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See Page 4
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Latest Deadline in the State
A6F .
:43 a t 1
VOL. LXI, No. 48
* * *
Seek To Surpass
Dufek Tops Potent
Wolverine Offense
Home Season Ends as Michigan Hits
Highest Point Total in Two Years
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's improving Wolverines parlayed a crisp running attack
and a hard charging defense into a crucial 34-23 win over Northwest-
ern's stubborn Wildcats yesterday at the Michigan Stadium.
The triumph in one of the most thrilling spectator games in
five years at the Ann Arbor Stadium kept alive a slim mathematical
chance of a Rose Bowl berth in January.
THE GAME was not as tight as the final count indicated since
two desperation passes in the waning minutes tallied twice, for the
Last Year's
A hundred candidates, seeking 38 student positions, will wind up
their campaigns today in final preparation for tomorrow and Tues-
day's all-campus elections.
Fifty-seven students are running for 25 Student Legislature seats,
while 32 are contesting nine J-Hop positions. Eight students are
running for the three student positions on the Board in Control of
Student Publications, and three engineers are fighting it out for the
presidency of their senior class.
FINAL PRE-ELECTION open houses are scheduled today for
Helen Newberry, Chi Omega, Gamma Phi Beta, and New Women's
Dorm. The West Quadrangle will hold a rally at 9:30 p.m.
The SL has staged an extensive publicity campaign and has
adopted as its election slogan, "18.090, every student a voter."
More than 400 student will be used as poll officials in the two-
day election. Jim Storrie, '51BAd, chairman of the Citizenship Com-
For a comprehensive election survey, see pages six and seven.
mitte said that the SL still needed several more election booth attend-
ants to work during the noon hours. Anyone interested in serving as
a poll official may contact Storrie at 3-0167-. '
* * * *
THE BALLOT BOXES, which will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
both tomorrow and Tuesday, will be located as follows:
Two in front of the library, and the Engineering Arch, one
each in front of the Union, Alumni Memorial Hall, Angell Hall,
the Chemistry Building, Woman's Athletic Building, the University
Hospital, Law Quad, the League, and the Business Administration
Building. One booth will be situated at the corner of North Uni-
versity and South State.
Members of Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, hon-
orary societies and house groups which are not running candidates
will serve as poll watchers.
Students will need their identification cards when they go to the
polls to vote.
* * * *
THE UNIVERSITY'S ROTC Signal Corps has set up a telephone
network to coordinate and control the wide-spread election booths.
Wires were strung yesterday from the ROTC rifle range to the Union,
Alumni Memorial Hall, both ends of the Diagonal and to Waterman
Gymnasium. (See picture, page seven.)
SL members will supervise the distribution of 'ballots, receive
the latest returns from the rifle range keyboards. The network
will be run as a field problemby Signal Corp students as well as
a public service.
The ballot boxes will be kept in an undisclosed place over to-
morrow night and counting of the ballots will not take place until
Storrie predicts that a final count should be completed by 3 a.m.
Wednesday morning.
Search for Diseased Turkeys
Continues in Detroit Area
Team, Bandt
Sparle for
Cameras, Squad
Roll in
-Daily-Ed Kozma
GRIN AND SEAR IT-Chuc Qrtmann, a smile of success on his face, squirms over the goal line'late in the first period for Michigan's
second touchdown in their 34-23 victory over Northwestern yesterday. Don Walker (77), Wildcat tackle moves in on the play too late
to avert the score. The blond tailback's three-yard thrust was the first of his two touchdowns in the game and came on fourth down,
with the Wolverine drive seemingly halted.
World News
Roundup ,
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Scattered picket-
ing marked the tenth day of a na-
tion-wide strike by 33,000 tele-
phone workers yesterday as fede-
ral mediators continued efforts to
end the dispute.
* * *R
NEW YORK - Television per-
formers announced last night
a strike tomorrow against three of
the nation's major television net
works-but the networks said their
TV screens would not be darkened
by the walkout.
* * *
PARIS -- Six West European.
nations are set to pool their coal
and steel under a history-mak-
ing treaty based on the Schuman
Delegates of France, West
Germany, Italy, Belgium, Lux-
embourg and the Netherlands,
who have been hammering out
the details in six months of ne-
U. S. Troops Take City
21 Miles from Border-
SION, Korea - P) - U.S. troops
surprised the Red defenders of
Kapsan today and took the town
21 miles from the Manchurian
border without a single casualty,
a regimental commander said.
Col. Herbert B. Powell, com-
mander of the seventh division's
17th regiment, said: "We crushed
the enemy in their foxholes, tak-
ing them by complete surprise."
* *: *
into the town, levelled and left
burning by allied air attacks, at
10 a.m. Patrols quickly began
probing beyond Kapsn along the
road to the border.
This, Powell said, is 'the yay
the Americans took the town
before the dug-in Reds could
put up any more than light re-
sistance: "The enemy had blast-
'U' Professor
By The Associated Press
Officials in the Detroit area are
taking a recount again-not of
ballots, but of turkeys.
These turkeys are reported to
be infected with fowl cholera and
could cause severe diarrhea at-
tacks or even death if not thor-
oughly cooked. Approximately
5,000 of the diseased birds, from
Alternate Tax
Bill Pro-posed
By Rep. Reed
licans opposing President Tru-
man's excess profits tax plan pro-
posed a substitute of their own yes-
terday and said it would raise more
Sponsored by Rep. Reed of New
York, top Republican on the House
Ways and Means Committee, the
GOP substitute would give corpo-
rations the choice of either paying
an excess profits tax or taking an
increase of 10 per cent in the pre-
sent 45 per cent corporate tax rate.
If the taxpayer elected to pay
under the excess profits alterna-
tive, the amount of tax paid would
have to be at least 50 per cent of
the current year's earnings.
Reed's plan would remain in ef-
fect until Dec. 31, 1952.
The administration nrogram. de-
the Gola Crest Turkey Farm near
Detroit, are being sought by of-
ficials of the State Department of
The owner of the farm, Ken-
neth Weir, said that the turkeys
were sold to dealers in the Detroit
Inspectors reported that 10,000
birds on the farm were infected
with the disease. On Friday, Weir
pleaded guilty to charges of oper-
ating an unsanitary slaughter
State investigators said that no
cholera has been found in any
other flocks in the state.
Dr. George Bowler, Ann ArbonY
meat inspector, said last night
that, so far as he knows, none of
the diseased turkeys have been
sold to local meat dealers.
Framed EnA
To, Per forni
The globe-trotting English pi-
anist Solomon will present his first
Ann Arbor concert at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium.
Solomon's vast tours h a v e
taken h i m almost completely
around the world. He has perform-
ed in Africa, India, the Middle
East, the Far East, Australia and
ed a suspension bridge on the
south side of the city.
"Our soldiers walked along a
spider-like span that was left and
started to enter the city.
* * *
"OUR TANKS wheeled off the
road and around the damaged
bridge. About that time two Com-
munists in front of us jumped out
of their positions.
"That gave away the enemy's
positions. Our tanks then crush-
ed the enemy in their well dug
in positions.
"Their losses were heavy. We
did not suffer a single casualty."
As the Americans entered Kap-
san a bright sun came out of the
dark, overcast skies. The tem-
perature hovered near zero.
American bombers had virtually
lieveled the town. The Reds there
had fled northward.
Only scattered rifle fire was re-
ported by leading elements of the
17th regiment in Saturday's. ad-
Proof Deadline
The 'Ensian will not accept
senior and graduate picture
proofs after 5 p.m. Wednesday,
Slug Kettler, '51, business man-
ager, has announced.
After that the photographers
will make the selection.. Office
hours tomorrow, Tuesday and
Wednesday are from 9 to 12
-noon, 1 to 5 p.m. with 7 to 9
p.m. open tomorrow and Tues-
Russia Gives
World Peace
NEW YORK-(P)-Russia's An-
drei Y. Vishinsky declared yester-
day there can be no lasting world
peace until the United Nations ad-
mits the Chinese Communists and
adopts a long list of other Russian
Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala.),
United States delegate, accused
Russia of trying to bulldoze the
United Nations and said the free
world could not accept such a
"bartering of peace."
He said Vishinsky had now made
it clear that Russia would accept
no program for world peace which
did not comply entirely with So-
viet demands.
Vishinsky laid down a series of
preliminary conditions which he
said must be iccepted befpre Rus,
sia would even consider a 10-point,
20-year peace plan submitted by
Secretary-General Trygve L i e.
They include:
1. A pledge not to try to get
around the veto.
2. Unconditional pfohibition of
the atomic bomb.
3. Armed forces under exclusive
control of the Security Council.
4. Aid to backward countries un-
der international control.
5. Development of international
trade without discrimination.
Sparkman said accept'ance of
these points would "force the Unit-
ed Nations to adopt the Soviet
demand for an atomic energy pro-
gram without adequate safeguards.
Daily City Editor
Aided by mild weather, high
scoring teams and a top notch
band show, the Wolverines' 1950
home football season came to a
colorful close yesterday.
Genuine RKO-Pathe newsreel
cameras captured the pageantry of
the Michigan Marching Band's
musical newsreel which entertain-
ed the 78,201 spectators between
halves of the game. ,
THE PATHE CREW was shoot-
ing part of a special feature on col-
lege bands. It will return to Ann
Arbor in the spring to focus on
the University band's intensive
spring training program, and, the
finished product - will probably be
released some time next summer.
RKO cameraman W illi a m
Deeke commended Prof. Revelli's
musicians for an "excllent" pro-
duction. Ironically, the band
played theme songs which char-
acterize newsreels produced by
Deeke's competitors.
Northwestern's band drew cheers
from the crowd for its portrayal of
the Amerfcan way of life. Demo-
cratic and Republican partisans
tried to outdo each other in their
applause of the donkey and the
elephant which the band formed
to typify the nation's political sit-
vided by Northwestern's attractive
feminine cheerleaders who were
quite successful in producing rous-
ing Wildcat yells. They were aided
by a Northwestern student who
pranced in front of the stands with
a huge wildcat head hiding his
Northwestern fans reported
that Wolverine club flash cards,
which made a belated appear-
ance after two weeks of bad wea-
-ther, did not show up distinctly.
"I could barely make out an M
once," one Wildcat fan said.
Neither city police nor state po-
lice reported any serious auto ac-
cidents as a result of yesterday's
heavy football traffic. The traffic
situation was eased slightly by two
special trains, one each from Chi-
cago and Detroit, which carried
approximately 600 fans to the
Purple, largely against third and
fourth string defenders.
With Don Dufek, Chuck Ort-
mann and Ralph Straffon lead-
ing the way, the Maize and Blue
rushing machine put on its most
impressive show of the season,
munching to a net total of 315
yards. They completed five of
thirteen passes to make the final
offense figure read 374 yards.
T h e Wolverines capitalized
on Wildcat breaks for three of
their five touchdowns, the biggest
scoring surge in eighteen ganias
for a Maize and Blue eleven. One
of the breaks, a third period fum-
ble, set up what proved to be the
winning tally.
The Wolverines were leading
20-9 when Harry Allis stayed on
his. knees to recover Rich Ath-
an's fumble on the visitors' 30
yard line. Despite a clipping
penalty, Michigan covered the
remaining distance in eight
plays. Dufek got one first down
to the nine, and oi fourth down
Ortmann powered over right
tackle for the clincher.
The Wolverines put the ball in
play with a free kick from their
20 to midfield before the Wildcats
roared 51 yards in seven plays.
The final thrust was a 31-yard
jaunt by Athan on a fourth down
and one situation.
quarterback Flowers handed to
Athan who raced over tackle with-
out a hand being laid on him. End
Burt Keddie took Dufek from the
play on the five-yard line and
Northwestern was back in the ball-
But the same punting set-up
plus a crashing Michigan line
allowed the Wolverines to pull
,out once more. Kragseth drop-
ped back to punt from his own
10, but fumbled a low pass from
center. Tony Momson came
bulling through to block his
belated effort and Harry Allis
flopped on the pill in the Purple
end zone.
To completethe list of con-
verting opponent misplays into
touchdowns, the Michiganders in-
tercepted a Wildcat pass on the
second series of downs and scored
in five plays.
* * *
DON DUFEK, who climaxed his
steady improvement with a bril-
liant two-touchdown performance,
picked off the Wildcat aerial and
was finally dropped on the visitor's
35. Tom Johnson'kept the bid
alive by stealing an Ortmann fum-
ble from a host of Wildcats, and
Dufek added 20 yards on a fake
pitch out.
Two more smashes and a five
yard penalty put the ball on the
3. from where Dufek crashed in-
to the end zone. Harry Allis
booted the first of his four con-
Kragseth's sliced kick paved the
way for the second Wolverine
cotmter only a few minutes after
fans had settled in their seats for
what proved to be the year's top
thrill game.
STARTING from the North-
western. 44,., Chuck. Ortmann,
throwing with determination, hit
Lowell Perry with an 11-yard
jump pass. The fake pitch-out
clicked again, Dufek going to the
7, and Ortmann stumbled into the
end zone on a power drive to com-
plete the three-play march. It
was the first of two TD's for
gotiations, report the pact will
be signed next Thursday or Fri- Em eritusD ies
FRANKFURT, Germany - Five Prof. Emeritus Charles B. Vib-
AllonKernterUnitedSta bert, 73-year-old retired Univer-
milionvotrs n te Uite Sttessity philosophy teacher, died sud-
zone of Germany may answer to-: denly yesterday afternoon of a
morrow the question of whether heart attack.
the West German people favor the Prof. Vibbert was graduated
creation of a Gerihan armed force from the University in 1904. He
to help defend West Europe. taught philosophy here from his
graduation until his retirement in
During the First World War he
.,s served three years as representa-
D+"U 5 rP ian ist tive of University men in the
American Expeditionary Forces.
He was first director of the Amer-
ican University Union. After
Tomorrow MWorld War II, he helped reorgan-
ize this organization.
Prof. Vibbert is survived by his
wife, Madeline and one daughter,
JMrs. Madeline Seiler of New York
'U' Band Alumni May March Again
.. .e . _ . __.. _t _.__L 1
r UULty w 1e 11e By CAL SAMRA musical condition for a brief pub-
In 14 Story FillMichigan's sharp-looking, fast- lic appearance.
a stepping Marching Band may give Of course, few of them looked
way to a throng of older alumni able to do much vigorous march-
By The Associated Press band members sometime next year. ing, and others complained of
tion, 100 members of the Michigan
Band Alumni Organization had as-
sembled Friday evening, reminisc-
ed over by-gones, and toured
around their alma mater's campus