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November 18, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-18

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VOL. LXI, No. 47




U.S. Troops
Smash North
Toward Line
Americans Lose
Contact with Foe
SEOUL, Korea-(P)-American
tanks, churning throtgh the snow
of northeast Korea, yesterday lost
contact with disintegrating enemy
forces trying to block the road to
the border hardly a day's march
A field dispatch saia North Ko-
rean Communists between the
Seventh Division and the, bomb-
devastated city of Kaspan, 21 miles
from the Manchurian border, had
fled. The Americans hope to reach
the border within three or four
days by a slow, cautious advance.
Korean forces 90 miles from Si-
beria, switched to attack with re-
sistance in front of them evaporat-
A United States Tenth Corps
spokesman said the last major
enemy force on the northeast
coast was eliminated in two days
of bloody fighting. He predicted
quick advances toward the bor-
der by the South Koreans.
Op the western end of the 250-
mile UN line, intelligence officers
said 100,060 Chin~ese and North
Korean Reds appeared to be re-
tiring to mountain defenses.
The enemy was believed to be
setting up a 60-mile east-west
j nhe anchor near Taechon, 45
miles from the Yalu River boun-
dary with Manchuria.
Allied patrols moved out two to
three miles without making con-
tact with the enemy.
Behind-the-front war flared in
central Korea. Thirty Red guer-
rillas set Kapyong on fire and put
its 8,000 civilians to flight in chilly
weather. Three hours later, rein-
forced South Korean police drove
the raiders out of the town 32
miles northeast of Seoul.
In the northeast, scene of yes-
terday's principal action, two bat-
talions of Communist troops tried
to trap a column of tanks and in-
fantry from the U.S. Seventh Di-
Police Quiz
Students in
Pool Probe
Ann Arbor police have been
questioning students whose names
have been found on football pool-
card stubs, in their efforts to clear
up the campus student-run foot-
ball pools.
Sergeant Walter Krasny, who is
handling the investigation, would-
n't confirm the report yesterday,
but did say, "We have certain in-
formation which will probably
lead to arrests, but right now we
don't know how many or who will
be arrested."
Krasny went on to say ,that
there would be no arrests until the
investigation is "pretty well com-
plete." Exactly when this would be
he didn't know, but he said he
"wouldn't be surprised" if arrests
were made sometime next week.
The Daily learned yesterday
that the authorities have one
cache of stubs from pool cards. It
is on these stubs that the bettor
circles his choices and also writes
his name.

Exactly how many stubs the
police have could not be deter-
mined. One report said they had
600 in their possession. It was
learned, however, that they have
already questioned between 20 and
30 student betters, and that the
questionings would continue again
this ,morning or on Monday.
* * *
Police Jail 24 in.
nETROrT -(A>)- Nietpp-n mna

-Daily-Ed Kozma
ALL SET-Student Legislature members Jim Storrie, '51 BAd.,
(standing) and Doug Cutler, '52, check ballot boxes for the all-
campus election, Monday and Tuesday. The boxes were borrowed
for the election from Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti.
SL Election Staf Starts
Final Poll Arrangements

As the 100 student candidates
entered their last hectic weekend
of campaigning, Student Legisla-
ture election workers began mak-
ing final arrangements for the all-
campus vote, Monday and Tuesday.
Jim Storrie, '51 BAd, SL mem-
Crisler Poses
Three -Big Tent
TV Problems
Three questions are posed by
televising football games, accord-
ing to Prof. H. O. Crisler, director
of athletics:
1. What should be Big Ten TV
policy next year?
2. Who willfoot the bill if TV
cuts game attendance?
3. If a loss is suffered, what
part of the athletic program shoulai
be sacrificed to pay for it?
"Neither. the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics nor ,ine
Western Conference is opposed to
televising big games. We're con-
cerned about the effects an reve-
nue and the damage to the phy-
sical program," Prof. .Crisler said.
The athletic department m ist
be concerned with revenue, he add-
ed, because the Legislature does
not appropriate money for opera-
tions or plant expansion of the
"The conference took ac-ion this
spring after it discovered that foot-
ball attendance in all Ielevision
areas had greatly decreased," Prof.
Crisler continued.

ber in charge of the election or-
ganization, announced that poll
duties had been assigned to the
volunteer election workers, and
that the polling places had been
STORRIE also revealed that the
SL was very fortunate in obtain-
ing ballot boxes without difficulty.
"In the past SL has borrowed
regular ballot boxes from Ann
Arbor and Ypsilanti. We thought
we might have some trouble this
year when we learned that all
boxes used in the state election
were being impounded because
of the rpuddled gubernatorial
race. However, luckily for the
SL, both cities had switched this
year to machine voting.
"If we hadn't gotten the boxes lo-
cally, we probably would have had
to borrow some from cities in
Ohio," he added.
CAMPUS POLLS will be open
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. both Mon-
day and Tuesday. During the elec-
tion, members of the Men's Ju-
diciary Council will periodically
check the polls for any irregu-
Monday night the ballot boxes
will be collected by election of-
ficials and Ann Arbor police.
They will be stored in an un-
disclosed place until the next
"Results of the SL race should
be known by 3 a.m. Wednesday,"
Storrie said. "Last semester the
votes were counted in a record
nine hours. We're hoping to do
better this semester."

Morse Fights
For Major
Senate Post
Claims Backing
Of Vandenberg
WASHINGTON - () - Sena-
tor Morse (R-Ore.) pressed his
fight for a seat on the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee by
producing yesterday a letter from
Senator Vandenberg of Mich.
In it Vandenberg, top-ranking
Republican on the committee, told
Morse "the path is now clear for
you to cash your IOU on a seat."
Vandenberg added that he would
be happy over such an outcome.
A FIGHT appeared to be on be-
tween Morse and forces backing
Senator Knowland (R-Calif) for
the coveted committee vacancy in
the new Congress. The outcome
may have an important bearing
on the course of foreign policy.
Vandenberg has been a leader
in an effort to carry out a bi-
partisan foreign policy. Morse
probably has been more often in
Vandenberg's corner than has
A quiet boom came to light this
week for Knowland, sharp critic
of administration handling of fore-
ign affairs, particularly in the Far
MORSE has the advantage of
seniority, a point cherished by the
Senate. The attitude of Vanden-
berg has been a big question mark.
Morse claimed this was ans-
wered by the letter, which read
as follows:
"I do not need to tell you that
I am happy over your richly de-
served Tuesday victory. I never
doubted the outcome. I should say
the path is now clear for you to
cash your IOU to a seat in the
Foreign Relations Committee.
"IF I succeed in returning in
January-which I expect to do, at
least on limited term-I shall be
entirely comfortable and happy to
see you in this committee position.
Vandenberg expected to re-
sume in Jan. his role of biparti-
san leadership which bad health
forced him to abandon several
months ago.
The committee seat at issue will
be filled by the Senate Republi-
can Committee on committees. The
vacancy results from increased Re-
publican power in the new Con-
gress. Whereas the present ratio is
eight Democrats and five Repub-
licans, the new committee will con-
sist of seven Democrats and six
G World News
By The Associated tress
MOSCOW-Diplomatic sources
here said last night it is likely
that the Chinese Communist dele-
gation on its way to the United
States from Peiping will stop off
in Moscow.
Production Authority yesterday
notified the copper and brass in-
dustries it has drafted an order
curtailing the civilian use of cop-
per, reportedly by 25 or 30%.

Grid Crowd'
Warm Day
A possible break in the weather
may make this afternoon's Wol-
verine-Wildcat clash hotter than.
was expected.
Cloudy skies but warmer weath-
er have been forecast for this last'
home game of the season.
a high of 50 degrees. If it does
the Stadium may well be decked
out with more of the white shirt
look and less of the deep-hued
winter colors that characterized
the last two games.
But regardless of the weather.
today's conflict will be witness-
ed by an expected 80,000 fans
who will bring their own warmth
with them.
Cider sales are reportedly at a
new low but a noticeable jump in
the sale of other football after-
noon beverages has been revealed.
THE WOLVERINE Club has put
away the 1,620 fiashcards that
everybody has been anxiously
waiting to see in action. Afraid of
foul weather, the club has decided
to save the cards for next year.
But as usual the Michigan
Marching Band will be on hand
at half-time with another orig-
inal extravaganza. For its last
home appearance the band will
simulate a newsreel of "five
One shot will depict Santa
Claus' toy shop deep in snowy
reaches of the North Pole.
Another shot will feature a
fashion show accompanied by the
popular song, "Easy to Love."
Disaster will strike as the news-
reel reaches the half-way mark.
The band will form a house and a
tree while playing "Stormy Wea-
ther." ,
Suddenly a hurricane will sweep
down the gridiron. After a mo-
ment of swaying resistance the
tree will be broken and with the
house will be blown to the other
end of the field.
The Northwestern Band of 140
pieces also will perform at half-
time. No advance word on its
presentation has been received.

A sell-out crowd of 4,000 packed
Hill Auditorium last night for the
University Band's twelfth annual
"Varsity Night" presentation.
Joe Gentile, Detroit radio and
television star, emceed the two
hour variety show. Last night
marked Gentile's fourth appear-
ance at a Varsity Night Perform-
Band, directed by Prof. William
D. Revelli, was a feature of the
evening. The band opened the
show with a'rendition of "Varsity"
and later played "Swingin the In-
gots" and AThe Victors."

Terry Ray, one of the
fessional performers in the
gram, had the first three

MIDGET ACT-Marjorie Ingram, '51 Ed., and Suzanne Rose, '51 Ed., combine their talents to form
a comic midget act at the University's Bands "Varsity Night" presentation. The annual variety show
played to a sell-out crowd of 4,000 at Hill Auditorium last night. Comedian Joe Gentile, Detroit
radio and television star, was Master of Ceremonies.

'Varsity. Night' Players
Perform for Big Crowd


of the audience crouching in
their. seats during most of his
Ray, billed as "America's Fore-
most Ladder Artist," danced and
juggled wooden clubs while bal-
anced atop a 20 foot ladder perch-
ed at the edge of the stage.
juggler, was the other professional
in the show. Daniels who calls
himself the "Pagliacci of None-
sense" expertly juggled Indian
clubs, balls and a variety of fruit.
A novelty midget act, a bar-
bershop quartet, a cornet trio
and Dixieland jazz combo were
among the varied campus acts
that appeared on the program.
Gentile after the show empha-
sized that he always enjoyed com-
ing back to Ann Arbor. "The
school is great, the town is great
and the audience really knows
how to laugh,",the said.
Following a Varsity Night tra-
dition, Dean Walter B. Rea intro-
duced the show.
Proceeds from the show are
used by the three University bands,
Marching, Varsity and Symphony,
to aid in carrying on their activi-
Bell Dispute

Visitors Will
Use Vaunted
Aerial Attack
Wolverine Bowl
Hopes in Balance
AssociateSports Editor
Michigan's hot and cold Wolver-
ines will attempt to stay on the
rocky road to the Rose Bowl this
afternoon when they tangle with
aerial-minded Northwestern in the
Michigan Stadium.
Close to 80,000 fans are expected
to be on hand' for the 2:00 p.m.
kickoff to see if the Wolverines can
keep their juiced-up running game
rolling and the Wildcats possibly
set some new passing records.
* * *
ceded a slight edge, mostly on the
strength of their strong showing
against Indiana, but the Wildcats
will be anything but a pushover
with the sensational passing duo
of Dick Flowers and Don Stone-
sifer in the lineup.
Then too, Bennie Oosterbaan's
forces are still far from top
physical condition, contrary to
reports early this week.
Two right halfbacks, Leo Ko-
ceski and Don Peterson are still
definite question marks, and line-
men John Hess and Pete Kinyon
are on the doubtful list. All could
possibly see action today but it
probably will be limited.
* * *
OOSTERBAAN may be forced to
use several of the Wolverines both
offensively and defensively again,
a course he hates -to follow. Don
Dufek will be one of them along
with a couple linemen. The safety
slot will be shared by Charlie Ort-
mann, Bill Putich and Lowell Per-
On the other and brighter side
of the ledger, of course,- is that
little sophomore flash of last
week, Wes Bradford. Bradford
took advantage of some im-
proved Michigan blocking last
week to pile up a remarkable
rushing total against the Hoo-
More important, however, was
the confidence and poise he ex-
hibited in his first real assignment
with the Maize and Blue. It's a
safe bet that he will be given the
wingback slot again today to prove
that last week's show was no fluke.
ORTMANN figures to be in still
better condition than he has been
for most of the season, and with
the pile-driving Dufek to smash
up through the middle, the Michi-
ganders are expected to present
the same better balanced attack
they displayed last Saturday.
To offset that, Bob Voigt's lads
from Evanston have a whole
mess of statistics to throw at the
Wolverines to prove that they
expect to be in the contest for a
full 60 minutes.
Flowers needs just three more
completions to add to his present
total of 49 to tie a Big Ten record
(Continued on Page 3)
Local Phoenix
Totals $16,000
In First Week
With' the first week of the stu-
dent Phoenix fund-raisiig drive

nearly over, Phoenix officials were
yesterday able to total up pledges
amounting to $16,000.
Stan Weinberger, '52, drive pub-
licity chairman, announced that
total for the first five days of the
"Our last count was made at
noon Friday," Weinberger related.
"The pledges keep coming in
steadily so that the $16,000 figure

Not Guilty,
Plea Give
By Collazo
WASHINGTON -()P)- "I plead
not guilty, your honor.
Thus spoke Oscar Collazo yes-
terday when called upon to plead
to an indictment carrying the pos-
sible death penalty for his part in
the Nov. 1 attempt to two Puerto
Rican revolutionists to kill Presi-
dent Truman.
The six words were all Collazo
said during yesterday's brief pro-
ceedings before U.S. District Judge
Henry A. Schweinhaut. He spoke
them in English with a slight
Spanish accent.
The indictment charges him
with murder and housebreaking
with intent to murder.
Most of the 20 minutes Collazo
was in court were takli up in de-
fense arguments against rushing
him to trial and prosecution in-
sistence upon a speedy trial.
Judge Schweinhaut set no trial
date but, in effect, rejected Dec.
13, a date favored by U.S. District
Attorney George Morris Fay.

To Continue


Charges of Arson False,
StacyClaims toDal

hearing was continued until Mon-
*day on the Bell Telephone Com-
parly's petition.
The petition restrained striking
telephone equipment workers
from keeping telephone girls from
going to work in Philadelphia, fo-
cal point of a nationwide strike of
CIO unionists.
Twice this week massed pickets
fought with police in an attempt
to keep the girls from getting to
their jobs. On both occasions, po-
licemen shoved harder than the
pickets and the girls dashed
through the picket lines.
The strike began nine days ago
over a wage dispute.

"I deny all charges of the Police
Dept. connecting me with the Ha-
ven Hall fire, the other fires
named and the purse-snatching
incidents," Robert Stacy empha-
sized in a Daily interview yester-
This declaration followed the
filing of a motion on Nov. 16 by
Prosecuting Attorney Douglas K.
Reading. Additional witnesses were
requested in this motion to .he
added to the information concern-
ing the Haven Hall fire case, on
behalf of the prosecution.
* * *
"I ALMOST confessed setting
fa MnntmPn~mr a fie.afer

In a sworn affidavit dated Oct.

28, Stacy claims that on Oct. 10 at
about 10 p.m. he was taken into _ = x
custody and questioned incessant- TUCSON, Ariz.-Survivors of
ly about many offenses, all of the crash of two huge air for-e
which he denied at first. planes Thursday during aer'-
m e e refueling operations were un&s
"THIS WENT ON until noon yesterday to explain the disaster,
the next day. In the early mo',n- which cost 13 lives.
ing, I was brought face to fa- * *
with Zelda Clarkson, who the W H-r eT
turned me down absolutely an"' WASHINGTON-Presic'ent Tru-
completely." man yesterday accepted the recio-
"I was not allowed to rest or nation of Stanton Griffis, New
sleep daring the night and had York financier, as ambassador to
slee durng he nght nd A rgentina.
very little to eat. I was physi- ig -
cally and mentally exhausted IINELAND N J.-A crazed,
and emotionally upset from fac- 26-year-old war veteran who
ing Miss Clarkson. so I attempt- .-ao. wv. . .

Sadie (Ugh) Set To Prowl for Slobs


Today (Gulp!) is Sadie Haw-
k-s Day (Sob!)
From Dogpatch to Lower Slob-
!bvia, female (Ugh!) beauties will
cramble after fear-crazed slobs,
onsters and fiends of the male
. "Any bachelor they nabs got-
ta marry 'em - even ef they'd

slobbering oafs off to Marryin'
At 8:30 p.m., terrified TKE's will
line up at the corner of Church
and Hill Sts. and run for bach-
elorhood or bonds.. Hot on their,
heels will be corn-fed' critters
(dates) with schemes of marital
(Sob!) bliss.

Sadie Hawkins today and, even
more, wondering who she was.
THE NAMESAKE of this an-
nual threat was the daughter of
Hekzebiah Dogpatch, first mayor
of Dogpatch. She was. also the
homeliest woman in all of Capp's


Drive Progress
Michigan Memorial-Phoenix
Project has received contribu-
tions from 80% of the mem-
bers of three additional groups.
TIhn hnimp rnn %p

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