THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1950 THE MTCHTEAN4i AT.V UDY,?OEMEI9,15 Hundred Candi r Student Publications 1. S. Brown, Grad. "In running for re-election to, the Board of Student Publirations, I feel that the experience I nave had on the Board in the past year and previously as Daily sports editor and co-managing editor and as a staff member of the 'Ensian is highly important. I have attempted to represent the student point of view in the year I have served on the Board and will continue to do sc; if re-elected. Phil Dawson, Grad. Experience in publications and student government is the main qualification for members of the board in control of student publica- tions. I have served on the Daily as editorial director and managing editor, and am now a member of the Men's Judiciary Council. My aim is to help maintain and improve the high quality of the student publi- cations, and to represent effectively the interest of the student body in their publications. Al Friedman, '52 I believe the basic pohcies of the board are very satisfactory and would enjoy the work of carrying out these policies. I feel that my past work on the Dally staff would be of some value in Board work. Ned Hess, '51E , The Board has an important part in the success of the various campus publications. I am sincerely interested in working with these organizations, and my past experience in campus activities qualifies me, I believe, for the position. Jares Jans, Grad During the p year, as a bo va merber, I have sunnorted th(- 'Ensian, Daily, and Gargoyie staff recommendations on every major issue. In seeking reelection, I wish co continue this policy of keeping the direction of the -publications ofrnm tely in sturd-nt hands. My ore- vious experience indicates tht I have the ability to carry out 1hi: pol7' ----fully, for I have or- -1ne year on the Board in Con- trol and in the Student Legislature, being SL president for a term. * * * * Hugh Quinn, '51 As a former member-of both the D-}}y and 'Ensian staffs, I feel that I am qualified to serve on the Board in Control of Student Publi- cations. I am intere;*..'in ti- work of the Board and in seeing tnat the student viewpoint is seen ard carrieir out at the Board meetings. * * * * Ron Seavoy, '53 (No statement) Roger Wellington, '51E It is my belief that to be an effective student member of the Board in Control of Studen' Publications a candidate must have a thorough knowledge of the working of that group and the intent with which it op3rates. This can only be gained from long experience on the member publications. T have been connected with Student Publications for three years, serving as Business Manager of the 1950 Daily, Business Manager of the 1950 Summer Daily, Frfor 1950-51 Student Directory and editor of the 1950 Summer Student Directory. It is my firm belief that all Student Publications should remain as independently student operated as possible at all times. Tom Anton, '53 1. no 2. yes 3. no opinion 4. yes 5. yes I want to serve on SL because I feel this is one way in which I may be of service to the students on campus. * * * Kala Aronoff, 54 * 1. yes 2. yes 3. no 4. yes 5. yes I desire to serve on SL in order to bring into the open the com- blaints and desires of the students. I have decided that all talk and no action is useless. The only way to get action is to, become an active voice and worker for the students in their legislature. atesVie ft Questions The Daily asked the 57 candidates for the Student Legislature five questions pertaining to issues currently confronting student gov- ernment. Beneath their names appear their answers to the questions, indicating the line of action they intend to take on the issues if they are elected. 1. Should the Student Legislature request the University to place a time limit on fraternities for eliminating discriminatory clauses with the understanding that after the time is up, University recogni- tion of any fraternity which still has such a clause will be withdrawn, forcing the fraternities' local chapter off campus? Yes, No, No Opinion. 2. Federal rent controls expire Dec. 31 of this year. Should the Student Legislature sponsor a campaign to get the Ann Arbor City Council to pass a rent control law under the local option clause in the Federal law? Yes, No, No Opinion. 3. Should affiliated and independent house groups be represented on the Student Legislature in proportion to the number of students in each group? Yes, No, No Opinion 4. The Student Legislature is reviewing the general value, purpose and success of Tug Week Do you favor the continuation of the Fresh- man-s-homore rivalry week? Yes, No, No Opinion. 5. Do you favor a long Thanksgiving week-end holiday, at the ex- pense-of subtracting a day each from the Christmas and Spring vaca- tions to make up for the two days lost by granting the Thanksgiving holiday? Yes, No, No Opinion. Starred candidates are those who completed satisfactorily the important candidate training program. Double-starred candidates are incumbents. r Student Posts 4 Ken Babcock, '53 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Y Yes In high school my interest was aroused in Student Government as I served on my high school governing body for several years. Student Legislature at Michigan therefore, is the natural field in which I should be most interested and the field in which I should continue my extra-curricula work. Robert Baker, '52 BAd * 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No Opinion 4. Yes 5. Yes I am interested in the work of the Student Legislature, which I feel is the most important body on campus. - *' * * Robert Bard, '53 * 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. No 1 wish to become a Student Leg- islature member so that I might be able to help in some small way, to realize the ideal of a militant Student Legislature, and be able to accurately represent and carry out the will of the student body. * * * Keith Beers, '52E 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No Opinion 4. No 5. Yes' I desire reelection, that I may continue to fa-ly represent on dis- crimination, s p e k e rs bans, Thanksiving, etc, and put a year's experience on the bookstore sub-committee, and as SL's sum- mer president, to work as TDirecto, of Better Bus>_ss Burca and Campus Prices Sub-Committee in attempting tc bring student dollars a better deal. Dave Belin, '51 BAd 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes Because the internal organiza- tion of the Student Legislature is dangerously behind its vastly ex- panded power and prestige, the primary reason for my seeking re- election is to continue working to close this gap, making use of past experience in student government, other campus activities, and over- seas army coordination work. Lee Benjamin, '52 1. No 2. Yes 5. No 4. Yes 5. Yes I would like to hln er "- 'e the unjust criticism directed at Stu- ent Legislature and want to make ,ur student government a more in- tegral part of university life. Not enough students re-line that only through their interest and willing- ness to participate can Student Legislature truly reflect campus opinion. Phil Berry, '52 BAd * 1. No Opinion 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes My two years experience with SL can best be utilized to increase and improve the value of SL in representing the student body of this educ'ational community, if 1 3m permitted n policy-making po- 7ition in both administrative and substantive r-ttrs. * * * Alan Berson, '52 * 1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. official capacity the work I am now doing in connection with the Literary College Conference. This is the student group that meets regularly with the Deans an- de- partment heads to decide upon specific improvements in the cur- riculum and student-faculty rela- tions. * * * Gene Bohi, '53 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes The reason I wish to serve on the Student Legislature is that I wish to be a representative of the student body for things ihich they desire to have done. I feel that I. have the tirr and ability to do this satisfactorily. * * Margee Brewer, '52 1. No 2. No Opinion 3. Yes 4. Yes -5. Yes I would like to serve on SL be- cause I am interested in being on the inside of such an organization so that I might be able to help represent a certain segment of the campus. * * * Rosemary Brown,''52 Ed 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes I am sincerely interested in stu- dent government, and I want to take an active part 'n stur 'nt leg- islatĀ° n. I want to serve on SL because I believe that it is the most important -rvoun on this cam- pus, and t'at only through "_can student opinion be adequately rep- resented. Stan Brown, '52 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes I wish to further the work of the SL. I am nprticiilarly interest- ed in realizing a long Thanksgiv- ing weekend, relieving dormitory telephone congestion, finding a practical solution '. the liquor problem of those over 21, and in bringing the SL closer to the stu- dents and the University adminis- tration. * * * Dave Cargo, '51 . Yes 2. Yes 3. No Opinion 4. Yes 5. Yes I wish to serve on because I want to work to better and im- orove conditions for the people here on campus. I also desire the experience of the work. Uerb Cheston, 'S 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Yes It's an election-and only if we seat on SL hardworking, dynamic individuals who can really under- stand and readily express student opinion, will we ever have forceful student government. I pledge my time, my efforts, my strength to- wards rmkin' 5c the '-nrte of powerful democratic studc-- self- 'rule. * * * Euth Cocoves, 1. No 2. Yes 3. No '52 4. Yes 5. No I am interested in serving, pri- marily, because I believe in the aims of SL. I feel that I am cap- able of making a definite contri- bution in strengthing SL on cam- pus in order that it may fulfull, more effect' ,-'v, th-e aims. Susan Craig, '53 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes The work of Student Legislature cannot be underestimated, and I would like t'- >elp continue to make this body as effective as possible. I am especially interested in work- ing to promote better cooperation and more intimate relationship be- tween the students and faculty members. Marjorie Creola, '53 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes My reasons for wanting to serve on the St -JLegilature are pri- marily to increase the voice of SL on )us and increase its effec- tiveness. The students by rip't should have a voice in their gov- erning and I would like to serve as a medium for that i rice. ' .t Pat Doyle, '52 1. No 2. Y-s 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes Since SL is the most impor- tant governing gr'ip on campus I think that they can be the most successful in fulfilling student's wishes. t a 'ant I too am in- terested in such SL projects as a co-op bookstore, and I would, like to help in achieving these aims. Hugh Fletcher '52 BAd* 1. No 2. No 3. No Opinicn 4. No 5. Yes In seeking a position on the Stu- dent Legislature, I im led primari- ly by the desire, in serving the best and continued interests of the stu- dent body, to see +',e Student Leg- islature boosted to a position where it may wield a larger measure of influence over both the academic Bill Gay, '53* 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes The Student Legislature is justly growing in power and importance on the campus of the University of Michigan. I would like to work on this body and help it develop even further to theeposition which student gov"rnment should hold in a university of this kind. * * * Bob Grew, '53 * 1. No". Yes 3. No 4. No Opin- ion 5. Yes The basic need of the Student Legislature is increased prestige and authority. This can be accom- plished by: (1) an inc-ase in the number of students voting, and (2) by concrete accomplishments ac- hieved by the S. L. These are the g^'s for which I shall work. * * * . Harry Hawkins, '51 BAd 1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. No If 1 am -_cted I shall attempt to carry he desires and peti- tions of i fellow students. My ultimate d are is to coordinate and ur'te the efforts of my fellow stu- dents, for their mutual benefit. Un- dergraduate as well as the gradu- ate student. A student body which is united is strong while a divided student body, inadequately repre- sented, is weak. *. * * Hal Herman, '52 * 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. No Opin- ion 5. No I have been listening to student's gripes for two semesters plus. I feel that SL is the best way to turn these gripes into constructive ac- tion. Joyce Howard, '52 Ed * 1. No. 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Yes I would like to be a member of SL because I have a great in- terest in activities and govern- ment, because I think more repre- sentation of the League and the women's organizations is needed, and because I want to have a part in deciding the policies and rules made by SL. Gloria James, '53 * 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes I am running for the Student Legislature because I believe stu- dents should participate in shap- ing their education and that the Student Government should re- flect the student's opinions and ideas. Also I would like to see SL become the most prominent body on this campus. R K. Johnson, '51 BAd* 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. No Opin- ion 5. Yes I wish to serve on SL so that as a representative Michigan stu- dent I may understand why and how events happen on campus, and why SL as a representative student group does not have wid- er authority over campus events. * - - Jack Kausch, '52 * 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes The removal of fraternity dis- criminative clauses is a step for- ward in getting rid of prejudices. The present time limit for removal of such clauses will merely streng- then existing prejudices. The IFC should be allowed to handle Engineering President Walt Dublanica My qualifications are: President of the Freshman Class, Co- Chairman of Engineering Open House, Vulcans, Tiiangles and member of the Engineering Open House. I would like to carry out the specified duties of class president and second and most important, to carry out the' duties as class alumni representative of the graduating class. Chuck Froman I am running in hopes of promoting better class organization and of carrying out 4he desires of the majority of the class, determining these desires by an open class meeting or referendum. R L* * * * I am running for president of the Engineering Class of 1951 be- cause I believe that I can fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office well, both now and in the coming years. I have been an officer of my house, am a member of the Engineering Council Cabinet, and am Editor of the Michigan Technic. * * * * Thirty-two juniors are running for the much coveted J-Hop com- mittee. The candidates are: Barbara Becklev, Joan Beeman, Dan Burlingame, Jack Beyer, Barbara Blair, Ethel Cada, Doug Cutler, "MAD" Davis, Don Downie, Carol Eagle, Roger Easton, Abby Funk, Robert Graham, Jack Hamer, Tulane Itkoff and Janice James Other candidates are Bernie Kahn, Jim Kemper, Jo Ketelhut, Bob Lawson, Sandy MacMillan, Elaine Madden, Doris Meyers, Mary Muller, "Nick" Nichols and Jo Poch. The list of J-Hop hopefuls ends with Jack Ray, William Sweet, Dick Tinker, Ann Warnock, Leo Wasserberger and Bruce Woodell. sparkling hoiiday atr Robert Lee, '51 A&D *I 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.j No In order to reflect my educa- cational philosophy and assist others in shaping their own edu- catipn through the media of the student legislature; a basic way of life. *1 * * G. MacDougall, '52 * 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. Yes I would like to participate in SL programs aimed at the re- moval of discriminatory clauses in student organization and admis- sion to the various schools of the University. I wish to continue my activities with the National Stu- dents' Association, of which SL is a member and which could be much more effective than at pre- sent in dealing with student prob- lems. * * * Paul Marx, '53 * 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No Opinion 5. Yes At present there is no real stu- dent government on this campus. Students are governed for the most part by the edicts of an authori- tarian administration. I believe that the University could better educate better citizens for the making of a better society by making student government mean government by students. It is to ward this end that I will work. Arnie Miller, '51 ** 1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. No It is my hope to regain my seat on the Legislature in order to help solve some of the practical prob- lems facing the student body, such as, rent control, merchandise over- pricing, graduation picture com- bines, and text book monopolies. * * * Gene Mossner, '52 * 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No'4. No 5. Yes The essence of good government is interested citizens. I believe that by carrying on this campaign for SL and also having served previously on Student Legislatures, important committees, and in other administrative capacities during my first two years of col- lege, I am qualified to hold the office. I have always been inter- ested in government and if elected I promise to represent the inter- ests of all the students. Barbara Ochs, '52 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. No Opin- ion 5. Yes I have been working on the Stu- dent Legislature Better Business Bureau for the past year and would like to apply my experience and interest to the actual running of the Student Legislature and its affairs. Wally Pearson, '53 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes I wish to serve on the Student Legislature because I would like to work in establishing a closely integrated council which would be made up of representatives from all student groups. I have gained valuable experience by working in other organizations and would like to put it to good use to make a closer knitted student body. Jules Perlherm '52 BAd* Bob Perry, '53E * 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. Yes I'd like to serve on the SL because it would enable me to pre- sent my views on how to make our campus a happier place to live. e.g. An SL book bureau, ex- panded student book exchange, long Thanksgiving Day holiday, better dorm phone service, and an inexpensive football program. * * * John Roach, '53 * 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes I think that the Student Legis- lature can do much to make their University more than just a school. There are, I believe, many problems such as student living conditions that should be looked into with the intention of mak- ing recommendations to the prop- er authorities. I would like to help improve these conditions by giving my ideas and considering the ideas of others. # Bob Roensch, '52E * 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Yes. I would like to serve on the SL so that I might work to destroy this misconception prevalent in this campus: that the SL is more interested in working on the the- oretical side of student life, than for the students directly. * * * Jack Rose, '52Ed (not available for questioning) On a campus the size of Michi- gan it is impossible to gain spirit and organization without a form of student conducted activities. I believe the Student Legislature is doing a fine job in representing the student body and I would like to get in on the work and fun in making Michigan a better place to go to school. Irwin Roth, '52 * 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes My desire, to be elected to SL, is two-fold. First, since I am pre- paring myself for a career in law I feel that if elected I shall have the opportunity to develop char- acteristics that will aid me in my endeavor. Secondly, I would like to see some reforms inaugurated here on the campus. * * * Al Samberg, '52 (Not available for question- ing.) Student Legislature is the voice of the campus. I would like to serve in the organization for I sincerely feel that I can help de- velop it to its full potential. One improvement that I feel might be put into practice is the Better Business Bureau's program for ob- taining the students' books at re- duced rates. * * * Mark Sandbround, '52 1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. Yes I desire to serve on the SL in order to take part in the govern- ment of the University of Michi- gan and round out a part of my liberal arts education. * * * Joe Savin, '53 A&D * 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes Through the SL I would like to see, action taken to remove questions of race, religion, and national origin from the appli- cation blanks to the University { FORMALS Beautiful nets of all shades and white, taffe- ta, satin and velvet com- binations, strapless, jack- ets and stoles. $16.95 and up. DRESSY FROCKS Or after 5 o'clock. New lacket dresses, two-piece styles, every wanted fab- ric, all colors. $10.95 and -up. DRESSY BLOUSES Beautiful new shades in iersey, lamee, crepe and famous Bobbie Brooks styles. $3.98 and up. SKIRTS Black velveteen, dressy wools and gabardine, all colors., $4.98 and up. SWEATERS Luscious shades in cashmere's, wool and nylon. $3.98 and up. .. ,; ,. m , ' .-- '' \ r and administrative functions of this problem. They have made the University. - an honest effort and are succeed- * * ng in abolishing these clauses. John Foley, '53 * * * 1. No 2. No 3. No 4. 5. Yes Edwin Kerr, '53 After being a student here, I 1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes hove lep-ned some of the oroblems to be allowed to serve on SL of the campus, such a^ the liquor is an honor which I wish to ex- ban: After talking with other stu- perience for I am interested and dents and for'-"- "'ig ideas of dif- concerned with the activities of ferent subjects I have wanted to this body. I have several construc- take an active part ir student gov- tive plans for the student body ernment and the -olution of these which I think would be best effect- uroblems. ed through student office. Ye: 1 ki would like to continue in an . 1 LA;np -V 4 4 1 J piD MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BETTER GRADE SHOES z Ob r, As 11 I \"~. ' % I A