discovered when ballot counting gets underway at 7 p.m. today in the Union Ball- room." Storrie said ballot counters are WASHINGTON - (') - Presi- dent Truman was quoted yesterday as wanting, Congress to extend Federal rent control 1'for three months when the lawmakers re- turn for the short "lame duck" ses- sion on Nov. 27. Prospects for Senate action re- mained dim, however, at least un- til the new 82nd congress meets in January. CHAIRMAN Spence (D-Ky) of the House Banking Committee said after a White House visit that Mr. Truman wants Congress to ex- tend the controls until March 31, 1951, at the forthcoming session. Spence told newsmen the President's idea is that a three- months extension now would give the new Congress a chance to explore "the whole question of rent controls ir order to de- cide what is needed in the fu- ture." Under present law, all Federal rent controls expire Dec. 31, 1950, except in communities which vol- untarily keep the curbs for six more months. IWorld News Roundup By The Associated I'ress SACRAMENTO-Senator Sheri- dan Downey (D-Calif) announced yesterday he will resign 30 days before the end of his term and Governor Warren said he will name Senator-elect Richard M. Nixon in his place. * ,, .3 SEOUL - The commander of 1,200 Philippine troops who vol- unteered for duty in the Korean war protested officially yester- day that his men were not being used as a single fighting unit and asked that they be withdrawn. SPENCE SAID he will introduce a resolution in line with Mr. Tru- man's proposal when the "lame duck" ,session begins next Monday. On the other side of Capitol Hill, Senators Taft (R-Ohio), Bricker (R-Ohio) and Maybank (D-SC) were among those who generally threw cold water on any chance of the Senate going along. Bricker, a chief spokesman against the last two extensions of federal rent controls, said there is "no need now" for an extension because local communities have enough authority to carry the con- trols, if they desire, until the mid- dle of 1951. SIMILARLY, Taft told newsmen last week, on returning to Wash- ington from his smashing victory at the polls: "I would doubt that the lame duck session will extend the rent control law." Chairman Maybank of the Senate Banking Committee was even more emphatic. The South Carolina legislator told a real estate convention in Miami Fla., last week that he doesn't intend to have "any rent control bill before my committee" dur- ing the short session. Maybank also declared he will oppose federal rent controls when the new 82nd Congress meets. i1. -Daily-Ed Kosma X MARKS THE SPOT-The locations, of 13 of the 14 election booths -are marked on the map of the University campus.. There are two booths each at the Engineering Arch and the Library. Not pictured is the booth located in front of the Hospital. SHAKY SETTLEMENT: Opposition to Phone Contract Predicted by Union Leader DETROIT -(P)- All was not quiet on the telephone front yes- terday as opposition from union members developed just a few hours after a settlement had end- ed the "quickie" strikes. One union leader predicted the AA8 ahr f i na 0lallwa u members of nis local wouid re- WASHINGTON - (R) - Ten ject the proposed agreement that men and two women were indicted ended 11 days of "hit and run" by a federal grand jury here yes- picketing at Michigan Bell ex- terday on contempt of Congress changes. charges. The accused ncluded an atomic DWetcarsgtrDri scientist, an heiress to a West coast dried fruit fortune, and the gener- The Michigan Memorial al manager of the Communist Phoenix Project has received newspaper, The Daily Worker. contributions from 80 per cent All were accused on from one to of the members of two addi- 68 counts of refusing to answer tional groups. questions put to them by the House The house groups are: Committee on Un-American Ac- Alpha Phi tivities during an investigation of Chi Omega Communism. THE LEADER, Bernard L. Fis- her president of Local 504, CIO Communications W o r k e r s .of America, in Grand Rapids said his members would probably reject the contract. The contract provided 16,000 Michigan-Bell workers with wage, increases of $3 to $5 and other benefits. Union members must ratify the contract by Nov. 30 by a majority vote if it is to go into effect. Fisher also predicted "other Michigan locals also will refuse it." * * * HE SAID the question of wage differentials for the same jobs in different cities would probably be the basis for rejection. Detroit workers now get about $.8 more a week than workers in other Michi- gan cities. Meanwhile 400 Michigan em- ployes of Western Electric Co., who have also-been on strike, re- fused in Detroit to ratify a na- tionwide contract agreed upon in New York Monday. Following the settlement Michi- gan Bell indicated it may ask the state for a rate increase to cover the wage hikes. Michigan Bell president John A. Greene said the only way the com- pany can cover the wage boost is "from its customers." Services Today T P'dh T T TLL POINTS TO PRODIGY FAILURES: Solomon Stresses Need o f Liberal Studies for A rtist O By LEONARD GREENBAUM An extensive liberal arts educa- tion is a prime requisite for the contemporary concert artist, ac- cording to the famed British pia- nist Solomon. In a Daily interview before his the numerous non-musical sub- jects, you are better able to in- terpret music and express life." "An artist," Solomon said, "should also have physical recrea- tion. He should be interested in politics and in sports." It is like seeing a side-show at a circus. People go only to see someone extraordinarily young doing the unnatural. "But when the prodigy grows up his musical, ability has not im- proved nor has he attained the the pianist they have just heard before. Reputations are no long- er made overnight, but if you have the goods you get there." Solomon did. His long series of successes have earned him a world-wide reputation. During the