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November 19, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-19

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_________________________________________________________________________________________ I I





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THE UNIVERSITY administration's re-
cent decision to set up a special committee
to study the Thanksgiving Holiday question
was a "nice" gesture. It condescendingly of-
fers students an opportunity to voice their
opinions on a subject which has been a con-
stant source of irritation to them for more
than two years. And it was perfectly timed.
Realizing that student protest against the
scheduling of classes on Friday and Satur-
day after Thanksgiving was mounting and
faced with the possibility of widespread class
cutting over the weekend, the top official-
dom skillfully announced that the problem
would be studied-for next year.
It should not be assumed, however, that
the University has simply ignored the
Thanksgiving Holiday question. It has been
called to their attention time and time
again and undoubtedly has become a real
source of irritation for them. The Con-
ference of Deans which has general super-
vision over the calendar, considered it seve-
ral times (unfavorably) last year. They
even granted a five-minute interview to
Student Legislator Dave Belin and spent
some time again this year considering the
proposals. By this time it probably has
caused them to sit back and sigh with an
all-knowing look of etasperation at the
"pouting protests of a juvenile student
But at no time have they as a body sat
down with a group of students or the cam-
pus at large to attempt to explain their po-
Whether an extended Thanksgiving Holi-
day is justified or not is a debatable ques-
tion. The Student Legislature claims that
the present system prohibits many students
from spending Thanksgiving with their fam-
"lies. On the other hand, there are thousands
of students who could not or would not go
home even if theirs was an entire week off.
The Legislature points out that in many
classes, perhaps a majority, there is less than
54 percent attendance on Friday and Satur-
day after Thanksgiving and that students
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and r0 resent the views of the writers only.

who do attend classes find the material
which is covered irrelevant or repetitious.
But certainly there is much merit in the
argument that the professional- schools ab-
solutely must have the two extra days to
cover the material necessary to prepare a
student to pass a bar exam or to become
a doctor.
The Legislature then argues that by add-
ing classes on Saturday before the Christ-
mas and Spring vacations the graduate
schools would lose only'one afternoon of class
time. But is there any assurance that stu-
dents would not be tempted to cut these
additional Saturday classes? And it seems
entirely possible that many students, if they
had Friday and Saturday following Thanks-
giving off under such an arrangement, would
also leave for their homes on the Monday
or Tuesday preceding Thanksgiving.
Finally, it is pointed out by the Legisla-
ture that no other school in the Big Ten
schedules classes on the Thanksgiving week-
end. But if Michigan is an educational lead-
er, is it necessary that it follow the crowd
home over Thanksgiving?
It should be apparent, therefore, that
there are strong arguments on both sides
of the Thanksgiving Holiday question. The
weight of the argument probably does lie
with the Conference of Deans and the Uni-
versity administration in general. But this
does pot excuse them for not talking the
matter over with the student body as soon
as it became an issue-and in more than
a five minute interview. Their failure to
do so is a reflection-of the general failure
of the administration to understand the
depth and sincerity of the student's ap-
proach to campus problems. It demon-
strates quite clearly their seemingly deep-
rooted feeling that a student is an ado-
lescent who cannot or will not listen to
reason. This attitude has contributed tre-
mendously to the students' bitterness to-
wards the University, bitterness which of-
ten loses all proportion after repeated re-
buffals from the top. Even if the adminis-
tration were right in this instance, they
should have made every attempt to con-
vince the students that they were right,
rather than remain behind their closed
doors to convince themselves.
Yes, setting up a committee to study the
Thanksgiving Holiday question was a "nice"
gesture. But it came just about two years
too late. We're tired now, and perhaps even

It Seems to Me
T HE UNITED STATES is confronted today
with the same momentous decision that
it faced after Pearl Harbor-where to con-
centrate its forces, in Asia or Europe.
There is general agreement that our
present armed strength, as in 1942, is
not sufficient to meet a challenge both
in the Far East and in Europe. The idea
expounded a few years ago to the effect
that America must "contain" communism
wherever it rears its ugly head is con-
fronted today with the cold fact that we
simply do not have the military strength
to carry out such a tremendous task. In
light of today's power balance in the
world, we are forced, whether we like it
or not, to make a choice between two
highly strate ic areas. This does not mean,
however, tIt we must sacrifice one for
the other; but we will have to lay primary
stress on one.
General MacArthur and Senator Know-
land would have us believe that the greatest
threat to our security lies in the Far East.
These and other men argue that if we per-
mit Asia to go communist we will have the
bulk of the world's population against us
and will lose many of the bases we consider
necessary to our defense.
But could it be that this is exactly the
attitude that Moscow would like us to
adopt? Reports indicate that our military
position in Europe is totally inadequate in
case of war. Because of the Korean conflict
we have had to pull troops out of Germany
instead of sending them in. And even before
Korea our forces in Germany were so woe-
fully weak that there was a big question as
to whether we would even attempt to defend
the country if the Russians launched an
Now, if we should get ourselves involved
in a war with Communist China, this situa-
tion of diverting strength from Europe to
Asia would probably be increased tenfold, in
a relative sense. And with the almost un-
limited resources of manpower at the dis-
posal of Pieping, we could bleed ourselves
to death in an Asian war while the Russians
prepared for a knockout blow in Europe.
Two reasons stand out in a discussion of
why America should concentrate its forces
on Europe rather than Asia. First, Western
Europe, and particularly the Ruhr area,
comprises one of the most industrially ad-
vanced regions of the world.
At present the Soviet Union does not pos-
sess anywhere near the steel capacity of the
United States nor of Western Europe and
this industial superiority of the West is one
of the greatest deterrents to a war with
Russia. However, if the Soviet Union were in
possession of these industrial centers of
Germany, France and Belgium, and perhaps
Great Britain, the industrial power of the
United States and the Soviet Union might
be very close to equal.
Second, Western Europeans, by and
large, will welcome our support. This is
not the case in most Far Eastern countries.
The conclusion, it seems to me, is that we
must avoid getting ourselves entangled in
fruitless and costly campaigns in the Far
East, even if this means a degree of appease-
ment. We are not a nation of unlimited re-
sources, and for this reason we should con-
sider carefully what our prime objectives are
and then concentrate the bulk of our
strength at those points.
A FEW DAYS ago this editorial would have
been unnecessary. But since Wednesday,
when the SL passed the timne-limit resolu-
tion on fraternity bias clauses, there have
been more than a few of the old grumblings
which were thought to have died for good
some years ago.
People have been coming out with the
catchy taglines again like, "Fraternities

are entitled to discriminate if they want
to," and "Everybody else discriminates so
why shouldn't fraternities?"
That is why it becomes necessary to re-
state a few of the simple truths which are
the backbone of the SL recommendation.
There is nothing wrong with discrimina-
tion, per se. Discrimination is the founda-
tion of an intelligent democracy. But the
bias clause, despite its common association,
does not serve the cause of discrimination
at all-rather it inhibits it.
Put it this way.
When you enter an automat in search
of pie you can choose from any and all of
the gleaming tiers-cherry, apple, huckle-
berry and all the rest.
So you choose one-and you discriminate
against the rest. That is the essence of in-
telligent discrimination.
But if there were some self-appointed "ho-
lier-than-thou" blocking one section of pies
because he's decided you oughtn't have them
-in effect the role of the bias clause-then
your right to discriminate is being infringed
What we need is not less discrimination
but more freedom to discrminate. And since
the bias clauses stand in our way, any at-
tempt to get rid of them deserves our sup-
So let's have intelligent discrimination.
If any clause stands in the way let's root
it out.
More and better discrimination is the or-
der of the day.
-Zander Hollander

Peer Gynt," Dr. Francis Bull, Pro-
fessor of Scandinavian Literature,
University of Oslo. 4:15 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 20, Kellogg Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Graduate Seminar in Anthro-
pology: Mon., Nov. 20, 3-5 p.m.,
3024 Museums.
Geometry Seminar: Wed., Nov.
22, 2 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall.
Mr. Kilby will speak on Fary's
paper on knots.
Mathematics Colloquium: 4:10
p.m., Tues., Nov. 21, Room 3011,
Angell Hall. Prof. Wilfred Kap-
Ian will speak on "Fourier Series
and Logarithmic Potential."
Solomon, distinguished British
pianist, will be presented by the
University Musical Society in the
fourth Choral Union concert
Mon., Dec. 20, 8:30 p.m., Hill Au-
ditorium. Program: Mozart Var-
iations on a Menuet by Duport;
Beethoven Sonata, Op. 53; Schu-
mann Symphonic Etudes; and a
group of Chopin including Noc-
turne in F-sharp major, Three
Etudes and the Scherzo in B-flat
A limited number of tickets are
-Daily-Bill Hampton available at the offices of the
senting? University Musical Society in
Burton Tower; and on the night

The Week's News


Which bias clause are you repr
* * * *

Student Responsibility

STUDENT participation in the affairs of
the University has probably reached its
highest level yet now that the chairman of
the calendar committee has graciously con-
sented to discuss the Thanksgiving Holiday
problem with student representatives.
The action of the calendar committee
represents a great triumph for the Student
Legislature, but because it is, it serves to
illustrate what the attitude of the Admin-
istration has been toward student govern-
The attitude expressed by certain adminis-
trators is that the University is the student's
parent away from home and must assume a
portion of his responsibilities in the manner
of a parent to protect him and prevent him
from making mistakes. Such an attitude has
no place in a university if one of our pri-
mary goals is to preserve democracy.
For when the University assumes some
of the students' responsibilities and takes
away some of his rights upon enrolling, it
has helped to resolve some of the subcon-
scious conflicts that our modern society in-
flicts upon the individual.
There you have the reason why this sac-
rifice of student rights for the relief of in-
dividual responsibility by the University is
dangerous and poses a threat to the demo-
cratic way of life. Today's university students
are tomorrow's leaders. It is not too far-
fetched to assume that when they take their
positions as leaders they will seek to have
their problems solved in a similar manner.
It would seem that the preservation of
democracy demands that the nation's lead-
ers be totally uncompromising with re-
spect to their rights. And since only by
maintaining his responsibilities can a per-
son keep possession of his rights, a univer-
sity interested in the preservation of de-
mocracy should regard encouragement of
responsibility as a complement to its edu-
cation function.
The structure of the University is ready
made for encouraging student responsibility.
Within this structure students should be
placed on a more equal footing with Ad-
ministrative and faculty people in deciding
the policies of the University. Not only would
such a system of self-government provide
the nation with leaders who would resist
the temptation to give up their rights for
relief from responsibility, but the student

(Continued from Page 3)

would mature much more rapidly then he
now does as a result of working with people
with experience, some of whom have devoted
their entire lives to education.
While participating in the government of
the University students will also be liable to
make the type of mistakes that are inherent
in all forms of self-government. But when
they assume leadership in society their ex-
perience at the University will diminish the
possibility that they will repeat these same
But let's come down to earth. A good num-
ber of the people who have a hand in run-
ning this university apparently care little
for such noble thoughts about democracy
and leadership. Look at the extent of stu-
dent representation they have allowed us.
The Student Affairs Committee is the
most democratic feature of Michigan student
government, even though the seven students
on the Committee are not selected most
Then there is the body that makes the
regulations governing student conduct, the
Committee on Student Conduct. There are
thirteen members of this committee, three
of them students. Threesmembers of this
committee are chosen to serve on the Sub-
Committee on Student Discipline, which is
the ultimate source for judgment of viola-
tions of University regulations. (For infor-
mation on the brand of justice this commit-
tee dishes out speak to members of Psi
Upsilon). This is the extent of student par-
ticipation in the affairs of the University.
We have the Student Legislature which
can do nothing other than propose and
recommend. If the Administration can not
see the benefits to society to be had from
real student government-government that
precludes d e m o c r a t ic representation
of students on all University committees
-then their minds must be brought up to
date and made to see it. Actively carrying
the fight for effective student government
should be the primary business of SL.
For the University must be made to realize
the responsibility it has to effectively pre-
pare its students for leadership in a demo-
-Paul Marak
Looking Ba~ck
CHIEF OF POLICE Apfel lauded student
conduct at a pep rally. "The boys are fully
as law-abiding as any class in the commun-
ity," Apfel declared.

Local ...
SIX YEARS-The question of fraternity discrimination clauses
has hung fire on this campus for several years. Various attempts have
been made by the Student Legislature and by fraternities themselves
to analyze and eradicate both the clauses and the unfortunate pre-
judicial attitude which underlies such clauses.
Wednesday night the issue came to a head. In a calm, cool-headed
but extremely controversial pre-election meeting on the Union's
third floor, Student Legislators heard two concentrated hours of
multi-sided arguments and then voted, 20-18 to give fraternities just
six years to rid themselves of the constitutional bias clauses.
To riled representatives of the some 17 local chapters which
possess such clauses, the time limit sounded like an ultimatum.
They questioned S's authority to act on the problem; they said
it would be technically impossible for many houses to eliminate
the clauses, time limit or not; and they said the time limit would
so antagonize fraternity men that they would look askance at
further moves to eliminate discrimination and prejudice.
But a goodly number of the Legislators who voted for the time
limit stood firm. Their action had taken guts, but they felt it was
necessary. Their job was to represent the entire campus, not a certain
segment. How can the University community continue to condone
blatant, written discrimination on the part of that segment, they
The answer will come out of the Student Affairs Committee when
it meets, possibly this month, to make the final decision on SL's motion.
* * * *
AT LAST?-New hope for an adequate Thanksgiving holiday,
popped up this week in the form of a letter from Provost James P.
Adams to members of the Student Legislature. Provost Adams an-
nounced that a comprehensive review of the University calendar was
forthcoming, and he hinted that a longer Thanksgiving vacation
might be one of the results.
PHOENIX DRIVE-The student Michigan Memorial Phoenix Pro-
ject fund drive got started this week, after about four years of ex-
tensive planning.j
* * * *
FRATERNITY FINED-Psi Upsilon fraternity had a party on;
Nov. 3. Twelve days later, on Nov. 15, the thirty men of the group
were told that they owed the University an average of $66 apiece, as a
fine for serving beer at the party. The University Sub-committee on
Discipline had found the fraternity guilty on a charge of breaking
University regulations against drinking, slapped on a $2,000 fine, and;
placed them on social probation until June. This was believed the
stiffest penalty on record for violation of the regulations. Psi Upsilon's
president, Bill Ryan said, "The fine is unreasonable."
* * * *
National .. .
SOAPY SURVIVES-Tuesday was a banner day for Governor
Gillette Mennen Williams. After an apparent election defeat followed
by days of uncertainty as counting errors showed up, Williams finally
spurted Tuesday into a 1,152 vote victory over former Governor Harry
F. Kelly. So far, Williams' lead stands. But a recount which has been
slated may yet knock the props out from under Soapy.
NATIONAL ROUNDUP-Phone service continued to be tied up
on a nationwide scale this, week, as striking operators and maintenance
men kept the facilities on an at least a temporary emergency condi-
tion . . . President Truman declared Thursday that he will continue
to press his "Fair Deal" program despite Democratic losses in the. re-
cent election. Meanwhile, the House Ways and Means Committee
acted Wednesday to rush a decision on the excess profits tax issue,
after Secretary of the Treasury Snyder called for a 75 percent levy
on these profits.
*' * * *
Around the Wold.. .
KOREA-Allied troops slowly drove forward this week along the
sleet covered Korean fighting front against determined but spotty
Red resistance. The bad weather made tough going for ground troops
and considerably cut down air action. Earlier in the week, fighting
was nip and tuck between South Koreans and the Communist forces,
as the Communists hurled back the UN troops on the northeast and
northwest fronts.
* * ,. *
MISCELLANY-A plane-load of Holy Year pilgrims crashed into
the French Alps, leaving nothing of the 58 persons aboard but "pieces
of bodies"... Led by Rafeal Urbina, rebels assassinated acting Ven-
zuelan president Carlos Delgado Chalbaud Monday. On Tuesday rebel
Urbina was himself shot dead . . . In the United Nations, the status
of Communist China was still a top issue. Red Chinese delegates were
on their way to Lake Success to take part in talks on Formosa, but in-
dications were that they would say nothing about Peiping's aims in
Korea. Meanwhile, Russia's Andrei Vishinsky continued to blast away
at UN members for refusing to subscribe to Soviet peace proposals.
-Bob Keith and Chuck Elliott

of the performance, at the Hill
Auditorium box office after 7 p.m.
Little Symphony Concert, prev-
iously announced for Sun., Nov.,
19, in the Lawyers Club, has been
postponed. The new date will be
announced later.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross
and Emil Raab, violinists, Paul
Doktor, violist, and Oliver Edel,
cellist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m.,
Tues., Nov. 21. The program will
include the Rasoumowsky Quar-
tets by Beethoven. Open to the
Museum of Art, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall: Sport and Circus loan
exhibition, through Nov. 29.
Weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5. The
public is invited.
Events Today
Congregational, Disciple, Evan-
gelical and Reformed Guild: Meet
at Congregational Church for 6
o'clock supper, followed by a wor-
ship-drama, "And Cold Fear
Awaits," written and produced by
Canterbury Club: 9 a.m., Holy
Communion followed by Student
Breakfast; Rev. Donald V. Carey
of Grand Rapids will officiate at
the service and be guest at break-
fast. 5 p.m., Evening Prayer, fol-
lowed by supper and meeting; our
new chaplain, Bruce Cooke, will
be with us.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
4 p.m., Lane Hall (Fireside Room).
Rev. Howard Sugden of the Gan-
son Street Baptist Church, Jack-
son, will speak on the topic: "So
Great Salvation."
Roger Williams Guild: 10 a.m.,
Bible Study at the Guild House.
6 p.m., Supper and discussion at
Guild House. Dr. Edwin A. Bell,
Representative of the American
Baptist Foreign Mission Society in
Europe. Subject: "Baptist Work
in Europe."
IZFA: Discussion Group Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Grand Rapids
Room, League.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
New Orleans Jazz, Featuring
Johnny Dodds, 8 p.m., League.
Public invited.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2
p.m., League. All those interested
Graduate Outing Club: Visit
Saline Valley Farms. Cars needed.
Meet in Outing Club room, north-
west corner of Rackham, 2:15 p.m.
Open House for Student Legis-
lature Candidates: 1:30-2 p.m.,
Mosher; 2:30-3:30 p.m., Chi Ome-
ga, Gamma Phi Beta; 9:30 p.m.,
Helen Newberry, West Quad Rally.
Coming Events
Leadership Training Course:
Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 20.
Leadership Training Group:
Lane Hall, Mon., Nov. 20, 7:30
Nazarene Student Fellowship:
Mon., Nov. 20, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
Speaker: Rev. W. O. Welton of

AAUP: Open meeting, Tues.,
Nov. 21, Faculty Dining Room,
Union. A dinner gathering, cafe-
teria style, at 6 p.m. precedes the
meeting at 7 o'clock, at which
Prof. Philip Wernette will report
on "The Status of Academic Free-
dom at the University of, Cali-
fornia." All members of the teach-
ing faculty (including teaching
fellows) and research staff are
Graduate History Club: Meet-
ing, Tues., Nov. 21, 8 p.m., Room
3S, Union. Professor Th. J. G.
Locker, Visiting Professor of His-
tory from the University of Ley-
den, will speak on "The Teaching
of History in Western Europe."
Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia: Regu-
lar meeting, 7 p.m., Mon., Nov. 20,
305 School of Music.
Naval Research Reserve Meet-
ing: Mon., Nov. 20, 7:30 p.m., 18
Angell Hall. Dr. Gordon Suther-
land; "Infra-red Spectroscopy."
La p'tite causette: Mon., Nov.
20, 3:30 p.m., League.
Sigma Rho Tau: Meeting, Tues.,
Nov. 21, 7 p.m., Union. Program:
Debate with the University of De-
troit and a contest in raconteur
speaking. All engineering stu-
dents invited.
Industrial Relations Club: Pan-
el discussion on "Interviewing in
Industry," Mon., Nov. 20, 7:30 p.-
m., Union.
Undergraduate Psychological So-
ciety: Meeting, Tues., Nov. 21,
7:30 p.m., Room 3-D, Union. Prof.
Emeritus John F. Shepard will
"Reminisce through 50 Years in
Tryouts for. Student Players'
production of the Hopwood win-
ner, "Hanlon Won't Go" will be
held Mon., Nov. 20, League, 7:30
p.m. All those interested in acting
or production are invited.
Ice Skating Club: The Coliseum
opens M9on., Nov. 20. The Club
will begin its session of 1 to 3
p.m., Monday. Meetings continue
through Thursdays. New members
Exhibition Dance Class: Meet-
ing, 8:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 20,
Grand Rapids Room, League.
Michigan Education Club: Tues.,
Nov. 21, 7:30 p.m., Union. Dr.
Lord will discuss, "Opportunities
In The Special Fields In Educa-
tion." All are invited.
THE POPULARITY of the square
dance, we are advised, has
caused some of the more adept
practitioners of the art to turn
professional in a sense. They hire
out as teachers or as callers, and
the pay for an evening's work runs
from $10 to $25 in some places.
For a sideline occupation-as it is
with most-that's pretty good do-
-St. Louis Star-Times




" I


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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.Janet Watts.. ...*.....*..scaeAssociate Editor
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Subscription during regular school
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o I~O ~rO~eA~ ~ ~ 9J. S. ,.~ OU~~



"oks at the Library

Aiken, %nrad, The Short Stories of Con-
rad Aiken New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce,
Dos Passos, J., The Prospect Before Us

Another day and STILL no
Golden Egg! Barnaby, this
goose is a fraud! A fake!

Nonsense!... Your father hasn't
the heart to do her in. She'll
just sit here day after day and
,-l .! - .- ,t L __., . , .

No Golden Eggs! She's worthless!
And the upkeep will ruin your
a f,,;amy!Well,at,;,dofher


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