,: ;,, PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1950 i n. W.o - if4.tlW W sel_.4lnWab _m CQito's dote BY JIM BROWN EARLY last Saturday morning a group of childish and irresponsible University students visited the Michigan State campus and splashed several buildings and the ypartan statue with a generous coat of yellow and blue paint. This childish prank not only caused considerable physical damage to the MSC campus but also reflected extremely un- favorably upon all University of Michigan students. It was only last year that 10 University students and 15 MSC students were suspend- ed for similar paint jobs on each others campus'. But apparently this extreme ac- tion taken by the administrations of the two schools wasn't enough. A thoughtless few simply couldn't resist their juvenile tempta- tions to deface and destroy. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL BRENTLINGER THEIR actions were particularly embar- rassing this past Saturday morning. For in an effort to promote friendship and har- mony betwen the'two schools, the MSC stu- dent Council had invited a group of repre- sentatives from our Student Legislature to be their guests at the the Oregon State- MSC football game. But when our legislators arrived in East Lansing, they discovered that a group of their fellow students had arrived there before them and came close to destroying any possibility of creating a close working re- lationship between the two schools. * * * NO ONE would claim that school spirit is unhealthy. It promotes a strong competi- tive spirit and a real pride in our school.j But painting a building or a statue in the middle of the night is neither competitive nor a thing of which to be proud. It re- flects a juvenile character incapable of comprehending real sportsmanship. It is something you would expect of a high school sophomore-not a supposedly mature Uni- versity student. In the future it is hoped that other stu- dents will confine their keen school spirit and intense sense of rivalry to the cheering section at Saturday's game. . THOMAS L. STOKES: Voice e W ASHINGTON-We are planning a great- ly expanded "Voice of America" to tell our story to the world. This is much needed today particularly because of the Korean crisis, to meet with truth, the stepped-up fabrications about us and our motives coming out of Moscow. They are getting mbre and more ridiculous, apparently based on the theory that the big lie, told often enough, will have its effect in time in some parts of the world. It is important that our story go to every corner of the globe, not only for us, but be- cause we have assumed the leadership of the free nations. Their association with us and our aims gives us a responsibility to them. Their cause is our cause, just as our cause is theirs. ** * BUT THERE is something else at stake in this present crisis. That is the United Nations. Nothing can help so much to up- hold its hands and show its usefulness and, in the long run, to preserve it as the day- by-day story of the way it is accepting its responsibility and proceeding with vigor to rally 43 nations of the world in a common enterprise to stop aggression in Korea. That story, since we are part of it, goes out over the*"Voice of America" and ex- pansion of our facilities and coverage is needed to intensify its effect. Likewise the United Nations has its own radio vioce which. tells the daily story of U.N. activi- ties. There is one single and simple story re- volving about a personality-and a most im- portant, personality-which, as it has de- veloped and been told over a period of weeks, should be having its effect wherever the ra- dio can penetrate, including behind the iron curtain. This is the story of Trygve Lie, U.N. Sec- retary General. It is a very human and understandable story. For Trygve Lie, when he started a few weeks ago his single-handed crusade for peace, acting in his official capacity, repre- sented the aspirations for peace of the peo- ple of the world-or certainly most of them --and their hope that somehow, in some way, it might be possible to bring the United States of America and Russia, and the other big powers about the table for direct ne- gotiations to settle our differences and end the "cold war." He was bold and direct. He visited top officials here, in England and rFance and flew to Moscow to talk with Josef Stalin. It was the common-sense, straightforward sort of approach that is understandable to ordinary folke, for it is the I«ay they like to settle disagreements in their own lives E ligibility THE DEMISE of eligibility cards, which have been an established campus gripe for over a decade, comes as a refreshing and welcome administrative decision. The new plan gives each student full re- sponsibility for determining himself if he is eligible to participate in extra-ciricular activities. By discarding the old sytem re- quiring eligibility to be ascertained by green cards and transcripts, the Univer- sity has shown a sincere attempt to regard students as mature individuals. , As a by-product, it has also eliminated much red tape But inherent in freedom is responsibility and the student's task now is to abide care- fully by the simple and liberalized regula- tions. Students should remember that the Unification PROBABLY one of the most debated ques- tions of the past year concerning the role and value of our respective armed ser- vices has been answdered with reasonable accuracy by the reports of the fighting from Korea. The big question was the center of a unification battle which featured the Air Force against the Navy. Stated briefly, many of our leaders were under the im- pression that Navail forces would play a minor role in any future wars. At the height of a Congressional investi- gation Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg went so far as to say that if the Air Force were given sufficient funds to develop their organiza- tion, any war could be won with verp little help from the other services - in other words, that an enemy could be bombed into submission. 'Congress also had the word of former Sec- retary of Defense Johnson that a strong Air Force was the answer. (He turned thumbs down on the Navy's new super carrier after a 20 minute study of the blue prints.) Our representatives could' hardly be blamed for their action based on such testimony. They were offered a simple panacea for the defense of the country- long range bombers dropping atomic and high explosive bombs until the enemy had struck its colors. The plan was inexpensive -or so it would appear to be, if we only had to maintain one service. As a result of the cut-backs, the Navy had only one carrier in the Pacific when hostilities broke out in Korea. It was rushed into action and with the limited number of planes offered all possible assistance to the United Nations troops. The Korean peninsula with its rugged ter- rain has proved a perfect battleground for the carrier-based airplanes. They have demonstrated that the Navy is capable of handling bigger jobs than escorting cargo ships and protecting our habors. Undoubtly the most important function was the close tactical support that our Navy fighters could give the ground troops. The Air Force planes were based so far from the actual fighting that ordi- narily they could stay on station for only 20 to 30 minutes. In comparison, Navy planes flying from carriers lying Just off the coast could remain on station for one hour to an hour and a half. In the rough terrain where most of the fighting took place the Navy and Marine pilots, trained in tactical support, were given a chance to demonstrate their skills. Making runs within 100 yards of our own troops, the pilots were able to blast out deeply entrenched enemy. From these reports the leaders of our armed forces have come or are coming to the conclusion that the basic methods of waging a war do not change, however pro- found and revolutionary new weapons may be. Even pundit Gen. Vandenberg has been forced to swallow some of his words con- cerning the role of the Air Force. Only a few days ago he admitted that some peo- ple were still carrying the erroneous belief that the Air Force was the one and only war-winning weapon. But one service can ever hope to assume the entire job of defending and fighting the battle of this country. It is only through the combined efforts of all the services working together, each at their own special- ity, that we can hope to achieve the peak of fighting efficiency. -Ron Watts "We Certainly Need To Get Something Under Control" y etteP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of generalinterest, and will publish all letters whichsare signed by the writer and in ood taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous -letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed edited or withhed from publication.at the discretion of the editors. with their neighbors, and therefore was refreshing and inspiring. It is the ap- proach not followed ofter of late by dip- lomats and was found impossible appar-' ently because of heightening tensions. So Trygve Lie took it upon himself as repre- sentative of the UN. k He was attacked in some quarters of this country for "appearsement" and accused even by some of playing the Soviet game. He took it, for he felt very deeply his re- sponsibility as secretary general to make the effort. The U.N.'s future was involved, as well as the peace of the world. * * ,* THERE CAME the North Korean Com- munist attack, an act of open aggres- sion. He recognized that as an attack on the U.N. He moved again, just as boldly, when notified by our State Department, to set the U.N. machinery in motion as provided by its charter. Now Russia has opened up on him in a villifying diatribe through its literary maga- zine, using the old familiar abuse. While it is not possible to say, for there is no wgay of knowing, yet it might be surmised that this absurd attack by the Russians is not likely to have the effect panned for the reason that many people of the world also know of his sincere ef- fort to make peace which they followed Wherever the radio could reach his simple and dramatic mission was known. His de- cision on the Korean aggression can be measured in the light of that. This is an example of how the day-by-day story of the U.N. in this crisis can have its influence. Much is at stake, and congress can be ex- pected to see that and expand our "Voice of America" 'so it can do its share better in telling that story, along with our own story. (Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.) Thank You , , , To the Editor: WOULD like to take this op- portunity to express my thanks to the University for the splendid cooperation which we received in establishing plans for the Third National Student Congress held on this campus in August. It is the feeling of the National Student Association officers, the 750 delegates and guests of the Congress, and those of us who composed the arrangements com- mittee that much of the success of the Congress came as a result of the warm hand of, hospitality extended to us. The job of estab- lishing the policy and program for the NSA for the coming year was a tremendous one, and the University did a great deal to fa- cilitate this task. The staffs in the Office of Student Affairs, the Of- fice of the Dean of Women, the University Residence Halls cen- tral office, the West Quadrangle, the Rackham Building, Angell Hall, the Union, and the Student Publication Building - through their patience and encouragement -worked with us to their fullest to see> that the Congress could ac- complish its goals. The major meeting rooms were in Angell Hall and The Union where delegates worked in sub- commission sessions to lay the ground work for resolutions to ap- pear on plenary floor. The hous- ing and food were made available in the West Quadrangle, where caucus rooms were provided for late evening committees. When the 750 weary, over-work- ed delegates left Ann Arbor on September 1st, it was with the feeling that the University of Michigan is "one fine place," and they will remember it is a friendly university-as well as one vitally interested in the pace and prob- lems of the student movement of this country. The strength of student govern- ment throughout our country, their growing effectiveness in serv- ing their student bodies, and the contribution of the National Stu- dent Association to the national and international scene depend greatly on the work done at the annual Congress. To the Univer- sity of Michigan for all its help in providing the environment in which this work could be done at its fullest, we can only say, quite simply, thanks ever so much. The eyes of the educational world were on Michigan this year, and, as always, Michigan has come through. Dorianne Zipperstein Chairman, Arrangement Com- mittee Third National Student Cong- ress ords, may re-enroll at the offices of the University Musical Society immediately-without. tryout. New candidates may make ap- pointments for auditions at the same office. The Chorus will participate in two performances of Handel's "Messiah" in December, under Lester McCoy; and in two of the May Festival concerts with the Philadelphia Orchestra under the direction of Thor Johnson. Applications for F u b r ig h t Awards for University lecturing and advanced research for the Academic Year 1951-52, which are open to postdoctoral students and faculty, are due October 15. About 300 awards to seventeen countries are available. Applich tions must be made to the Con- ference Board of Associated Re- search Councils, 2101 Constitu- tion Avenue, Washington 25, D.C. but information on the opportun- ities and conditions can be ob- tained at the office of the Grad- uate School. Application for Bomber Schol- arships-Applications may be ob- tained at the Scholarship Office, Office of Student Affairs, 1059 Administration Building, and must be returned to that office not la- ter than Mon., Oct. 1. To be eli- gible for these scholarships a stu- dent must have served at least one year in the United States armed forces during the last war, must have completed satisfactor- ily not less than the equivalent of two semesters of credit hours in any undergraduate school or col- lege in this University, and shall have received no degree of any kind from this University. Awards will be made according to need, character, and scholarship ability after comparison of applicants. Rules Governing participation in non-athletic extracurricular acti- vities, effective September, 1950. Any regularly enrolled student above the rank of first term fresh- man is eligible to participate in non-athletic extracurricular acti- tivities provided he is not on aca- demic discipline. Responsibility. Responsibility for observance of the eligibility state- ment is placed directly upon the student. In case of doubt of sta- tus, students should inquire at the Office of Student Affairs. Par- ticipation in an extracurricular activity in violation of the re- quirements may subject a student to disciplinary action. Restrictions. In interpretation of the above eligibility statement, the following are specifically for- bidden to participate in extra-cur- ricular activities: (a) First term freshmen. (Ex- ception: first term freshmen are authorized to participate in the Marching Band.) (b) Students on academic dis- cipline, i.e. notification, warning, probation, action pending. (c) Part time and special stu- dents carrying less than 12 hours. Activities. The eligibility re- quirements must be met by stu- dents participating in such ac- tivities as are listed below. The list is not exhaustive but is intended to indicate the kinds of extracur- ricular activities for participation in which eligibility is necessary. (a) Participation in public per- formances which are sponsored by student organizations and which require group rehearsals. Exam- ples: Union Opera, Junior Girls' Play; productions of Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Student Players, Inter Arts Union; performances of Arts Chorale, Michigan Sing- ers, Glee Clubs, and BandI (for students not enrolled in band courses.) (b) Staff members of student publications.' Examples: Daily, Michiganensian, Technic, Gener- ation. (c) Officers and chairmen of standing committees in student organizations, including house groups. (This includes positions in house groups such as social, rush- ing, personnel, publication chair- men, and house managers.) (d) Class officers or candidates for such office. (e) Members and candidates for membership in student govern-1 ment groups. Examples: Student Legislature, Judiciary Councils, Interfraternity Council, Panhel- lenic Board, Assembly Board, As- sociation of Independent Men, In- tercooperative Council, League and Union student government groups, Engineerjng C o u n c 11, Music School Assembly, Business Admin- istration Council. Student Organizations planning to be active during the semester must register in the Office of Student Affairs not later than October 14. Forms for registration are available in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, 1020 Admin. With official recognition astu- dent organization assumes the responsibility of (1) submitting a list of officers and members at the beginning of each semester within which recognition is de- sired, promptly reporting, additions to membership during the term; (2) securing the acceptance of a member of the faculty willing to serve as adviser; (3) maintaining organization finances in a man- ner satisfactory to the Auditor of Student Organizations; (4) pre- senting to the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs for consideration any changes in organizational struc- ture, objectives, activities, bases of membership, or affiliations with other organizations, either local or national. Upon the request of a student organization, its membership ros- ter will be treated as confidential by the Office of Student Affairs (membership in the organization will not be posted as an activity on the student record cards) and will be open only to University authorities' andnduly constituted governmental security agencies. For procedures and regulations relating to student sponsored ac- tivities, officers are referred to University Regulations Concern- ing Student Affairs, Conduct, and Discipline available in the Office of Student Affairs. Academic Notices History 171, American Founda- tion: Engl. Colonies in Amer., 1607-1763, will meet in 110 Tap- pan Hall. History 181, American Econo- mic History to 1865, will meet in 225 Angell Hall. Romance Philology 157, Phone- tics (Pulgram): Organization meeting, 4 p.m., Tues., Sept. 26, 110 Romance Languages Bldg. Italian 211: Organization meet- ing, 4 p.m., Tues., Sept. 26, 110 Romance Language Bldg. Latin 1, Section 1: 9 a.m. will meet regularly in Quonset 3A, ad- joining Waterman Gymnasium., (Continued on Page 8) AIO-Djlatt rf I - '1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN r CU RR ENT MOV I ES IL At The Michigan .. . TEA FOR TWO with Doris Day, Gordon McRae, Gene Nelson, S. Z. Sakall, Billy DeWolf, Eve Arden and a cast of tens. W ARNER BROTHERS tried the old musi- cal-comedy formula: They revived some old, good songs (Crazy Rhythm, Tea for Two, and others by the masters of the twen- ties, Vincent Youmans, Richard Rogers, and George and Ira Gershwin.) They exhumed an old, oft-buried plot (1929) a musical in search of an angel; Gordon McRae, a song- plugger and composer who acquires a non- existent ailing miother and tubercular sister to try to persuade prospective- sucker Doris Day, an heiress with theatrical aspirations, to shell out $25,000 to back the show in re- turn for the leading role; a nonsensical bet between aforesaid prospective sucker and her guardian S. Z. Sakall thrown in for the sake of complication. A dash of techni- color and Presto! another musical extrava- ganza hits the screen. Although not staged on the super-col- lossal style of the early Judy Garland-ish brand musical, the costumes are brief and gaudy enough to keep attention from wan- dering too far afield. No one expects to find a musical comedy with a plot anymore, and Tea for Two more than amply keeps up the tradition. The good music could not offset the insipid plot and ineffective old burlesque routines. Perhaps a better title for this show should have been "Six Songs in Search of a Story." And any similarity between "Tea for Two" and "No, No, Nan- ette," the Vincent Youmans' hit show (its supposed progenitor) is purely microscopic. Hoofer Gene Nelson handles his dancing chore well, as does songstress Doris Day. At The State ,..* SUNSET BOULEVARD with Gloria Swan- son, William Holden and Erich von §tro- heim. 1 THIS IS obviously Paramount's big effort. of the year. It has been fashioned with loving care by one of the industry's top producer-director teams, Charles Brackett and Billy Wilder; it brings one-time silent screen star Gloria Swanson out of relative obscurity and projects her once again into the high-salary brackets; it gives William Holden the meatiest role of his career; and its theme is a controversial one about pres- ent-day Hollywood. These ingredients, if properly handled, should add up to superla- tive screen fare, but they do not. I am not quite sure it is even a good picture. Sunset Boulevard is strangely unsatisfy- ing. It is overlong, largely superficial and at times downright monotonous. The theme is original but the treatment is too glossy and contrived. Much of the dialogue seems hackneyed and the pointed gags humorless. It is Miss Swanson who gives the picture what weight it has. Her performance of a faded silent star attempting a return to the screen with the reluctant help of an unsuccessful scenarist who is not above being kept, is a masterful job shrewdly flavored with ham. She is a delight to watch. William Holden, as the screen writer, turns in his usual competant performance but never gives the role the force it needs. Erich von Stroheim does little to justify his return to the screen. On the whole the picture is a disappointment. D. R. Crippen Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the Office of the Assistant to the President Room 2552 Administration Building, by 3:00 pan, on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1950 VOL. LXI, No. 1 Notices Users of the Daily Official Bul- letin: Because of the inordinate length of the D.O.B. the Editor is obliged to warn users of the Bul- letin that no notice will be printed more than twice and furthermore, that the Editor expects to use his own judgement in reducing un- reasonably long notices to reason- able length. Frank E. Robbins Assistant to the President Users of the Daily Official Bul- letin: Need of conserving space makes necessary the following announcements: (1) Notices of meetings or organizations will be restricted to the name of the or- ganization concerned, day, time, and place of meeting, and name of speaker and subject. (2) No- tices for the D.O.B. must be type- written and double-spaced for editorial convenience. F. E. Robbins Women Students wishing ac- commodations for meals only are invited to inquire at the Office of the Dean of Women. Choral Union .Ushers: Last years Ushers may sign up at Hill Auditorium Box Office today, Sept. 26, 5:15 to 6'p.m. Choral Union members who par- ticipated in the last May Festival, and who had good attendance rec- Fifty-Ninth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jim Brown.........Managing Editor Paul Brentlinger .......City Editor Roma Lipsky.......Editorial Director Dave Thomas......... Feature Editor. Janet Watts .... ... Associate Editor Business Staff Bob Daniels ........ Business Manager Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager Donna Cady ...... Advertising Manager Bob. Mersereau ...... Finance Manager Carl Breitkreitz .. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press isexciusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Past Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail mater. Subscription during regular school year: by car~rier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00. A BARNABY Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather is going to start a day just for Fairy Godfathers, Jane. Yes- .t. '4 4 I t It will be a day set aside for the public to acquaint itself with the good works and sterling qualities of these hard-working, self-effacing benefactors of humanity, and to pay homage to their helpfulness, their wisdom, eltruism, courage- 6 -,, 0 Who's he talking about, 8grnaby? Me! n 0 iA.Y.." h Th. e.o Js"Awx., fp.) I1 tmm, t see that the press releases announcing Fairy Godfathers Day will have to contain quite a bit of educational background- I1 6 v Mr. O'M alley, Jane wants to know if kids get presents? Barnaby, I think your silly Fairy Godfather's silly idea about having a silly Fairy National Fairy Godfathers Day, silly? Joyous, no doubt, not silly. There'll be dancing in the streets, fireworks and r -Ah! What a holiday! 1