[ritRDAY NOVEM1iER 18, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. 'PEDESTRIANS UNFAIR': Frustrated Drivers Ask for Courtesy 'U' Psychiatrists Call Dianetics Unscientific By RON WATTS Pedestrians should show a little more courtesy to automobile driv- ers, a survey of the driver-pedes- trian situation has revaled. That's the opinion of students, bicycle riders, cab drivers and au- to owners who carry on the daily battle of machine against man. * * * AS ONE STUDENT put it, "The students crossing streets just don't give the drivers a break. Once they get a barrier of humans across the street, they never stop coming." "It's no wonder that some drivers mow you down when you cross the street. They become so frustrated, that they usually re- sort to- tank-like tactics," Pete Hall, '52, exclaimed. "The worst offenders are those women around the dorms on Ob- servatory Street," a cab driver muttered. "They come sailing out of anywhere but the crosswalk, never look either way and then give me a dirty look when I hit the horn." * * * "AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS have reasons for treating the pedest- rians as they do, but I can't un- derstand the trouble they give bike riders," Bob Lapham, '52, remark- ed. Lapham, who is one of the pedal-pushers around campus pointed to the large number of bicycle-auto collisions. as evi- dence of the precarious position of bike riders. Commenting on his past exper- iences, ex-cab driver B. S. Brown, Grad., declared that pedestrians gave him the biggest trouble dur- ing the summer months. "To me, the greatest hazards. were the girls who were on the streets in sun suits," Brown re- marked. "They certainly exposed themselves to all types of dangers." "I was never able to keep my eyes on the road," he continued. "I! guess the only solution is for them to keep under cover."! Dianetics, a new system for cur- ing all mental illness, is unscien- tific and harmful, though intrigu- ing, according to several University psychologists and psychiatrists. Dianetics is a variety of self- psychoanalysis which has been perfected by L. Ron Hubbard. Its "Bible" is "Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health," one of the top five among non-fiction best sellers. * * * HUBBARD'S elixir-like cure claims to treat all psychosomatic ills and mental abnormalities by transforming the individual into state of reverie. Dianetics theory claims that all of these mental ills begin in an individual's pre-natal period, stemming from "e n g r a m s," which are definite and perma- nent traces left by a stimulus up- on the tissue cells of the unborn baby. The reverie returns the indivi- dual to the "engram" involved in the illness. DR. RALPH RABINOVITCH, of the Neuro-psychiatric Institute, said "The problem of emotional disturbances does not lend itself to any such gross over-simplification as Dianetics, whose claims are as intriguing as they are fantastic." He explained that individuals with mild neuroses and even more severe problems1 develop certain mental adjustments or defenses that enable them to get along in society. If these defenses are tampered with by people who do not ,osie is adequate techniques acquired -f- ter extensive training, mild prob- lems can become worse and severe problems can become unbearable, Dr. Rabinovitch concluded. PROF. E. LOWELL KELLY, of the psychology department, said that although the book uses many common psychological and medical concepts, it offers no technical references for its scientific valid- ity. "The book promises so much that it probably cannot deliver, and may result in a setback for some people genuinely in need of psychological help," Prof. Kelly said. "Dianetics makes no distinction between theory and fact and does not clearly distinguish between mental %fhd physical ailments," Prof. Max Hutt, of the psychology department, explained. He added that by recalling certain conflicts without proper safeguards, additional distur- bances may be produced. Dr. Moses Frohlich, of the Medi- cal School, in charge of the Vete- rans Readjustment Center, pointed out that although the book might be of some harm to already dis- turbed persons, it would not upset most healthy persons. THIS MIGHT HAPPEN TO YOU!-A photographer, looking over one student's proofs, selects a picture for the 1951 'Ensian. Seniors and graduates who do not return their picture proofs to the Student Publications Bldg. by, Wednesday will be subjected to the choice of the camera man. .. *** Wednesday' Set as Deadline For Choosing 'Ensian Pictures 'Ensian will be bigger and bet- ter this year because of a fine selection of senior and graduate pictures, Bill Osterman, '51, sales manager, has announced. "The best pictures will be the ones students themselves choose," Osterman said. "Wednesday is the deadline for returning proofs. Af- ter that, if students have ,not made selections, the camera men will do so." "This should be an incentive for anybody," he added. "Photo- graphers are notorious for their poor taste. They particularly like to pick pictures of men with as- kew ties, hanging jowls and Dag- woodish hair," Osterman said. Office hours at the Student Publications Bldg. will be from 9:30 a.m. to noon today. The 'En- sian office will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to noon, and 1 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. At the time of picture selections students may ask for the neces- sary touch-up job and corrections. Osterman expressed the hope that the sittings have been satis- factory, but warned that 700 proofs must still be turned in. "Those dear old college days won't seem dear old college days 20 years from now if you can't look back at your handsome youth. Don't depend on the pho- tographers!" Osterman concluded. Osterman and other members of the business crew will launch a promotion campaign - next month. At that time salesmen will canvass the campus, explaining the contents of the '51 yearbook and soliciting $5 subscriptions. Booksellers Hold Rare Books Display at Clements Library The Antiqu'arian Booksellers' Association of America is cur-t rently displaying a collection of< rare books at ClementsrLibrary in a drive to interest more people in becoming rare book collectors. All of the books on display can be purchased for $25 or less. The exhibition was started last month, when it was shown at Dartmoutht I Running a classified ad Every day is Sure to bring you Hillel Will Hold Dance "Demon's Holiday," Hillel's semi-annual all campus dance,1 will be held from 8:30 p.m. toT midnight today in the League Ballroom.- The decorations theme of the dance will be divided into heaven1 and hell. The balcony will be heaven and the dance floor willi be hell. No one will be able to get to heaven. A fire will completely surround the band stand. Joyce Dudkin, '50 Ed., and Al Friedman, co-social chairmen, are in charge of the dance. The mem- bers of their committee are Irv Drut, '52E, Miriam Baron, '53, Charlotte Yalowitz, '53, Dan1 Klinghoffer, '52, Marcie Blumberg and Meryle Reiss, '53.f Vote Monday & TuesdayI College and the University of In- diana. It will be here until Nov. 29. THE ABAA, which is an asso- ciation of second-hand bookdeal- ers, has also sent out pamphlets in conjunction with its drive, ex- plaining the methods of rare book collecting. Many people are discouraged from taking up rare book col- lecting because they think it is expensive, but the ABAA says anyone can become a rare-book collector, at slight expense. To guide prospective book col- lectors, the ABAA has given two bits of advice: choose a specific field, and stay within it; and buy books from a reliable dealer. The association has published a list of second-hand dealers who are members of the ABAA, which it feels are reliable dealers. Included in the exhibit now on display at Clements Library are original autographed let- ters of President James Monroe, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson. First editions of Nathaniel Haw- thorne's "House . of the Seven Gables," Jack London's "Call of Wild" and a collection of "30 Po- ems" by William Cullen Bryant, signed by the author, also appear. I, U Unusual results and Lots of good Timely customers and ~r~ten ~ough V to eat! - 1 I Sales as well. Place Your Ad Now in $5.00 will buv one 11 . .. ,. .. .. .. .-. .. -1 (-Ini.cc n. r T nr Ucniiiirtn Cfrcnt.